Father Huang can "read" a person's past memories through his dreams, but if he himself cannot remember a certain memory of that person, it is naturally impossible for Father Huang to obtain it.

This is the reason why Huang Yaozu can survive to this day.

Otherwise, with Huang's father's caution, Huang Yaozu, who knew his true identity and face, would have been destroyed by him long ago and would never survive today.

Huang Yaozu successfully deceived Huang's father by relying on the soul separation method.

But in the end he could not escape the fate of being swallowed up by Huang's father.

"I was actually tired of this kind of life, so I resigned." Huang Yaozu said, "Li Guoqiang was also the person it marked, and he could just take over my job. I told him that I just wanted to live in peace for the rest of my life. . Although he promised me, how can I believe the lies?"

Huang Yaozu looked at Su Yi: "I don't believe in it, but I have no choice but to place my hope in its kindness. But the closer it is to my retirement, the more uneasy I feel, and I feel like a disaster is coming. That day The girl who delivered the food came to bring me cigarettes and wine. When I looked at her, I suddenly realized one thing. All human feelings cannot be without reason. "

"For example, my uneasiness, or my special feeling for that girl. I always thought I liked her, but that day I found out that I didn't, so what is it?"

"I didn't want to delve into this matter, because I knew it was always monitoring me and it could know everything about me. I forced myself not to think about it, and even tore off half of the business card and put it in the wine bottle, pretending to be just The silk-padded lid…”

Having said this, Huang Yaozu paused and smiled at Su Yi: "Actually, Father Huang is not omnipotent. At least I deceived him on this point, and the girl has always been clean. She has not been fucked by Father Huang. Father Huang also ignored my feelings for her. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to see me now.”

"Do you remember everything that happened after you died?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes." Huang Yaozu nodded, "The moment I was eaten by Huang's father, my consciousness came back here, and all those memories popped out like a lock being opened, and I remembered everything that had happened. "

"This is a mistake." Huang Yaozu looked a little complicated. "The most critical step in the soul separation method is to destroy and then establish. I didn't expect to complete it with the help of Father Huang. Do you know? If my soul over there has always been If my soul is gone, my consciousness will never be transferred, and all the sacrifices I have made will be in vain."

"But I can't say I have mastered this method, because my soul is not sealed in the Nine Yin Land for nourishment, so now I am just the most ordinary bardo body, not even a ghost, and I am still far away from becoming a Yin God. It’s a thousand miles away.”

"So you are indeed deliberately avoiding Uncle Feng and me?" Su Yi said, "You know Liu Jiehui is a ghost, are you afraid that he will harm us?"

Huang Yaozu nodded with a serious face: "Uncle Feng's departure had something to do with me, because I could feel that Liu Jiehui had ill intentions towards him, so I took advantage of his relationship with Sir Ma of West Kowloon and used some dishonorable means to keep him under control. Uncle Zheng is gone. I think Uncle Feng is still worried about Sir Ma and me."

"As for Sir Huang, from the first time I saw you, I actually saw that you and Uncle Feng are the same kind of people. And you were also marked by Father Huang."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

Father Huang had been eyeing him earlier than he thought. It seemed that Father Huang had been eyeing him after he and Yuan Xiaomin met for the first time.

He was curious, would Huang's father have a glimpse of the memory that he was actually a time traveler?

Probably not. If Father Huang spied on it, it would be so scared that it would pee and run as far as it would go. How could it dare to be ill-intentioned towards him?

Su Yi even felt that he couldn't spy on his own memory at all, otherwise as long as he could detect that he was related to a Five Hell Immortal, he would probably stay away from him.

But maybe Huang's father was driven away by him before he had a chance to peek into his memory.

Su Yi looked at Huang Yaozu in front of him and didn't know whether to feel sorry for him or to be grateful for him.

He was born with open eyes. This kind of talent is simply rare in the world. He should have accomplished a lot and was full of passion. Unfortunately, fate played a trick on people and Father Huang targeted him. In the end, he died an untimely death. He could not escape this life. But the fate of the struggling ants.

But from another perspective, he actually escaped from Huang's father's mouth and avoided the tragedy of losing his soul and disappearing forever. How lucky is this?

