As Su Yi took action, the scene was completely chaotic.

Su Yi specializes in picking out the mouths of young people to hit. No matter how they stand, what posture they are facing, or which way they are facing, he can always find their mouths accurately, two at a time, and a mouth full of teeth at the same time.

He guarantees that his "surgery" can leave no more than five teeth in anyone's mouth, or even none at all.

Wherever Su Yi passed by, screams were heard endlessly, and teeth mixed with blood were constantly flying and falling, and crackling sounds were heard endlessly.

As soon as Su Yi made a move, Shazhu couldn't stand still anymore. He followed Su Yi and rushed left and right, hitting whoever he met. It's a pity that Su Yi rushes too fast. He only comes and then leaves. Silly Zhu can't catch up with Su Yi even if he rushes slowly.

And he soon discovered that the person he hit seemed to be experiencing the greatest pain in the world. He just held his mouth and howled and screamed, without the ability to fight back. Even if he had been slower, these people would have fallen down and rolled on the ground.

In the chaos, screams and wails could be heard endlessly.


Gunshots were fired.

Ding Shangdong fired a warning shot with excitement on his face.

"Su Yuanchao!" He shouted with his face flushed, "If you dare to move again, I will shoot you!"


Before he finished speaking, a rag shoe flew from nowhere and hit him accurately on the mouth.

Hearing a crisp and dense sound, Ding Shangdong rolled his eyes and looked up, then fell heavily to the ground, spitting out a string of bloody teeth from his mouth.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Qian Jin was the first to react.

"Protect the section chief! Protect the gun!" He waved his arms and shouted, leading people to rush up and surround Ding Shangdong.

"Chief Qian, Director Su is crazy! How dare he take action!" Sun Lianjun growled nervously, "What should we do? What should we do now!"

"Don't worry! Don't worry about anything now!" Qian Jin gritted his teeth.

Liu Guangfu brought about twenty people. Su Yi actually spent less than a minute before everyone was lying on the ground rolling and wailing.

It should be noted that their teeth were not knocked out, but broken. The roots of the teeth were still broken in the gums, but all the exposed teeth were broken.

Dozens of teeth were broken at once, and Su Yi's strength was mastered at a very clever critical point, making it impossible for them to get up or pass out. The pain was so painful that they shed tears. Many people were even hurt. He became incontinent on the spot and made the place smelly.

This was the first crime. After they were sent to the hospital, all the jagged broken teeth had to be pulled out one by one, otherwise they would rot in the flesh. This was the second crime.

After the tooth was extracted, stitches were required. This was the third crime.

The oral cavity has the most bacteria. In recent months, they have been able to eat only liquid food. Moreover, with the medical level of this era, they are likely to suffer from secondary infection and suppuration. By then, it will be the fourth or fifth sin.

As for these people having to wear dentures to talk and eat for the rest of their lives, this is only a minor problem. They are lucky that Su Yi still retained his sanity despite his anger and did not kill him and completely overturn the table.

Su Yi stood among the wailing people on the ground and turned around, looking coldly at Liu Haizhong.

Perhaps because of the heart-to-heart relationship between father and son, Liu Haizhong struggled to crawl to Liu Guangfu's side. He shook Liu Guangfu's body and howled like a wild beast.

He suddenly rushed to Liu Guangtian like crazy, raised his fist and hit Liu Guangtian hard on the face, again and again, just like what he usually did.

In the past, Liu Guangtian didn't dare to fight back when his father beat him. He just held his head and begged for mercy, or ran away because he couldn't bear the beating anymore.

But today, he refused to hide. He just sat there and let his father punch and kick him. Soon his head and face were covered with blood.

Naturally, Qian Jin and others couldn't let Liu Haizhong do whatever he wanted, so several security guards hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Liu Haizhong away.

"Beast! You beast! I don't have a son like you, I don't have a son like you!" Blood sprayed from his bangs, pointing at Liu Guangtian and roaring with grief and anger, "You beast, I really regret giving birth to you..."

"Hehehe..." Liu Guangtian, whose face was covered with blood, suddenly laughed nervously, tears mixed with blood dripping down from his face.

"Beast! You beast!" Liu Haizhong was stimulated by his smile and wanted to rush over like crazy, but was blocked by the security guards. "You killed your own brother, wuwu... why don't you die!" "

"Okay, I'll die." Liu Guangtian looked at his father with no light in his eyes.

