The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 477 Crazy Iron Rolling

Modern combat training, after long-term development, exploration and summary, has a scientific and complete strength training system. While ensuring the best training results with the highest efficiency, it also ensures to a great extent that trainers will not be injured due to concentrated and high-intensity training, or the muscles and bones will be overwhelmed, leaving hidden physical risks.

Technology is advancing and the industry is developing. Although modern fighting has been reduced to an entertainment sport, and there is no such thing as a "killing skill", in terms of training, it is definitely an earth-shaking change compared to traditional martial arts.

After breakfast, Su Yi started the first round of training on the first day.

According to the training plan Luo Ge made for him, he had three rounds of training every morning, noon and evening, each round was about two hours. The main part of each round of training included five training rounds. There was a warm-up before training, and a special training session to improve flexibility after training. Technical grip training.

It doesn’t seem too tiring because there is plenty of rest time, but that’s not the case.

These six hours are concentrated and high-intensity targeted training, and each set of exercises challenges the limits of the human body!

After one round of training every two hours, the muscles and bones can get a certain degree of relief and recovery after extreme exercise, and then the second round of training starts immediately.

In other words, what looks like rest is actually restoring muscles and avoiding damage caused by overtraining.

Except for weight training, the rest of the training process is carried out according to the most advanced Tabada training model. Each training round is completed for about five minutes, and then there is a one-minute rest period before continuing with the next round.

Because today is the first day, the amount of exercise has been reduced to a certain extent.

It starts with a warm-up, a 25-meter sprint, then walks back to the starting point and starts again. After repeating it for almost ten times, do simple stretching to prepare for formal training.

"Today is your first day of training, so I will keep an eye on you personally." Brother Luo watched Su Yi sprint over and over again with his hands behind his back, and said to the side, "From tomorrow on, I won't keep an eye on you the whole time. I will Give your training to Awen and let him be your personal assistant.”

"The purpose of the warm-up is to increase your heart rate and activate the muscle fibers to prepare for further strength training and explosive movements. After the warm-up, rest for one minute, and we will officially start the first set of training today."

Maybe it’s because I haven’t exercised much for a long time, or maybe it’s because this 25-meter sprint seems simple, but in fact, the amount of exercise is not small.

After Su Yi finished warming up, he was already sweating and felt a little tired.

But the whole person was also excited.

The first round of training begins.

First, there are ten push-ups, then immediately do ten push-ups, then ten bench arm flexions and extensions. The whole process is done without interruption, and the cycle is completed continuously.

Under Brother Luo's loud orders, Su Yi couldn't stop at all. He just mechanically performed training movements one after another, and he was so tired that his breath was like a bellows.

When the five minutes were up, Brother Luo immediately shouted to stop.

"Okay, rest for a minute and move your limbs a little bit." He said, "This set of movements mainly trains your upper arms, chest muscles, deltoid muscles and back muscles, as well as your endurance. The next round is the whole body The purpose of participating in circuit training is to improve your ability to perform movements under extreme conditions and your ability to resist fatigue..."

Brother Luo works conscientiously and conscientiously. Not only does he personally demonstrate each movement, but he also explains in detail to Su Yi what the purpose of doing it is and what the principle is. He explains it in simple terms so that Su Yi can train clearly.

Su Yi couldn't stop breathing at this moment, and his whole body looked like he had just been lifted out of the water.

The essence of the Tabada training mode is that in just one round of five minutes, you will be completely exhausted and squeeze out the last bit of your potential.

But after just a minute's rest, Su Yi immediately started the second round of training.

The training intensity in this round has been increased. First, they carried a 50kg sandbag. The purpose was to improve their strength and throwing ability.

ten times!

After ten repetitions of carrying the sandbag, immediately proceed to ten repetitions of the dumbbell press.

The dumbbells are 25 pounds, not too heavy.

Then ten dumbbell push-ups.

Put down the dumbbells and do ten more standing jumps.

A round is still counted as five minutes.

After doing this combination, Su Yi couldn't even stand up.

His lungs were burning and his heart was jumping into his throat. He was breathing rapidly and sweating like rain.

"Get up!" Brother Luo turned into a devil training expert and drove Su Yi up from the ground without mercy.

"Today is your first day of training. All exercise has been reduced to 60%, and you can't stand it anymore? Then give up as soon as possible and don't waste each other's time!"

