The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 129 The second day comes, and another player opens the door in the middle of the night!

When Li Yinchuan first came during the day, Patient No. 1 did have this hemp rope in mind to cooperate with Patients No. 2 and No. 3 to solve Li Yinchuan's idea.

But when Li Yinchuan easily solved patients No. 2 and No. 3.

Patient No. 1 had already forgotten this idea and did not dare to show it at all.

That's why.

The hemp rope of Patient No. 1 has always been hidden behind the pillow and has never been exposed at all.

It really doesn't know how Li Yinchuan discovered it.

But no matter how Li Yinchuan discovered the hemp rope he had hidden.

Patient No. 1 only knew that he had yellow mud hanging down his crotch, and he couldn't wash it off.

Even at this moment, Patient No. 1 was prepared to have his crime tools confiscated and then be force-fed a pill by Li Yinchuan.

But fortunately, what Patient No. 1 expected did not happen.

Li Yinchuan approached the hospital bed, took away the hemp rope hidden behind the pillow, and then ignored it.

Holding the hemp rope, Li Yinchuan walked towards the strange patient in bed No. 4.

"You...what are you going to do!"

Seeing Li Yinchuan's behavior, the expression of the strange patient in bed No. 4 suddenly changed, and he subconsciously stepped back and leaned against the wall.

But Li Yinchuan did not intend to answer the strange and panicked patient.

Although Li Yinchuan was not afraid of what this strange patient would do.

But all in all, it is something strange that appears at night, not a real patient in the ward.

Li Yinchuan was reluctant to kill him directly, thinking that he could dig out more information.

But if he was allowed to move around in the ward like this, the other three patients would look horrified.

Li Yinchuan is also worried about the impact this strange patient will have on the other three patients.

That's why.

Only then did Li Yinchuan take out the hemp rope hidden under Patient No. 1's pillow.

Just used to tie up this strange patient to prevent it from causing trouble.

"You three, come here and hold it down for me."

Looking at the strange patient trying to struggle, Li Yinchuan shouted to the other three patients.

At this moment, these three patients also knew what Li Yinchuan was planning to do.

Although there is fear of this strange patient who suddenly appears from outside the midnight ward.

But the three patients knew that tying up this strange patient at this time would definitely be beneficial to them.

So the three ghost patients quickly climbed out of their beds and walked towards bed No. 4.

They each stretched out their hands to pin this strange patient down on the bed.

At this moment, the strange patient who was pinned down on the bed looked very frightened.

A strong strange aura overflowed from the strange patients. Fortunately, the three ghost patients also had the strength of the yellow-robed ghosts.

The strange aura of the strange patients had no effect on the three ghost patients.

However, due to the fierce struggle of this strange patient, for a moment, the three ghosts in the ward combined their efforts and were still unable to hold this strange patient down.

And just then.

With a "pop" sound, Li Yinchuan raised his palm and slapped him again.

Under this slap, the strange patient who was still struggling suddenly became quiet.

Because Li Yinchuan's slap directly knocked the strange patient unconscious again.

I saw the strange patient fainting again.

The three ghostly patients finally let go of their hands on the strange patient, and looked at Li Yinchuan with some uneasy eyes.

Li Yinchuan did not intend to pay attention to these three ghost patients who had little success but more than failure, and told them to get back to their beds.

Holding the hemp rope in his hand, Li Yinchuan tied up the strange patient who had fainted in bed No. 4 so tightly that he could not move at all without spending much time.

After finishing everything, Li Yinchuan finally stretched himself.

Bed No. 4, where Li Yinchuan was supposed to rest, was occupied by a new and strange patient.

Li Yinchuan turned his head and looked at Patient No. 2.

"You...what are you doing?"

Patient No. 2 was suddenly shocked when Li Yinchuan looked at him.

What Li Yinchuan did to them now caused these patients to panic subconsciously if Li Yinchuan simply looked at them.

"You've had enough sleep after sleeping for so long. Get up and let me lie down on your hospital bed."

Patient No. 2: “???”

Upon hearing this, Patient No. 2 was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly darkened.

God, I have slept enough before, so I let myself get up and lie down on the hospital bed for you.

I'm a fucking patient, why don't you, a doctor, take over my patient's bed?

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but didn't react for a while when they heard Li Yinchuan's words.

I thought Li Yinchuan had discovered something again.

In the end, I simply felt tired and found a bed to rest.

