Matsuro Takaharu returned to his room. Instead of taking a bath and going to rest as Nakamura Kotaro suggested, he sat at his desk.

He has a habit - the habit of writing a diary.

Unlike unscrupulous people, he writes a diary not for others to read, but for himself.

He believes that people should use pens to record their lives, because memory is inaccurate and only words can record information most accurately.

His diary is in his desk drawer.

As usual, he picked up a pen and planned to record what happened today.

But as soon as I took off the cap of the pen, the ink spurted out.

It was all over his hands, all over his body, all over his notebook...

"Fuck you!" Matsumuro Takaharu's mentality immediately collapsed.

He hurriedly stood up and took away the diary that was dripping with ink. Looking at the mess all over his body and table, the anger in his heart was about to burst out.

"Damn pen! I'm going crazy!" He cursed, rolled up his sleeves and walked to the bathroom.

The imbalance of his mentality caused him to lose his previous calmness and vigilance, so much so that he didn't even notice that the bathroom door that should have been open was closed tightly today. He pushed open the door, stepped in, and reached out to turn on the light switch.

But after taking one step in, he felt like he had stepped into wet water.

what's the situation?

Matsuro Takaharu felt like he was going crazy.

Zhepeng people don't wear shoes in the room, and Matsuro Takayoshi has the habit of going barefoot at home, so the entire sole of his foot is immersed in the water.

By this time his hand had touched the switch.

The next moment, a numb feeling instantly surged throughout his body.

Oops, I got an electric shock!

Matsuro Takashi was startled and tried to break away, but half of his body was in the water and half of his body was numb!

He collapsed uncontrollably toward the bathroom, but in this way, the force of his fall finally allowed him to escape the electric switch.

Before Matsumuro Xiaoliang could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt someone push him hard from behind.


Takaharu Matsuro had no time to react before he felt his head hit the wall hard, and then he fell into the bathtub and fainted.


The water in the bathtub rippled and overflowed.

The comatose Takaharu Matsuro's whole head was stuffed in the water, bubbling and bubbling, and after a while, there was no movement.

Su Yi stood expressionless at the door of the bathroom, slowly wrapped his hands with his sleeves, and turned on the bathroom light.

He deftly disassembled the bathroom light switch, reinstalled the wires that had intentionally leaked, and then screwed on the switch to make it look old.

He carefully inspected the scene and began to clean up his traces.

Finally, he carefully climbed out of the back window and disappeared into the night.

Kotaro Nakamura has always had the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. He is already in his fifties and he is no longer young. His biggest wish is to return to his homeland, preferably to enter the cabinet and become a central official of Zhepeng.

He didn't want to stay in China. He was tired of everything here and tired of fighting.

He originally had hope, but unfortunately an accident ruined everything for him.

In the past few days after returning to Jinmen, he had not been able to sleep well, both because of the depression of his bleak future and the frustration of his ups and downs in officialdom.

He tossed and turned, tossing and turning.

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the middle of the night that he fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he had been sleeping, but he suddenly felt a little cold on his forehead. He subconsciously reached out and touched it, but he touched the short stubble of his hair.

Nakamura Kotaro froze, and the next moment he opened his eyes in horror.

He obviously has long hair...

"Someone is coming! Someone is coming!" He sat up in shock and shouted in fear.

The guard outside the door rushed in immediately and turned on the light.

"General, you..." The two guards looked at Kotaro Nakamura in horror, their eyes wide open and speechless.

Nakamura trembled and touched his head, looking around in horror with his eyes. When his eyes fell on the small wooden table in front of the couch, his pupils shrank instantly!

On the wooden table, some short hair was used to display two words - "Release"!

Nakamura Kotaro trembled all over, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was cold.

"Search, search for me!" He ordered, trembling, while taking out a gun from under the pillow.

However, when he got the gun in his hand, he felt something was wrong. When he looked carefully, he found that the magazine was missing.

This discovery made Kotaro Nakamura even more nervous.

The two guards searched the house back and forth, but found nothing.

The two of them were also very frightened.

In the dignified headquarters of the North China garrison, the top officer, guarded by tens of thousands of soldiers, had his head shaved off while sleeping at night...

