The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1867 Reincarnation

Zhu Gangxi is certainly no match for Su Yi.

Just like the previous encounter, when Su Yi killed all the human skin and sand puppets he had made, he decided to flee. But how could it be possible to escape?

Su Yi didn't kill him this time. After placing a fatal restraint on him, he threw him directly to Xiao Sha.

"I'll give you three days," Su Yi said to Xiao Sha. "After three days, I want to see him respect me like a god, so that he can change everything for me!"

Xiaosha looked divine: "Master, this job is very challenging, but don't worry, I can do it!"

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, turned around and set fire to the cannibal cave of Gaojiazhuang.

Under the blazing flames, his calm face was slightly distorted.

It was never his intention to forgive a man-eating pig, but exorcism couldn't be "killed with one blow," so he had no choice but to do so.

"Hello, sir, I am Duan Xiaoxiao from the Duan family in Cuiyun Mountain. I am also an exorcist. Can I meet you and make friends?"

A voice so gentle that it could squeeze out water came from behind.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, turned around and looked at Miss Duan who was standing behind her with a smile and expectant look on her face, and said, "My name is Chen Xuanzang, a monk who has not yet been ordained."

"Monk?" Duan Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, "The kind of monk who can't marry a wife?"

"Not only can't you marry a wife, you can't even have a relationship, and even saying more than a few words to a woman is a violation of the precept." Su Yi said, "I am breaking the precept right now."

"Then have you ever considered returning to secular life?" Duan Xiaoxiao asked.

"Not at all, I like my current status very much." Su Yi said.

"Sorry to bother you." Duan Xiaoxiao showed an embarrassed and disappointed smile, took two steps back, suddenly turned around and left quickly.

"Brother, women are meant to be pampered and should not be rejected so rudely by you. Can't you see that Miss Duan was interested in you just now?" A voice floated from the jungle not far away.

Su Yi didn't look back. He heard four empty footsteps, and then listened to the voice and knew who it was.

The empty son.

"I saw the fire of Gaojiazhuang from a long distance. I thought the pig demon had gone crazy, but I didn't expect that someone had surrendered him. Alas, it was a step too late."

Four middle-aged women carried Mr. Kong who was shaking his head and sighing to Su Yi. Mr. Kong glanced at Xiao Sha who was chattering to the pig demon not far away, and said with a smile: "Surrender without killing, brother, maybe you want to Taking advantage of the demon's self-respect, threatening the court, and defrauding the bounty? "

"Yes, so what if it's not?" Su Yi said.

"If you are, I will get rid of you, a scum that is just a mere appearance, for the sake of the world!" Young Master Kong said, "If you are not... I will also kill you, so that the girl just now can see clearly who is the real one." hero!"

Su Yi chuckled and said: "It's great that you think so, because I suddenly thought that your set of void swords is quite useful to me."

"Really? If you want my Kong Kong sword, then you have to see how much your brother weighs!" Young Master Kong sneered ferociously and took out his sword box.

A few breaths later, Young Master Kong, who had just been so majestic, lay on the ground like a dead dog, with a look of horror on his face and blood spurting out.

"Are you still fighting?" Su Yi asked without raising his eyes, playing with the nine small swords as thick as toothpicks in his hand.

"No fight, no fight!" Mr. Kong Kong said in horror while vomiting blood, "Your Excellency has great magic power, I am willing to be defeated!"

"You are so reasonable, don't you think you have any objection to me lending you the Void Sword?" Su Yi asked.

"Don't be stupid, how can I be so stingy?" Mr. Kong Kong said with a smile, his mouth full of blood, "Borrow it as you like, use it as you like, you can pay it back whenever you want! But my kidney seems to be broken, brother, I can’t chat with you anymore, I have to go back to heal.”

"Go." Su Yi said lazily.

"Thank you!"

Young Master Kong jumped up, ran wildly into the distance, and disappeared over the horizon in the blink of an eye.

Su Yi put away the Void Sword, and his eyes fell on Xiao Sha, who was chattering to Zhu Ganghe not far away.

The latter suddenly realized something and hurriedly turned his head to give Su Yi a flattering smile.

Three days later, Su Yi returned to the market with an energetic Xiao Sha and a dull-eyed Zhu Gangxi, and met the fat monk again.

"Xuan Zang, have you picked up a girl?" the fat monk said with a teasing look on his face.

