"This group is not student dolls, they are a group of social blind people pretending to... ruin our reputation. Their motive for committing this crime is basically clear. It is out of personal anger and grudges, which has nothing to do with reason! Regarding this, I and I Their headquarters at Peking University have communicated with me and they also agree with my judgment. "

"In short, this is an extremely bad social security case disguised as an operation! Didn't the dead father and daughter have already been taken over by your factory study class? Then other organizations have no right to interfere! This group of social blind people have Their actions were not reported to the superiors at all, and Peking University didn’t even know their identities. They were just a criminal gang that gathered together spontaneously!”

"I have gone to the police station with people from Peking University, and the North Korean aid team has also gone there. We will set up a special investigation team on this incident, and the Beijing Police Department will fully take over this matter! After that, the special team will go to your factory We will verify the situation, and you must cooperate fully!”

"Yes, Minister Hu, I understand, and I will definitely cooperate." Li Xinmin said hurriedly.

"Xinmin, you should be steady at work. You have been a little impatient recently and have not paid attention to the factory. The overall situation of the steel rolling mill needs you to control it carefully, and you cannot be careless at all!"

Li Xinmin's face instantly turned ugly. He was silent for a moment before forcing a smile and said, "Minister, I accept criticism and will reflect on it seriously."

"Well, this is the right attitude. Don't let the small things cost you the big things. The days are still long." Minister Hu said.

"Yes, you are right."

After hanging up the phone, Li Xinmin let out a long breath and slumped in his seat.

Regarding the matter of supervising the inspection team, Hu originally did not want him to go because Hu needed him to be a "dog of integrity", but he, Li Xinmin, did not want this. He did not want to miss this opportunity to brush up his qualifications, so in this matter his There is a conflict between personal interests and Minister Hu's ideas.

There are usually two ways to win the competition, one is to improve oneself, and the other is to get rid of the opponent, so even if Su Yi has cooperated and made it clear that he does not want to compete, Li Xinmin still wants to suppress Su Yi temporarily. Because only in this way will he become Minister Hu's only choice.

But now, he has been eliminated.

He thought this was an opportunity to kill his opponent, so he couldn't wait to take action, but he hit the wall, completely blocking the road.

Was it a trap deliberately set by Su Yuanchao?

Li Xinmin looked uncertain. Su Yi should have reported this matter to him first, but Su Yi contacted Minister Hu directly.

This behavior of reporting beyond the level itself also caused a thorn in Li Xinmin's heart.

In addition, Su Yi’s intention of excluding the factory security department from this matter was obvious. Li Xinmin knew very well that Su Yi and Qian Jin were wearing the same pair of trousers. Su Yi did not choose to take the lead in handling this matter in the factory, but instead bypassed him and sought help from the outside. , obviously also guarding against him.


This is a trap!

This is a trap designed to guard against villains but not gentlemen!

As long as he, Li Xinmin, doesn't do anything, he won't be fooled.

But if he jumped out, that would give Minister Hu a reason to reject him.


Li Xinmin, who wanted to understand everything, slapped himself hard on the forehead, gritted his teeth with a tangled expression and said, "I'm careless...Su Yuanchao, Su Yuanchao, you are a poisonous snake..."

Su She was shaking hands with Hu and the person from Peking University in the police station, and reported the incident to the heads of the five departments.

Because he reported in a timely manner and explained the cause and effect of the incident very clearly, the incident had basically been characterized before then.

The identities of Liu Guangfu and his group have not been recognized, so they are pretending to be bad elements, and everything they do is naturally a crime.

And Su Yi's beating was to prevent the criminal from escaping.

It's just that all the criminals have lost their teeth...

This made all the leaders who saw the preliminary diagnosis report issued by the hospital take a deep breath.

What's wrong with this guy? Specialize in beating people's teeth?

Liu Guangfu is currently in emergency care. The hospital is not sure he can survive, but Su Yi knows very well that he will not die.

Liu Guangtian's life was not in danger. The knife miraculously avoided all his internal organs. He just lost too much blood and woke up in the hospital.

At the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Liu Haizhong, the deputy captain of the picket team, was suspected of conniving and covering up his son Liu Guangfu, and was already under police control.

A shot was fired at the scene, fired by Ding Shangdong, the security section chief of the steel rolling mill.

