The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 943: The default of Obama and Ma

Regardless of the current Russia, it is supporting the Kurds, but that is the result of an exchange of chips with the United States. Bayi Zhongwen Net???????????

If the Assad regime in Syria falls and President Bashar is sent to the gallows, Russia will completely lose all its interests in Syria, and the bargaining chip to deal with the United States will no longer exist.

Although Russia withdrew its troops from Syria, only air force fighters were evacuated. Russia's ground troops in Syria did not withdraw, and it also arranged more s-3oo air defense missile systems alongside the Syrian government.

Just withdrawing the air force, from the United States’ view, Russia’s actions like this are not called withdrawal at all, because in Syria, the Russian airport is still there, and the ground crew are not retreating. The airport is always under maintenance and the supplies inside are being replenished. .

If the situation in Syria shows a picture that Russia does not want to see, then the Russian fighter jets can return to Syria within a few hours, and within 24 hours, they can be supplemented to meet the needs of the situation. Number of aircraft.

Therefore, in the eyes of the United States, the withdrawal of Russian troops is the same as no withdrawal, unless the airport is closed and ground troops are withdrawn. In the eyes of the United States, such withdrawal is considered a real withdrawal.

Russia’s intention to do this is also very obvious. With the pretext of fighting against IsIs, Russia’s mission to Syria was to preserve the Assad regime, which was in a dangerous situation at the time.

After the attack on IsIs, the Assad regime also stabilized, and Russia's goal was achieved. It also created a bargaining chip to become an exchange interest with the United States.

At this point, both Austria and Bama had to admire the formal methods of Putong and Beijing, which were not only brilliant, but also exceeded everyone's expectations.

Regardless of whether Russia has the ability to come back soon, it is true that Putin and Beijing withdraw their troops. The United States does not want to see Russian fighter jets flying over the Middle East again.

Flying for a few months may be nothing, but if flying for a few years, Russia’s influence in the Middle East will increase across the board.

This is the last picture the United States wants to see, the current situation in Syria. In the United States, a short period of time is the best situation.

As for what Cai Ruichen said, although Austria and Bama are also very excited, he does not want to take risks.

Moreover, Cai Ruichen's so-called confidence is completely useless in the eyes of Austria and Bama, as long as Russia does not want the Assad regime to fall one day. Then the turmoil in Syria will not end.

"For your proposal. I can only say that the United States does not want to see such a situation." Austria and Bama ultimately refused.

but. Cai Ruichen, who received this answer, was not disappointed at all, but calmly said: “Although I don’t know if the CIA has received any news, I know. The situation in Syria will probably fall back into chaos soon. The chaos of the future, the future technology group will inevitably send troops."

Cai Ruichen will send troops to the United States. Originally, he did not intend to obtain the consent of the United States absolutely. He just wanted to tell the United States his attitude.

If Syria really becomes turbulent and seriously affects the interests of future technology groups, even if the United States opposes it, Cai Ruichen will send troops.

After all, which of the US allies in the Middle East is really following the US Middle East strategy.

This is the case with Israel and the same with Saudi Arabia. Otherwise, the Middle East would not have such a war.

Saudi Arabia will not send troops to Yemen, because under the US Middle East strategy, all countries have their own core interests.

Everything is based on one's own core interests. As for the interests of the United States, that should be put aside.

In cooperation with the United States, although Cai Ruichen often considers the relationship with the United States, he will still make his own choices in terms of core interests.

In this regard, I believe the United States is already used to it, and today he is going to tell Austria and Bama that the attitude of the Future Technology Group on the Syrian issue is already involved in its core interests.

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, Austria and Bama could only shook their heads helplessly. He knew very well that his little brothers in the Middle East were not so obedient.

If even the Future Technology Group is like this, then the US balance strategy in the Middle East will be even worse.

Fortunately, Cai Ruichen gave him a shot that made it very clear that even if the future technology group really interferes in the Syrian issue, it will not go against the interests of the United States.

With this assurance, Austria and Bama also relaxed a little bit. At best, the worst result is that the Future Technology Group will compete with the Russian army in Syria.

Thinking of this, Austria and Bama suddenly felt that if things really evolved like this, that would be a good thing.

After all, the Future Technology Group does not have those large-scale military equipment, but in many conventional military fields, it is not inferior to Russia at all.

If there is a conflict between the Future Technology Group and Russia, that is definitely the United States most willing to see.

In the interests of the Middle East, there will be one more person who can contain Russia and may become the main force to contain Russia's interests in the Middle East.

Austria and Bama, who were thinking about the transfer, did not continue to entangle this matter, and they could be regarded as acquiescing to Cai Ruichen's decision.

In the future, if the Syrian issue changes and it really becomes turbulent again, if the future technology group really sends troops, then he will be as silent as However, he also needs to talk to his staff on this matter. Do a good study and see if it is a good thing for the United States.

"As for the Taliban in Afghanistan, if there is a taliban in this matter, I believe that in combating the Taliban, we should also have a better understanding." Cai Ruichen continued.

Austria and Bama suddenly smiled upon hearing this, saying: "I have never doubted the tacit understanding between the United States and the Future Technology Group. If Syria really has to use ground forces to solve it, then I believe The United States will stand by its own friends."

After Ao and Bama finished speaking, they met Cai Ruichen, and they laughed at the same time.

Although neither of them achieved their desired goals, so far, everything has been in harmony with the desired goals.

However, whether such a tacit understanding can enable the two parties to really achieve their respective goals in two things needs to be decided according to the development of the event. Once there are unexpected changes, it may only be more and more away from the goal. Far. (To be continued.)

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