"I don't." Su Yi said, "There is indeed a girl who has good intentions towards me, but I made it clear from the beginning that I am a monk, and that girl has already given up."

"Really?" The fat monk looked at him with a smile, "Then what do you think of love in the world?"

"Big love and small love are all love," Su Yi said, "It's just that I am a disciple of Buddhism and must abide by the precepts and rules. I can only pursue the great love that saves the world, and cannot be obsessed with human love."

"It makes sense, but it's still not enough. Xuanzang, Xuanzang, you are actually just a little bit behind." The fat monk said with a smile.

Su Yi said: "Master, I saved the fish demon and the pig demon."

The fat monk looked at the two demons behind Su Yi. Xiao Sha bowed to the fat monk with a smile, and kicked the helpless Zhu Gang's hyena. The latter bowed perfunctorily.

"Yes, you did a very good job this time." The fat monk nodded with satisfaction, "Your little bit is much less."

"But I feel unhappy." Su Yi looked at the fat monk, "They survived, but those poor people who were reduced to blood food had their souls scattered and no bones left. This is unfair."

"Xuan Zang, when did I teach you to practice for fairness in the world?" The fat monk asked, "Or in which Buddhist scriptures did you read that the Buddha demanded fairness in the world?"

Su Yi was startled and said: "All living beings are equal, is it just empty talk?"

"The so-called equality of all living beings means that there is no difference in self-nature, not that there is no difference between all living beings." The fat monk said, "All living beings have accumulated different merits, blessings, karma, etc. since time immemorial. Some people are born as princes and some are born as beggars. How can it be fair to be so different? But whether they are beggars or princes, their nature is the same. As long as they can realize their nature and achieve complete enlightenment, they can become successful. Buddha, that’s why Buddha said that all living beings are equal, but equality does not mean fairness, Xuanzang, do you understand?”

Su Yi was silent: "So in the eyes of the Buddha, there is no difference between a vicious demon and a good person who is dedicated to good?"

"Of course not." The fat monk said, "Otherwise, how could there be only subduing demons and eliminating virtues, but not virtues and good deeds? Xuanzang, you are in trouble. You are not just a little bit worse now."

He looked at Su Yi disappointedly, shook his head and sighed: "You have misunderstood the meaning of Buddhism, and you can't even accept our concept of subduing demons. You have disappointed me very much."

After a pause, he asked: "Xuan Zang, do you know Sun Wukong, the king of demons, who was suppressed by Buddha under the Five Elements Mountain five hundred years ago?"

Su Yi nodded.

"Go and save him." The fat monk said, "No matter what method you use, as long as you can save him, you will pass my test and I will pass on my mantle to you. But if you can't save him, you will pass my test." This is how we, our master and our disciples, end up."

"Yes, Master." Su Yi replied after a moment of silence.

"The two of them..."

"Just stay with me," the fat monk said. "Although Sun Wukong has been suppressed for five hundred years, his evil spirit is so strong that it is difficult to deal with him. If you want to deal with him, you must not be distracted, otherwise you will only die." ”

"Master, do you know the true sutra of Great Sun Tathagata?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course I know," the fat monk smiled, "but the exorcism concept in this scripture is not in line with ours, so I didn't teach you."

At this point, he waved his hands as if to shoo away flies: "Go, go, don't disturb me while I'm painting."

Su Yi glanced at the wall. Most of the notices had been torn off. Only a verse of scripture remained in the upper left corner - "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, after walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, he saw that the five aggregates are empty, and he can overcome all sufferings." …”

After Su Yi left, the fat monk painted a picture on the city wall in a few strokes.

The painting shows a man with his back to two women. The man clearly looks like Su Yi.

Two women, one charming and the other sassy. If Su Yi is here, he will definitely recognize that one of these two people is Hu Yifei and the other is Qin Yumo.

The fat monk looked at the painting he had made with satisfaction, and then wrote an inscription next to it: "The world is safe and sound, can I live up to the Tathagata and live up to you?"

Su Yi thought he had made it clear to Miss Duan, but she still blocked his way.

"I have thought about it for a long time, and I have decided to tell you that I like you. Can you not become a monk?" Miss Duan said to Su Yi nervously and expectantly.

"We just met twice and said a few words. Are you so hard to control your feelings for me?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't think it should be the case, but it's just so hard to help myself!" Miss Duan said excitedly, "You are in my head and in my heart! No matter where I am or what I do, I think of you! There is always someone in my heart. The voice tells me that you are a part of me and I want to combine with you. I must not miss you!"