Although he cannot become a Yin God, he has a clean bardo body and can directly reincarnate as a human being. This is a good thing that many ghosts cannot dream of?

"When I was sealed inside, I thought someone would find me, but I thought it would be Uncle Feng or Long Po. I knew what they were capable of, but I didn't expect it would be you. If you didn't find me, actually I don't even know how long I will be sealed in it." Huang Yaozu said with a smile, "My master borrowed my hand to draw this spirit-sealing talisman. It is very powerful. If no one finds me, I will be sealed in it forever." Maybe it could be Aladdin's Lamp? Maybe Aladdin's Turtle?"

He teased: "Actually, this is fine, what's the point of being reincarnated as a human being? The world is full of sneaky things, and everyone lives in a haze. It's ridiculous to spend the whole life fighting for something that is destined to be lost. In fact, sometimes I even think about it. , does this world belong to us, or does it belong to those ghosts? "

"Have you thought of the answer?" Su Yi asked.

Huang Yaozu shook his head: "Maybe only gods know the answer."

He looked at Su Yi: "Sir Huang, you are very powerful, more powerful than I thought. But I suggest you leave Hong Kong Island as soon as possible, go as far as possible, and never come back again."

"I can't leave anymore." Su Yi said, "Liu Jiehui died, Father Huang escaped from his shell, and put the blame on me. Now the whole Hong Kong Island is looking for me, and Uncle Feng and the others have all been arrested. "

Huang Yaozu was startled when he heard this, and then said after a while: "It seems that you have really threatened him. No wonder Father Huang wants to kill me! Because I knew that Liu Jiehui had a problem, and he was afraid that I would join you, so he attacked me ”

"Now that he's gone, looking for it is like looking for a needle in a haystack." Su Yi sighed.

Huang Yaozu said: "You want to find it? Please, it will definitely not let you go now!"

Su Yi looked at him: "Do you think he will still look for me?"

"Definitely!" Huang Yaozu said, "You are wanted now. As long as he discovers your whereabouts, he can notify the police to surround you. He doesn't even have to do it himself, he can let the police kill you reasonably and legally!"

"What if this method can't kill me?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "What if he knows that I am very powerful, and I have even made him suffer?"

Huang Yaozu was stunned and said: "Then he will never let you go! Father Huang will definitely retaliate. Several practitioners who have offended him before have not been able to escape his vicious hands. One of them even immigrated. In Australia, he still found a way to kill him. If I hadn't deliberately avoided Uncle Feng in recent years and sent him to a remote place like Dongpingzhou, Uncle Feng would never have been able to survive. "

He looked at Su Yi and said seriously: "Sir Huang, Father Huang is not fighting alone, there is an organization behind him!"

"Ghost Stories Association?" Su Yi said.

"Do you also know about the Ghost Story Association?" Huang Yaozu was surprised again, "It seems that your investigation has been very in-depth, so you are even more dangerous. You have to leave quickly and go as far as you can!"

"I'm not afraid of Father Huang, he's just a rat in the gutter." Su Yi said.

"But not the Ghost Story Association!" Huang Yaozu said seriously, "There are people in this organization with hidden agendas, and there are many people with high status. Although they do not hold important positions in the government, they can influence many things based on their status. This organization You are very powerful, but your being wanted this time is just childishness to them!"

"What else do you know?" Su Yi asked.

"Hehe Stone!" Huang Yaozu said with a solemn expression, "The yin energy of Hehe Stone is getting heavier and heavier. In the past few months, I have not dared to go near it because I have a feeling that I will die if I go there! There will be a certain death there. There’s a big problem!”

"I didn't dare to tell anyone about this, but now it's fine. I'm dead and there's nothing to be afraid of."

He looked at Su Yi, paused and then said: "Sir Huang, there is definitely something more terrifying than Father Huang in Hong Kong Island. You don't have to struggle in vain. Run, the further away the better."

"I'm leaving, what will Uncle Feng and the others do?" Su Yi said lightly, "They have been arrested now. I doubt that Father Huang will be cruel to them."

Huang Yaozu looked gloomy and said in a low voice: "They are dead."

