The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 610 Okay, I did it!

"Let me tell you, how could Liu Hai, a man with a clear personality, just watch and let me take away the Ba family without any action?" Zhang Jingshan figured everything out, "It turns out that they have grasped the key a long time ago. Now that the murderer has been interrogated, he can take all the credit and wealth! Mad, do you think I, Zhang Jingshan, am a fool?"

The more Zhang Jingshan thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was what happened.

But these were his guesses after all. In order to confirm his thoughts, Zhang Jingshan first asked one of his absolute confidants to give instructions. The confidant hurried out and called him back twenty minutes later, and he drove out alone.

Soon, he came to the vicinity of the Jinmen Transportation Association building.

A figure sneaked out, looked around for no one, and quickly got into Zhang Jingshan's car.

If Su Yi were here, he would definitely recognize that this sneaky person was actually the person that Zhongyi Society had arranged to greet him outside the venue.

This man's name is Ding Youcai. Apart from being a member of the Zhongyi Society, no one knows that secretly he is also a member of the Qinggang and a disciple of Zhang Jingshan.

When Lixingshe developed the Zhongyi Society, a peripheral organization in Tianjin, it was inevitable that it would recruit people locally. Ding Youcai was one of the local talents recruited by the Zhongyi Society in Tianjin.

But before the Zhongyi Society recruited him, he had secretly become Zhang Jingshan's disciple!

Zhang Jingshan developed Ding Youcai originally to develop his own informants. Unexpectedly, Ding Youcai would have such an opportunity and become a peripheral member of the party-state's most mysterious organization.

He was overjoyed, so he used a lot of money to win over him, and through some coercion and inducement, he persuaded Ding Youcai to lurk in the Zhongyi Society and continue to deliver information to him.

In this way, he successfully embedded a nail in Zhongyi Society.

"Old man, how dare you ask someone to come to me directly? You want to kill me!" Ding Youcai complained as soon as he got in the car, "Fortunately, I was clever and smooth, otherwise Qian Jin would definitely doubt me!"

"Isn't this an emergency?" Zhang Jingshan said with a smile, "If there is another way, do you think I want you to take this risk?"

Ding Youcai sighed and said, "What are your orders?"

"What's going on inside?" Zhang Jingshan asked.

"I guess Liu Deshan is going to cause trouble. He initiated this meeting, but no one will buy his fault." Ding Youcai said, "He took over the original manpower of Hu Desheng. He used to be the accountant and often represented Bayanqing has contact with foreigners and people with official status. I think he wants to replace Bayanqing this time, but how can people like Jia Changqing and An Yufeng agree to him?"

"Liu Deshan..." Zhang Jingshan shook his head and said, "This man does not have enough prestige. No one will obey him. Is Geng Liangchen here?"

"Here he comes, I personally welcomed him." Ding Youcai said, "If you want to say that Representative Liu really regards him as a brother, our president, Qian, received special orders from Representative Liu before he came. Today we only follow Geng Liangchen's lead."

Zhang Jingshan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes: "How does he regard Geng Liangchen as his biological brother? He treats Geng Liangchen as his biological father."

"My own father is not as filial as him." Ding Youcai said, "I heard from Xiao Wang, who drove for him, that Liu Haiqing has met Geng Liangchen seven or eight times in the past few days."

"So often!" Zhang Jingshan's heart was pounding. "Can you find out the specific time when they meet?"

"How dare I ask about this? If I ask, I am seeking death!" Ding Youcai shook his head decisively, and then asked doubtfully, "No, old man, why are you so interested in Geng Liangchen?"

Zhang Jingshan glanced at him, his eyes twinkling: "I always feel that this person is not simple."

"It's definitely not easy. Sooner or later, Geng Liangchen will be the number one person in Jinmen. Let's see." Ding Youcai looked like he admired Geng Liangchen very much.

But he didn't know that Zhang Jingshan didn't tell him the truth. Zhang Jingshan was increasingly suspicious that Geng Liangchen was the murderer of Bayanqing.

It's just that this matter is of great importance and he doesn't want to reveal it to Ding Youcai.

"Has Liu Haiqing arrested anyone from yesterday to today?" Zhang Jingshan asked.

Ding Youcai recalled it and said: "It's true. Yesterday around six o'clock in the afternoon, a rickshaw driver came to see Liu Haiqing, and he was cleared by Liu Hai..."

Zhang Jingshan's eyes suddenly lit up!

He grabbed Ding Youcai's hand and asked hurriedly: "Are you sure you are a rickshaw driver?"

"I'm sure," Ding Youcai said strangely, "His rickshaw is still in the backyard of our office building."

