The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 529 Transfer again


"They won't react so quickly." Su Yi narrowed his eyes and said faintly.

After a pause, he turned his head and said to Gabriel: "Turn around and go to the predetermined location."

Ten minutes later, the Cambodian ship was breached. Brakunso, who had run out of ammunition and food, jumped into the sea in despair with five gold bars. After the police boarded the ship to check, they found nothing.

Twenty-five minutes later, Su Yi received a call from the bait over there.

"Brother Zha, I can't hold on anymore."

"Abandon ship and detonate." Su Yi said expressionlessly.

"Okay, Brother Zha, help us take care of our family."

"Don't worry, I will."

On the other side, the Baiyue people who were used as bait threw the phone into the water and said to the three companions behind him: "You can go."

They quickly boarded the speedboat that had been prepared and sailed quickly to the depths of the vast sea.

After leaving the cargo ship for some distance, he took out a remote control and pressed the switch decisively.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded on the cargo ship, a huge fireball rose into the sky, white smoke filled the air, raging flames spread, and the entire ship was on fire.

"It's that kind of poisonous gas bomb, get out of the way! Don't be downwind, retreat, retreat!" the police commander who directed the operation ordered in panic.

The besieging police officers dispersed in a hurry.

"Catch them and never let them escape!" the commander pointed at the speedboat going away and said with gritted teeth.

The helicopter quickly flew over there, and several speedboats followed closely.

The commander quickly reported the situation to Brother One, who said angrily: "Put out the fire immediately! The gold is probably on the burning ship!"

"Sir, there is no way to put out the fire!" the commander cried out in agony. "You have seen the flames of this kind of gas bomb with your own eyes. You can only wait for it to burn out on its own, otherwise it will not be extinguished at all!"

"Bastard! I don't care what you think of, save the gold immediately!" Brother Yi was strangely angry. This was his only chance to make amends.


"Sorry, sir!" The commander took a deep breath and hung up the phone.

"Listen to my order, everyone, move back one nautical mile! Don't get close to that ship!" The commander gave an order that was completely opposite to Brother Yi's wishes.

Rescue gold?

If the gold is really on this burning ship, even the gods can't save the gold!

The blazing flames quickly burned through the ship, and the ships on the other side began to sink.

Even though the lower half of the hull sank into the water, the fire was still burning, and the sea surface there was boiling, steaming, and rolling violently.

After a while, the entire ship disappeared on the sea.

The commander's walkie-talkie soon received a report from the leader of the assault team who was chasing the gangsters, telling him that all four gangsters had surrendered and were captured alive. Ten gold bars were found from their speedboat. It seemed that they planned to take them with them. He escaped with these ten gold bars.

"Where is the other gold? Ask them, where is the other gold?" the commander asked anxiously.

The intercom was on over there and asked directly: "Tell me, where is the other gold?"

An arrogant voice came: "Hahaha, we can't take it away, and you can't even think about it! Want gold? Go to Haidilao to fish!"

Did the gold really sink into the sea with that ship?

The commander shook his head in disappointment, took a long breath, and called the first brother of the police force to report the situation here.

At this time, no one cared about the Panamanian cargo ship that had disappeared on the sea level, because everyone felt that the gold had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

The next step for the police is to seal off the sea area, and the water ghost team takes action to make money in the sea.

Hong Kong Island is still in a mess, and gold has sunk to the bottom of the sea. Who has time to take care of an African cargo ship smuggling arms?

Let it die!

The Panamanian cargo ship traveled at full speed and soon left the waters of Hong Kong Island and reached the high seas.

At this time, everyone on the boat was slightly relieved, because from this moment on, the Hong Kong Island police had lost their law enforcement powers.

On the high seas, only the country in which the ship is registered, namely Panama, is qualified to enforce law on the ship.

Of course, if the Hong Kong police really catch up, they will never care about this.

If they are sure that more than 80 tons of gold are on this ship, they will do whatever it takes.

However, the police did not catch up with the ship when it reached the high seas. It was certain that Su Yi's plan of concealing the truth must have worked.

After driving for another half an hour, when they were about to reach the waters of Maid Country, a cargo ship was docked on a deserted rocky island ahead. Su Yi looked through the binoculars and saw a woman on top of the cargo ship. I happened to be looking over with my binoculars.

