The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1348 Aiding Korea

Title: "Love in the Courtyard".

Mission: Collect the seven emotions - joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, and desire, increase popularity, and harmonize the body, soul, and soul.

Purpose of action (031 suggestion): Take root at the grassroots level and fight without defeat.

Task time limit: no limit.

The sky is high and the clouds are clear, and the spring breeze is thawing.

Su Yi stood in the spring breeze of Beijing in 1966, bathed in the early morning sunshine, and looked around at this vibrant world.

The capital city that has just emerged from the old era is still full of old landscapes left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with towering city gates, winding city walls, contiguous bungalows, winding streets and alleys...

But the unique imprint of this era has long penetrated into every street, alley, and corner of this city.

There is a grain and oil supply and marketing cooperative at the entrance of the alley on the east side, and a department store and a commune barber shop deep in the west side street.

There is a ladder set up at the entrance of the vegetable market, and two workers are painting the signboard with red paint.

At the west exit traffic light, a tram honked its horn at a mule cart.

A large advertising wall to the north is painted with advertisements for the various fruit wines supplied by the Beijing State-owned Brewery. To the south, follow the road and you will reach the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Su Yi is now standing at the entrance of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. People are coming and going at the entrance of the factory. Looking around, there are simple and single colors everywhere.

Almost everyone's clothes only come in four colors: black, blue, gray, and yellow, and almost all are made of cotton.

This is an era of extreme scarcity of materials, the country is in dire need, and the people are impoverished. The common people spend their whole lives running around for nothing more than three things - food, clothing and shelter.

But it is only the body that is poor. What is amazing is that almost everyone in this era has the tenacity and endurance of weeds. Most people have great hopes for the future even if they eat chaffy vegetables.

They believe that life will get better and better, and they believe that the country will get better and better.

Seeing the workers coming and going in twos and threes talking and laughing, Su Yi felt a sense of vitality.

Having experienced the peaceful and well-off society of later generations, he is naturally more certain than people of this era about what kind of power this vitality will eventually explode.

Our parents may not have been able to lay down a large family business for us so that we could live well and live well since we were young, but don’t blame them, because they once gathered into a torrent that changed the world and worked hard to create a prosperous China for us.

The banner hanging on the factory gate reads - Industry should learn from Daqing, agriculture should learn from Dazhai, and the whole country should learn from the People's Army!

Looking inside the factory, you can see inspiring slogans and slogans everywhere on the whitewashed walls.

The loudspeaker in the factory is playing a song - "The sailing of the sea depends on the helmsman, the growth of all things depends on the sun, the rain and dew nourish the seedlings,... thoughts..."

At this moment, Su Yi was dressed in the unique attire of this era, a blue tunic suit, black cloth shoes with multi-soled soles, and a gray canvas bag on his back.

Do as the Romans do. This is what Su Yi prepared when he entered the set. Otherwise, if he were standing here wearing a modern suit, he would be arrested as a spy.

Even now, because he stood at the gate and looked around for too long, he attracted the attention of the guard at the gate.

"Hey, young man, what about you?" A tall man wearing a red sleeve band walked towards Su Yi, shouting as he walked, "You have been here for a long time, what are you looking around for? Which unit do you belong to?"

Su Yi calmly took out a folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket and unfolded it.

When the tall man came closer, he handed the piece of paper to the tall man and said with a smile: "Hello, comrade, my name is Su Yuanchao, and I am the younger brother of Su Jianshe, the fifth-level fitter in your factory. This is my letter of introduction."

In this special era, the name Su Yi was somewhat inappropriate, so Su Yi named himself Su Yuanchao.

The identity assigned to Su Yi on No. 031 was a college student who had just graduated from Jichun University. His parents were both revolutionary martyrs and they both sacrificed their lives for the country in their early years.

Su Yuanchao had an older brother named Su Jianshe, who was seven years older than Su Yuanchao. After his parents passed away, he took on the responsibility of the family and worked as an apprentice at the Jichun City Steel Rolling Mill to support his younger brother Su Yuanchao's education.

Later, Su Jianshe came to the capital with his master, and his working relationship also transferred to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant. He took root in the capital and became a fitter here.

Su Jianshe worked hard and practiced his skills hard. He was promoted to a fifth-level fitter three years ago and received a "high salary" of 59.5 yuan per month.

In the capital of this era, if a person has a place to live, ten yuan a month, plus about thirty pounds of food stamps and other various vouchers, he can guarantee that he can barely provide for food and clothing and meet the basic needs of life. .