"What is the name of this rickshaw driver? Do you know why Liu Haiqing arrested him? Where is this man now?" Zhang Jingshan asked anxiously. .

Ding Youcai shook his head and said: "The man is being held in our dungeon. We don't know his name or why he was arrested. But Representative Liu made it clear that this man's detention is his private matter. Don't ask others. Don’t come into contact with this Liba, or you will be responsible for the consequences.”

"That's right, everything is right!" Zhang Jingshan said excitedly.

At this moment, in Zhang Jingshan's mind, Liu Haiqing has become the mastermind behind the assassination of Bayanqing!

He killed Bayanqing not only to gain credit, but also to make money.

Geng Liangchen is just a knife in Liu Haiqing's hand!

As for whether Bayanqing's death has anything to do with Wang Yaqiao?

Either there is, or there isn’t!

If so, then Liu Haiqing is Wang Yaqiao's accomplice!

If not, then Liu Haiqing knew that the superiors valued Wang Yaqiao, so he blamed Wang Yaqiao for Bayanqing's death to attract the attention of the superiors. He "took the bandit's self-esteem" to concoct a great success to achieve his goal of promotion!

Zhang Jingshan had heard that Lixingshe recently planned to establish a district chief of the North China Special Region, and Liu Haiqing was planning for this position!

If Liu Haiqing "solves the Wang Yaqiao assassination case", it will undoubtedly give him an even greater advantage in competing for this position!

The more Zhang Jingshan thought about it, the more excited he became. He was keenly aware that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him!

Promotion and fortune are all in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Ding Youcai with bright eyes: "Are you sure this coachman is locked up in your dungeon? Are you sure he's not dead yet?"

Ding Youcai said: "I'm sure. Before I came out this morning, I saw Liu Haiqing's secretary delivering food to the dungeon."

After a pause, Ding Youcai said warily: "What do you want to do? Old man, I have my word first. If you let me contact this coachman, you will expose me! Once I am exposed, I will die!"

"Haha, you are not needed!" Zhang Jingshan patted him on the shoulder, "How could I be willing to let you be exposed? I will seal twenty oceans later and send it to your father. You can follow us and stay at the venue! "

"Oh, thank you, old man!" Ding Youcai suddenly smiled.

After Ding Youcai sneaked out of the car, Zhang Jingshan couldn't hide his excitement and ordered the driver: "Go back to the police station, quickly!"

In less than ten minutes, Zhang Jingshan returned to his office. After ordering no one to approach his office, he immediately dialed the same number.

When the phone rang, he subconsciously stood at attention and straightened his clothes and appearance, as if the person on the other end of the phone could see him.

"Please pick up Commissioner Zhang. I am Zhang Jingshan of Jinmen. I have a major emergency report to him... Yes, it is very urgent and important. Please make sure that Commissioner Zhang answers the phone as soon as possible... Thank you!"

Soon an old voice came from the other end of the phone: "Jingshan, what's going on?"

Zhang Jingshan subconsciously stood at attention and reported: "Commissioner Zhang, I have grasped some important information here. The matter is related to the Fuxing Society. I dare not neglect it, so I will report it to you immediately!"

"Oh?" The other end of the phone immediately became interested, "Tell me about it."

The struggle for power at the top levels of the party-state is no longer a secret within the entire current system.

Chang Kaishen established the Fuxing Society and wanted to make the Fuxing Society the most core organization of the party-state. This undoubtedly touched the sensitive nerves and interests of many people.

Among them, the CC faction headed by the Chen brothers reacted the most fiercely. It is said that they have been secretly planning to establish a party organization with the "Central Organization Department" as the core in order to confront the Fuxing Society.

In fact, members of the CC department in various places have formed some small private associations to prepare for the establishment of a large CC department association in the future.

For example, in the Pingjin area, Hu Menghua, the main leader of the CC Clan, established an organization called "Chengshe". Although this organization is not as formal and powerful as Fuxing Society and Zhongyi Society, its strength cannot be underestimated. In the future, the CC Clan will be established Lijinshe, this Chengshe changed its sign and body, and completed a magnificent turn.

The "Commissioner Zhang" on the other end of Zhang Jingshan's phone now is a big boss in the CC department and Hu Menghua's backer.

Zhang Jingshan and Commissioner Zhang are distant relatives who are inseparable from each other. He wanted to join the CC department by following him, but the CC department looked down on him, and Commissioner Zhang looked down upon him even more.

