The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 130 The origin of the strange patient, is he a normal person?


After hearing the details of how the player in charge of wards 501 to 506 opened the ward door and faced the strange things in the corridor.

Xiao Subei and the other player on the fifth floor both had a look of disappointment in their eyes.

In fact, last night I heard a knock on the door outside the ward.

Xiao Subei also had the idea of ​​lighting a white candle and opening the ward door to take a look.

But in the end, he gave up the idea.

The first reason is because Xiao Subei knows that as long as he hides inside the door and ignores Wei Wei, he will leave, and he is reluctant to let the white candle be consumed so easily.

Second, Xiao Subei was not sure whether the white candle could completely resist the strange invasion.

If the ward door is opened, the white candle can only resist part of the strange invasion.

That means Xiao Subei still needs to take action to solve that part of the weirdness himself.

But this is a copy of the Tsing Yi player after all, so the risk of doing so is very high, plus there are other ghost patients in the ward who are eyeing him.

So after careful consideration, Xiao Subei finally decided to pretend to be dead and ignore it.

Anyway, as long as you pretend to be dead and ignore it, you don't have to bear any risks after opening the door.

The other player on the fifth floor also had similar thoughts to Xiao Subei.

They all feel that with their own strength, if they really encounter the second situation, the risk will be very high, so it is better to be safe.

So disappointed.

The player in charge of wards 501 to 506 on the fifth floor dared to face certain risks. He lit a white candle and opened the door to check the specific situation, which already showed his confidence in his own strength.

At least this is something Xiao Subei and another player on the fifth floor would never dare to try easily.

As for the idea of ​​not even lighting the white candle, but just opening the ward door to check what's going on outside.

Xiao Subei and the others had never even thought about it.

Dean Li Gui said it in advance.

There are many dangers outside the ward at night, and players can only leave the ward safely when they light a white candle.

Under such a clear reminder, if there are still players who dare to open the door and go out without lighting a candle, then only the real stupid people will do so.

The only players who can enter this dungeon are players above Qing Yi's strength, so naturally there are no such stupid young people.

But after just communicating with the player in charge of wards 501 to 506.

Xiao Subei and the others also understood that the purpose of the white candle given to them by Dean Li Gui was much higher than they imagined.

No one thinks that the player responsible for 501 to 506 was lucky to not encounter anything strange when he opened the door last night.

It's just that the presence of the white candle made Weiyi, who was originally guarding the door of the ward, hide in advance.

If you really open the door without lighting the candle, the probability of encountering something strange is basically 100%.

Xiao Subei and the others were not wrong about this.

Because in addition to the players responsible for 501 to 506 on the fifth floor who opened the door yesterday, Li Yinchuan also opened the ward door.

The only variable between Li Yinchuan and Li Yinchuan was that one opened the door without lighting the candle, while the other dared to open the door after lighting the candle.

And it was precisely because of this variable that the player in charge of Ward 501 saw nothing.

And Li Yinchuan...he even added a new patient to Ward 201, which he was responsible for.

However, Li Yinchuan did not intend to elaborate on all this, but quietly listened to the discussion between Xiao Subei and the two players on the fifth floor.

Not long after, the group arrived on the first floor again.

When the group arrived on the first floor, the eyes of Xiao Subei and other players could not help but darken slightly.

At the entrance of the corridor on the first floor, Dr. Li Gui, who replaced the deceased player "Nan Li" and was responsible for taking care of wards 407 to 412, was waiting early.

Seeing the players coming down the stairs, a strange light flashed in Doctor Li Gui's pupils.

However, it did not make any dangerous moves, and just waited quietly on the spot.

At this moment, in addition to the four Li Yinchuan, the two players on the first floor were also waiting for everyone at the stairs.

But because of the presence of this ghost doctor, the atmosphere among the several players at the scene was a bit deserted. They obviously didn't want to talk in front of this ghost doctor.

Fortunately, the remaining three players quickly walked downstairs.

At this point, nine players and a ghost doctor have gathered at the stairwell of the corridor on the first floor.

"Everyone is here, please come with me to the office to find the dean to get medicine."

The cold voice of Dr. Li Gui, who was in charge of wards 407 to 412, rang out.

The players didn't reply, and the ghost doctor didn't care either. He was already walking towards the dean's office.

Seeing the ghost doctor walking away, the nine players looked at each other and chose to follow him.

When the player rushed to the dean's office, the ghost doctor was already waiting at the door of the office.

Next to Doctor Li Gui, Dean Li Gui's figure had already walked out of the office at some point.

Several players could even see that in the hands of this ghost doctor, the patient status report sheet belonging to the ward he was responsible for had been taken out, and the other hand was holding a large number of white capsules.

Look at this, when the player was on the road just now, Dr. Li Gui had already submitted the patient condition report of his ward to Dean Li Gui.

At this moment, Dean Li Gui also saw the "late arrival" players coming towards the office.

Dean Li Gui's brows suddenly frowned slightly.

"What's wrong with you? Everyone is coming so slowly. I've already finished distributing the medicines for the ward you're responsible for before you come. Can you learn from it?"

