Su Yi wore a suit and walked into a tavern on Futian Street, carrying a suitcase.

The waitress in kimono's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Su Yi.

Women are very sensitive to things like clothing, especially those in the service industry.

The waitress could tell at a glance that the suit Su Yi was wearing was made of extraordinary materials, exquisite workmanship, and very novel in style.

There were obvious traces of makeup on his face, and in the waitress's opinion, only men who have a high pursuit of quality of life would dress themselves up.

Looking at the man's meticulous dressing up and clean and tidy style, it is obvious that this man must be a very refined person on weekdays.

The waitress came over and tried to say hello in Japanese.

In her opinion, only the noble Yamato nation can give birth to people with such good temperament.

Moreover, in the Japanese Concession, the only Asians who could go out with such dignity were the Zhepeng people.

Sure enough, Su Yi replied to her with a pure Guandong accent, which filled the waitress with surprise and joy. She became more and more convinced that Su Yi might be a noble aristocratic child, and her attitude towards Su Yi became more and more respectful.

But what disappointed the waitress was that this noble Kanto noble didn't seem to be interested in her and was very aloof. After ordering food and wine, we sat there and enjoyed them quietly.

Only occasionally he would look out the window from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone, or just looking at the scenery.

But it shouldn’t be about the scenery. Across the road is the military camp of the garrison. What is there to see there?

So, he is waiting for someone. Will it be the lover waiting for him?

This adult's profile is really beautiful...

The waitress thought dreamily, worrying about gains and losses.

At a certain moment, the door of the tavern was suddenly pushed open violently, and a Zhepeng soldier smelling of alcohol suddenly burst in, startling the waitress.

When she saw this person clearly, her face suddenly changed, a trace of resistance and helplessness flashed in her eyes, but she had no choice but to go forward.

"Dear guest, what would you like to order?"

"What a shame! Don't you recognize me? Don't you know what I want?" shouted the soldier who smelled of alcohol.

"Recognize, then, the same old person? Oshima-kun?" the waitress asked cautiously.

"Of course, hurry up! I have to go home and sleep!" the soldier urged.

"Yes, I'll do it right away." The waitress hurriedly agreed and hurried to the back.

"Hello, please settle the bill, madam." At this moment, the noble Kanto noble suddenly spoke.

He must have been disturbed! The waitress was stunned. He must be as disgusted with rude people like Ojima Jiro as she was.

"Okay, okay sir." The waitress replied respectfully.

Soon, Su Yi simply paid the bill and left under the slightly nostalgic gaze of the waitress.

But what she didn't know was that Su Yi didn't go far, but hid in a corner not far away, silently waiting for the drunk Zhe Peng soldier to come out.

After thinking about it, Su Yi still planned to get rid of Matsuro Takayoshi - in a low-key way.

Just like what he left to Liu Haiqing, if you just retreat and tolerate, or passively defend, you will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Moreover, the fundamental cause of this turmoil is the death of Zhang Jingyao and the Jinling incident, and it is not something that can be settled by just being patient or retreating.

Su Yi still has a lot to do in Jinmen. He can't always be tired of dealing with the endless harassment and infringement from Zhe Peng people. He must prevent this kind of thing from happening. Even if he can't solve it once and for all, he must at least win for himself. Enough time and space.

So here he is.

Su Yi was like a lone wolf quietly waiting for his prey, lurking in the dark, patiently passing the boring time.

After an unknown amount of time, the drunk soldier from before came out of the tavern.

Su Yi's eyes suddenly moved.

This person is his prey!

Originally, this person was not included in Su Yi's plan. He came to this tavern firstly to observe the Haiguang Temple military camp opposite, and secondly to look for prey, but just to look for prey at night.

This pub is located opposite the main entrance of the military camp, so you can imagine who its main customers are.

So Su Yi planned to get acquainted and come back in the evening to find a suitable prey.

But he didn't expect that his luck was really good. Before he started, the prey knocked on the door by himself.

This drunk Zhe Peng soldier was similar in size and build to Su Yi. It was rare that he could enter and leave the military camp freely in broad daylight, and he was still drunk. His status was obviously extraordinary.

The most important thing is that this person should not live in the military camp, but outside. He should be an expat living in the Japanese concession.