He suddenly rushed towards his brother Liu Guangfu like crazy, pulled out the dagger stuck in his chest, raised it high, and then thrust it into his own chest.

No one noticed that the knife made a soft "ding" sound when it entered the chest and deflected a little.

"Ah..." Liu Haizhong screamed and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to stop it, but also seemed to want to grab something. He stared at this scene with wide eyes and horror.

No one could react, everyone just stared at this scene blankly!

In everyone's shocked and disbelieving eyes, Liu Guangtian fell into a pool of blood.

Qian Jin exclaimed and rushed forward. A group of people tried their best to lay Liu Guangtian down and held his chest to stop his bleeding.

"Bright God..." A shrill cry suddenly burst out from Liu Hai, and he fell to his knees with a thud.

"Get out of the way!" Su Yi walked over, "I can save him."

The man with bangs sitting paralyzed on the ground suddenly crawled to his knees in front of Su Yi and kowtowed to him like crazy.


Su Yi raised his leg and kicked him until he turned over several times.

Qian Jin got out of the way, Su Yi squatted down and pressed several acupuncture points on Liu Guangtian's chest, and then pulled out the dagger.

No blood came out.

"The bleeding has stopped and the knife has not entered the heart." He said, "Don't move him. Wait until the doctor comes to deal with him. He should be able to survive."

"That's good, that's good..." Qian Jin sighed, "Yuan Chao, I have to cuff him...he killed someone."

"Wait a minute." Su Yi stood up and walked to Liu Guangfu, put his hand on his pulse and paused for a while.

"This one isn't dead either," he said. "It can be saved."

Liu Guangtian was indeed rescued by Su Yi. Anyway, at least he behaves like a man.

But Liu Guangfu...

He can't die, but he can't live either. He will become a vegetative state and may live for a few years, or even more than ten years.

Su Yi stood up, pointed at Liu Haizhong and said to Qian Jin: "Brothers killed each other but no one was killed. That's a family dispute. The family is here now. Ask him if he wants to report the case and pursue the case."

Qian Jin was silent for a moment and said: "To aid Korea, we have to wait for the hospital's rescue results. The doctor has the final say..."

Su Yi nodded: "Wait. But don't wait any longer. Call the police station. This matter should not be left to the factory. By the way, call the hospital to send an ambulance."

Now the relationship between Su Yi and Li Xinmin is rather delicate. The latter is looking for various opportunities to "suppress" Su Yi. Once the power to handle this matter is handed over to the factory, it will be like handing the knife to Li Xinmin.

Even if the factory is not responsible for handling this matter, I'm afraid Li Xinmin will take the opportunity to take action, but at least it won't be a situation where he can control everything with one hand.

"There's nothing else, they're not from the factory. But Ding Shangdong..." Qian Jin frowned.

Ding Shangdong was the chief of the security section of the factory. He was injured. The factory had to come forward to deal with the matter, so Li Xinmin had a logical excuse to intervene in the matter.

"What happened to Ding Shangdong?" Su Yi asked lightly, "Was he beaten? By whom?"

"He was..." Qian Jin was startled after saying two words.

He came to his senses and turned around to ask the security guards, "Did you see Section Chief Ding being beaten by someone?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Su Yi pointed to the crowd not far away: "There are so many witnesses here, and everyone saw me there at the time, not here at all. What does Ding Shangdong's beating have to do with me?"

"Yes, yes, it doesn't matter..." Qian Jin's eyes flashed with a strange look, "I think he might have tripped on his own..."

"Since it doesn't matter, don't forget to take him away when you leave." Su Yi said, "When he wakes up, tell him by the way that the notice for him to enter the study class for re-education should have been sent to him before get off work yesterday. Yes, he should be studying in the class this morning. Why did he skip school without authorization and go out to cause trouble? Let him write a statement and we will decide whether to take additional action against him depending on the situation. "

Qian Jin nodded: "Okay. Then I will notify the hospital and the police station... There is no need to notify the police station, they are here."

It was Su Yi's acquaintance, Shen Yanzi, who came.

Su Yi said: "He Yuzhu has nothing to do with this matter. He will go with you."

"Yuanchao, I'll leave you alone..." Shazhu frowned and was about to speak, but Su Yi interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"I can promise that I'm fine, but I can't promise that you're here! Don't cause trouble for me, and leave quickly!"

Silly Zhu nodded depressedly: "Then be careful!"