It's nothing. He fired a gun just to control the situation. It's understandable.

The name Ding Shangdong is very subtle...

The police chief asked on the spot: "Is this Ding Shangdong the black sheep we fired before?"

Su Yi was silent for a moment, and nodded slowly in the eyes of everyone's questions: "Yes."

Then Minister Hu's face darkened on the spot, and the expressions of the other leaders became very intriguing.

Many things are nothing if not put on the table, but once they are put on the table, there must be an explanation for this matter.

After deliberation, the leaders of the five departments issued instructions on the spot.

Led by the Workers' Re-education Leading Group, several other departments formed an investigation team to investigate this matter. The police deployed personnel to cooperate with the operation to carry out their tasks.

The investigation team has three tasks -

First, thoroughly investigate the causes and consequences of the 402 incident and form a complete incident report;

Second, thoroughly investigate the nature of the youth involved in this matter and cooperate with relevant organizations to complete their internal rectification work;

Third, a thorough investigation should be carried out to determine whether the relevant personnel of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill engaged in a series of issues such as dereliction of duty, cover-up, and instigation in this incident, as well as a thorough investigation into the issue of Ding Shangdong.

The leader of this investigation team is Hu's secretary, and the two deputy leaders are from other departments. There are five other team members, Su Yi is one of them.

The leaders made it clear that this team is the team of the inspection and inspection team, and this mission should be regarded as the first mission to run the team together. If there are no problems, the team will set off in half a month to inspect various places.

This can be regarded as smooth sailing, killing two birds with one stone.

Li Xinmin's dream position was just gone.

And Su Yi has to embark on the road of running no matter how unwilling he is. This move may take at least half a year, but may take a year or two.

And this inspection team must have inspected more than once.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yi's personnel relationship has basically been separated from the steel rolling mill from this moment on. He is now considered a member of the ministry, and his level will be raised one level after the transfer.

His promotion speed is obviously unhealthy and illegal, but there are so many examples that are even more outrageous than his, so it really doesn't matter to him.

After the leaders left, the investigation team held its first closed-door meeting. Team leader Li Weigang presided over the meeting. After introducing the deputy team leader and team members, he assigned work directly and resolutely.

There were eight people in total, divided into four groups. Li himself and a secretary sat in the back, collecting information from all parties and responsible for coordinating and presiding over the overall work.

The remaining six people worked in groups of two and divided into three groups.

The remaining two teams were led by two deputy team leaders. One team went to investigate Liu Guangfu's group of young people, and the other team was responsible for visiting the hospital and the scene to collect evidence.

As for the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, Li Weigang appointed Su Yi as the captain to comprehensively investigate the problems existing in the steel rolling mill.

Of course this is what Hu means. This is a family scandal and should be dealt with internally.

Issue the document, sign it, stamp it, and then apply for the police station to appoint a police officer to assist.

It was already afternoon after a series of procedures were completed. Su Yi took a brand new investigation order and took a young man named Gong Dawei straight to the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant.

This Gong Dawei is from the Investigation Department.

He knew Su Yi, and Su Yi also knew him, because he had followed Su Yi secretly for a long time under Tao Chunxiao's order.

But he thought Su Yi didn't know him, so he pretended not to know Su Yi.

"Comrade Yuan Korea, just tell me how to investigate. I am your soldier now, and I will fight wherever you tell me!" The young man said it nicely and simply, but his sense of Su Yi was very complicated.

Tao Chunxiao had long said that Su Yuanchao was a master. He had never believed it before, but now he believed it.

Teeth beating expert.

He felt that Tao Chunxiao had finally seen the right person, and felt that this person was really capable; he also felt that Su Yi was in danger.

Because ever since he followed Su Yi, Su Yi was too normal.

For such an abnormal person to live such a normal life is very abnormal in itself.

Su Yi had no intention of acknowledging Gong Dawei. He looked out the car window calmly and said, "I'm just going to the factory for a formality. Don't take it too seriously."

It was impossible for Hu to beat Li Xinmin to death with a stick. Li Weigang had explained this before setting off.

Su Yi's main task here is to "wipe his butt".

But how to wipe it is Su Yi's business. He can use sandpaper to wipe it until it bleeds, or he can gently wipe the shit clean.

