Deputy Director Li was very lively and kind-faced. When he saw Su Yi, he also had a smile on his face and was very friendly and approachable.

But Su Yi knew that this guy was a sanctimonious guy, full of money, power and lust, who had no bottom line in doing things and would use any means.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +26..."

Hey, this is a big business!

Su Yi looked at the smiling Li Xinmin and praised him in his heart.

Giving such a big gift as soon as we met, Deputy Factory Director Li has a great future.

"Are you Jianshe's younger brother?" Li Xinmin looked at Su Yi with a smile, "You are exactly the same as Jianshe. You are really young and promising... Sit down, sit down, you're welcome to come to my place, hehe..."

He greeted Su Yi with a smile.

Su Yi thanked him and sat on the guest chair.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +6..."

Li Xinmin still looked at Su Yi with a smile, but Su Yi probably frowned inwardly.

As an official, observing words and deeds is a basic quality. Seeing that Su Yi was neither humble nor overbearing, and not formal at all, Li Xinmin must have felt that Su Yi was not a dazed young man who had never seen the world, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to dismiss him.

It had been three years since Su Jianshe's death, and now Su Yi came to ask for a job. He didn't need to think about it to know that this matter would definitely not be so smooth and easy to handle.

These days, a formal job can change the fate of three generations of a family, especially being the eldest brother of a worker is both glorious, popular, and safe and secure. Therefore, all work stations are like carrots and pits, and are very precious.

For a job quota, brothers can turn against each other, and if the relationship is unrelated, the fight will be bloody.

In order to get a formal job, sometimes a family will even spend two or three years of their income, so you have to have connections and opportunities.

A job quota is so precious. It is conceivable that Su Jianshe died three years ago. It is impossible for the quota he vacated to be retained for another three years. There is no doubt that it has been taken up long ago.

Judging from Su Yi's experience since joining the factory, I'm afraid that the process of being replaced is unlikely to be seen, and it probably has something to do with the deputy director Li in front of him.

If he wasn't generous, he wouldn't have emphasized the issue of "no one knows who Su Yuanchao is."

Although Su Yi had just arrived, the word "people's heart" could not escape the twists and turns, and naturally it could not be hidden from his eyes.

He has a clear mind.

"Your brother is a talent." Li Xinmin started to perform with a look of emotion, "He passed the fifth-level fitter examination at a young age. When he was still there, I always looked up to him, and he also respected me. , What a pity, God is jealous of talents..."

Su Yi smiled.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +2..."

Li Xinmin, who lacked praise, contributed two more points of malice to Su Yi. His smile remained unchanged and he continued: "Jianshe was not married and was alone. I personally organized the funeral after his death. Later, his ashes and compensation were I went to the post office to mail it to you in person. By the way, have you received the two hundred yuan? This is what I worked hard to get. A worker who had an accident with your brother only received one hundred and fifty yuan. Ten yuan compensation. I also feel sorry for your brother, ugh..."

Su Yi couldn't help but express this.

"Deputy Director Li, I would like to thank you on behalf of my brother." Su Yi replied.

Deputy Director Li waved his hand, as if he was not accusing any merit: "For serving the people, what can I say to thank you for? By the way, your name is Aid Korea, right? What do you want to do when you come here this time?"

Deputy Director Li looked at Su Yi in confusion.

What don't you know?

Su Yi smiled but did not expose his trick.

"I came here to take over my brother's class." He said his purpose directly without beating around the bush.

"What?" Deputy Director Li stared in surprise, his face full of absurdity, "You want to take over your brother's job? Are you kidding me about aiding Korea? How is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Su Yi asked back, "Isn't it natural for me to take over my brother's class?"

Succession and replacement is a very common social phenomenon in this era. The country has specially introduced relevant systems. It is a reasonable and legal labor and employment system that is in line with the current national conditions. It is also an important way for units owned by the whole people and collectively owned to recruit workers. .

As the name suggests, succession generally refers to replacement by children. After parents retire or retire from work, their children will go through the procedures to take the vacant places and enter their parents' original workplace to work.

But in actual situations, it usually happens that nephews take over, younger brothers and sisters take over, and even relatives who are beyond their reach take over.

Although the law does not explicitly stipulate it, these situations are tacitly allowed to happen. As long as you are willing and I can get along, the state tacitly allows the circulation of job quotas through transfer.

This kind of acquiescence was originally intended to take care of those families who have no children or whose children do not need to inherit their parents' jobs. After all, job quotas are so precious. If I have no children, why should I give them up in vain?

