The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 958: Bragging about taxes

The Red Police Corps has a very powerful data link system for operations. This system not only allows real-time sharing of battlefield information in the hands of every combat unit, but also intelligently and reasonably allocates firepower output on the same battlefield. ?????

It's like this face-to-face confrontation. In the fire control system of all tanks and armored vehicles, the data link system has helped all the captains specify the target of the attack.

Such an attack method can make all the firepower allocated reasonably, and there will be no embarrassing situation of several tanks attacking the same target.

The result is the Kurdish armed convoy, which is completely tragic. Opposite them, there are a large row of tanks and armored vehicles, and they only have pickups and ordinary trucks that are not even defenses.

Not to mention tank guns, even the machine guns on the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles can instantly destroy such defensive targets.

Even the small Gate cannon on the warrior assault vehicle can easily kill these armed vehicles that are only modified from ordinary vehicles.

Intensive firepower, only need to aim at the target, almost in the blink of an eye, you can blow the target.

It was just one round of fire, and there was no complete vehicle in the entire Kurdish convoy, and none of the vehicles were not destroyed.

The explosions and powerful firepower also involved a large number of armed personnel nearby. When the remaining armed personnel reacted, they found that there were burning vehicles and corpses in the same place. Those who survived were also There are dozens of them left.

It's just that the rest of the people, all with cold hands and feet, when they really recovered, they would see the armored vehicles assaulted by the burning fire.

Several tracked infantry fighting vehicles crossed the destroyed convoy of the Kurdish armed forces. They had not waited for the soldiers following behind the infantry fighting vehicles to take action. All of these armed Kurdish soldiers threw away their weapons and raised their hands.

A war. From start to finish, it took less than two minutes to finish.

Peng Yaohong, who gave the attack order, snorted after seeing the battle ended in this way, and ordered: "I'll detain all the prisoners and interrogate them immediately. Who gave them the courage. Dare to attack us."

After the order was over, Peng Yaohong went straight back to the industrial zone. At this moment, the refugees had already moved inside the fence, but the sound of gunfire sounded outside, which made many refugees a little panicked and their faces pale. stopped. This also made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

Come to the fence. Peng Yaohong saw Qiu Chengran approaching him, "I just connected with the commander. I've talked about everything here. The commander is waiting for you on the communication."

When Peng Yaohong heard this, he hurriedly connected to the internal communication, and Cai Ruichen's inquiries soon sounded. He immediately said the whole incident again.

Regardless of the courage and iron-blooded performance he just showed, in front of Cai Ruichen, he was very worried and kept beating the drums in his heart. At this moment, he was praying in his heart. The commander must not blame himself for using force.

As a result, Cai Ruichen on the communications side, instead of accusing him of his behavior, praised him: "This is how my soldier should be. If everyone else is bullied, he should be a bitch."

Then, at Cai Ruichen's order, Peng Yaohong handed the communicator to Ahmed, and then said to Qiu Chengran in a daze: "The commander will also swear..."


In the commander's suite of the Future Hotel in New York, Cai Ruichen, holding the communicator in his hand, said to Ahmed on the other end of the phone: "Elder, how are you doing?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Cai, my old man is still healthy." Although Ahmed is old, he is still full of breath when speaking.

"Then how did the elder consider my proposal?" Cai Ruichen asked again.

On the side of the communicator, Ahmed was silent for a while before saying: "I have concerns. After all, if the goal cannot be achieved in a short time, it will be a greater disaster."

"I can understand. After all, war is not a child's play, and the situation of the battlefield is changing rapidly. It is normal to have concerns no matter who is placed on it."

Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "But there is often only one opportunity. If the elders can’t grasp it, then I can’t help it. However, we still have a solution to the situation in Syria. Syria can’t continue chaos. Let Syria stabilize."

Cai Ruichen will never change the plan that has been made unless it encounters completely wrong information or encounters something that human resources cannot resist.

After all, some plans and follow-up plans are closely linked. A plan change is very likely to have a great impact on the follow-up plan.

Cai Ruichen has no extra ideas about the current situation in Syria. If Ahmed can't cooperate with him, then he can only continue to act according to the plan, but he will inevitably make some adjustments in the details.

And such adjustments may make the originally perfect plan become imperfect, and may even lead to failure or more unexpected situations.

However, in Cai Ruichen's view, as long as there is no error in general, minor problems can still be solved.

Of course, if Ahmed agreed, there would not be so many things.

"Mr. What does this sentence mean?" On the communicator side, Ahmed asked hurriedly when his face changed when he heard Cai Ruichen's words.

"The turbulence in Syria is no longer a purely Syrian problem, but also greatly involves the next stage of the future technology group exhibition, so Syria can not continue to chaos." Cai Ruichen said very firmly.

Combining the above, Ahmed hurriedly said: "In other words, if I do not agree, the future technology group will support others?"

"Yes, Syria must achieve peace within four months. This is my bottom line." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

Feeling Cai Ruichen's determination, Ahmed felt unsure for a while, and reluctantly asked, "Federalism or?"

"Syria only needs a government, an efficient government, and I will fully help the Syrians build their homeland at that time, and strive to catch up with the current Iraq after a year." Cai Ruichen said.

In the whole world, only Cai Ruichen dared to say such things, and if Iraq had not really made achievements now, no one would just consider him to be bragging. Anyway, there is no need for responsibility and taxation. (To be continued.)

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