It's just that Zhang Jingshan usually sends gifts to people every New Year. This time he said that he had urgent and major things to report. For the sake of these gifts, they couldn't ignore them.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jingshan's report really scratched Commissioner Zhang's itch.

Now the CC Department is most interested in everything about the Fuxing Society. It would be better if it could cause some trouble for the Fuxing Society.

Zhang Jingshan didn't dare to add fuel to the fire, he just told the story in detail, including his own speculations.

Finally, he said: "Commissioner Zhang, this is the situation. This case has reached a deadlock for me. If I want to continue the investigation, I must interrogate the rickshaw driver. But this rickshaw driver was placed under house arrest by Liu Haiqing." In the name of protection, there is no telling when he will kill someone and silence him. Once the rickshaw driver dies, the clues to this case will be cut off."

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time and said: "Wang Yaqiao escaped from Jinmen last time. What was Liu Haiqing's condition at that time?"

Zhang Jingshan was startled and said: "This...I haven't found this yet."

"It's not that you didn't find out, you didn't expect it!" Commissioner Zhang said, "Have you ever thought that the rickshaw driver he locked up might be a bait? He is specifically designed to lure people who have ill intentions towards him into taking the bait?"

"This..." Zhang Jingshan suddenly broke into a cold sweat, "Liu Haiqing... shouldn't be so insidious."

"A little-known person is suddenly entrusted with an important task by Tengjie. It is impossible for this person to have no brains." Commissioner Zhang said, "Just wait for the call, I will ask Hu Menghua to contact you."



After hanging up the phone over there, Zhang Jingshan realized that there was sweat on his forehead.

Zhang Jingshan had been in the office for less than twenty minutes when his subordinates came to report that someone was looking for him. It was Hu Menghua, director of the Jinmen Social Affairs Bureau.

"Invitation!" Zhang Jingshan stood up hurriedly and suddenly changed his words, "No, I will greet you personally!"

"No need to greet you!" A middle-aged man with a sinister expression walked in.

Zhang Jingshan was shocked and hurriedly greeted him: "Director Hu, your visit really makes my place flourish..."

"Save the polite words for later, Director Zhang, the situation is urgent, let's get down to business first." Hu Menghua waved his hand.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Jingshan waved to his men hurriedly, "You all get out, no one is allowed to come near this office without my order!"


After his men closed the door and went out, before Zhang Jingshan could speak, Hu Menghua took the lead and said: "The rickshaw driver who was locked up by Liu Haiqing is called Zhao Dezhu. He was not locked up in the dungeon. The dungeon was just a smoke bomb released by Liu Haiqing. This man The real place of detention is No. 57 Cambridge Road, British Concession."

Zhang Jingshan was frightened for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "This Liu Haiqing is really treacherous and cunning!"

Then he said with awe: "Director Hu is still so powerful and has so many tricks, but he can't hide it from your eyes."

He knew nothing about Liu Haiqing, he was afraid that there was someone from Hu Menghua around Liu Haiqing.

Hu Menghua did not answer his words and said: "What does Liu Haiqing have to do with Bayanqing's death? Is he from Wang Yaqiao? Did he direct and act in Bayanqing's death? This coachman should have the key information, but maybe The coachman doesn’t know anything, this coachman is Liu Haiqing’s bait.”

At this point, Hu Menghua smiled half-heartedly and said to Zhang Jingshan: "Director Zhang, let me tell you something ugly. I can leave this coachman in your hands, but maybe not only will you not be able to eat the fox, but you will also be in trouble."

"Of course, it is also possible that he is really a key figure, and then you have made a great contribution." Hu Menghua said, "If that is the case, Director Zhang, you have a bright future."

Zhang Jingshan looked uncertain: "Director Hu means..."

"I can only provide you with intelligence support for this matter. On the surface, you have to do it yourself." Hu Menghua said, "Unless you get definite evidence and can drag Liu Haiqing into trouble, we will not come forward. And regarding this The information about the coachman was obtained by you yourself and has nothing to do with us."

Zhang Jingshan's face looked very ugly, because it was clear that he was being used as a gunman. If someone came to pick peaches, it would have nothing to do with him if he was in danger.

Hu Menghua said with a smile: "The matter was caused by Director Zhang. Of course, Director Zhang has to handle it. If I take the lead, it would be unethical. However, I also understand Director Zhang's concerns. On behalf of Director Zhang, I will make a decision for you." Promise, if the matter fails and Liu Haiqing is held accountable, you can't stay in Jinmen. We will arrange for you to go to Zhangjiakou and continue to be the police chief. And from now on, you will be our own."

"Okay, I'll do it!" Zhang Jingshan made up his mind and gritted his teeth.

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