The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 609 Nothing wrong

While the foot trade was meeting at the Jinmen Transportation Association building, the Jinmen Chamber of Commerce also held an emergency meeting at the Yuedong Guild Hall.

The initiator of the meeting was Su Zhenzhi, the vice president of the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce, but the inviter was Liang Yanqing, the president of the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce.

Liang Yanqing is already in his seventies. He is the richest man in Jinmen and the most virtuous and respected businessman in Jinmen.

At the same time, he is also a big comprador for many British-funded companies, such as the most famous ones, Jardine Matheson and Co., Gaolin Matheson, etc. He is the first of the four major compradors in Tianjin and is known as the king of compradors.

This man was very good at both black and white in Tianjin, and he was especially trusted by the British people. The first real estate company in Tianjin was opened by him in partnership with famous foreigners such as Beacon President Hoover.

He built more than half of the houses in the entire British Concession.

Half of the city of Zhangjiakou was developed by him.

Therefore, Liang Yanqing was also called Liang Bancheng, and he was truly Liang Bancheng.

Liang Bancheng invited all the businessmen in the city to a meeting. Who dared not to come?

Almost all the reputable businessmen from Jinmen came.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Liang Yanqing coughed slightly, and the scene fell silent.

"Everyone, the purpose of holding this meeting today is because of walking." Although Liang Yanqing is old, he is energetic and his voice is still loud. "Ba Yanqing's death will definitely cause confusion for a while. It is conceivable that our goods will be backlogged for a while. The goods will be piled up at the port and cannot be shipped out or brought in. We are the ones who will suffer the most... "

"Oh, who says it's not the case? But what can be done? Who told Bayanqing to be a short-lived ghost?" someone sighed.

"Yes, Mr. Liang, I am worried about this matter. My three hundred tons of cargo just arrived at the port today. Guess what? No one is unloading the cargo, Mr. Liang, I am so anxious!"

"Me too, my goods are waiting to leave the port and be shipped to Ludi, but now most of the Lipas on the docks are not working, waiting to fight!"

"Oh, it would be great if I could move it by myself. I have hundreds of guys working to eat, and I can only watch the goods at the dock! Damn it, Ba Yanqing, why is he dead?"

Liang Yanqing started, and the merchants immediately started complaining.

After the foot trade became large-scale and organized, even if the merchants had manpower, they could not let their people go to the dock or the street to move goods. Instead, they had to spend money to hire foot trade workers. Otherwise, the merchant would Being "sanctioned" by foot traffic.

The tyranny of the monopoly on foot travel has formed a default rule for decades, not only in Tianjin, but also in major coastal cities.

Therefore, even if Bayanqing died, merchants would not dare to break this agreed-upon situation. Even if the goods were piled up at the dock or station, they would not dare to organize their own manpower to unload the goods.

Otherwise, losing money is a trivial matter. If you are not careful and become the target of "killing chickens to scare monkeys", then the gains outweigh the losses.

The businessmen grumbled for a while and then became quiet again.

Liang Yanqing continued: "Originally, I planned to convene a few people who can speak with Mayor Yu and Mr. John from the Ministry of Industry Bureau to discuss this matter, and ask them to allocate manpower to ensure that we will not delay our departure. The biggest problem is that there will be more shipping costs during this period."

"But Boss Su from Dengyinglou found me and gave me an opinion. I thought it made sense, so I called you all together and asked Boss Su to talk about it in front of everyone at the meeting. "

"If you think it's feasible, we'll follow Boss Su's suggestion."

"If you think it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. We will do whatever we want."

"Boss Su, will you continue?"

"Hey, Mr. Liang! Come on!" Su Zhenzhi hurriedly bowed to Liang Yanqing, then straightened up, looked around and said: "Everyone, everyone knows what happened before I climbed the Ying Tower. I asked many friends to tell me, and yesterday I met Geng Liangchen, the man who ruined my business."

"Only when I saw this did I realize that it makes sense for someone to become famous at a young age and establish a huge reputation and territory in Jinmen..."

At the moment, Su Zhenzhi briefly recounted the conversation between him and Su Yi. He did not cover up for himself, exposed his own shortcomings, and even told Su Yi what he had done to expose him as a strong person.

When all the businessmen heard about this, they were all surprised and their impression of Su Yi increased greatly!