What a sensational thing!

This is incredible!

"Commander, should you order the entire army to be on emergency alert..." a guard suggested.

"No!" Before he could finish speaking, Nakamura Kotaro interrupted him.

Kotaro Nakamura, who had just experienced a turmoil, could realize better than anyone else that once this incident spread, his originally hopeful future would be completely ruined!

The cabinet absolutely does not need a general whose head was shaved by the enemy!

This is Zhe Peng's shame!

It's his shame, Kotaro Nakamura!

Nakamura Kotaro's expression changed drastically, and he stared at the two guards in front of him.

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand: "Gun! Give me the gun!"

A guard hurriedly stepped forward and handed his gun to Kotaro Nakamura.


With the bullet loaded, Kotaro Nakamura suddenly raised his gun and pointed it forward——

Bang bang!

With the sound of two gunshots, the two guards unknownly fell into a pool of blood.

After killing the two guards, Nakamura Kotaro immediately plucked his hair off the wooden table, then quickly put on his military uniform, put on his hat, and walked out of the bedroom door.

Outside the door, the alerted soldiers all pointed their guns at the door. When they saw it was Kotaro Nakamura, they hurriedly lowered the muzzle of their guns.

"General, what happened?" an officer asked with concern.

"Two guards wanted to assassinate me, but I killed them!" Nakamura Kotaro said coldly, "You should do three things immediately. First, block the military camp and not allow anyone to enter or exit; second, all members of the guard regiment must enter the camp. Level 1 alert to protect my safety; third, go to Matsumuro Xiaoliang to see me!"

"Yes!" The officer took the order and left.

It wasn't until a large group of soldiers surrounded his house that Nakamura Kotaro's uneasiness subsided slightly.

But not long after, a piece of bad news immediately put his heart in his throat again.

"What did you say?" He looked at the sergeant in front of him in disbelief, "You said Matsumuro Takaharu is dead?"

"Yes, General!" the sergeant said with a solemn expression, "I followed your instructions and went to find Mr. Matsumuro to see you. The light in his room was on, but no one opened the door no matter how hard I knocked. I realized something might be wrong. , so he broke in, only to find Matsumuro-kun drowned in the bathtub."

"He drowned in his bathtub?" Nakamura Kotaro felt bad. "Where is the murderer? Has the murderer been caught?"

"The murderer?" The sergeant was startled, "General, there is no murderer. Matsumuro-kun's death must have been an accident..."

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Nakamura Kotaro's eyes were about to burst.


Do ghosts believe it?

He had just had his head shaved in front of him, and Takaharu Matsuro died in the back.

He doesn't believe this is a coincidence. This must be the killer's warning and shock to him!

"General, and Chi-san have rushed to the scene to investigate." The sergeant said, "He is a professional agent who has received relevant training and was once a great detective of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. With him here, the truth about Matsuro-kun's death will surely come to light. .”

"Take me to the scene!" Nakamura Kotaro felt cold air seeping out of every pore in his body.

They quickly arrived at the door of Matsuuro Takaharu's room.

A middle-aged man wearing a military uniform and a sanitary beard just took off his gloves and walked out of the room.

After seeing Kotaro Nakamura, the man was startled, and then he quickly took two steps, saluted fiercely, and said loudly: "Hechi Takaji, see the general!"

This person is also a well-known spy leader in Tianjin, and it was this person who founded the notorious Lan Agency. It's just that this person's work focuses on Guangdong, Guangxi and Shanxi, and he is not very active in the Pingjin area.

"Wazhi-kun, how is the situation?" Nakamura Kotaro asked in a deep voice.

"An accident that shouldn't have happened," Wachi Takaji concluded without hesitation, "Matsumuro-kun is so unlucky. He should have had a bright future, but he didn't expect... Alas, his death was attributed to the great Zhe Peng Empire. Pity!"

"Accident?" Nakamura Kotaro stared into Wachi Takaji's eyes, "Are you sure it was an accident? Could it be a killer who killed someone and then disguised it as an accident?"

He Zhiyinger was a little displeased and said: "General, please trust my professional judgment. No one can pretend under my nose! Moreover, I don't think any killer can sneak into the military camp to commit murder and cause accidents!"