The two looked at each other, couldn't help but smile heartily, and waved vigorously to each other.


Who is it if it’s not Adi?

This was another back-up prepared by Su Yi for himself. After he separated from Adi in the morning, he asked Adi to go to another dock, rented a cargo ship to go to sea, and agreed to wait here.

Although there was no problem with this Panamanian cargo ship for a short period of time, it was "registered" with the Hong Kong Island police after all. If we continue to ride it around, there will definitely be endless troubles.

Therefore, the most critical step for the golden cicada to shed its shell is to completely shed this body.

Su Yi turned around with a smile and said to Gabriel on the side: "Captain, I think it's time for us to say goodbye."

Gabriel immediately said after hearing this: "Brother Zha, don't worry, my crew and I will keep it secret. And we will attract the attention of the Hong Kong police to the Pacific Ocean for you, so you can sit back and relax and go where you want to go." anywhere."

Su Yi smiled and patted his shoulder: "Gabriel, you are our forever friend."

"Of course, of course! Haha!" Gabrielle laughed, "Friends, it's our share..."

The reason why he helped Su Yi like this was not only because of the military deterrence of the three Vietnamese brothers, but also for profit.

Tony promised to give him a box of gold, and Gabriel took the risk and agreed to help.

"Don't worry, we won't treat our good friends badly." Su Yi smiled and took out the gun and pointed it at Gabriel's forehead.


One shot to the head.

While Gabriel fell to the ground unwillingly, gunfire erupted on the ship. Tony and Ahu, who had already planned it, led their brothers to kill all the Africans.

"The world is too painful, I will send you to heaven." Su Yi looked at Gabriel's body and made a cross on his chest, "The holy light is fooling you, my friend."

Five minutes later, the sporadic gunfire stopped completely. Su Yi ordered Tony: "Let the brothers who can sail the boat take over the ship, and the remaining people gather the bodies first. Put the bodies together and don't throw them into the sea. In case of emergency If it drifts somewhere and is discovered by the police in advance, then we won’t have any fun.”

"Understood." Tony simply accepted the order and left.

Soon, the ship also arrived at the reef island over there. The two ships stopped side by side, one behind the other. Su Yi came towards this side with a few people.

After boarding the ship, Su Yi found that Adi was pointing a gun at a frightened fat man, and there were people kneeling on the deck.

Su Yi cast a questioning look.

Adi shrugged and said, "This guy realized something was wrong, wanted to call the police, and wanted to return, but I discovered it, and that's it."

"Spare your life, spare your life..." the fat man trembled.

Su Yi smiled and said to the people behind him: "Take them off the boat to help."

"Yes, Brother Zha." The boys quickly and roughly drove people off the boat, driving all the crew members off.

Adi put away his gun, suddenly came over, hugged Su Yi, and put his mouth to her.

Su Yi was not polite either. After a tense and exciting battle, he also needed to vent.

The two of them kissed for a while, both of them were out of breath and aroused.

But Su Yi knew that this was not the time, so he stopped the little wild leopard and said: "Do business first!"

Adi moved his arms up and down, reluctantly took out his hand, bit his lip, stared at Su Yi's face like nails, exhaled like a blue breath and said: "Those crew members, you don't want to kill them all, do you?"

Su Yi burst into laughter: "Them? They pose no threat to us, and I still want to use them, so why should I kill them?"

He patted his brother on the face and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a murderer."

Adi seemed to be relieved, glanced down, pointed at the bump and couldn't help but chuckled: "You look like can you go down to see your brother?"

Su Yihun didn't care and said leisurely: "When did you see the boss working in person?"

He walked to the fence, made a trumpet shape with his hands, and shouted to Tony, who was not far away directing the brothers to carry the gold: "Tony! Move all our 80 tons of gold over here!"

On the other side, Tony looked over in surprise, was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but laugh.

He looked around and saw excited smiles on the faces of the younger brothers.

"Brother! Eighty tons of gold are all ours!" Tony shouted in the distance.

"Oh oh oh oh..." the boys screamed excitedly.

The crew members who were forced to carry the gold turned pale when they heard this, and some even collapsed on the ground.