It is better to leave it to relatives and friends, at least the wealth will not flow to outsiders, than to have the quota taken back by the state and then distributed to unrelated people.

Of course, if it is buying and selling job quotas, that is a different story.

Therefore, if Su Yi came to take over Su Jianshe's class three years ago, it would be really reasonable and natural.

But this is three years later. The replacement system clearly stipulates that if the job quota is not replaced within half a year, it will be regarded as the person concerned voluntarily giving up the quota, and the work unit can allocate the quota separately.

Therefore, it is neither legal nor reasonable for Su Yi to come and ask for a job at this time.

But why did Su Yi come anyway?

On the one hand, the director's arrangement is on the one hand, but on the other hand, there is naturally a lot of room for maneuver in this matter. What class Su Yi wants to work in and what kind of work he wants to do at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill depends on his own ability. This is actually letting Su Yi Choose for yourself.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +4..."

"It's only natural?" Deputy Director Li smiled, "Aid Korea, aid Korea, do you really don't understand, or are you pretending not to understand? Your brother has been dead for three years, you want to say that your brother just died? Come here soon, and I will make arrangements for you without saying a word. But now... don't you think it's ridiculous that my factory, where more than 10,000 workers work, has a vacant position waiting for you for three years, every screw? And it’s not legal!”

Deputy Director Li shook his head and couldn't help but said: "Aid Korea, aid Korea, for your brother's sake, I won't scold you for being so arrogant. I am meeting you in my busy schedule because I miss my old friendship, not because I want to listen to you. You're talking nonsense to me. Just go away. I'll pretend you've never been here. Come in!"

Gao Dafang immediately pushed the door open and said respectfully: "Deputy Director Li, do you have any instructions?"

At this time, Deputy Factory Director Li had put on a business-like face, pointed at Su Yi and said calmly: "Take him out. Don't let such idle people into the factory in the future. Whose responsibility is it if something is lost?"

"Yes, it was all due to my negligence in my work. Let me reflect on it!" Gao Dafang said in fear.

"Sorrow from Gao Dafang +2..."



Su Yi couldn't help but glance at Gao Dafang.

Among the seven emotions, sadness not only refers to sadness and sadness, but also empathy, sympathy and other empathy, which are also included here.

Gao Dafang must have sympathized with Su Yi and felt that Su Yi was pitiful, but he didn't have much sympathy.

"Su Yuanchao, let's go!" Gao Dafang stood in front of Su Yi and said with a serious face.

Li Xinmin behind him had already started flipping through documents.

At this time, if Su Yi was an ordinary person and was shouting here and refusing to leave, Gao Dafang would naturally use the excuse of "making trouble" to let Su Yi know what Iron Fist is.

Li Xinmin was also prepared for this and planned to use intimidation and threats to silence Su Yi.

When Su Yi leaves the factory gate, he will immediately notify the street police to arrest Su Yi for the crime of blind migration.

These days, the crime of blind abortion is not a small crime. If caught, they will be imprisoned in a shelter, reformed through labor to earn enough travel expenses, and then repatriated to their place of origin, and a criminal record will be left behind.

The so-called blind migration refers to farmers who leave their hometown without permission and "blindly flow" into the city. This discriminatory crime is also a reflection of the suffering of rural areas in the current society.

If they couldn't survive, who would be willing to leave their hometown and become a homeless person?

Why did Su Yi come to Beijing with a letter of introduction? Just to prove that he is not a blind streamer.

But now, Li Xinmin had buried the letter of introduction under his files, and he made up his mind not to return it to Su Yi. Even if Su Yi asked, he would refuse to admit it, saying that he had not seen it.

If Su Yi doesn't have a letter of introduction, he will definitely be regarded as a blind drifter.

These days, there is a serious lack of legal system construction, and there are few communication channels among provinces and regions. Even if Su Yi calls and sends a telegram to his hometown to prove that he is not a blind drifter, the people here will not necessarily admit it, and may even make mistakes. Su Yi can only Consider yourself unlucky.

What's more, Su Yi may not be given a chance to prove himself here.

It has to be said that Li Xinmin's routine was really poisonous. He solved Su Yi's problem quietly and let Su Yi go back to his hometown in despair carrying the name of Blind Liu.

To him, it was as simple as swatting away a fly.

If he had followed the fantasy routine, Su Yi would have sneered and slammed the door, then let the little devil harm Deputy Director Li and Gao Dafang, waiting for them to beg Su Yi to let him go, and beg his grandfather to sue his grandmother to invite Su Yi again. Return to the factory.