Su Yi said: "If you really think so, why not go back and wait for me first."

"Waiting for you?" Miss Duan was startled and didn't know why.

"I want to do something and think about how you feel about me." Su Yi said, "Why don't you go back first and wait for me to come to you. No matter what choice I make, I will come back and give you an answer."

"Then it's a deal!" Miss Duan said excitedly.

Su Yi nodded, turned and left.

"Handsome!" Miss Duan looked at Su Yi's back obsessively until he disappeared.

Seeing Sun Wukong again, the latter was still so excited that he grabbed Su Yi's arm and refused to let go.

"I'm here to save you." Su Yi looked at Sun Wukong and said.

"Saved? I have been saved." Sun Wukong said excitedly, "Buddha saved me for five hundred years. Now my body is full of truth, goodness and beauty, and all the bad and negative things have been expelled from my body! It's true! , I can swear!”

"No, your fangs haven't been pulled out yet." Su Yi said.

"Poison fangs?" Sun Wukong was startled.

"It's your cultivation level." Su Yi said, "There is a saying in the world that when you hold a sharp blade, you will have a murderous intention. Unless your cultivation level is reduced to the point where you can't threaten anyone, you will never be considered a saved person. change."

"What do you mean?" Sun Wukong looked cold, "You want me to destroy my cultivation? I have so many enemies. If I lose my cultivation, it will be a dead end for me to go out! You are asking me to die!"

"It's not self-destruction, but being absorbed by me." Su Yi said, "I have a technique that can absorb other people's cultivation. As long as you don't resist, let me absorb your technique until I feel that you pose no threat to the world. After that, I will open the seal and let you out."

"Absorb my cultivation?" Sun Wukong was startled, then nodded after thinking for a moment: "That's fine, cultivation is not worth mentioning in the face of freedom. Isn't it just cultivation? I'll give it to you!"

Sun Wukong's attitude made Su Yi notice something was wrong, and he felt very uneasy in his heart.

has a problem!

Su Yi frowned and looked at him, thinking for a moment, but finally decided to follow his own ideas.

He couldn't beat Sun Wukong, and the only way he could think of at the moment was this. Even if he knew there were pitfalls on this road, he still had to try it once.

The technique Su Yi mentioned is an extremely domineering technique that was born in the mortal world after Ning Caichen integrated Nangong Wan's "True Secret of Reincarnation" and the original star-absorbing technique. It can absorb all energy. .

However, Ning Caichen's limited knowledge led to great flaws in this technique. The absorbed energy must be dissipated as soon as possible, otherwise it will conflict with the body's own magic power and cause the body to explode and die.

However, this defect no longer exists as Su Yi masters the law of fusion, and Su Yi can divide the absorbed energy into nine parts and process them in batches, which eliminates the possibility of energy conflict from the source.

"Since the Great Sage agrees, let's get started." Su Yi quickly deduced the risks involved in this matter in his mind.

Sun Wukong stretched out his hands: "Mr. Chen, please be gentle. My old arms and legs cannot withstand too much torture."

"I will." Su Yi smiled slightly, held Sun Wukong's hands, and suddenly started to use the technique!

The majestic energy instantly rushed into Su Yi's body like a river flowing into the sea!

This energy is getting bigger and more powerful. Su Yi's dark attribute reincarnation body, which was originally only in the foundation building stage, quickly returned to its peak cultivation level in just a few breaths, but the majestic mana is still rushing in!

When the mana reached a critical point, Su Yi decisively switched the body of reincarnation and used other attributes to absorb Sun Wukong's mana. At the same time, he used the law of fusion to completely merge the mana he had just absorbed with the body of reincarnation with dark attributes into one.

"Hehehehe..." Sun Wukong suddenly laughed maliciously, as if he wanted to say something.

Upon seeing this, Su Yi immediately cut off the operation of the technique and wanted to interrupt the absorption.

But it was easy to invite the gods but difficult to send them away. The rush of mana made Su Yi's attempts useless.

"You want my cultivation? Do you think my magic power is so easy to get?" Sun Wukong not only did not stop, but also increased the speed of delivery.

That is, Su Yi, if it had been any other person, his meridians would have exploded and he would have died.

"You have sucked so much mana from me, so just stay here and replace me!" At a certain moment, Sun Wukong suddenly stopped delivering mana and rose into the sky with a maniacal laugh.

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