Su Yi turned around with a smile and said to his brother, "Isn't that okay?"

Twenty minutes later, all the gold was moved over.

Tony gathered the crew under the boat, and his younger brothers surrounded them with guns drawn.

The crew members cried and begged for mercy.

At this moment, Su Yi leisurely walked down from the boat step by step.

As usual, after another round of threats and inducements, the crew members obeyed and agreed to serve Su Yi and the others.

Su Yi never thought of killing them, because Su Yi needed them alive and kept reporting to their company that "everything was normal."

When Su Yi gets to where he should be, when the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as fish can leap, it will be meaningless for these crew members to call the police and stay alive.

Therefore, they pose no danger to Su Yi at all, so there is no need to kill and silence him.

Su Yi picked a few more boys, gave them a sum of money, and asked them to drive the African man's boat and continue sailing along the established route. If the police catch up, they should abandon the ship and run away. If the police don't pursue them, they will also abandon the ship when it reaches Hawaii. Let them find a way to get to Baiyelai to join the main force, and then they will be given twice as much money.

A big reward must be rewarded by a brave man, so the few brothers happily accepted this arduous task.

As a result, the two ships sailed away from the reef island in two completely different directions.

At this moment, the Hong Kong police officers had already begun fishing for gold at the location of the sunken ship. Unconsciously, the gold had already left them.

At the same time, Hong Kong Island.

Gas bomb attacks, widespread rumors of panic, young and Dangerous gangsters taking advantage of the fire, traffic paralysis, and the police's inability to control the situation...

The city was wailing, unstoppably heading towards the abyss of chaos.

However, what no one expected was that at this time, the largest community in Hong Kong Island would stand up.

Wang Bao issued a series of instructions to all the gangs, and soon the bosses of each gang took to the streets with tens of thousands of young and Dangerous boys.

They did not take advantage of the situation to rob and do evil as the citizens imagined. Instead, they started fighting with the gangsters who took advantage of the situation.

Many gangsters who committed robberies were beaten up and fled. The victimized citizens looked in shock at the gangster who had forced him to hand over the money with a knife one moment, and was kicked to the ground and beaten violently by another group of gangsters the next moment.

While fighting back, he scolded: "Master Bao has an order. Hong Kong Island is the home of all of us. Now that someone is demolishing our home, everyone should fight these bastards to the end! Not only do you guys fail to protect our common home, Are you taking advantage of the situation and helping the enemy deal with your own people? What the hell, they are like dogs and will beat you every time they see you!"

Then, the stolen money was returned to the victimized citizens. The young and Dangerous boy who has done good deeds said very arrogantly: "Hey, don't thank me! We are just protecting Hong Kong Island. Once the bad guys are beaten away, I still have to charge you protection fees. Is it clear? clear?"

Scenes like this happen in every street and alley in Hong Kong Island.

The person who knows Young and Dangerous the best is, of course, Young and Dangerous himself.

Wang Bao's men can pinpoint which young and Dangerous boys are taking advantage of the situation and where they are operating. Often, one moment the gangsters were raping and looting, and the next moment Wang Bao's men were like magic soldiers descending from the sky, beating these people up.

If someone is too excessive or bad, the Young and Dangerous boys will follow the rules of the road and break their hands and feet, or cut them into six holes.

Others couldn't find the young and Dangerous boy who was causing trouble, but they knew his contact information, so they called him directly and asked him to come over and receive punishment.

As a result, such dramatic scenes occurred in many places.

A gangster was robbing someone when he suddenly received a call. His face changed drastically: "Did Mr. Bao really speak in person? Okay, I'll stop right now. Don't say I did it..."

Then return the stolen items to their owners and run away.

So some owners were crying secretly after being robbed. After a while, suddenly the gangster who just robbed him came back.

"It's you again? You've already robbed me once, what else do you want?" The owner was very sad and angry.

The gangsters smiled playfully and returned what they had grabbed to him: "Sorry, we were practicing just now. You were the lucky audience we selected. It's okay now. Now, don't talk nonsense around. You don't recognize me. I I haven’t seen you either, otherwise you would be so good-looking..."

"..." The owner was dumbfounded, unable to understand the world.

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