This makes it easier for Su Yi to do things.

The drunk soldier walked out of the tavern with burps and two bottles of sake in his hand.

He hummed an unknown ditty all the way, walked into a small alley not far away, and knocked roughly on a courtyard door.

The person who opened the door was a kimono woman with scars on her face. When she saw her man coming back, she hurriedly went to help him, but was slapped in the face.

"Didn't you see that I was holding the wine?"

"sorry Sorry……"

The woman panicked and took the wine, then helped the cursing man back into the house.

She quickly brought hot water and wanted to serve the man and wipe his face. But the man overturned the basin with a slap and roughly pressed her down...

Five minutes later, the man's snoring sounded.

The woman carefully turned the man over her, then got up and put on her torn clothes, and then carefully wiped the man's body.

The woman suddenly realized something was wrong, turned around suddenly, and saw a burly man standing behind her, looking at her expressionlessly.

The woman's eyes showed fear and she was about to scream, but the next moment she felt a pain in her neck, her vision went dark, and she lost consciousness.

After Su Yi knocked out the woman, he dragged her aside and tied her up.

Then he tied up the drunk soldier and finally woke him up with a basin of cold water.

As soon as the soldier regained consciousness, he was about to get angry, but he immediately realized his situation, and his face immediately turned extremely pale.

What happens next is all under Su Yi's control.

Su Yi used some random methods, and the soldier poured beans out of a bamboo tube, telling him everything Su Yi wanted to know.

At seven o'clock in the evening of the same day, Matsumuro Xiaoliang, who had not heard from Su Yi for a long time, killed forty more libaba and stepped up the public opinion offensive.

In many Zhepeng newspapers, Geng Liangchen was portrayed as a hypocritical and cowardly villain, who deceived the world and stole fame, was cold-blooded and selfish, despicable and cowardly...

The disappearance of seventy lives really made quite a few people doubt and despair about Geng Liangchen.

There is no shortage of moral kidnapping groups in all eras. A Chinese newspaper published an article titled "Three Hundred Lives Are Not Worth the One Life of Geng Liangchen?" 》press release, the letter stands from the perspective of "objective neutrality" and uses the argument that "human life has no dignity", calling on Geng Liangchen to stand up bravely and take responsibility for his actions, and not to evade his responsibilities and let innocent people Die for him.

The author said with compassion: "No one should die anymore! I hope Geng Liangchen will not die, but if people are really going to die, why can't it be Geng Liangchen? He shouldn't hide behind innocent people. He We should not enjoy the fame and fortune brought by the Jinmen Heroes while evading the responsibilities of being a Jinmen Heroes."

Does this argument sound particularly reasonable?

Many people have been convinced by this author and feel that Geng Liangchen is a bit unreasonable, hiding behind and letting others die for him.

If you are really a hero in Jinmen, you should stand up bravely. Why don't you stand up? Are you afraid of death?

What kind of hero do you think you are if you are afraid of death? If you are afraid of death, can you let others die for you?

Seventy human lives, Geng Liangchen, what a sin you have committed. When you wake up from your dream at midnight, will your conscience not hurt when you think of the seventy people you killed?

Everyone expressed disappointment with Geng Liangchen and felt that the Jinmen Hero was not worthy of his name. And he has killed so many people, so he should not be called a hero, but a devil.

As for the Zhepeng people who really committed evil, in this public opinion, they were regarded by the public as Geng Liangchen's "demon mirror", just an objective tool to avoid being criticized.

A reporter went to Geng's Mansion and wanted to interview Geng Liangchen, but the door of Geng's Mansion was closed and there were soldiers guarding the door. The security was tight and they announced that they would not accept any interviews.

The reporters who had been rejected became even more dissatisfied with Su Yi, and public opinion began to shift and develop irreversibly in the other direction.

Fortunately, it was getting late at that time, and if there was any news, it would have to wait until tomorrow.

It was also dim at night, and Su Yi had already changed his appearance again, imitating his prey, put on Zhe Peng's military uniform, and walked out of the door swaggeringly.

This Zhepeng soldier is called Ojima Jiro, and he is a member of the night patrol team of the Kaiguang Temple Military Police Department.

