"Dear viewers, earlier today, terrorists planted 18 gas bombs in the 18th district of Hong Kong Island. As a result, 11 gas bombs exploded and seven were defused by the police. In addition, the terrorists They also used gas bombs to attack the Repulse Bay villa area and Building B of the Police Headquarters. The real target of the terrorists is actually the 120 tons of gold in the Hong Kong Island vault!"

"Unfortunately, according to data given by the police, terrorists stole 86 tons of gold. Only a small amount of gold was preserved because it was buried under the rubble when the gangsters burst into the vault... At present, the police have It was announced that this terrorist gang had been eliminated, and a total of 21 terrorists were killed and four arrested..."

"The eighty-six tons of gold stolen were sunk into the sea by desperate terrorists. The police have currently blocked off the sea area where the shipwreck was sunk and are conducting gold salvage operations. According to a deputy director of the police force, the salvage work will be completed by the latest It will all be over within three days.”

"Ten minutes ago, the Hong Kong Governor's Office held an impromptu press conference. The spokesman said that this was a terrorist attack that dehumanized humanity and should be condemned by all mankind. The masterminds of this attack, the Huatian and Tianyang Sheng gangs, wanted to rob the treasury. Gold, he did not hesitate to coerce the innocent citizens of Hong Kong Island and dropped poison gas bombs all over Hong Kong Island, causing heavy casualties..."

"The spokesman of the Hong Kong government called on citizens not to believe and spread rumors, to return home as soon as possible and not to linger on the streets. He assured that there would not be another poison gas bomb explosion. He was willing to take responsibility for his remarks. As of now, the police are The entire territory of Hong Kong is trying its best to restore order, but our reporters discovered strange scenes on various streets in Hong Kong Island. Now please let us connect with the frontline reporters on the streets to watch the live broadcast from the scene."

"Hello host, hello viewers, I am currently at the Democracy Square in Causeway Bay. Due to the panic of people fleeing, there was a traffic jam in Hong Kong, and the traffic was completely paralyzed. The traffic police system was stretched thin and was helpless. But now, everyone can Seeing Hennessy Road behind me, there was an unprecedented spectacle in the history of Hong Kong Island!"

"Yes, you read that right! We can clearly see through the camera that our traffic police and some young people with strange clothes, tattoos and dyed hair are working together on the streets to divert traffic and persuade returning citizens to go home!"

"Who are these strange-looking young people? I believe that I don't need to say more. The general public also knows their identities very well. Yes, they are members of the community, commonly known as the Young and Dangerous! The police and the Young and the Dangerous have always been in harmony with each other. They have an antagonistic relationship like mice, but today, it’s rare for them to work together. It’s really a strange event that only happens once in a century!”

"And such scenes are not only found here. I can responsibly tell the general public that such scenes happen on every street in Hong Kong Island! These young and Dangerous boys who we usually avoid are afraid of, Not only did he help direct traffic, he also did things to maintain law and order and act chivalrously! What happened? Let us interview Mr. Liu, a citizen who was about to buy groceries. Hello, Mr. Liu, can you follow us? Dear audience members, tell me what happened to you just now?"

"Oh, of course, here's the thing. I just went out to buy groceries, and I was suddenly stopped and robbed by two knife-wielding gangsters on the way. They not only robbed me of my money, but also beat me and forced me to give out my bank card. Password, but I couldn’t remember my password, so they thought I lied to them, so they beat me even more fiercely and threatened to stab me to death..."

"I thought I was going to attack the street this time. Unexpectedly, a few young and Dangerous guys suddenly came and beat these gangsters away. They also gave me back the money they took away from me. To be honest, I I have never encountered such a bizarre thing in my life. I even thought they were playing tricks on me for a while, but until I got home and nothing happened, I realized that it was Young and Dangerous who really saved me..."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Liu for sharing his story. Then let us interview Mr. Zhou, a neighbor. Hello, Mr. Zhou..."

"Hello reporter, my case is even more bizarre, because the gangster who robbed me not only returned my penis to me, but also compensated me with hush money..."

The reporter interviewed several citizens. They were all robbed or bullied for no reason, but they were all saved by Young and Dangerous.

The reporter aroused the greatest interest of the audience and then revealed the answer: "Is it the conscience of the Young and Dangerous boys who discovered it? Or has the sun come out from the west? Let us interview Superintendent Li from O Ji. Hello, Sir Li. May I ask why? Such a thing happened?"