"Most people who are loyal to righteousness are dog-slaughters. This Geng Liangchen has a rather narrow-minded demeanor. He is really a man of temperament!"

"Trust and promise, this person is worthy of friendship! If you have the opportunity in the future, you must make a good friend!"

"Not bad, not bad, it's like a breath of fresh air on my feet..."

The businessmen all praised him. What they valued was not the 30,000 yuan that Su Yi compensated Su Zhenzhi. What they valued was Su Yi's character of not bullying others or taking advantage of the opportunity.

This is what makes them feel most valuable.

Foot walkers are originally engaged in a monopoly business. To put it bluntly, gangs, the government, and various forces unite to suck blood from merchants. Therefore, it has always been difficult for foot walkers to make businessmen favorable.

Not to mention, major gangsters were blackmailing merchants, stealing, and deducting merchants' goods. This kind of thing basically happened all the time, which made merchants even more disgusted by the existence of feet.

In the eyes of the businessmen, no one was good in the business, they were all dragged out and killed, and no one was wronged.

They just hate feet so much.

But now, a Geng Liangchen appears.

Geng Liangchen's four terminals have never extorted merchants and only asked for normal prices. Now they have even taken the initiative to pay huge compensation to Su Zhenzhi. How can these oppressed merchants not be moved inexplicably?

"I had a very pleasant chat with Geng Liangchen. When we were leaving, he said something to remind me." Su Zhenzhi continued, "He said that after Bayanqing died, the footwork was now in disarray. If your chamber of commerce can become one, The rope may not be able to accomplish something."

At this point, Su Zhenzhi became excited: "Everyone! If it weren't for us, the foot trade would not exist at all! All the money the foot trade makes is from the blood sucked from our bodies! But it happens that we businessmen don't care about the foot trade. I have no right to speak and can only be manipulated by others. Is this reasonable? Is this normal?"

"Ba Yanqing used to raise his arms and get more than 70,000 libaba followers! Not to mention that we don't dare to offend him, even if he is an official, how many people dare to offend him?"

"But now Bayanqing is dead! As long as we have no owner for a day, those independent minds, do we really have no power to fight?"

"The Qing Gang, the Hong Gang, and the Santonghui all rely on our boats to sell goods! If we don't let them use our boats, they won't be able to sell anything!"

"It's not like we have nothing to do with them! We can't afford to offend all of them, how can we still afford to offend some of them?"

"So, I thought, this may be the best time for our business to intervene in the business! Maybe it is the only opportunity! While the business is in chaos, we can support a force in the business that can speak for our businessmen. Power, with our human and financial resources, even if he cannot be the leader, we must make him the leader of the party!"

"Bosses, once we succeed, we will have set a precedent in nearly sixty years! From now on, the days when we businessmen were allowed to be bullied by our own hands will be gone forever!"

"Think about it, even if our delivery fee is reduced by 10%, even if it is only 10%, how much money will we save every year? This is a great thing that benefits the present and benefits our children and grandchildren, everyone!"

Su Zhenzhi's words were extremely inflammatory, first arousing the common hatred among the businessmen, and then making the blood of all the businessmen boil with excitement.

Businessmen are a very adventurous group, and Su Zhenzhi's words are not unreasonable. Soon, everyone agreed to Su Zhenzhi's proposal.

Everyone agreed that we should support businessmen's own influence in the industry. The top priority is to find a suitable candidate.

This person must be absolutely loyal to the Chamber of Commerce, otherwise it would be disgusting if he supported a white-eyed wolf.

And this person must be capable, smart, and have a certain foundation in scripting.

Everyone quickly thought of one person.

"Mr. Liang, Hongsheng is still in charge of Dagu Pier, right?" Someone asked Liang Yanqing, "He is your nephew and he is a very good person. If you want to say he is suitable, he is the most suitable."

Jixing bullies businessmen, but it also depends on what kind of businessman they are. Business giants like Liang Yanqing are naturally not among those who are bullied by Jixing.

Not only was he absent, Liang Yanqing also bought out a large dock to sell goods for himself. The man in charge of this large dock was Liang Yanqing's nephew Liang Hongsheng.

However, Liang Yanqing can only carry his own goods on his own dock, not other people's goods. Moreover, he also handed over every cent of the monthly payment to the foot shop.

"Hong Sheng..." Liang Yanqing thought for a while, "He is a suitable candidate."