[: Hahaha, it made me laugh so hard, I thought it was a big deal, but patient number two has been resting for so long, so it’s very reasonable for him to let his bed get out of the way! 】

[: Wow, wow, I have to ask for beds from patients who have had enough sleep, instead of just looking for other patients. This anchor really makes me cry to death. 】

In the copy, Patient No. 2 did not dare not listen to Li Yinchuan's request, and could only get up from his bed with a dark face.

Seeing Patient No. 2 leaving his hospital bed, Li Yinchuan didn't care at all. He lay down directly and covered himself with the quilt very peacefully.

After a while, Li Yinchuan, who was resting with his eyes closed, began to breathe more steadily, as if he had really fallen asleep.

However, Li Yinchuan, who was sleeping, seemed to be unaware of the looks that the other ghost patients in the ward were looking at him.

But at this moment, although Li Yinchuan was still sleeping.

After experiencing the previous incident of strange knocking on the door of the ward, the audience, who originally felt boring and sleepy, became energetic.

Looking at Li Yinchuan who seemed to be really asleep, the audience couldn't help but sigh.

[: The anchor is probably the only one who really dares to sleep in the dungeon. With so many ghosts around him, it's hard to imagine how the anchor could fall asleep. 】

[: I watched the anchor sleeping in the first Gujing dungeon. I didn’t expect that after so many dungeons, the anchor’s original intention of sleeping has never changed. This is the strength of the anchor! 】

At the same time, while Li Yinchuan was sleeping, the viewers in the live broadcast room were also quietly observing other patients in the ward.

The strange patient who was tied tightly before was still awake at the moment.

Patient No. 1 and Patient No. 3 were lying on the bed.

Patient No. 2, whose bed was forcibly occupied, stood motionless in the ward with black lines on his face like a dull wooden figure.

But despite this, even if Li Yinchuan had fallen asleep at this moment, the audience could not find the slightest hint of danger in the eyes of the three ghost patients.

In this regard, the audience all understood that it was probably Li Yinchuan's previous actions that had left a huge shadow in the hearts of the three patients.

So much so that even if Li Yinchuan is really asleep now, the three ghost patients dare not make any move.

Unconsciously, gray light shone in once again outside the dark window in the ward.

The interior of the ward is no longer dark.

But the gray light seems to be the brightest time in Nightmare Hospital. It is obviously impossible to wait for the sun to rise in the horror game.

That night, the three ghost patients in Ward 201 were very quiet.

Only the strange patient who was tied to bed No. 4 was still struggling from time to time and making a little noise after waking up.

Soon after, Li Yinchuan, who was lying on hospital bed No. 2, gradually woke up.

"It's dawn."

Looking at the gray light coming in from the window of the ward.

Although Li Yinchuan stretched, his eyes were not sleepy at all.

He stood up from bed No. 2.

Today is the second day of the Nightmare Hospital copy.

According to yesterday's task.

The basic tasks that Li Yinchuan and other players need to complete today have not changed.

It is better to rate the patient's condition, and then go to Dean Li Gui to get medicine after the scoring is completed.

He took out the patient condition report sheet from Ward 201.

Li Yinchuan held the condition report form in one hand and a pen in the other.

Seeing this scene, the three ghost patients in Ward 201 suddenly became nervous.

The three ghost patients said quickly.

"Doctor, we all behaved healthily this night, and we didn't get sick."

Li Yinchuan nodded, but did not embarrass the three ghost patients and nodded.

"I know. So based on your condition yesterday, my scores for you today will be lowered by one level each. Is there any problem?"

Each one is lowered by one level, which means that patient No. 2 and No. 3 who were scored three points yesterday will only be given two points today.

Patient No. 1, who received a score of two yesterday, only needs a score of one today.

Hearing this, the three Li Gui patients immediately breathed a sigh of relief, nodded in joy and said,

"No problem, no problem."

Li Yinchuan wrote down the scores of the three ghost patients.

Before leaving Ward 201, Li Yinchuan also told him to keep an eye on the strange patient in bed No. 4 to prevent him from causing any trouble.

Naturally, the three Ligui patients nodded quickly to this request.

Next is Ward 202.

Yesterday, the scores of the four ghost patients in Ward 202 were already one point.

After taking the medicine stably yesterday, the four ghost patients in Ward 202 seemed to be more emotionally stable.

It's a pity that the minimum score required for patients is one point.

Therefore, each of the four ghosts in Ward 202 was given one point again.

Except for ward 204.

The remaining ghosts in wards 203, 205 and 206 are similar.

After taking the medicine for a day, the condition that was originally very stable became even more stable.