"Move, move, keep moving your body! Otherwise your muscles will freeze!"

At the end of each set of training, there is a one-minute rest period.

But where is one minute enough?

Su Yi didn't even catch his breath before the next set of training exercises started again.

"The purpose of high-intensity circuit training is to increase your heart rate and improve the tolerance of your entire body." Brother Luo gave a demonstration while shouting, "Ten times of high-leg running, faster, faster! Faster, faster, faster !”

Like a ghost urging death.

As soon as the high-leg running is over, I immediately practice knee bumps while holding a sandbag, still doing a set of ten times.

Then there are alternating wave speed ball jumps and dumbbell lunges.

After this set of movements, Su Yi really felt like he was about to die.

His whole body was shaking, and he felt like his body was no longer his own.

However, these were only three rounds, and the training only lasted more than 20 minutes.

In the fourth round of training, weight training began.

Ten reps of weighted sumo squats, ten reps of shoulder presses, ten reps of overhead shoulder circles, and ten reps of weighted waist arches.

To be honest, Su Yi didn't know how he survived this group.

Every second, every movement, he had to use all his strength!

Every movement he made was roaring like a beast, his whole body trembling with difficulty as he completed it.

Every second, he felt like he was really dying!

But in the end, he survived the difficult five minutes!

"Don't lie down, get up, get up! Walk slowly, move slowly!" Brother Luo pushed Su Yi's body and shouted, but there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Of course he could see that Su Yi couldn't hold it anymore, but this man didn't even say a word and insisted on persisting.

This is really not easy.

"You have three minutes to rest this time. Walk slowly, let's go to the backyard!" Brother Luo said slowly, looking at Su Yi who was panting like a bellows.

The fifth round of training is also the last part of physical training. This part of training is mainly to improve core strength.

This time there is no longer a five-minute time limit. The first set of events in this round is sledding.

The sled is not a real sled, but a fifty kilogram barbell tied to a rope. What Su Yi has to do is pull the barbell with a rope and circle it twenty times in the yard!

There is no time limit, but once you start, you can never stop.

When Su Yi heard about this training program, he really felt like peeing.

He felt like he would really get hurt! This exercise is too intense, can he really endure it?

The muscles all over his body are sore now. If he pulls such a heavy barbell for twenty rounds again, he will die!

He expressed his worries to Brother Luo in a vague way.

The latter acted very coldly: "Are you afraid of getting hurt? Then let me tell you, it is really possible to get hurt! If you are afraid, stop practicing!"

"That's what MMA is like. Training is cruel, and being on stage is even more cruel! Injuries are trivial, and you can die anytime, anywhere! Now I'm just asking you to train, and you're afraid of getting hurt? So why are you still boxing?"

"I'm not afraid of getting injured, I'm afraid of delaying training because of injury!" Su Yi defended, "I promised you to defeat Amin in three months. If I get injured..."

"Be afraid, just be afraid, don't make any excuses!" Brother Luo shouted angrily, "How can you box if you are hesitant? If you don't want to practice, get out now!"


The irritation made Su Yi feel fierce, and without saying a word, he grabbed the rope and started to pull forward.

Although the barbell weighs only 50 kilograms, plus the friction of the dirt floor, you can imagine how hard Su Yi had to pull!

It was almost fifty meters in a circle around the yard. Su Yi had only done half a circle and was already so tired that stars were popping up in his eyes.

The thought of having to pull nineteen and a half more laps filled him with despair.

How the hell can you persist like this?

Why should I suffer this?

It's just a performance task, is it worth working so hard?

Not to mention that once you step out of this studio world, all the muscles you have developed now have returned to their original state, which is like practicing in vain.

Why should I be so stupid?

There were a hundred reasons to give up in his mind, but there was no excuse to continue practicing.

Is this unnecessary struggle really meaningful?

Moreover, I really can’t hold on anymore!

Nineteen and a half laps! Nineteen and a half circles!

And after pulling the barbell, there are other sports.

It feels like a never-ending torture. Is it really necessary to persist?

Give up, give up...

Su Yi's mind was full of thoughts of giving up, but his men still struggled to pull the barbells forward.

He couldn't stop.

Even if he slowed down, Brother Luo's disappointed eyes, Amin's disdainful eyes, and Aben's contemptuous curses would appear in his mind.

