When Sun Wukong rushed out of the cave, countless vines in the cave wrapped around him, but I don't know what method he used. In the next second, all the vines turned around and wrapped around Su Yi, but he himself didn't know what to do. Obstacle breaks out of the cellar!

Su Yi, who was tied up tightly, was frightened and naturally tried his best to break free, but he was shocked to find that not only could he not have any magic power, he could not even use the power of law!

This vine sealed all his power!

Sun Wukong wants Li to replace Tao Zang and let Su Yi replace him!

No matter how smart Su Yi was, he would never have imagined that he had such a skill, but he was not unprepared.

"Haha, I'm out..." Sun Wukong screamed excitedly after escaping from the cave, but he only shouted half of it——


The nine small swords quickly enlarged and stabbed the unsuspecting Sun Wukong from all directions, and then exploded with a bang!

These are the nine empty swords of Master Kong, which were arranged by Su Yi before entering the cellar.

The nine swords were all charged with the power of the Nirvana True Fire and the Extreme Yang True Thunder by Su Yi. At the moment of the explosion, the ice flames and the True Thunder exploded at the same time. Sun Wukong, who was surrounded by nine self-destructing magic swords, was instantly overwhelmed by the raging power!

Sun Wukong had just transferred at least half of his power to Su Yi, and now he was suddenly ecstatic and defenseless. Su Yi's trap immediately seriously injured him!

By the time he reacted and wanted to suppress the injury immediately, the raging burst of energy had triggered the surrounding Jueling Formation. Sun Wukong, who was caught off guard, was hit again. The mana he had just lifted was instantly drained, and the whole person suddenly fell down and passed through the hole. Write about falling into the cellar.


The fallen Sun Wukong was just about to get up when the vines in the cave suddenly branched out and wrapped around him tightly.

Although this process is a long story, it actually happens in just a few breaths. Almost as soon as Su Yi was tied up by the vines, Sun Wukong fell down.

At this time, the vines on the two people suddenly became golden and tightened suddenly!

The vines were like red-hot iron bars, instantly tightening into the flesh and blood, emitting "sizzling" black smoke.

Snapped! Snapped!

With two crisp sounds, two vines struck down at Sun Wukong and Su Yi one after another.

Su Yi finally understood why Sun Wukong screamed so miserably before.

The punishment of whipping is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It not only acts on the body, but also on the soul. When the whip comes down, it immediately becomes like a leech. It also absorbs the mana and blood of the person being whipped, leaving While people are in agony, they also have to endure huge losses.

And after being restrained, there is no way to use any resistance or defense means, you can only resist!

After nine lashes in a row, the punishment stopped. The vines binding the two men were quickly loosened and retracted. The golden light in the entire cellar gradually dissipated and returned to its previous appearance.

Sun Wukong was lying on the ground as if naked. Although Su Yi was in no less pain than him, he got up immediately, raised his palm and slashed at him with a knife!

The crack in space immediately swallowed Sun Wukong inside.

As soon as he broke free and walked out, he saw a fist quickly enlarged in front of his eyes. But as expected of the Monkey King, he reacted very quickly and immediately blocked the punch, and started a fierce fight with Su Yi in the small cellar.

"Enough!" At a certain moment, Sun Wukong roared and jumped out of the battle circle, "If we continue to fight, no one will be able to take advantage, and the restriction will be triggered to attack you and me again!"

"So what?" Su Yi attacked again.

"I have good intentions to save you, but you actually cheated me. Let's fight to the death!" Su Yi said quickly while attacking frantically.

"Don't think I can't kill you!" Sun Wukong roared angrily as he was tired of dealing with it.

"Do you dare?" Su Yi sneered, "Kill me and you will have no hope of escaping!"


Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong suddenly burst out with a huge blow and forcibly separated from Su Yi.

"Stop!" he shouted, and in a very fast tone: "There is no point in continuing the fight, let's negotiate! Don't you want to save me?"

Su Yi stopped, looked at Sun Wukong and sneered: "Do you think I will be fooled by you? You just want me to be sealed instead of you!"

"I admit it, but are you the one who said you want to pull out my fangs? Did I come up with this idea?" Sun Wukong shouted excitedly, "The Tathagata sealed my power, and he will seal it on anyone who has this power." ! It was you who proposed to absorb my power, and you jumped into this pit. Do you blame me? "

"Now that you have half my strength, neither you nor I can get out! We are all trapped here. Only by working together can we escape. There is no point in fighting each other!"