As Su Yi expected, Jiro Oshima's uncle was a colonel in the garrison, and he himself was an expatriate from Tianjin, having moved to China from Zhepeng more than ten years ago.

Jiro Ojima had various problems such as drinking, gambling, and innocent absences from work, but because of his uncle's relationship, he lived very comfortably in the military camp and no one would accuse him of these things.

When he arrived at the gate of the military camp, Su Yi took out his ID card and showed it to the sentry, and then walked into the Haiguang Temple military camp openly.

Following Jiro Ojima's description, he quickly found his company's location, gathered on time, and participated in the patrol.

This made his immediate superior ask in surprise: "Ojima Jiro, it's strange that you are so honest today."

"Don't talk to me, I'm annoyed!" Su Yi said impatiently with a hoarse voice.

"Turns out I'm sick!" The boss said suddenly when he heard Su Yi's hoarse voice.

The task of the patrol team is to patrol the entire area every fifteen minutes. In the next three hours, Su Yi patrolled with the team a total of twelve times.

He also passed by Matsuuro Takaharu's residence twelve times!

Yes, Su Yi has figured out the new residence of Matsushiro Takaharu. Not only that, he also found out the address of Kotaro Nakamura.

In the military camp, the soldiers talked to each other casually, because no one expected that an outsider would sneak in and mix among them. So Su Yi easily got a lot of the information he needed.

Soon, members of the patrol team discovered that Jiro Ojima was missing again.

Why say again?

Because it is common for this guy to miss work and leave early, it is not surprising at all.

Even in normal times, Ojima Jiro only participated in patrols two or three times before disappearing.

From top to bottom, no one in the patrol team found it strange that Ojima Jiro left. Instead, they felt that this was normal.

Su Yi had already sneaked into Matsushiro Xiaoliang's home. He did not turn on the lights and carefully checked everywhere, expecting to give him a big "surprise" when Matsushiro Xiaoliang came back.

At the military camp headquarters, Nakamura Kotaro and Matsuro Takayoshi were still discussing matters about Su Yi. Due to the change in public opinion, both of them looked much more relaxed than before.

They never imagined that Su Yi had been wandering around them for more than ten times.

"General Nakamura, public opinion is very favorable to us now. I believe that if this continues, even if Geng Liangchen does not compromise, he will soon be ruined and his family will be betrayed." Takayoshi Matsumuro said with a smile,

"円西." Kotaro Nakamura smiled and nodded, "What makes me even more gratified is that the businessmen finally supported us this time. Although some people have strong opinions, most of the businessmen expressed their understanding."

"This is because after Geng Liangchen became the leader of the foot industry, the foot industry and the Concession Chamber of Commerce had a lot of unhappiness over the price of goods transportation, and these unpleasantnesses were all caused by Geng Liangchen's refusal to make any concessions on transportation costs." Matsuro Takashi said, "In fact, from this point we can also see Geng Liangchen's attitude towards our great Zhe Peng Empire. This person is definitely a hater of Japan, and we must get rid of him. It's a pity that he will not be able to do so when he is still young. Even taking action is what caused our trouble today."

Kotaro Nakamura nodded in agreement: "Yes, I originally thought that a young man like him would lose his composure and couldn't help but stand up, but I didn't expect that he could bear it so well and kept hiding in his house. "

"Maybe he is not at home..." Matsumuro Takaliang narrowed his eyes and said, "This person is too cunning. We must be extremely careful to see what tricks he plays again."

"We have arranged eyeliners around his house, and any troubles will not be hidden from our eyes." Nakamura Kotaro smiled, "Matsumuro-san, you don't have to be too nervous. I believe that Geng Liangchen will not be with us soon." It’s not a problem anymore.”

"Of course, especially under your guidance, General, I firmly believe that we will succeed." Matsumuro Takaharu said humbly.

Nakamura Kotaro laughed, patted Matsuro Takaharu on the shoulder and said: "Okay, you have been busy with this matter all day. The most important thing you should do now is to go home, take a good bath, and then feel comfortable. Get some sleep. Maybe when we wake up tomorrow morning, Geng Liangchen will already be standing in front of us. Go back quickly, don't work too hard."

"Yes, thank you for your concern, General." Matsumuro Takaliang said gratefully.

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