He was thinking that with the same training, Amin can do it, Ben can do it, and any professional boxer who plays MMA can do it.

Is it possible that he, a great actor, should shamefully admit defeat midway and throw up his hands in surrender?

Even though he had a hundred or a thousand reasons to give up, he still couldn't stop!

Don't dare to stop, can't stop, and don't want to stop!

One lap, two laps - fifteen laps, sixteen laps...

Full of entanglement, Su Yi miraculously persevered!

When he found that he only had four laps left, he roared like a beast and pushed forward!

persist in!

Keep it up!

Even though every step he took was extremely painful, he still persisted.

Will it hurt, is it worth the effort, are there pros and cons, don’t think about anything!

There was only one thought in his mind - four laps left!

Three laps left!

Two laps!

Then - with difficulty, we passed the finish line of twenty laps!

"Ahhhh!" Su Yi threw off the rope on his shoulder, waved his fist fiercely, and roared angrily at Brother Luo.

Like a roaring lion.

I don’t know why, but he was completely exhausted before, but at this moment, he miraculously still had energy left.

Brother Luo clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Not bad. Seeing that you are so energetic, let's continue."

Next, it’s time to smash the tires!

Use a big hammer to hit the truck's tires.

After ten times, throw away the hammer and roll the tire twenty times around the backyard!

Really deeply desperate!

Su Yi felt like he was falling into a never-ending nightmare.

He was even numb, numbly making mechanical movements and numbly persisting.

He was too tired to think about anything. He had lost the ability to think.

Even if he was asked to rest now, he would not dare to rest, because Su Yi knew that once he stopped, he would never be able to move again.

It seemed like a century had passed, and Su Yi finally heard a sound like the sound of nature.

"Okay, this morning's training is over!"

Su Yi fell down almost subconsciously, but was supported by Brother Luo.

"Don't lie down, do ten sets of stretching. You can do it slower, but you must finish it!" Brother Luo shouted, "Do you know how stiff your muscles are now? If you don't stretch to relieve them now, the muscles have been trained, but they are not They are stiff muscles with no flexibility! This is simply a fatal flaw for a boxer!"

"Just stretching, just stretching, just stretching..." Su Yi comforted herself, using amazing perseverance to finish the post-training stretching precariously.

During this process, Brother Luo on the side was very dissatisfied and said: "The training intensity is only 60%, and there is still no grip training. Just this, you have spent nearly three hours! Your physical fitness is better than mine." Worst I’ve ever seen!”

"I'm telling you Ah Hao, based on your physical fitness, if you want to become a qualified boxer, you must work twice as hard as others! If you really want to achieve some results in MMA, you must even work ten times as hard! "

"You must clearly understand your own shortcomings, and you must have the determination and perseverance to endure hardships! A boxer must have a strong body! If you want to fight MMA based on skills alone, that is wishful thinking!"

Su Yi gritted his teeth and stretched silently.

Now that his consciousness returned a little, he also felt that his performance was a bit poor.

He said loudly that he wanted to defeat Amin, but now he can't even complete the most basic daily training of a boxer...

He was hit, but he did not lose confidence, but became a little more determined.

"Come on, follow me upstairs!"

Seeing Su Yi finish stretching, he said nothing, turned around and walked towards the building first.

There is a special sports care department in the club, and there is a middle-aged man who does post-training massages. Everyone calls him Uncle Ren.

"Uncle Ren, I leave it to you!" Brother Luo patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said to Uncle Ren, "From now on, he will press it three times a day, no less in the morning, noon and evening, and the force can be stronger."

"Don't worry, Brother Luo, leave it to me, there will be no problem." Uncle Ren smiled and motioned for Su Yi to lie down, pinched Su Yi's body, and said in surprise: "So stiff? He is very strong."

"He can't do it himself." Brother Luo shook his head, turned and left.

After turning a corner, Tai Sui met him head-on. He smiled and said to Brother Luo: "Brother Luo, I see that Ah Hao persisted for five rounds. The completion of the first training was so high. He really worked hard." ”

Hearing this, Brother Luo said with a satisfied smile on his face: "I didn't expect this kid to be able to persevere... Tai Sui, but don't praise him. This kid is a bit arrogant, and I just want to rub him off."

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