"We have to fight hard." Su Yi looked at him, "It's not my style to run away without a fight, and I don't have the habit of leaving my friends behind and running away."

Huang Yaozu sighed and said: "I admire you Sir Huang very much. Compared to you, I am just a coward. I have really failed in my life."

Su Yi was silent.


Thinking about it, it seems so, but does Huang Yaozu have a better choice?

If he hadn't been like this, maybe he would have died long ago.

In fact, it is not easy for a person to survive. Success is just the icing on the cake, don't be demanding.

"Can you see the dirt on everyone's body?" Su Yi looked at Huang Yaozu, "Who are those ghosts wearing human skins? Can you still recognize them?"

"I remember them all." Huang Yaozu solemnly said, "I remember all the one hundred and thirty-seven ghosts who borrowed corpses to resurrect their souls! Because they are all important people with a good reputation! As for the ones marked by Father Huang, there are too many, and I can't Point them out one by one. But if you need, I can take you to identify them one by one."

"You can actually reincarnate directly," Su Yi looked at Huang Yaozu and said slowly, "There is no need to wade through this muddy water again."

Huang Yaozu shrugged: "Reborn and reborn? If this world is still like this after I come, what's the point? Sir Huang, if you really plan to deal with Huang's father and the Weird Talk Association, count me in. Although I don't have much ability. , but my eyes can definitely help you.”

In fact, this is what attracts Su Yi the most.

Huang Yao's ancestor had his eyes opened in heaven, and now he is left in the bardo body, but he can still see through the illusion and see the truth.

Su Yi actually needs him.

But after thinking for a moment, Su Yi slowly shook his head: "You only need to tell me the list of one hundred and thirty-seven people, that's enough. Since you are dead, you'd better go and be reincarnated as soon as possible. It's not good for you to stay in the human world. Good thing.”

It is completely foreseeable that the situation Su Yi will face next will be very dangerous. Huang Yaozu is now in a bardo body with nothing and can't do anything. If he is slightly affected, he will probably lose his soul.

And even if he can survive to the end, after all these changes, he will be stained with a lot of karma by following Su Yi. These karmas will cause him to go to hell and suffer. When the karma is eliminated, what can he do? It's time to reincarnate.

Su Yi felt that there was no need to drag Huang Yaozu into the water under such circumstances.

Dust to ashes, dust to dust, what needs to go goes, what needs to stay stays.

Since you are lucky enough to escape Father Huang's trap, don't stay in this dangerous world.

Huang Yaozu noticed Su Yi's good intentions, remained silent for a moment, and said with a smile, "That's fine. In fact, if I stay, I might only be doing a disservice."

After a pause, Huang Yaozu asked: "Would you like to find a note to write it down?"

Su Yi shook his head.

He doesn't have a photographic memory, but if he tries hard to remember, he can keep it in his mind.

Huang Yaozu quickly reported names one after another, some of which were familiar to Su Yi.

In addition to their names, Huang Yaozu also explained the identities of these people.

Their identities are mainly businessmen, covering all walks of life, and they are all prominent figures.

There are also many managers of various unofficial associations, or grassroots officials with low status but with real power.

It’s really chilling to think that so many people are ghosts who have been replaced by resurrected corpses.

These ghosts almost control the economic lifeline of Hong Kong Island. If they unite to do something, the consequences will be subversive.

Su Yi remembered all these names in his mind.

"I have one last request," Su Yi finally looked at Huang Yaozu and said, "I want to know the details of your soul separation method."

Huang Yaozu frowned slightly, thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, I'll tell you!"

Although he did not want to leave this evil and vicious method in the world, he finally chose to believe Su Yi and did not ask Su Yi what he wanted this method to do.

Although Su Yi was mentally prepared, Su Yi was also dumbfounded by the viciousness and inhumanity of this method.

The purpose of dividing the soul is to repair the soul again, otherwise the remaining half of the soul will remain in the body and will dissipate sooner or later.

Repair with what?

It is the living soul of an eight-year-old child with all Yang zodiac signs.

When the child is still alive and fully conscious, extract his soul bit by bit, and then use it to repair your own remaining soul.

For the child, the whole process was conscious and the pain was real. It was definitely one of the most painful punishments in the world.

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