Wrong practice! Wrong practice! After hundreds of years of cultivation, I regret my life on the Naihe Bridge. I cannot hide from life or death.

Taoism cultivates detachment, Buddhism seeks prajna, immortals and Buddhas have yet to be achieved, and they only know that they are alone in the night.

Becoming an immortal or a Buddha has been people's tireless pursuit since ancient times.

From emperors and generals to peddlers and pawns, who doesn't want to live forever?

Who doesn’t want to become an immortal or a Buddha and live as long as heaven and earth?

It's a pity that the immortals and Buddhas are more illusory than the high sky and can never be reached. From ancient times to the present, how many people have wasted their lives on the road to becoming immortals and Buddhas?

When a goal becomes nearly impossible to achieve, many people settle for the next best thing and become "realistic."

So some people found another way to become immortals, such as the Five Hell Immortals; others served the Buddha Mother and cultivated to the Pure Land, such as Long Po.

But more monks who did not want to die eventually chose to become ghost cultivators.

Ah Jiu in the "Zombie" world is like this, so are the ancestors of Qi Gu Sect, and many other practitioners are actually like this.

They don't want their memories to be cleared and reincarnated, so they use every possible means to pursue the continuation of this life.

The helpless ghost "illegally stayed" in the human world, suffering from the seven-day reincarnation, and finally became confused and lost himself.

The capable ghosts use various methods to avoid the pain of karma burning, such as borrowing corpses to bring back souls, or the "soul separation method" taught by Qi Gu.

This kind of law is indeed evil and evil, and it harms both others and ourselves.

How much pain does it take to tear a person's soul in two?

Su Yi didn't know, but this was definitely unimaginable to ordinary people.

What raw materials and rituals are needed for a soul-tearing spell?

From Huang Yaozu's ominous narration, Su Yi deduced that at least the living soul of a child was needed.

The so-called living soul refers to the soul of the child when he is alive.

This alone is enough to show that this method is undoubtedly evil.

The soul-splitting ritual is extremely dangerous, has a very low success rate, and is very uncontrollable. Even if it succeeds by chance, it does not mean that you are done, but that you have only laid the foundation, and you are still far from becoming a Yin Shen!

"After the soul is successfully separated, the caster must seal this part of the soul in the Nine Yin Land for nourishment and take good care of it. It must not be contaminated with any earthly atmosphere. The remaining soul will become your new self, leading you to continue to live in the world. In the world." Huang Yaozu said, "The new soul will bear all your karma, and the karma you create in the future will also be counted on the new soul."

"The cost of dividing a soul is also very high. After the soul is divided, even if the new soul is repaired, it can only live for another ten years at most. And because the living soul is torn apart, you have to bear a lot of pain every day of your life. It’s so painful. It’s like an explosion of pain! It’s hard to imagine that your head hurts to this extent. You can only relieve this pain by drinking, drinking, or taking drugs.”

Only then did Su Yi realize that Huang Yaozu had been drinking to relieve the pain caused to him by the sequelae of soul separation, and not just because of pressure.

Huang Yaozu continued: "After the soul is separated, there are two things to do. The first is to raise a fierce ghost. Raise a fierce ghost that listens to you. The more powerful the better; the second is to recruit disciples. The more apprentices the better, Teach them the Child Body Technique, and then when they are in danger, they will use the Child Body Technique to ask you to come up. At this time, you will send the ghosts you raised to help them solve the problem. You must do your best, so that your apprentice Only then will they have faith in you!”

"A few years later, you will have more and more disciples, and the ghosts you raise will become more and more fierce, but you will become weaker and weaker. At this time, we have reached the most critical step in our sect." Huang Yaozu sighed. He took a breath and said, "You have to let the evil ghost you raised come back to bite you, eat your new soul, and let your new soul completely disappear and disappear from this world."

"This is called no destruction, no establishment. Your new soul will be swallowed up by the evil ghost, and your karma will also be transferred to the evil ghost who swallowed you. Under normal circumstances, the evil ghost will not be able to withstand such a huge karma backlash and will also fly away, but even if the evil ghost does not It doesn't matter if it is destroyed, because it has no mind at all. A puppet loses its master and is useless. "

"Your karma is extinguished with your new soul, so the soul you separated before becomes you again. At this time, those disciples you accepted before come in handy. As long as they use the Child Body Technique, Will wake you up and call you to come upon them.