After hearing this, the expressions of several players who came to the scene changed a little, but they did not dare to say too much.

At the same time, several players quietly looked at the ghost doctor.

Regarding the gaze directed at him, Doctor Li Gui's cold eyes did not change, and there was no hint of embarrassment on his face.

He just casually glanced at the players in front of him.

"Dean, since I have obtained the medicine, I will arrange for my patient to take the medicine first."

Doctor Li Gui looked at Dean Li Gui beside him and said.

Dean Li Gui nodded: "Well, go ahead."

After saying this, Doctor Li Gui had no intention of waiting for the players to divide the medicine together and leave together.

He put away the disease report form and the white capsules in his hand, and left the door of the dean's office with a low step.

"Now that you are here, please give me the patient status reports in your wards in order, and I will distribute the medicines that the patients need to take."

Dean Li Gui didn't seem to be bothered by the late arrival of the players. Looking at the players, the deep voice continued to sound.

After hearing this, several players present did not dare to neglect.

In order of floors.

The two players on the first floor were at the front of the queue and handed over the illness report form they had completed early this morning to Dean Li Gui.

After reading the illness report sheets of the two players on the first floor one by one, Dean Li Gui nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, that's right. It seems that the patient's condition has not worsened. Everything is going well. Take today's medicine back and continue to urge the patient to take the medicine."

After saying that, Dean Li Gui handed back the illness report form of the two players on the first floor, and took out the corresponding amount of medicine from the white bag in his hand and handed it to them.

The two players took the medicine and illness report form and prepared to leave.

But Dean Li Gui stopped them.

"Wait a minute, tonight's white candle will also be given to you. The four additional pills used to prevent patients from getting sick at night have just been given to you."

Hearing this, the two players on the first floor were stunned and immediately counted the number of white capsules in their hands.

Indeed, compared to the scores they gave the patients, the white capsules Dean Li Gui handed them this time were four more than normal.

Taking away the white candle handed over by Dean Li Gui, the two people on the first floor did not wait for other players this time and went back directly.

Immediately following were Li Yinchuan and Xiao Subei on the second floor.

Both of them handed their disease status reports to Dean Li Gui.

But when Dean Li Gui read Li Yinchuan's illness report, he immediately.

Dean Li Gui frowned and looked at Li Yinchuan with some questioning eyes.

Seeing this scene, several players present were shocked.

I don’t know what Li Yinchuan did to suddenly attract the special attention of Dean Li Gui.

Thinking of this, several players on other floors subconsciously took a few steps back.

At the same time, Dean Li Gui’s voice rang out.

"What's going on with the patients in the wards you're responsible for? Why, except for wards 201 and 204, which have no changes, the conditions of the patients in the other four wards are one point worse than yesterday."

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but become nervous when they saw Dean Li Gui's questioning at this moment.

The other players didn't know what Li Yinchuan did.

But the audience can see it clearly.

After Li Yinchuan graded all the patients in the ward, he was waiting for Xiao Subei outside the ward.

Li Yinchuan took out all the patient condition reports that had been scored, and added one point to each patient.

Because of this, the patients in Ward 201 who originally lost one point gained one point, and their scores remained the same as yesterday.

The four patients in Ward 204 already had four points, and there was no way to improve their scores.

This is the reason why Dean Li Gui just asked why, except for wards 201 and 204, which had no changes, the patients in other wards were all in serious condition.

And in the copy, I heard this.

Li Yinchuan's expression remained unchanged, or he might have expected it when he was doing this.

It is now obvious that it is absolutely not enough for each of the four ghost patients in Ward 204 to take four pills a day.

But Dean Li Gui also said that four pills per patient per day was the upper limit, and taking too much would be harmful rather than helpful.

If it were an ordinary player, he might be really afraid that the patient would take too much medicine and something would happen that he couldn't handle, so he would obediently obey Dean Li Gui's words.

But Li Yinchuan was not only not afraid, but he also wanted to see what kind of harmful and unhelpful effects would occur if the patients with Li Gui took more medicine.

If they took too much medicine and the ghost patients in 204 had mutations, Li Yinchuan was confident that he could easily deal with them.

It is obviously not possible to directly ask Dean Li Gui for medicine. This was already tried yesterday.

Unless Li Yinchuan plans to grab it directly, although he can still grab it, the consequences may be that the next copy becomes very strange, or he may be forced to kill all the ghosts in the entire Nightmare Hospital.

So Li Yinchuan thought about it and decided that he could only get some medicine from other patients.

"I don't know. Maybe the conditions of the patients in the wards I'm in charge of were not fully revealed yesterday. Yesterday was fine. When I went to check on my condition this morning, I encountered many patients attacking me."

Li Yinchuan opened his mouth and even pretended to be frightened on his face.

Seeing Li Yinchuan's appearance, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

If they hadn't seen the patient in Ward 201 who had become a coward, they would have believed Li Yinchuan's lies.

How dare a patient attack you?

