The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 959: Flatbread and stick

In front of the pie depicted by Cai Ruichen, Ahmed had no better way, and finally agreed. ??? Bayi Chinese Network ????

Of course, this is not only the credit of the pie, because Cai Ruichen used sticks and blood instead of pen and ink when describing the pie.

Although Cai Ruichen could hardly hear any direct threats in his words with Ahmed, Ahmed could clearly feel the indisputable tone of Cai Ruichen's words and the deep threat.

In fact, Elder Ahmed did not need to take into account Cai Ruichen's threat. When the United States was preparing to send troops to Syria, he was determined to call on the entire Syrian people to fight the American aggressors to the end.

Let alone face the future technology group, after all, the future technology group is not easy to mess with, it is definitely much better than the United States.

However, Ahmed was unable to make such a determination. In his eyes, a future technology group is completely different from the United States.

After the construction of the industrial zone of the Future Technology Group, it has brought a lot of jobs to nearby Syrians, and has always been a model representative of humanitarian relief.

Almost all rescued Syrians who were on the verge of war regardless of cost. Not only did they provide food and safety, they also took in and protected a large number of orphans who had lost their parents, and provided completely free medical assistance.

In Ahmed’s eyes, the Future Technology Group is definitely the messenger sent by God to save the Syrian people. Compared with the so-called free and civilized countries that only propagate, but actually have no substance, the Future Technology Group will use all its energy. It's all focused on pragmatic salvation and help, and it has never even specifically promoted it.

It has always been a future technology group that does nothing but talk. It is not only noble in the eyes of the elder Ahmed. In the eyes of those Syrians who have been helped by the future technology group, the future technology group is also any armed faction and government in Syria. Can not be replaced.

In addition, Cai Ruichen promised post-war assistance to create a second Iraq.

This is what moved the elders the most. For the enviable Iraq, in the eyes of the elders, Syria should also become enviable.

With this bargaining chip, the elders can hardly say a word of rejection. Even if the war in Syria cannot be quelled in four months as Cai Ruichen said, with Cai Ruichen's assurance, even a year and a half will be worth it.

but. There is another small reason, that is, the elders no longer have a second choice. Once Cai Ruichen is rejected, the Future Technology Group will choose another spokesperson.

At that time, the conflict will probably not end soon, and more people will bleed and die.

Combining various reasons and Ahmed's trust in Cai Ruichen, the elder finally made up his mind. Willing to accompany Cai Ruichen crazy once.

Get an affirmative answer. Cai Ruichen also breathed a sigh of relief, ambition to occupy Syria's plan. It can be said that it is half done.

However, the whole incident still needs to look at the attitudes of countries. After all, many countries are involved in Syria's interests, and if the future technology group wants to monopolize it. It cannot be achieved by simple violence alone. Politics has never emphasized violence and directness. It should be suitable for both soft and hard.

Cai Ruichen agreed with Ahmed. He sat quietly on the sand. He was not in a hurry to wrestle with other countries. After weighing in his heart for a while, he pressed the phone and said, "Xu Jie, come to me immediately."

In less than twenty seconds, there was a knock on the door, and Xu Jie opened the door and walked in.

"How many spare forces are there now in the Syrian industrial zone?" Cai Ruichen asked directly.

"Since the establishment of the Syrian Security Zone, in addition to the apparent strength of an armored battalion, 66 has continued to strengthen the scale of almost 6,000 people."

Xu Jie first slowly said a rough figure, and quickly searched for information in his mind, and then said: “As more and more Syrians are being gathered in the Syrian security zone, there are more and more people. In order to ensure the safety and stability of the industrial zone, on average, at least one soldier will be sent to the industrial zone every day, and there are also a large number of military dogs and terrorist robots, and there are three large weapons warehouses with a large amount of weapons and equipment.

The airport in the industrial zone, as there has been no order from you, has so far stationed almost a battalion-sized helicopter and an intruder fighter squadron for routine security patrols in the industrial zone.

If the commander issues an order, ours will only need two hours, and at least one group of intruder fighter jets can be stationed in the Syrian industrial zone, and the airport in the industrial zone can be put into actual combat use immediately. "

At the end, Xu Jie couldn't help asking: "Commander, is there something happening in the Syrian security zone?"

"Kurdish armed forces attacked our industrial zone just now. This is the best excuse for increasing troops." Cai Ruichen nodded and continued: "Give me a suggestion."

"If it is to increase troops in the Syrian industrial zone, the current parallel structure of the future security company is completely insufficient, but the first to mobilize a part of the force in the past should be able to meet the needs of deterrence." Xu Jie said.

"Then reinforce a battalion of troops, and at the same time increase the air force in the industrial zone to the size of a brigade. As for the future security company, you immediately draw up a plan to expand the size of the future security company to 10,000, so as to better Meet the security needs of the future technology group." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"I understand." Xu Jie nodded, and memorized all Cai Ruichen's words.

"You immediately notify Future Technology Group to hold a press conference, and I will pass the main content of the conference to you in half an hour." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

Xu Jie nodded and asked, "Does the commander have any more instructions?"

"Notify Lingliang and prepare to fully support Syria." Cai Ruichen said here, shook his head and continued: "That's it, implement it now."

Xu Jie nodded and left Cai Ruichen's suite quickly.

Cai Ruichen immediately began to think about who is deliberately targeting the Future Technology Group. He is not the Kurdish armed forces, and he has the courage to provoke the Future Technology Group ~ In the military field, in this world, there is nothing for no reason. Silly hat behavior, can only say that there is still something in it that he does not know at present.

The civil war in Tartus was arranged by Cai Ruichen in order to disrupt the situation in Syria.

Although he said in front of Austria and Bama that he would follow the United States to support Kurdish independence, in fact, he could not really support the Kurds at all.

The Future Technology Group is not the United States. Cai Ruichen needs to consider long-term development. The existence of a Kurdish country will not do him any good for the future situation in the Middle East.

The pressure from various parties to establish a new Syrian regime is also enormous.

Of course, such pressure can also be resolved. After all, countries all look at their interests. As long as there are greater interests in exchange, there is nothing wrong.

In fact, for NATO countries, if the new Syrian regime touches or harms their own interests, it will not be difficult to recreate a chaotic Syria. (To be continued.)

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