You help them solve their problems, and at the same time, you take their yang energy at the cost of condensing your yin spirit. It would be even better if your disciples are willing to build a temple for you, and you can also enjoy incense. Over time, you will become a fairy in the world of mortals! This is the true core inheritance of Qigu Sect. "

"It's really unbelievable." Su Yi listened with rapt attention and couldn't help but comment, "It's a pity that this method is not the right way. Otherwise, just because it can peel off karma, I'm afraid many people will flock to it."

"The soul-splitting method can indeed peel off karma, but the cost is too high and the success rate is too low. Therefore, even the founder of Qigu Sect has not been able to truly succeed in it since its establishment. As far as I know, not long after the founder succeeded in soul-splitting, Before he could even become a Yin Shen, he was sent to slay demons by a noble family. "

"...That's really a tragedy." Su Yi said.

"The disciples of this sect in the past generations have not actually practiced the Soul Splitting Technique, because they could not bear to take such a big risk, pay such a high price, and bet on an uncertain future." Huang Yaozu continued, "So they just practiced the Child Body Technique. After the master dies, the disciple becomes a ghost. The disciple can summon the master by using the Child Body Technique. However, it is easier to invite the gods than to send them away. Once the master has been summoned, if he wants to let the master go, he must either pay a huge price or be possessed by a dove. Magpie's Nest."

"And because the karma was not stripped away, these masters who became ghosts could not escape the karma. Over time, they turned into twisted and selfless evil ghosts. You can imagine how risky it is to be possessed by such things, so The Qigu Sect has always been regarded as an evil heretic by the spiritual community.”

"You said you were able to avoid Father Huang because of the soul-splitting method?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes." Huang Yaozu looked reminiscing.

"Because I have been able to see things that others cannot see since I was a child, I know that there are ghosts in the world, and there are many ghosts. But some ghosts are just ghosts, and some ghosts wear human skin. No matter what kind of ghost they are, In fact, I can see them," Huang Yaozu said, "Maybe I have seen them since I was a child, so I am not afraid of them. Some ghosts want to harm me and will drag me into the illusion, but I will still see through them."

"The eyes of the sky can destroy illusions." Su Yi said, "It is impossible for ghosts to confuse you."

This kind of talent really makes people jealous. You must know that whether it is Su Yi, Uncle Feng, or Long Po, they will all be confused by the illusion of ghosts.

But Huang Yaozu would not, because he was born with open eyes and could see the nature of the world clearly.

"So ghosts can't actually hurt me." Huang Yaozu said, "But I can't do anything about them. I know that ghosts are just like people. There are good ghosts and bad ghosts. When I meet good ghosts, I want to help them, but when I meet the ones that harm people, I want to help them." Bad ghosts, I also want to do justice for heaven and eliminate them. So, I guess after applying for the police academy, I hope to have a legal identity and position to help more people. At that time, I was not disappointed with the world. Having seen so many ghosts in human skin, I feel that I will definitely change the world, and I am really passionate about it.”

Speaking of this, Huang Yaozu laughed at himself and shook his head: "Until that day ten years ago, I dreamed about Father Huang."

Huang Yaozu finally got to the point.

He said: "You must have never tasted what it feels like to be stabbed in the back by a male ghost. I have tasted it!"

Huang Yaozu gritted his teeth when he talked about this, with deep humiliation and resentment in his eyes, "I will never forget that night, the humiliation that ghost brought me! No matter how hard I struggled to beg for mercy, it would not let me go! It also left a mark on me, and when I went out on the street the next day, I realized that there were many people on the street who had been marked by it like me!”

"I didn't know it was called Father Huang at that time. I hated it very much, so I wanted to find someone to help eliminate it! So I found my master."

"My master is a ghost who has been dead for more than a month. He is the successor of Qigu Sect. He died of illness and could not be freed. After he found out that I was a celestial eye, he always wanted to accept me as his disciple, but I saw that he He had evil intentions, so I rejected him, and there was nothing he could do to me."

"But after being defiled by Father Huang, I felt very sad, so I found him and planned to agree to his conditions and let him teach me spells so that I could get revenge."