Or Su Yi used acupuncture techniques to threaten him with force and found evidence of Vice Factory Director Li's crime, forcing him to submit.

In short, as long as Su Yi is willing, there are many ways to deal with Li Xinmin.

But don’t forget the advice 031 gave to Su Yi, which is also the purpose of activities in this world that Su Yi agrees with – to take root at the grassroots level and fight without breaking through.

Why take root at the grassroots level?

Because only at the bottom of society can we feel the helplessness and struggle in the rolling world, and collect more joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire.

If Su Yi climbs too high and has a high social status, then how can he collect the seven emotions if everyone is afraid of him or respects him?

As for the words "fight without breaking", Su Yi thinks it is quite reasonable.

Whenever a problem or conflict arises, he or she will yell, fight, and flip the table over. Either he has the confidence to do so, or he is planning to break the pot.

Since Su Yi wants to take root at the grassroots level, of course he cannot have the confidence.

How can he complete the task if the jar is broken?

Collecting the seven emotions is a long-term process. The more enemies there are, the more useful they are to Su Yi. For example, malice, fear and anger must be contributed by enemies and enemies.

To kill someone in one fell swoop, isn't this just fishing in a swamp?

And Su Yi couldn't cheat or use extraordinary means, otherwise it would be considered a waste of money.

Su Yi would never do such a stupid thing.

So we have to fight without defeating.

Only by fighting without defeat can the water flow slowly and steadily.

Su Yi smiled and put his hand into the bag. He was now very glad that he had not been confused by various extraordinary powers and became a fanatical believer in power. He was superstitious about the power of power and thought that having power could solve all problems. In the end, he just fell into trouble. A reckless fool who resorted to force.

The reason why people are different from animals is because people can use their brains.

"What do you want to do!"

Unexpectedly, Su Yi's action of reaching into his bag made Gao Dafang jump back and scream in surprise.

"Fear from Gao Dafang +29..."

"Fear from Li Xinmin +4..."

Is this guy so cowardly?

Su Yi glanced at Gao Dafang in surprise, thoughtfully. It seemed that this person's main output direction was fear.

Su Yi didn't say anything, and slowly took out a blueprint from his arms and put it on his lap.

Then he took out a black and white portrait of a middle-aged man from his arms and held it in his arms.

Then he stood up.

He smiled politely at the stunned Gao Dafang and asked, "Excuse me, how to get to the Ministry of Military Affairs?"


"Maliciousness from Gao Dafang +13..."

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +21..."

"Maliciousness from Sun Lianjun +19..."


What happened to this guy in the end? Tired of standing guard?

"You, what are you doing!" Gao Dafang felt like he was not feeling well!

What's going on when you bring out a portrait after a disagreement?

Look again at the large golden characters on the blueprint - "Glorious Memorial Certificate for the Families of Soldiers Married in the Revolution."

Gao Dafang was stunned for a moment, glanced at Su Yi again, then turned to look at Li Xinmin, pointed at the certificate in Su Yi's hand and stammered: "Yes, it's the Martyr's Family Certificate..."

"Fear from Gao Dafang +11..."

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +15..."

You can see the difference between the two from here.

Gao Dafang was immediately afraid, but Li Xinmin was disgusted and not afraid.

"Su Yuanchao, what do you mean?" Li Xinmin asked with a straight face.

"Deputy Factory Director Li." Su Yi smiled at him, "Since our factory does not arrange work, I have no choice but to go to the department in charge of the martyrs' victims and ask what to do about this matter. I came all the way to the capital, but I didn't plan to do it. Go back in such despair."

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +12..."

Su Yi looked at him with a smile: "By the way, I also want to ask if my brother, a fifth-level fitter, died on the job, and the compensation was two hundred yuan. By the way, I brought all the bills that were remitted to me three years ago. ”

"The anger from Li Xinmin +31..."

He's angry, he's angry, he's angry!

Su Yi kept up his efforts: "Also, I have to figure out who took over my brother's class, in what name, and what process was followed."

"The anger from Li Xinmin +47..."

But Mao Beibi is so awesome!

Su Yi smiled at Li Xinmin and said: "My father died for the country, my brother died in the line of duty, my Su family is full of loyal people, I can't even get a job in the capital, I have to ask the leaders above, they don't care about this matter No matter. By the way, Deputy Director Li, you are the big leader, you must know what’s going on with the Military Affairs Department, right?”

"The anger from Li Xinmin +99..."

Explode, explode, he is about to explode!

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