"You almost escaped just now!" Su Yi said.

"But you made arrangements in advance and ruined my good deeds!" Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and glared angrily at Su Yi, "Now I have to swallow my anger and negotiate with you, just because of you, a cunning and cunning guy! Now you and I are trapped in Therefore, only by working together can we escape..."

"Who said I was going out?" Su Yi interrupted him, "I would rather be trapped here and die than bring harm to the world."

Sun Wukong was stunned for a while and then said: "You don't want to go out? How could you not want to go out?"

"What's the use of going out? The world is like a prison. Compared with here, the outside is just a bigger cage." Su Yi said.

"Even if the world is a prison, it's better than being trapped here!" Sun Wukong sneered, "If you were trapped in this hellish place for five hundred years, you wouldn't say such nonsense!"

"Since you want to go out so much, wouldn't you just just pass all your power to me?" Su Yi said, "Losing power or losing freedom, it's your choice."

"Are you willing to be trapped here instead of me?" Sun Wukong asked,

"If I don't go to hell, who will?" Su Yi said lightly.

"False benevolence and righteousness!" Sun Wukong sneered, "But don't dream! If I were really willing to give up my cultivation, I would have gone out five hundred years ago and would not be trapped until now!"

Su Yi was silent, knowing that what Sun Wukong said was true.

What is sealed in this cellar is really only Sun Wukong's power. If Sun Wukong is willing to give up his cultivation, he will not be trapped here at all.

"You just sucked half of my cultivation. As long as you are willing to give up, you can get out right away." Sun Wukong looked at Su Yi with a sneer, "But are you willing?"

"Your power doesn't matter to me, but converting you is very important to me." Su Yi looked at Sun Wukong, "If I want to convert you, I have to pull out your fangs."

"You and I are equally powerful, and you've absorbed so much of my strength. At worst, we won't be the same after we get out..." Sun Wukong said.

But his words were interrupted again by Su Yi: "Even if I really absorb half of your power, I will still be no match for you after I get out. Stop playing the great sage. You are just pretending to be evenly matched with me. You just It’s just to give me the illusion that I can control the situation and give me the illusion that I can deal with you. I won’t be fooled by you.”

As Su Yi made his words clear, Sun Wukong's expression became particularly gloomy: "Since I can't deceive you, then I have no choice but to take back my cultivation and take your life by the way!"

"Come on." Su Yi assumed the posture of Huang Feihong, "If I don't beat the shit out of you, you will be clean."

Sun Wukong's face twitched sharply twice, and his momentum was suddenly released. He waved his hands and said: "Forget it, I know I can't scare you. It's really pointless for the two of us to fight. We can't get out now anyway."

"I don't care," Su Yi said, "The worst I can do is stay here with the Great Sage for another five hundred years."

"It doesn't matter to me." Sun Wukong chuckled, "It's better to have someone with me than to be alone."

"Since everyone doesn't care, let's leave it at that." Su Yi simply found a corner and sat down, "Does the Great Sage mind if I recite sutras? After all, I am a monk."

"Of course I don't mind," Sun Wukong smiled and squatted on the stone table, "I haven't been influenced by Buddhism for many years."

"That's good."

"Of course."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if they were about to see each other's impatience.

Su Yi really started chanting sutras. Although he was a Taoist disciple, he also studied Buddhist sutras. He thought of the "Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" written by the fat monk on the wall, and casually recited: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walk After a long time in the deep Prajna Paramita, you will see that all the five aggregates are empty, and you will be able to overcome all suffering..."

Su Yi swore that he was really chanting casually, but Sun Wukong in front of him suddenly hugged his head, fell to the ground, and roared in pain.

Su Yi was startled, and the chanting suddenly stopped, and Sun Wukong's pain seemed to stop immediately.

They both stared at each other blankly and blinked in unison.

The next second, Su Yi quickly continued to recite: "Relic! Form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from color; form is emptiness, emptiness is form; feelings, thoughts, and consciousness are also like this..."

"Stop reading, I told you to stop reading!" Sun Wukong's face was twisted and ferocious in pain. He held his head with one hand and grabbed Su Yi with the other.

But Su Yi teleported to the other corner.

"Relics! All dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing..."

"Ahhhh..." Sun Wukong started somersaulting while holding his head, looking like he was in agony.