The driver and the one sitting in the passenger seat were two policemen from the criminal police team, with serious faces and meticulous looks.

In fact, the greater role of these two people is to support the scene and put pressure on Li Xinmin. There should be no use for them in the factory this time.

Su Yi could feel Gong Dawei watching him secretly, but he didn't care.

This time, he acted out of anger. At this time, he not only retreated and jumped out of the rut, but also changed his mind and took it a step further. Logically speaking, he should be relaxed.

But he couldn't be happy. The whole incident happened because of Zhang Chunmei, but the final result of the incident had nothing to do with Zhang Chunmei, and no one mentioned this girl again.

The person who harmed her did pay a price, but after all, there was such a living life in this world, so why is it so black and white and not mentioned at all?

Su Yi touched his chest, where was the letter Wen Hui gave him.

He was a little worried about Wen Hui.

Counting today's time, he has violated his principles three times since he came to this world.

Of the first two times, the first time was naturally about Bangge, but the second time was about Wen Hui, when they were saying goodbye.

That's why Wen Hui said in her letter that the parting scene "trembled" her, and she felt the heat in Su Yi's heart.

Su Yi originally thought that was enough for Wen Hui to deal with some dangers, but now, he suddenly felt worried again.

He soon realized that compared to the help he had when they parted, his worries this time lacked the aloofness and alienation. He was worried about Wen Hui on an equal footing.

He thought for a moment and suddenly smiled.

Li Xinmin received Hu's notice in advance and knew that an investigation team was coming to the factory to investigate the problems exposed by this incident. He also knew that the person leading the team was Su Yi.

To be honest, he felt as sick as if he had eaten a dead fly.

He knew that this was Hu's knock on him, and he also knew that this was a signal from Hu Ming to him, telling him to stop worrying about anything.

Of course, Su Yi's level was still far below him, but he could no longer regard Su Yi as a subordinate, or even as an ordinary department-level cadre.

Li Xinmin was able to take it up and put it down. When he met Su Yi and shook hands again, he was all smiles and shouted in favor of Korea, which was called affectionate.

"Yuan Korea, as long as you are fine, that's better than anything else." Li Xinmin said with concern, "You don't know how worried I was about you when I heard Qian Jin talk about this. You, you, you have You are still too impulsive when doing things, how can you be implicated? If you have any shortcomings, it is simply not worth the gain! You, you, let me tell you what you can do. I heard that this was true. I’m very angry and think you don’t take your own safety seriously.”

"Brother Li cares about me so much, I'm flattered." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Look at what you said. Have I cared less about you since you came to the factory?" Li Xinmin said, "By the way, the one thousand yuan of funds specially approved for you last time has been reimbursed and gone. You will take over the work in the future. When the time comes, you don’t have to worry about this.”

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket as if casually and slowly tore it into pieces.

Su Yi seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

After Li Xinmin threw the scraps of paper into the trash can, Su Yi coughed lightly and said seriously: "Comrade Li Xinmin, I am now formally asking you on behalf of the investigation team. Please answer my questions truthfully."

Li Xinmin sat up straight and said seriously: "Okay, I will definitely cooperate."


This questioning process was just like what Su Yi said before, it was just a formality.

After a few questions and answers, Liu Haizhong became a bad guy who condoned his family members' misdeeds during the probation period. He was reassigned back to the workshop and made decisions such as a half-year salary suspension, a major demerit, a public review, and admission to a study class for re-education. .

Liu Haizhong is a high-level skilled worker, so this punishment is considered extreme.

Ding Shangdong is a temporary employee. Li Xinmin took a fancy to his experience as a policeman and his professional ability, and temporarily hired him to train the factory security department personnel. He is not a "section chief". This matter is purely a rumor, spread by uninformed people. Regarding this matter, the factory security department has unified its thinking and will cooperate with the factory to actively refute the rumors.

This person acted without authorization during his temporary employment, which was his personal behavior. Deputy Section Chief Qian Jin and a group of security guards who were present at the time promptly stopped his illegal behavior, stopped him from committing further crimes, and averted the crisis from further deterioration of the situation.

Li Xinmin said that he was responsible for the oversight, and he would make serious self-criticism, personally explain and review the incident to higher authorities, learn lessons, and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

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