The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 956: Kill the chaser

On the road directly opposite the entrance of the industrial zone, a heavy truck with four front wheels and eight rear wheels approached the industrial zone obliquely in the rain of bullets. ??

The 5.4-meter-long enclosed carriage was full of bullet holes, and two of the tires at the back were blown out.

The two armed pickup trucks behind were still in hot pursuit, but at this moment, both sides were already within a kilometer of the fence.

On the fence, Peng Yaohong gave an order, and the two snipers immediately adjusted the aiming center of the sniper rifle and decisively aimed at the two pickups chasing the truck.

At the same time, under the fence, two armored companies came out for the first time, following the sides of the refugees and moving in the direction of the truck.

Everyone saw the logo of the Future Technology Group on the truck and didn't need any orders. They all wanted to rush to the rescue immediately.

The two pickups chasing the truck seemed to be aware of where the place is now, and the car slowed down suddenly, but the speed of the two snipers was not slow.

When the pickup truck slowed down, two snipers pulled the trigger at the same time, the muzzle of the 20-type anti-material sniper rifle flashed, and the two armed men on the heavy machine guns behind the pickup truck had two heads in the blink of an eye. The Kung Fu disappeared without a trace at the same time.

The fingers that pulled the trigger of the gun were loosened weakly, and the two headless bodies were simultaneously thrown out of the rear compartment of the pickup truck.

The two pickup trucks also stepped on the brakes almost at the same time. The armed personnel in the vehicle seemed to realize what this place was. They all restarted the pickup truck and tried to turn around and leave the place.

As for the two machine gunners who were killed and the armed men in the car, where they could take revenge, they all exclaimed: "Damn it, get out of this place, hurry up..."

Under the urging of their companions, the two drivers were also very anxious, and stepped on the accelerator in gear, very quickly. The two pickup trucks turned around almost simultaneously.

However, it may be because of too much panic that a parallel pickup that turned to the left and turned to the right directly collided with each other.

It's just that at this time, where can I take care of other things. The people in the car kept yelling: "Get back, turn around from the other side, hurry up..."

They can't bear to worry, because they have seen the gunship approaching in the sky and the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle approaching on the ground.

Although the quick chase made them ignore this place in the beginning. But seeing the wall in the distance, plus the two killed machine gunners, all the armed personnel in the car had already realized what this place was.

The sphere of influence of the Future Technology Group includes 500 security soldiers of the Future Technology Group, including tank helicopters and armored vehicles.

The most important thing is that they only have two pickup trucks, and there are only a dozen people in total, which provokes such trouble. It's a dead end.

Unfortunately, if they can make a smooth U-turn from the beginning, they may have a little chance to leave.

Now, they had no chance at all. The two snipers on the fence took another shot. This time, they all aimed at the drivers of two pickup trucks.

The fragile windshield was paper-sticky, and under the powerful lethality of the anti-material sniper rifle, a big hole in the windshield in front of the cab appeared. At the same time, the entire glass was instantly covered with cracks and white.

The upper bodies of the two drivers in the car exploded, and the internal organs and meat were stained with blood red. The glass in the pickup truck was also sprayed with blood.

In the face of an enemy who is attacking its own people, the Red Police Corps has never known what it means to be merciful. The best way to deal with the enemy is to completely wipe out the signs of the opponent's life.

The two pickups stopped instantly, sitting in the co-pilot and the other three armed men in the back seat. They all hurriedly left the pickup, and once the pickup, no one cared about the blood of the comrades stuck on their bodies, and they all wanted to leave in a panic.

At this time, the four armed helicopters came to their heads for the first time, shouting: "Put down your weapons and lie on the ground, otherwise you will die..."

The helicopter's rotor whipped up the dust, and the sound was like a cold wind in the winter, making the six armed men who were about to flee here cold hands and feet.

It's just that, to the sound of the helicopter warning, all six people reacted quickly to escape from here.

At this time, a large area of ​​dust fluttered up on the road far away, and the range was not small.

The six armed soldiers who were fleeing all showed surprises on their faces, but immediately afterwards, they saw two armed helicopters hovering on their escape road. The heavy machine guns under the noses fired instantly, densely. The bullet fell in front of them.

The six people's footsteps were promoted and stopped at the same time, and further forward, they would be sifted by the dense bullets.

Four armed helicopters quickly surrounded the six people. Under the eyes of the six people struggling, several warrior assault vehicles on both sides also rushed to the scene.

Looking at the muzzles on the assault vehicle and the helicopter, the six armed men consciously put down their weapons, and then obediently lay on the ground.

On the fence, Qiu Chengran and Peng Yaohong's eyes are all focused on the dust rising in the distance. Recently, it happened to be the season of sandstorms in Syria, and sandstorms would often explode for several months.

In previous years, in such seasons, there was an opportunity for truce, especially when the great sandstorm came, it was impossible to engage in war.

Similarly, this kind of climate is the most disturbing, and a little movement can lift up a lot of dust.

Many vehicles can be vaguely seen in the sand and dust in the distance, some of which are hidden in the sand and dust.

"Lao Qiu, you quickly arrange personnel to gather the refugees, and I will go down and have a look." Peng Yaohong said decisively.

"Then you have to be more careful, if things are wrong, you should make a move decisively." Qiu Chengran nodded and said.

"do not worry."

Peng Yaohong ordered the Armored Company and Armored Company as he left the wall, and placed an interception formation outside the refugees, prepared for battle, and waited for my order.

The two armored companies that went out of the city quickly passed the six prisoners. At the rear of the refugee team, they pulled out a V-shaped line of defense to completely intercept the galloping convoy.

At this time, Peng Yaohong had already left the wall, and saw the heavy truck stopped crookedly, half of the tires still stuck under the road.

Several soldiers stepped forward and rescued a red police soldier covered in blood from the driver's cab. The medical soldiers stepped forward to check the injuries. Peng Yaohong's face became gloomy when he saw this scene. (To be continued.)

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