Especially the two ghost patients in wards 203 and 205 who twitched from time to time after taking medicine yesterday.

The signs of convulsions in them are also diminishing, but they are not completely healed.

Therefore, Li Yinchuan still gave the two twitching ghost patients two points, and the remaining ghost patients all received the lowest score.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

Only when Li Yinchuan entered Ward 204, his brows wrinkled again.

Push open the door of ward 204.

It can be clearly seen that the irritability in the eyes of the four ghost patients in the ward is getting more serious at this moment.

The terrifying ghostly aura on their bodies is also unconsciously spreading around them.

Compared to yesterday, the ghostly auras of the four ghost patients were becoming more and more terrifying.

Among them, there may be no obvious difference between the three Ligui patients who are ordinary Qingyi's strength.

But among the four patients, the only one with half-step Tsing Yi Li Gui, the green color on his body occupies a larger face value.

If it is not stopped in time, it may one day truly turn into a green ghost.

But no matter the future.

Right now, looking at the irritability in the eyes of these four ghost patients.

Maybe in the next moment, if one of them fails to hold back, the four patients in Ward 204 will completely lose control.

", you are here."

Seeing Li Yinchuan coming in, the four Li Gui patients reluctantly spoke while suppressing the aggression in their hearts.

"Your condition is getting worse."

Li Yinchuan frowned and looked at the four patients in Ward 204.

The four patients all nodded with ugly expressions.

"Yes, doctor, we don't know how long we can be awake. If you can, help us go to the dean to get medicine. As long as we take medicine, our condition can be temporarily contained."

After hearing this, Li Yinchuan's expression did not change. He seemed to have remembered something and reached into the pocket of his white coat.

"Medicine? I still have a few pills here..."

Immediately afterwards, three white capsules appeared in Li Yinchuan's hand.

But seeing these three white capsules, Li Yinchuan frowned again.

Originally, Dean Li Gui gave four pills to each of the players yesterday.

Four pills, if they were all given to the four ghost patients in ward 204, one pill each would be just right.

But at night, Li Yinchuan had already consumed one pill in Ward 201.

He only has three pills in his hand now, but there are four patients who need to take them.

While Li Yinchuan took out the medicine.

The four ghost patients who originally seemed a little surprised also noticed this.

Three pills, four ghost patients, obviously not enough.

But now, the conditions of the four ghost patients are very serious, and there cannot be any delay.

But simply, Li Yinchuan did not make a decision.

Among the four fierce ghost patients, the less powerful one, Banbu Qingyi, gave up on his own initiative.

"There are only three pills. Let's take three of them first. I think I can still hold on for a while."

One patient voluntarily gave up, and the remaining three pills were easily divided.

Li Yinchuan has no ink on this either.

"In that case, let's give them medicine first. After I finish grading you, go to the dean to get the medicine."

With that said, Li Yinchuan gave three pills to the three green-robed ghost patients in the ward.

After swallowing the medicine, you can clearly see that the anger in the patient's eyes has subsided a lot.

The ghostly aura that had unconsciously leaked out of their bodies before was also restrained and became very stable.

But it is obvious that one pill cannot suppress their condition for long.

Li Yinchuan didn't waste much time. He took out the patient condition report form of Ward 204 and gave each of the four patients four points.

Push the door and leave from Ward 204.

Standing outside the ward, Li Yinchuan looked back, still frowning at Ward 204 with the door closed.

It's obvious.

Compared with patients in other wards, for patients in Ward 204, each patient can only take four pills a day, which is obviously not enough.

And if it weren't for the four extra pills given to players by Dean Li Gui later.

Maybe the patients in ward 204 just now can't control themselves anymore.

But... Dean Li Gui said that each Li Gui patient can only take up to four pills a day. Taking too much will be harmful rather than helpful.

Standing at the door of the ward, Li Yinchuan did not go directly to the first floor to find Dean Li Gui, but frowned deeply.

Then, something seemed to come to mind.

However, Li Yinchuan took out the disease status sheets from other wards again, held a pen in his other hand, and drew on the disease status sheets again.

At this time, not far away.

Among the six wards owned by another player, Xiao Subei.

The door of Ward 212 was pushed open.

Those who entered the dungeon this time were all experienced Tsing Yi players.

At dawn, everyone gets up immediately and prioritizes the daily task of grading patients.

Perhaps because the patients had just been given medicine yesterday, the patients in the most dangerous ward that other players were now responsible for did not go crazy.

Xiao Subei, who walked out of Ward 212, had no more injuries.