With a high salary of nearly 60 yuan, Su Jianshe is still a skilled worker with a promising future. He is definitely considered a diamond king or fifth-ranked person this year.

But Su Jianshe's life was still very difficult, because he had to provide for his younger brother's education, provide for his younger brother's life, and ensure his younger brother's food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

In addition, he also has to help the poor folks in his hometown. Farmers in this era have the hardest life. As the most promising boy in the village, Su Jianshe has the gratitude to "never forget the well digger when he is hungry".

It's a pity that good people don't live long. Three years ago, Su Jianshe died accidentally in a production accident.

But this elder brother, who was like an old scalper, still supported his younger brother after his death. Su Yuanchao relied on his brother's two hundred yuan compensation to finish college and get his diploma.

Because he missed his brother, Su Yuanchao decided to leave Northeast China and come to work at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill in Beijing, where his brother had worked.

The letter of introduction he just handed to the tall security guard was issued by the Nanguan District Government of Jichun City. The general content of it is that Su Yuanchao, a resident of our district, is going to work in your company. He is the brother of the late worker Su Jianshe of your company. Accept the arrangement and so on.

Of course, it is impossible for local officials in the Northeast to take charge of the big factories in the capital, so this letter of introduction is actually a letter of identification. Its real function is to explain the purpose of Su Yuanchao's visit to Beijing. It is not really to ask the Red Star Rolling Mill to give Su Yuanchao arranged the work.

"Who?" The tall security guard took the letter of introduction and asked with his eyes wide open in surprise, "Who were you talking about just now?"

"Su Jianshe, I'm his younger brother." Su Yi said.

"Su Jianshe..." The tall man was very surprised. He looked Su Yi up and down, stared at Su Yi's face for a few times, and then his eyes hurriedly fell on the letter of introduction.

As he watched, his eyes became strange.

"Are you... coming to Dingsu Jianshe's class?" the tall man asked in a weird tone.

"Yes." Su Yi nodded patiently.

"Maliciousness from Gao Dafang +1." A dialog box suddenly popped up in Su Yi's mind, and this sentence came out.

Su Yi glanced at the tall guy in front of him. It turned out that this guy was named Gao Dafang...

He is tall enough, his face is square enough, and his name is appropriate.

However, this guy is a bit ungenerous, only contributing 1 point of malice, and the distance from being worth millions can only be described as a drop in the bucket.

In order to reconcile Su Yi's body and soul, and to increase Su Yi's popularity, the solution given by No. 031 is to collect people's seven emotions.

What is popularity?

Popularity is the karmic emotion, the turbid air of the mortal world.

Specifically expressed, they are the seven emotions of happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, and desire.

No. 031 set up a small system for Su Yi, that is, everyone who comes into contact with Su Yi will be collected by Su Yi as long as he has these seven emotions due to Su Yi's ordinary words and deeds.

The value of each emotion is a progress bar of one million. In other words, for seven emotions, seven million must be collected to complete the task.

And it can only be "ordinary words and deeds". In other words, Su Yi can only collect the Seven Emotions in an ordinary way. Using extraordinary methods is considered cheating. Not only will he not be able to collect the Seven Emotions, people who have been cast by Su Yi , on the contrary, the seven emotions will never be born again.

This is undoubtedly a very difficult task and requires Su Yi to spend a lot of time accumulating.

"Just be prepared to spend decades on this matter." No. 031 said to Su Yi, "You don't have to worry about the time flow rate. In addition, you will definitely return to your youthful state after coming out of the set this time, so The seven emotions you collected will be stored together and will be returned to you after you leave the set. "

"The state of your body and soul will be sealed, and your injuries and condition will not worsen, so you can rest assured to live on this set. As long as you are willing, it will not be a problem to live to be a hundred years old without illness or disaster, but I guess you are sure I don’t want to stay here for so long…”

Not to mention, this task is quite new and interesting to Su Yi.

Although it takes too long, it is basically not dangerous.

For Su Yi, this is a rare precipitation.

Anyway, once you leave the set, you will come back young. No matter how long it takes, it will not have any impact on Su Yi.

In fact, Su Yi thought about going back to the Apartment World and Yitian World to collect the Seven Emotions, but No. 031 told him that that would be less efficient, and the Seven Emotions collected would be very single and would not be "fully developed."

Su Yi thought about it and felt that if he went to the apartment world, it would be easy for him to collect the three emotions of joy, love, and desire, but the other four would be difficult.

The same goes for Yitian World. His starting point is too high, and his limitations become even greater.

