The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 957: Jagged, offensive

Since the establishment of the Future Technology Group, it has not encountered an attack on an outgoing truck in the construction of an industrial zone in Syria. ????

Because all the teams of the Future Technology Group have obvious signs, under normal circumstances, no one will take the initiative to provoke the Future Technology Group that can compete with Israel.

In addition, the Future Technology Group has never voluntarily caused any trouble, even if it is sometimes charged an extra tax, it generally does not take it seriously.

Therefore, the exhibition of Future Technology Group has always been smooth.

In those dangerous places, it is not surprising that the convoy of the Future Technology Group is attacked. However, all convoys passing through the dangerous areas are all armed mining vehicles with strong defensive power and sufficient firepower. If it comes to tanks or advanced combat equipment, there is nothing to do otherwise.

However, because the number of armed mining vehicles is limited, they are generally only short-range, and there is no dangerous transportation on the road. They are all carried out by ordinary trucks.

The drivers of every truck are all soldiers of the Red Police Corps.

What made Peng Yaohong angry was that not only were the trucks attacked, but there were also casualties. Even the other party followed closely and even chased home.

Now he understands why the truck was driving crookedly, not to avoid the attack from behind, but the driver was injured.

Peng Yaohong stepped forward and glanced at the soldier who was being treated, and asked the medical soldier: "How is his condition?"

"Three muzzles, two on the legs and one on the shoulders, they lost too much blood, but fortunately, the rescue was timely and there was no danger of life."

"Send to the field hospital immediately, and don't leave any sequelae." Peng Yaohong gave an order, and got on the warrior command vehicle angrily and drove forward.

now. The Red Police Corps of the two armored companies had already stopped the convoy rushing over.

In fact, there is no need for any warning. When the convoy on the opposite side saw more than 20 main battle tanks and four armed helicopters in front, they all voluntarily stopped.

The rolling wheels came to a halt, and the dust it had picked up also dissipated a lot. Only then did the soldiers of the Red Police Corps see that the size of the convoy in front of them was not small. And they are all armed vehicles.

Among them, armed pickups are the main ones. The back and front seats of the pickup trucks are all full of armed men.

There are more than a dozen trucks transporting soldiers, and a large number of soldiers jumped from above. There are even a few trucks with fixed large-caliber mortars behind them.

The most conspicuous are the four Russian-made armored vehicles in the convoy. Bmp-1 infantry fighting vehicle. All above are 25mm guns.

The main force of the Kurdish armed forces is just which faction they belong to. The soldiers of the Red Police Corps didn't know, and no one cared about it.

The appearance of these people will only make all the soldiers excited. I have been in this place for more than two years. Every day is training or training. At most, I can simulate actual combat in virtual reality.

What made all the Red Police Corps upset was that there were not many enemies in front of them. The quality is average.

This kind of weaponry made them unable to take much interest at all. After all, in terms of equipment, even though they were only two armored companies, they outperformed each other a thousand times.

"Why are we blocking our way?" An angry voice rang from the Kurdish-armed convoy.

"This is the scope of the industrial zone of the Future Technology Group. No one can approach without permission." A captain of the armored company of the Red Police Corps directly grabbed the microphone connected to the loudspeaker and said.

From the convoy on the opposite side, an angry voice came again: "Asshole, this is Syria, not Iraq. We have the right to go anywhere in Syrian land."

At this time, Peng Yaohong also came to the front line, the Red Police Captain was about to reply, and the microphone was caught by Peng Yaohong, and said very solemnly: "You just attacked our truck and our soldiers?"

As soon as Peng Yaohong's voice fell, the Kurdish armed soldiers on the opposite side saw six prisoners **** and pulled to the front in the middle of the opposite tank.

At this moment, the six prisoners were imprisoned and knelt down in front of the two armies.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, Peng Yaohong continued: "Are these six people yours?"

The angry voice sounded again: "Your Future Technology Group is really deceiving people too much. It is not to say that you are plundering our property on our land. What qualifications and rights do you have to detain our soldiers."

Hearing this sound, all the Kurdish armed forces on the opposite side slapped their rifles vigorously and cheered.

"So the two pickup trucks just now belonged to you?" Peng Yaohong took a deep breath and continued to ask.

"Yes, it's better to let our soldiers go, otherwise..."

The other party directly admitted, but before the other party had finished speaking, Peng Yaohong immediately pulled out the pistol from the holster, and quickly fired six shots at the six prisoners.

Every shot was aimed at the heads of six prisoners, and the six prisoners who were still wearing their hoods probably hadn't heard the gunshots yet, and all had their heads headshot.

The 20-style pistol at close range was extremely lethal. The bullet easily penetrated the foreheads of six prisoners, bringing up a large piece of forehead bones, and splashing blood and brains on the ground.

Six dead bodies fell to the ground almost at the same time. Peng Yaohong's hand made the whole approval silent instantly.

However, Peng Yaohong did not stop ~ At the moment of killing these six people, he simultaneously issued an order: "Offensive."

The simple two words did not give the other party any chance at all. The powerful firepower of the Red Police Corps that received the order completely exploded when the six corpses fell to the ground.

The Kurdish armed convoy on the opposite side, without even a little defense, was stunned by the explosion of artillery fire and various machine gun firepower nets.

The four Bmp infantry fighting vehicles were the first to be attacked. A high-explosive shell from the main gun of the Rhino tank ignited the infantry fighting vehicle like a firecracker.

The small turrets on the four infantry fighting vehicles were instantly lifted out dozens of meters by the power of the explosion. The two hapless armed soldiers, before they could react, were smashed into flesh by the fallen turrets.

And those armed pickup trucks and trucks equipped with mortars also became the target of attack for the first time. Like the four Bmp infantry fighting vehicles, they were all named by the tank guns the moment they gave the order.

The other vehicles were no exception. At the moment of the attack, there were only dense continuous explosions in the entire convoy of the Kurdish armed forces. (To be continued.)

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