"This is of course not a coincidence, but an emergency decision made by the top police. In view of the serious shortage of police manpower, my boss persuaded a society spokesperson to cooperate with the police and completed this unprecedented black and white team-up to maintain law and order. A grand event..."

Sir Li used some official clichés to praise the police. In short, the superiors were wise and the young and Dangerous boys came to their senses and jointly safeguarded the interests of the citizens and ensured their safety.

Immediately afterwards, the reporter interviewed another young and Dangerous boy.

"We are all Mr. Bao's people. What? You don't know who Mr. Bao is? Damn! Where are you from? Do you not want to live? What? Live broadcast? Then it's okay... Damn, you didn't tell me earlier , do you want to die?"

"Cut out the part you just made and don't broadcast it. Otherwise, I'll beat you every time I see you!"

"Why are you helping Tiao Tiao? Master Bao said, Hong Kong Island is the home of all of us. Now some bastards have come to our home to cause destruction and steal our gold. It is not just Tiao Tiao. We who are in the community also have the responsibility to stand up and protect us. Our common home! It’s okay for us to make trouble with the door behind closed doors, but if outsiders want to bully us, that’s not allowed!”

"In short, Mr. Bao said that we have to do things after receiving protection fees. This is called morality! Hong Kong Island is peaceful, so we can be chaotic. If Hong Kong Island is in chaos, we will also suffer misfortune. That's it."

"Okay, thank you to this good man for accepting the interview... Actually, I really want to tell him that the live broadcast cannot be stopped, but I am afraid that he will hit me now. Audience friends, this is the origin of the whole thing. "

The police and gangsters teamed up to maintain law and order on Hong Kong Island. This was a heartwarming scene that made many citizens sigh with emotion. Many people remembered the name "Bao Ye".

But did Wang Bao do this just for a good reputation?

Obviously not. No matter how good his reputation is, he is just a leader of a dark society. To engage in such a big battle in pursuit of a good reputation is simply a stupid thing that outweighs the gains and losses.

Invisible to the public, a series of gang-interest fights are taking place quietly under the pretext of "eliminating harm for the people."

In Tai Kok Tsui, the boss of a small society was in his room, and his trachea was cut off by Wang Bao's henchman Ajie with a knife.

Outside the door, Ajie's men were dispersing the onlookers: "Let's go, what are you looking at? What's there to see? This guy inside is taking advantage of the situation to rob, murder and arson. Master Bao sent us to teach him a lesson. Don't even look at it. Gone!"

Two minutes later, Ajie walked out of the room, snapped his fingers, and said with a smile: "Go in and wash the floor!"

"Yes, Brother Jack!"

In Saigon, a group of Wang Bao's men were fighting in the streets with another group of young and Dangerous boys. The two sides were fighting inextricably.

At this moment, Feng Yuxiu, who had been watching the battle, moved. He suddenly accelerated and ran into the battle group. He broke one person's neck with one blow, and then punched the other young and Dangerous boy, making him say "Wow" on the spot. Vomiting blood.

He just charged into the crowd, taking away a life almost every time he made a move. Along the way, the young and Dangerous boys were frightened and ran away.

Until finally, he fought his way through the entire street and reached the opponent's boss.

"Surrender, surrender and lose half!" The big boss had been frightened by Feng Yuxiu's ferocity. When he saw Feng Yuxiu standing in front of him, he suddenly raised his hands and shouted in fear.

Feng Yuxiu bared his teeth and smiled: "Okay, then do you lose the upper half or the lower half?"


"Is that the top?" Feng Yuxiu smiled and took action, breaking the man's waist very cruelly.

In less than a day, Ajie and Feng Yuxiu helped Wang Bao get rid of more than a dozen club bosses.

Naturally, these things could not be hidden from the police. The police quickly guessed that Wang Bao wanted to take this opportunity to seize more territory, which made the police feel as sick as dead flies.

At this time, public security on Hong Kong Island has basically returned to normal.

Ma Jun hit Wang Bao at this time.

"Stop it when you're ready, Mr. Bao?" Ma Jun said with a hint of ridicule.

"Okay!" Wang Bao said with a smile, "Listen to others and eat enough. I will listen to you."

After hanging up the phone, the man on the side couldn't help but ask: "Master Bao, why did you listen to this note?"

