The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 947: Economic deterrence

From the very beginning of the Red Police Corps Exhibition, Cai Ruichen knew that he would inevitably become an opponent with the United States. Eight? One Chinese network????????

In fact, in Cai Ruichen's view, this is a very sad world, because international politics has always been a cruel and dangerous transaction, and it will always be.

In particular, the competition among major powers has always been intensified and fluctuating, but the core purpose of each major country’s goal is to overwhelm all opponents and occupy most of the power and interests in this world.

This also means that the rights acquired by one country are always at the expense of another country.

However, great powers are not only for the strong among the legitimate great powers. Even if this is the most popular result, the ultimate real goal is to rationally become the hegemon, that is, the sole power in the entire international system.

There is no country in the international system that maintains the status quo. One goes up and down. It is either advancing or falling behind. There is no third possibility. It is indifferent except for temporary hegemons who want to maintain a dominant position over potential opponents.

And a real big country can never feel satisfied with the benefits it currently has, even if it is really powerful.

On the contrary, all major powers are actually focusing on their own interests and seeking new profit motives.

In fact, the temporary hegemon of the United States has always been in a dominant position.

From World War II to the end of the Cold War, it was the result of the great power game. The United States, which eventually became the winner, naturally became the makers of the world's system structure and rules.

The succession of the Soviet Union has turned the polarized world into the dominance of a single power, and Russia does not have the same ability as the Soviet Union to compete with the United States.

Under the influence of interests, China and Russia have come together. This is the result of the inevitable development of major powers, because there are more powerful interest groups ahead of them.

But for Cai Ruichen, this world is extremely dangerous. Especially before the Red Police Corps did not have the power to control the pattern, his vulnerability was like the relationship between ants and boots.

Sometimes, the ants did not provoke the boots, but the boots still stepped on mercilessly.

and so. From the very beginning of the exhibition, Cai Ruichen has formulated a set of strategic plans. One of them is the best illustration of the current relationship with the United States.

This set of plans is Cai Ruichen's guarantee for his rise to become a great power. From the very beginning, he had a closer relationship with the United States, allowing the United States to make the wrong decision about him.

Cai Ruichen has now accomplished this goal. Up to now, the United States has maintained a very good relationship with the Future Technology Group.

The second goal of this plan is actually the most critical goal, which is to be more intimate with the United States.

The core price of the second goal is that the United States must not dare to act on the Future Technology Group.

And this goal does not mean the use of nuclear weapons. Or use military means to threaten. In Cai Ruichen's view, such a threat is not suitable for the current situation and environment.

Therefore, he can only use strategic economic weapons. Cai Ruichen is not a person who likes stocks and finance, and he has not learned this skill at the base.

And the entire US financial market is not a normal financial attack that can be cold, and even if such a method is adopted, the US will instead come to deal with you.

For this method, Cai Ruichen is naturally impossible to adopt, and the method he chose. It's actually very simple.

That is to make the United States inseparable from itself. To complete such a method, only one factor needs to be possessed, and that is to have the core technology that can control the American economy.

It's like always. Future Technology Group has always been cooperating with American companies, and all of the core and key technologies are firmly controlled by Future Technology Group.

All companies that cooperate with Future Technology Group are actually at most producing a product skeleton and some simple parts. All core systems and parts need to be distributed from the headquarters of Future Technology Group to all cooperative enterprises.

Then they produce the product shell. It has all the functions, otherwise, it is actually a useless shell.

But in spite of this, in the face of huge financial benefits, no American company refuses such cooperation. Without core technology, it does not exist, and it is enough to make money.

The same is true for the U.S. government. Corporate taxes and product consumption taxes have shut up the U.S. government.

This is the entanglement with American interests in Cai Ruichen's plan. In fact, Cai Ruichen is also reluctant to bear the huge US consumer market.

But based on the current economic cooperation with American companies, in Cai Ruichen's view, the amount is still too small.

To make the US government dare not deal with the future technology group, it needs to increase the depth of its entanglement with the United States.

Letting interests control US foreign policy is the most direct and best method.

Therefore, this time Cai Ruichen came to the United States, which is also the beginning of a comprehensive economic and secret layout for the United States.

The economic layout is mainly in the field of economic construction cooperation, that is, all his investment packages at the gathering.

"...Before I officially came to the United States, our group had purchased the entire Detroit. I believe everyone knows this.

And everyone must be wondering, what do we do to buy the entire Detroit, why we should buy an abandoned city with no economic value.

Now I can reveal the But before revealing the answer, I want to invite someone to come up and uncover the answer with me.

This person is Mr. Cook, the executive officer of the Apple Group. Welcome..."

After Cai Ruichen finished speaking, he clapped and everyone on the scene applauded. Cook left the crowd and walked towards the podium, shaking hands with Cai Ruichen, and the two faced everyone in the VIP room side by side.

Cai Ruichen also gave Cook the podium position. The latter calmly stepped forward, standing in front of the microphone, and said with great pride: "Because Apple will rebuild the Detroit Auto Kingdom with Future Technology Group, we plan to jointly invest in four Ten million U.S. dollars. Future Technology Group will provide all the automobile production lines and supporting equipment to jointly produce the fully intelligent autonomous vehicles jointly developed by our two companies..."

One stone caused a thousand waves. Even Austria and Bama didn't know about this, and the news of building a fully intelligent self-driving car shocked everyone.

At present, unmanned vehicles are still being tested, but I did not expect that the cooperation project between Apple and Future Technology Group is actually in this field. (To be continued.)

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