I still don’t believe that a killer can shave my head...

An evil fire surged up in Nakamura Kotaro, and he wished he could slap Hechitaka in the face.

It's just that this person is not his subordinate, so he can't act recklessly.

"General, please come in. Please allow me to explain my survey results to you in detail." He Zhiyingji made a gesture of invitation.

"Okay, thank you." Nakamura Kotaro nodded and stepped through the door.

The two first came to the bathroom door. Nakamura Kotaro saw the body of Matsumuro Takaharu lying flat on the bathroom floor, covered with a white cloth.

Wachi Takaji pointed to the water in the bathtub: "According to my speculation, after returning home, Matsumuro-kun first put a tank of water for himself, intending to take a bath..."

He then pointed in the direction of the desk on the other side: "I followed him to the desk and wanted to write a diary, but his pen broke and ink sprayed all over him, so he went back to the bathroom to deal with it."

Having said this, Wachi Takashi sighed and pointed to a pool of water on the ground: "Matsumuro-kun is so unlucky. When he filled the bathtub with water, he accidentally spilled the water on the ground. As a result, when he came in He stepped on water, slipped, hit his head against the wall, knocked himself unconscious, and then fell into the bathtub, where he choked to death on the water."

Kotaro Nakamura thought about this series of scenes in his mind. Not only was he not relieved, but he was even more horrified.

"Is there no trace of the second person at the scene? Are there any human clues?" he asked reluctantly.

"General Nakamura, forgive me for my lack of knowledge and knowledge. I don't see anything special about this accident at all." He Zhiying Er said, "I have carefully inspected the scene and there is no trace of a second person entering here. If you still have any doubts, , you can call someone to inspect the scene again."

"But I have carefully examined Matsumuro-kun's body. All the marks on his body fully support my conclusion just now. Moreover, there are no traces of man-made artifacts either at the scene or on the deceased."

Nakamura Kotaro's face was uncertain. He was sure that this was definitely a murder!

This isn't some damn accident at all!

But Takaji Wachi is definitely an elite expert in this field. Even he can't figure out how this accident happened. How clever must the murderer be?

But think about it, if he wasn't clever, how could the murderer sneak into the heavily guarded garrison headquarters? If he wasn't smart, how could the murderer disappear without a trace immediately after killing someone?

If he wasn't smart, how could he have made him, a majestic Imperial Major General, so frightened and panicked?

Kotaro Nakamura was even able to pinpoint the murderer - Geng Liangchen!

Even if it's not Geng Liangchen, he must be this person's accomplice!

His heart was filled with murderous intent, and he wished he could kill Geng Liangchen at all costs.

But he was more afraid!


He even wanted to escape from Jinmen, Hua, and Zhepeng at all costs!


How could such a terrifying person exist in the world?

Tens of thousands of people came and went freely in the military camp. He caused an accident that even professionals like Hechi Takaji could not detect. He killed Takaharu Matsuro and shaved off his own hair without anyone noticing. !

The scariest thing is this.

When Nakamura Kotaro thought of this terrifying killer squatting in front of his sleeping self, he slowly shaved off his hair, then placed it on the wooden table. Finally, he took his own magazine from under his pillow, and then disappeared without a trace. trace……

As soon as he imagined this scene in his mind, he felt a tremor coming from his soul.

If the other party can shave his head, he can kill him!

If the other party can sneak in unnoticed once, there will be a second or third time!

But next time, will the other party just shave their heads and not kill anyone?

Let him go!

This is the other party's request and the reason why the other party does not kill him.

So, what should you do?

Are you desperate for revenge and trying every means to kill Geng Liangchen?

Or should we choose to compromise, let him go and put an end to this turmoil?

There has never been a moment when Kotaro Nakamura felt so entangled.

Just when Nakamura Kotaro was extremely entangled, Su Yi arranged the scene in Ojima Jiro's home to show that Ojima Jiro committed a murder while drunk and was killed by his wife by mistake. Then his wife committed suicide by burning charcoal in fear and despair. .

This was the final finishing work for this matter. After finishing this, Su Yi quietly retreated.

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