"You don't understand." Wang Bao narrowed his eyes, "It's rare for the police to endorse us. There are not many opportunities like this, so we must not break up too quickly. Just give up when you are good, too much is too much, anyway, you have chewed off the hard bones. , the rest is not a big deal."

"Moreover, why do you think Ma Jun called me? He was the one who personally prompted me to take action. If I stop now, he still has credit, but if I take action again, his credit will become a crime. When the time comes, you Do you think he doesn’t dare to fight to the death? He can do anything!”

Wang Baolei acted resolutely and quickly notified Ajie and Feng Yuxiu to stop.

But at this time, his territory and power had expanded a lot again.

Wang Bao gained both fame and fortune.

Over the next three days, Hong Kong Island licked its wounds and slowly recovered its strength.

But on the morning of the fourth day, a very breaking news broke - 86 tons of gold disappeared!

The police searched for three days around the sunken ship, but couldn't find even a single golden hair!

After the news came out, it immediately caused a rush of people in Hong Kong!

Two-thirds of the gold reserves in Hong Kong Island's treasury were robbed, and the credit of Hong Kong Island banks was severely damaged, which greatly shook the trust of depositors.

The stock market plummeted, prices soared, and there were long queues in front of all banks.

But soon, the six major families took action.

The six major families regard Hong Kong Island as their back garden and naturally do not allow chaos on Hong Kong Island. The six major families announced that they will jointly increase capital in Hong Kong Island Bank. The six families will add another 100 tons of gold reserves to the Hong Kong Island treasury in proportion to their investment.

After the news came out, the run crisis was resolved.

Now the common question that the whole Hong Kong Island is concerned about is where did the 86 tons of gold go?

Eighty-six tons of gold, worth more than nine billion Hong Kong dollars!

Over nine billion Hong Kong dollars, it is definitely the most notorious robbery in human history!

In fact, the police already realized that something was wrong as early as the first day, because they checked the identities of the four Baiyue people they captured and discovered that they were members of the Baiyue Gang!

How does this matter have anything to do with the Baiyue Gang?

The autopsy reports of several corpses at the West District Pier that night came out. The police confirmed that two of the corpses were the masterminds of the treasury robbery-Hua Tian and Tian Yangsheng!

The police were completely panicked by this time.

By the next day, there was still no hair found in the sunken ship. The police had confirmed that they had been tricked!

The furious first brother of the police force sent the coast guard out to find the Panamanian cargo ship that was let go under the police's nose, and ordered his subordinates to obtain the confessions of the four captured Baiyue people at all costs.

When the police lower their bottom line, no one can resist being a hero.

The Baiyue people quickly confessed that they were indeed members of the Baiyue Gang. The Baiyue Gang followed behind and killed Hua Tian and Tian Yangsheng, taking away the "fruits of their labor"!

In other words, 86 tons of gold were stolen by three Vietnamese brothers!

On the afternoon of the third day, the Hawaii police discovered a Panamanian cargo ship docked on a deserted beach. The ship was full of stinky black bodies. They were shocked and hurriedly notified the Hong Kong Island authorities.

By this time, the matter could no longer be concealed.

Eventually, the police had to announce the entire vault robbery.

Xian Weicha, Xian Weiliang, and Xian Weihu, these three names became household names on Hong Kong Island overnight!

They cheated and stole food from the vicious Huatian and Tianyangsheng gangs, and stole the 86 tons of gold that they had worked so hard to rob!

They avenged the bloodshed for the innocent citizens who died tragically in the gas bomb explosion in Hong Kong, and then used a cunning strategy to escape from the sea police encirclement and disappeared without a trace!

The entire Hong Kong Island was in an uproar!

All the media rushed to report on the incident of the three Vietnamese brothers, and their photos and names overwhelmingly covered the entire Hong Kong Island.

In the afternoon of the same day, the first brother of the police force resigned, and more than ten senior police officers in the police force were held accountable.

The next morning, the Governor of Hong Kong apologized to all Hong Kong citizens in a televised speech and announced his resignation.

Things have completely gone crazy!

Eighty-six tons of gold were lost, and the negative impact was too great. The six major families were outraged and killed their own watchdog, Ji Qi, and soon introduced another puppet to power. Then they announced a package of economic revitalization plans, and finally told the world A reward is being offered for three Vietnamese brothers.

The reward amount is as high as one billion Hong Kong dollars!

Su Yi is in big trouble!

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