The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 948: Bundled America

The shock of everyone was only short-lived, and soon the entire VIP room was overwhelmed by applause again. ??

In fact, the cooperation between Apple and Future Technology Group has long been no secret in the world.

Apple’s various electronic products are totally untenable under the impact of Future Technology Group’s products, and their share in the global market has also been repeatedly reduced.

But soon, Apple, which cooperated with the Future Technology Group, also began to jointly develop various systems with the Future Technology Group, which soon revived Apple.

However, no one thought that the focus of the cooperation between the two companies was actually in the automotive field.

Prior to this, it was no secret that Apple wanted to enter the auto industry, but what everyone didn’t know was that the cooperation with the Future Technology Group had not known anything from the outside world, and then suddenly announced that it would build a car factory. Up.

Fortunately, everyone is not ordinary, and can only say that the confidentiality of the two companies is too strong.

The smile on Ford's face was very stiff.

After Cook announced the news, he left the podium and left the microphone to Cai Ruichen.

"The fully intelligent self-driving car, after three years of research and testing, is already an extremely successful product. It uses Panda’s core program to operate the car, combined with the car’s own laser ranging and radar system, to make the car Under unmanned driving, perfect..."

Cai Ruichen routinely gave a brief account of the research results of this car. As for the detailed description, Lin Zhongxian said that in a few days, Lin Zhongxian and Cook will jointly hold a new product presentation, and then this fully intelligent self-driving car-the future autonomous car , Will be officially sold at all Future Technology Group sales outlets around the world.

All Apple sales outlets around the world will also open independent car sales areas dedicated to the sale of this car.

This is not only Cai Ruichen's plan to further bind the United States, but also a new economic growth point for the future technology group in the next stage.

At the same time at the new product launch event, Future Technology Group will also officially open up the program upgrade of the machine housekeeper. A new second-generation machine housekeeper will also be introduced.

After three years, the second-generation machine housekeeper will be sold all over the world, which will also bring new profit growth points to the future technology group.

And these parts will focus on cooperation with American companies.

And all this. Both will become America's biggest worry about future military operations by technology groups.

If at that time, because the Future Technology Group and Israel fall out, Cai Ruichen will have to send troops to the Middle East to carry out military attacks on Cai Ruichen in order to complete the task.

Cai Ruichen will completely abandon all these things arranged and then paralyze the entire US economy in an instant. All joint ventures and factories can only close down, and countless workers have lost their jobs because of this.

Of course, Cai Ruichen did not deliberately say that if he did so, the United States could completely collapse.

In fact, if the time comes for a full-scale war, if the current financial system of the United States really collapses, the United States’ national strength will still exist.

Because the major consortia in the United States can completely rescue the US government, a large number of financial oligarchs. Can provide a large amount of funds to the US government to operate.

When it comes to the disappointment of life and death, as long as the United States releases war bonds, all major consortia will resolutely buy them.

It is impossible to defeat the United States by relying solely on the economy. In the end, hard power is needed.

By the same token, if these companies and large consortia suffer huge losses, then these large consortia and enterprises will not do it.

Although the Jewish lobby is very powerful, is it comparable to all American companies **** by Cai Ruichen?

Without the support of the consortium, the president of the United States would be a joke.

And this kind of investment, for Cai Ruichen. It is completely harmless. On the one hand, you can make American money while you can also bind the United States.

Of course, this will also bring some help to the economic growth of the United States. It can also bring a lot of political achievements to Austria and Bama.

Compared with such small problems, as long as you can achieve your goals, everything is fine.

The most important thing is that this time Cai Ruichen also modified the way of commercial cooperation with the US government. He began to ignore the Washington government and directly chose to cooperate and invest with the US state governments.

To buy Detroit is to directly pass the Washington government. Buy directly from the state government. Of course, even if you go through Washington first, you will eventually have to buy from the state government. Washington does not have the authority to sell Detroit. Even if it is sold, the state government will eventually get the money, and then see how much. Give it to Washington.

In fact, Cai Ruichen also purchases land or invests in many continents in the United States through many leather bag companies or shadow companies that are not related to the Future Technology Group.

This is Cai Ruichen's implementation of another strategic plan for the United States, called a draw from the bottom.

So far, with the help of investing in the construction of factories, Cai Ruichen has launched ten technological expansion stations across the United States.

These unfolding technological expansion stations are all covered with skins, using the method of building factories on the surface and building units underground.

Since there is bound to be a war with the United States, Cai Ruichen will not be polite to the United States. In the future, more technological expansion stations will unfold quietly in the United States.

As for the activities of Uncle Bald, all he needed was obtained from the science and technology expansion station, as well as weapons, equipment and personnel.

If it weren't for the soldiers recruited by the base, they could only arrange their status in Iraq. If they could directly arrange the US status, then why bother so troublesome.

With the efforts of Uncle Bald, he only helped part of the identity problem as much as possible.

Of course, if the Red Police Corps needs to visit North America in the future, these technological expansion stations will be able to provide a steady stream of logistical and troop supplements.

At this stage, this layout is just for the future.

I have to say that Cai Ruichen has always been arranging for the United States, but who makes the United States the hegemon of the major powers?

The most important thing is that if Cai Ruichen wants to establish a new world order based on him, he must overthrow the world system structure established by the United States.

The struggle between major powers is cruel. Although Cai Ruichen does not yet possess the influence and strength of a major power, it is because the United States is not currently regarded as an opponent, so many plans can be quietly implemented.

Otherwise, be vigilant with each other every day, even if some plans are wanted, it is inconvenient. (To be continued.)

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