"I didn't hide it from him because I also wanted to use his knowledge to determine who my enemy was. Master did not disappoint me. After hearing my description, he immediately recognized that the person who harmed me was Father Huang! "

"He was very scared, scared to death. He kept saying that he was killed by me." Huang Yaozu recalled, "I was very strange at the time, thinking that if you don't want to help me, forget it, what have I done to you?"

"Then he told me everything about Father Huang. Only then did I know that Father Huang is a monster that feeds on ghosts, that's why Master is so afraid. For people like me who have been marked by it, Father Huang only wants to The second time it enters my dream, it will start reading all my memories and experiences. It will follow the clues and find my master. My master, a ghost cultivator, is Father Huang’s favorite delicacy, so it said I killed him."

"My master had no choice, so he had no choice but to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He taught me the soul-dividing method and let me divide my soul. Because dividing the soul will also lose some memories, especially the memories of the days before and after the soul-dividing. Separate it and throw it away. In this way, even if Father Huang comes to find me in his dream again, he will not be able to find my master through my memory. "

Speaking of this, Huang Yaozu paused and said: "Actually, when I think about it now, my master never thought that I could succeed at that time. Maybe it just wanted to use this method to scare me away. But maybe it wanted to try to separate Whether the soul method can be practiced, so what he taught me was the real soul separation method, and he spared no effort to help me practice this method. "

"I didn't sleep for three days and three nights because Master was afraid that Father Huang would get on me as soon as I fell asleep. Every time I wanted to sleep, it would get on me. The yin energy would make frost all over my body. Naturally, I couldn't sleep anymore. That's why I relaxed my vigilance towards him. Later, he controlled my body, captured a little boy, and used this little boy to practice the soul-splitting method..."

"This incident is the most guilty thing in my life!" Huang Yaozu sighed, "It's a pity that I can't make up for it anymore. That little boy's soul is gone and he will never exist again."

After a moment of silence, he continued: "Even Master didn't expect that I would succeed in practicing the soul separation method. After I woke up, I forgot everything I had experienced in the past few days, and my separated soul was sealed by me wherever I went. Inside the ceramic turtle ornament bought from a street stall.”

"I don't remember anything at the time, except that I had a splitting headache and that I was still holding the turtle ornament in my hand. I didn't even know what was in the turtle ornament, but my subconscious told me to stay away from this thing. a little."

"I hadn't eaten for several days, so I found a restaurant to eat, and by the way, I gave this turtle ornament to a little girl who was feeding her father. Later, when the girl grew up, she went to that restaurant again Delivering food, she even mentioned to me what happened back then.”

Having said this, Huang Yaozu paused and said with a smile: "At that time, I had already entered the miscellaneous affairs department. I knew that there were many ghosts in the world. I could see them more clearly than Uncle Feng and the others. In fact, there were many ghosts in human skins throughout Hong Kong Island. All the ghosts have identities, including Liu Jiehui, the deputy director who arranged for me to join the miscellaneous affairs department.”

"There are many people who smell like Director Liu. I forgot about Father Huang, but I don't know if it was the influence of the split soul or the long-term pain caused by the headache that caused me to no longer have warm blood. But I have become very pessimistic. I feel that this world may not belong to us humans at all, but to ghosts.”

"So I believe in the first commandment. I think that as long as most people can live a peaceful life, it will be good. There are too many injustices and cruelties in this world. As long as they are controlled within an acceptable range, then it is best Don’t mess with those ghosts.”

"Because we have no hope at all. There are too many ghosts and they are too powerful!"

"Although I have forgotten about Father Huang and the fact that I was defiled by it in my dreams, I can feel that it often comes to my dreams, and it also knows that I know that it comes to my dreams, but it seems He was very curious about me, so he kept me and didn’t harm me.”

"I never knew why it didn't harm me before. It wasn't until I had a showdown with it when I resigned that it told me the reason." Huang Yaozu said, "It said it needed someone like me to balance the relationship between humans and ghosts. It wants to buy time for it. It is willing to accept my resignation because it feels that I have helped it handle a lot of things over the years without any credit, so it is willing to let me go. "

"But I am very wary of it. I don't trust it. I don't know if it will harm me..."

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