On the contrary, in this world known as the "Siheyuan full of birds", the collection of seven emotions is more likely to achieve "balanced development."

No, didn't the first person Su Yi came into contact with contribute a point of malice?

Although Su Yi didn't know why this guy felt very ill-will towards him as soon as he heard that he was joining Su Jian's class, this was still a good start.

"Come with me!" Gao Dafang read the letter of introduction several times, looked at Su Yi from top to bottom, and then nodded to Su Yi.

"Xiao Sun, wait for me while I take people in to find Deputy Director Li!" Gao Dafang shouted to the long face standing at the door of the concierge looking curiously this way.

"Who is this?" Xiao Sun frowned and looked at Su Yi, "A relative of Deputy Factory Director Li's family?"

"It's none of your business, don't ask!" Gao Dafang waved his hand and glanced back at Su Yi, "Don't stand still, let's go?"

"Maliciousness from Gao Dafang +2..."

"Maliciousness from Sun Lianjun +13..."


Su Yi looked at the long-faced Sun Lianjun, who hurriedly gave himself a smile.

"Maliciousness from Sun Lianjun +5..."

When I look at you, you feel ill will toward me?

Aren't we going to force you to come out and stand guard for a while? As for that?

Su Yi shook his head and followed Gao Dafang.

It's better for me, Brother Gao. You see, he only has some ill intentions when he leads me the way.

What a good man.

There is a long cement road after entering the factory gate. Both sides of the road are red brick walls and buildings of different heights.

This is an office area, and the factory is still behind.

Gao Dafang took Su Yi into the third building on the left. It was a four-story building. The sign at the door read "Administrative Office Building."

It's obviously where the leadership works.

He took Su Yi all the way to the fourth floor. On the way, he met several "secretaries", "section chiefs" and "directors". Gao Dafang smiled and greeted them all the way.

"Maliciousness from Gao Dafang +7..."

Then Su Yi received Gao Dafang's malice inexplicably.

Damn it, what does it have to do with me if you apologize to others?

Along the way, many people cast curious glances at Su Yi, but because they did not interact with Su Yi in words or deeds, they did not contribute any emotional value to Su Yi.

Walking all the way to the second office door on the left on the fourth floor, Gao Dafang stood at the door. He first turned around and said to Su Yi, "Wait here." Then he knocked lightly on the door, and then hurriedly lowered his head and tidied himself up. clothes.

"Maliciousness from Gao Dafang +1..."

"...What's wrong with me?" Su Yi glanced at him speechlessly.

"Come in!" A deep voice came from inside the office. It sounded like a middle-aged man.

Gao Dafang hurriedly opened the door and closed the door after entering.

Although Su Yi's physical condition is poor, compared to a martial arts master, compared to ordinary people, his extraordinary qualities still exist.

Through a door, the sounds in the office still reached Su Yi's ears clearly.

"Xiao Gao, what do you want from me?" He asked with a gentle voice.

"Reporting to Deputy Director Li, a man came to the door and said he was Su Jianshe's younger brother. This is his letter of introduction. Please read it!" Gao Dafang's voice was very respectful.

"Who?" Deputy Director Li was very surprised.

"Su Jianshe." Gao Dafang said, "He is the fifth-level fitter who died three years ago because he was with Jia Dongxu. The one from the northeast..."

"Of course I know it's him!" Deputy Director Li interrupted him impatiently, followed by the sound of turning paper, obviously reading the letter of introduction.

"Maliciousness from Gao Dafang +3..."

Su Yi suddenly received another message.

That’s okay, add up a little and make a lot.

After a while, Deputy Director Li's slightly deep voice came from the door: "Where is this Su Yuanchao guy?"

"Just outside the door." Gao Dafang said hurriedly, "He came to the door with a letter of introduction, and the first person he saw was me, and then I took him directly to your place. No one knows who he is yet. "

"This matter was done well." Deputy Director Li's voice softened again.

"It's all because of your good teaching!" Gao Dafang's voice suddenly became excited.

"The joy from Gao Dafang +9..."

This guy is a bit moody. Su Yi shrugged his eyebrows outside the door.

"In this way, you bring him in, and then you wait at the door and listen to my greetings." Deputy Director Li ordered.

"Yes!" Gao Dafang's voice was loud.

He quickly opened the door and came out, waving to Su Yi: "Go in, our deputy factory director Li is inside, and he will take care of your matter."

Su Yi nodded and walked past him into the office.

"Wrath from Gao Dafang +2..."

Look, what did I say?

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