"And Boss Zhu's son is also a master of footwork now, but he just joined the Iron Banner Club..."

"That's okay. Father and son are connected. If we really want to support him, how can he be so rebellious?"

"Boss Li's nephew is also walking, right?"

The businessmen all nominated several candidates, all of whom were relatives and descendants of those present.

At this time, no one mentioned Geng Liangchen at all.

No matter how good his character is, Geng Liangchen is just an outsider.

How can outsiders be trusted?

When the merchants were full of expectations and planned to take advantage of the chaos to plant nails in the footwork, Zhang Jingshan's mood was already extremely bad.

They tortured Bayanqing's family members overnight and used coercion and inducement. As a result, apart from squeezing some oil and water out of these people, they still don't know where Bayanqing's wealth is.

This, of course, made Zhang Jingshan very dissatisfied, but he personally interrogated those people he considered important. He could see that these people were not lying. They really did not know where Bayanqing's wealth was hidden.

So who knows?

After staying up all night, Zhang Jingshan's eyes were red, like a devil, and his body exuded the aura of keeping strangers away, which made his subordinates stay silent and did not dare to touch his bad luck easily.

"Director, Representative Liu's secretary just called and said that he will not come over. Ba Yanqing's family left it up to you." A subordinate carefully reported to him.

"Has he really become a hands-off shopkeeper?" Zhang Jingshan sneered, "It doesn't matter if my own people don't come, and I won't send my subordinates to keep an eye on me. How is my interrogation going? I don't even ask! He just Don’t you care where Bayanqing’s money is? He, Liu Haiqing, is a saint? Why the hell do I not believe it so much?”

The men lowered their heads and said nothing.

But Zhang Jingshan was very unhappy. He stared at a deputy director with a bad look and asked, "Analyze it for me. Why doesn't Liu Haiqing come? Does he really not care about money?"

The man laughed and said: "How is it possible? Who can have trouble with money? It's probably... Representative Liu must have another way."

This subordinate also said it casually, just to get over it.

But it happens that the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Zhang Jingshan was stunned for a while and murmured: "Yes... I want to swallow such a large sum of money, but Liu Haiqing doesn't want to?"

His face was gloomy and uncertain, thinking about the scenes of his previous contact with Liu Haiqing.

At a certain moment, a picture suddenly froze in his mind, and his whole body felt like an electric shock, and he suddenly became enlightened!

"Mad! I figured it out!"

Zhang Jingshan slapped himself hard on the forehead and said angrily: "Why didn't I think of it earlier?"

"Director? Do you have any clues?" the deputy director asked cautiously.

"Go away!" Zhang Jingshan waved his hands anxiously, "Get out of here, no one is allowed to approach this office without my order!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The men immediately retreated!

He was the only one left in the room. Zhang Jingshan took a deep breath and began to calm down and start tracing down the picture he had just recalled.

What he was thinking of was that at the Ba Mansion, after he and Liu Haiqing made a preliminary inspection, Liu Haiqing took the initiative to say goodbye. He escorted Liu Haiqing out of the Ba Mansion and watched the other party get into the car. However, just as the other party was about to leave, a rickshaw puller, Liba, suddenly approached the car and said a few words to Liu Haiqing.

Liba who pulls a rickshaw!

The murderer of Bayanqing also came by rickshaw, or in other words, left by rickshaw.

He had told Liu Haiqing before that the key to solving the case and finding the real culprit was to find this Liba!

But now that I think about it, isn’t this the key to finding the real murderer?

The key to finding Bayanqing's wealth is also in this Liba!

Judging from the results of his one-night interrogation, Bayanqing is an extremely selfish, cunning, and cautious guy. Even his wife and children don’t know where to put his money.

But no matter how cunning and cautious he is, if he faces a death threat, will he reveal the location where he hid his money and pray for his life?

Money is useful only when a person is alive, but no amount of money is of use when a person is dead!

So before Bayanqing died, as long as he had a chance to speak, he would definitely beg the murderer not to kill him, and then tell the whereabouts of his money in an attempt to save his life!

As long as this murderer is smart, he can easily get the information about where Bayanqing's wealth is hidden!

In other words, if you find the murderer, you will find Bayanqing's wealth!

The key to finding the murderer is to find the man pulling the rickshaw.

So finding the rickshaw puller Liba is equivalent to finding Bayanqing's wealth!

Nothing wrong!

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