Shen Yanzi and a group of police officers quickly arrived and looked around with a very solemn expression.

The scene looked a little bloody, with broken teeth and blood all over the floor, and a group of people rolling on the ground and wailing.

Not far away, Zhang Chunmei's body was still lying there quietly, and brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were also lying in a pool of blood, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Qian Jin stepped forward and saluted Shen Yanzi. Without talking nonsense, he quickly explained the situation to her and made the handover.

After a while, Qian Jin turned around and nodded to Su Yi, and then directed his men to carry Ding Shangdong away.

Silly Zhu also waved his hands to Su Yi and followed them away.

"You're the one who beat me? You're quite capable of beating me." Shen Yanzi walked up to Su Yi with a complex look on her face, "You are someone who dares to attack anyone. You were able to get through last time at your house because of those things in your house. The procedures were complete, but they ignored them. What about this time? Did you complete the procedures for beating someone?"

"There are no formalities, but I am justified." Su Yi said calmly, "What a girl. They forced her to death. I took action to prevent the gangsters from escaping."

"They are the ones who are reasonable." Shen Yanzi said: "Whatever they do is reasonable."

"But they crossed the line." Su Yi said, "Zhang Chunmei is from our factory, and our factory will deal with her problems. The factory also has a rationale team, a picket team, a study class, and a security department. There are so many departments. If we can all handle it, will it be someone else’s turn to do it for us?”

He pointed at the young people who were lying on the ground still wailing and rolling: "These gangsters kidnapped our factory workers from the gate of our factory. After Zhang Chunmei escaped, they still chased here with great ferocity and forced a girl to He jumped off the building! Are they right? Even if Zhang Chunmei is damned, it’s not their turn to take action! Can your Dongzhimen police station take care of the people fighting in Fuchengmen? Do I need to ask you why?”

He paused and said: "I'm just here to ask why! I am the teaching director of the study class, and Zhang Chunmei is working while receiving re-education in the study class. Why do they kill my students?"

"Then you can just ask with your mouth. Why are you asking with your hands?" Shen Yanzi sighed, "You were in the limelight that time at your house. How many people didn't like you? What do you think about this move? Can they spare you this time?"

"Then it depends on who will decide this matter." Su Yi said, "Can you let me make a call?"

Shen Yanzi nodded: "Okay, come on, who is that? You take him outside to make a phone call. Then you don't have to come back. You can take him directly to the institute."

At the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Li Xinmin frowned with the word "Chuan" on his face after listening to Qian Jin's report.

"You said this matter was taken over by the police station outside?" Li Xinmin looked at him deeply, "Ding Shangdong, don't you know who beat him?"

"This is the real director." Qian Jin said sincerely, "If you don't believe me, you can just ask anyone present. There were many people watching at the time. They can all testify to this."

Li Xinmin nodded thoughtfully and said, "I know about this. Go to the street office in person, keep an eye on the situation there, and report by phone at any time."

"Yes!" Qian Jin took the order and left.

Li Xinmin pondered for a moment, then picked up the phone and dialed a number, saying respectfully: "Minister Hu, I have something to report to you, about Su Yuanchao..."

He talked about the conflict between Su Yi and the young people, and estimated the negative consequences and impact of this incident. Finally, he said: "In view of this, I suggest that Comrade Su Yi's work be suspended until this incident happens." After thorough characterization, we will deal with it as appropriate, otherwise people may not let it go..."

"Do you want to suspend Su Yuanchao's post?" Minister Hu asked quietly.

"Minister, I am actually doing this for the purpose of protecting him." Li Xinmin was startled, and felt something was wrong, so he hurriedly made a remedy, "It is better for us to deal with him than for others to deal with him. They have always had problems with him, and this time they will definitely We can’t spare him, we just temporarily removed him from his post, and this is for outsiders to see!”

"That's not necessary!" Minister Hu snorted coldly, "You have to be punished if you make a mistake, but if you don't make a mistake, what's the benefit?"

Li Xinmin's heart sank slightly and said, "But Su Yuanchao did beat someone. I heard that the beating was not light."

"That's what they deserve! Aid Korea was right to fight, but it was too light!" Minister Hu said coldly, "A group of blind socialites pretended to be young people and persecuted the masses. Before you called, Aid Korea had already reported the situation to me! "

Li Xinmin's heart suddenly sank again. Not only was he a step too late, the matter was determined so quickly!

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