"That's why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, no color, no sound, fragrance, touch, no vision, or even the unconscious world..."

Su Yi watched all this coldly and continued to chant rapidly.

"Ahhh!" Sun Wukong was so painful that his head split open!

It really cracked!

His whole body was shaking violently, and blazing white light emitted from the crack in his head.

The moment he saw the white light, Su Yi's eyes suddenly showed horror and he hurriedly stopped chanting.

Destroy the white light!

This is the annihilating white light from before!


Su Yi hurriedly switched to the dark attribute body of reincarnation, and the next second the annihilating white light burst out, covering the entire world!

When he regained consciousness, Su Yi found himself standing in the noisy and lively market again.

Perhaps due to the close proximity to Sun Wukong, the condition of the dark attribute reincarnation body was worse than last time. Its cultivation was completely ruined, with only a little breath left, and it was completely on its deathbed.

If it weren't for the tremendous power of Sun Wukong that Su Yi absorbed this time, and if it weren't for the fact that his fairy body was completely made of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, I'm afraid this reincarnation body would have been directly destroyed this time!

Why is this happening?

Su Yi's eyes flashed with confusion, and within his body, a trickle of vitality nourished the wisp of vitality that was as thin as a gossamer in his dark attribute samsara body.

"Xuan Zang, are you ready to conquer demons?"

The question from the fat monk in front of him brought Su Yi back to his consciousness.

It's like a lifetime ago, another reincarnation.

Su Yi looked at this smiling fat face, and his heart surged.

"Master, I'm not ready yet." He looked at the fat monk and pointed at the scriptures on the wall behind the fat monk. "I want to know why Master wrote this Heart Sutra?"

"You finally noticed this scripture, Xuanzang." The fat monk seemed very happy, "The so-called self-nature is empty, this is the supreme prajna. As long as you can understand it thoroughly, you can survive all sufferings, achieve ultimate nirvana, and achieve Bodhi Fruit! This is the ultimate core concept of our lineage to exorcise demons, and it is also the top secret weapon of our lineage.”

He happily pointed at the "Three Hundred Children's Songs" in Su Yi's hand and said: "Go and practice our concept of exorcism. Once you have saved the people you should save, you will understand everything."

"Yes, Master." Su Yi looked deeply at the fat monk, turned and left.

The fat monk looked at Su Yi's back with a profound look in his eyes. He turned around and "brushed" a few strokes to outline the image of a woman with short hair.

It is the image of Wen Hui!

"Only when you have experienced pain can you realize the suffering of all living beings; only after you have been concerned can you no longer be concerned. Xuanzang, when you really understand the truth that feelings, thoughts, actions and consciousness are all empty, you will break this reincarnation..."


"There must be something wrong!" Su Yi thought hard on the way to Shahe Village.

Before, he had always thought that the annihilation of the white light was caused by the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, but this time he was reincarnated, he did not recite the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, he recited the Heart Sutra!

But the annihilating white light still appears!

This time he could see clearly that the annihilating white light burst out from Sun Wukong's head.

Could it be that it was Sun Wukong who caused reincarnation?

Could it be that we cannot use violence to treat Sun Wukong, but can only use gentle methods to truly "influence" the other party?

But this is absolutely an impossible task!

Su Yi simply didn't believe there was any way to make Sun Wukong, who had been trapped for five hundred years, really let go of everything and no longer harbor resentment.

Using oneself to save others, Su Yi asked himself that he would never be able to do it.

Why does the fat monk say that the "Great Sun Tathagata Sutra" does not conform to "our" concept of exorcism, but it can trigger a slap from the Buddha?

Why does Sun Wukong's head split open when he chants the Heart Sutra, triggering a white light of annihilation?

Why Sun Wukong?

Why is there annihilating white light?

Why does it keep reincarnating?

What kind of world is this?

How should we break this situation?

When Su Yi arrived at Shahe Village, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He didn't know what to do first.

He did not act rashly, but stood at the entrance of the village and watched the liar Taoist priest deceive the villagers, causing several villagers to be killed by the fish demon.

He watched Duan Xiaoxiao use her power to subdue the fish demon, and watched her accept the worship of the villagers calmly.

He looked at Duan Xiaoxiao who was about to walk past him, but suddenly tilted his head and looked at him and asked, "What do you call him?"

"Xuan Zang," Su Yi replied subconsciously, "Chen Xuanzang."

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