I saw Li Yinchuan who was already in the corridor and leaning against the door of the ward.

Xiao Subei's eyes suddenly lit up and he trotted to Li Yinchuan's side.

"Brother, have you rated all the patients in the ward you are responsible for?"

Seeing Xiao Subei running over, Li Yinchuan, who had almost revised the disease report form, put the pen and disease report form in his hand into the pocket of his white coat.

Li Yinchuan nodded slightly and asked rhetorically.

"Well, you're done too?"

"That's for sure. I started grading the patients as soon as dawn. I was lucky. When I went there this morning, the patients in my ward 212 were not sick. Plus, the four pills given by Dean Li Gui yesterday, You should be able to hold on until the next time you get medicine.”

Xiao Subei said with a smile.

Then he seemed to think of something, and his expression changed.

"By the way, did you hear a knock on the door outside the ward last night? It probably meant that you were also the kind of patient who felt unwell and wanted to see a doctor."

Hearing this, Li Yinchuan's eyes flashed slightly.

"I heard what happened."

Xiao Subei shook his head.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask if you have ever encountered something similar."

After all, according to the mechanism of a thriller game, there will basically not be much difference in the difficulty and weirdness encountered by players in the same copy and the same identity.

Xiao Subei felt relieved when he heard that Li Yinchuan also encountered a similar strange incident.

At least I'm not the only one encountering it.

If he was the only one who encountered it, Xiao Subei would probably worry about whether he had triggered some strange incident.

But compared to Li Yinchuan, he just opened the door and fought hard.

When Xiao Subei faced the strange patient who knocked on the door last night, he chose to pretend to be dead and ignore it.

Although there has been no communication with players on other floors yet, if other players encounter similar incidents, most of them will choose to pretend to be dead and ignore it like Xiao Subei.

There is one more thing to be thankful for.

Although Dean Li Gui gave them white candles yesterday, the book of white candles in Xiao Subei's hand has not been used yet because he has not heard any reports of patients getting sick in other wards.

When Dean Li Gui distributes white candles to them again today, Xiao Subei will have two.

Although there is no place to use it yet, Xiao Subei feels that if these white candles can be saved for a few days later in the dungeon, the safety of their players can be better guaranteed.

The two chatted for a while. Both of them had finished rating the patients in the wards they were responsible for, and then walked towards the first floor together.

The efficiency of players on other floors is similar to that of Li Yinchuan and Xiao Subei.

Basically, he left the ward he was responsible for and headed towards the first floor.

On the stairs, Li Yinchuan and Xiao Subei met the two players from the fifth floor they met yesterday.

Li Yinchuan nodded slightly as a greeting to them, but Xiao Subei walked over enthusiastically and started communicating with the two players on the fifth floor.

The communication question is also very straightforward. It is also asking the two players on the fifth floor if they heard any knocking on the door last night.

But when Xiao Subei first asked this question, as expected, the two players on the fifth floor nodded, indicating that they had heard it.

But the next moment, what the player in charge of 501 to 506 on the fifth floor said made Li Yinchuan look at him sideways.

“Not only did I hear it, I opened the door to see it.”

"Open the door?"

After hearing what the player in charge of 501 to 506 said, Xiao Subei and the other player on the fifth floor couldn't help but change the way they looked at him.

Obviously you can avoid the strangeness by just ignoring it, but you insist on opening the door to check the situation.

People who do this are either stupid or have confidence in their own strength.

But to be able to enter this dungeon, none of the players should be stupid.

That can only show that the player responsible for 501 to 506 has absolute confidence in his own strength.

This, I am afraid, is not an ordinary Tsing Yi player, but most likely a top Tsing Yi player.

Maybe, among the top Tsing Yi players, the player responsible for 501 to 506 can be considered a master.

"Then what did you see?"

Subconsciously, Xiao Subei and the other player on the fifth floor asked.

In response, the player shook his head.

"No, there's nothing outside the door."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Subei and the other player on the fifth floor knew exactly how the player in charge of wards 501 to 506 opened the door.

Although he is confident in his own strength.

But he wouldn't be like Li Yinchuan and just open the door to face the strangeness without even lighting the white candle.

Last night, the player in charge of wards 501 to 506 heard a strange knock on the door.

It also reminds me of some hidden principles of thriller games. The greater the danger, the more information and benefits you may gain if you successfully overcome it.

So he lit the white candle in advance and then chose to open the door.

But unfortunately, nothing was found, and a third of the white candle burned in vain.

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