Even the Qingyi patients in 204 have been slapped awake.

Regarding the conversation with Li Yinchuan, Dean Li Gui glanced at Li Yinchuan with some suspicion, but felt that there was nothing wrong with what Li Yinchuan said.

After thinking about it, he finally decided not to delve into this further. He handed back Li Yinchuan's illness report, and then took out a number of white capsule pills that were comparable to the combined number of pills taken by the two players on the first floor and handed them to Li Yinchuan.

"Pay more attention to your patients and don't let their condition get worse."

"I will, Dean."

Li Yinchuan reached out to take the disease report form and stuffed it into his pocket, then took the white capsule in Dean Li Gui's hand with both hands.

After counting the quantity, according to the ratings Li Yinchuan gave to Li Gui's patients today, Li Yinchuan was able to get 52+4, a total of 56 white capsules, from Dean Li Gui.

There was no problem with the quantity. He stuffed all the medicine into his pocket and took a brand new white candle from Dean Li Gui's hand. Li Yinchuan's pocket was now bulging.

But in fact, it was not just Dean Li Gui who was looking at Li Yinchuan suspiciously.

Even Xiao Subei and his group of players looked at Li Yinchuan and the handful of white capsules in Li Yinchuan's hands with strange eyes.

Other players may not know the status of other players’ patients.

But the players on the same floor have basically talked about their patients' conditions.

Compared with the situation on the first day yesterday, even if it has not improved, at least the patient's condition has not worsened.

Like Li Yinchuan, the condition of all wards has deteriorated at the same time.

As for fellow players, many people's eyes began to flicker, as if they were guessing what Li Yinchuan was planning to do.

But at this moment, Dean Li Gui's voice interrupted the player's thinking.

"Okay, doctor from the third floor, come here."

Hearing this, two more players quickly took out their ward's condition report sheet and walked over to Dean Li Gui and handed it over.

Li Yinchuan didn't intend to watch the remaining players take the medicine. He looked at Xiao Subei who had also taken the medicine and the white candle.

"Let's go, where are you."

When Xiao Subei heard this, he didn't intend to stay and watch other players. He replied to Li Yinchuan, and the two of them headed back to the second floor together.

Return to the second floor and separate from Xiao Subei.

Li Yinchuan gave priority to opening the door of ward 204.

When the four ghost patients in Ward 204 saw Li Yinchuan coming back again, their eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"Doctor, you are back, have you got the medicine?"

Several patients with severe ghosts couldn't help but ask in unison.

Li Yinchuan nodded and looked at the ward, the only one in the ward who had not been given medicine to suppress his condition, Banbu Qingyi.

The ghost energy in this half-step Tsing Yi ghost patient is becoming more and more terrifying and chaotic.

Even Li Yinchuan could feel that because he had not taken medicine to suppress his condition for a long time, the strength of this half-step Tsing Yi was not far away from the real Tsing Yi ghost.

"I got the medicine. Come and distribute it."

Hearing Li Yinchuan's words, the four Li Gui patients looked even more surprised.

And when they saw the number of white capsules Li Yinchuan handed to each patient, their surprise was even greater.

Li Yinchuan was holding 20 white capsules in his hand, and the four patients were able to get an average of five capsules.

"Doctor, you asked the director and successfully applied for more medicine!"

"Absolutely. If your condition becomes more serious in the future, I will get you more medicine."

Li Yinchuan nodded and urged them to take the medicine quickly.

As for why each patient was given only five pills, Li Yinchuan didn't think of giving all the extra pills to them at once.

However, after thinking about it, Li Yinchuan chose to slowly add the number of pills he took to see what would happen after taking more than five pills at one time.

If there are really any strange changes, Li Yinchuan may give them more medicine at one time as appropriate.

Soon, the four patients in Ward 204 all took five white capsules.

After they swallowed the medicine, they could clearly see that the strong ghost aura of the half-step green-clothed ghost who was about to be unable to suppress his violent desire to attack quickly dissipated.

The moods of the remaining three Tsing Yi ghosts became more and more stable.

"If anything happens, tell me. I have some spare medicine here."

Li Yinchuan warned and left the ward under the grateful eyes of the four ghosts in Ward 204.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan went to the remaining wards and distributed the medicines he took from Dean Li Gui one by one according to their scores.

Finally, Li Yinchuan returned to Ward 201.

Seeing Li Yinchuan come back, the three patients who were resting quietly on the bed were suddenly shocked.

Li Yinchuan threw pills and capsules with corresponding scores at each of the three patients.

Knowing that Li Yinchuan was here, it was basically impossible for the three patients not to take the medicine.

After reluctantly eating, the three patients fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan turned his attention to the strange patient who was still tied to bed No. 4 and unable to move.

Under the dim light outside the window, the strange patient seemed to be in very bad spirits.

But fortunately, it seems that the only thing that can really cause harm to the strange patient is the white candle distributed by Dean Li Gui.

Although the strange patient seemed weak at the moment, there was no pain on his face.

Li Yinchuan slowly approached the strange patient in bed No. 4.

It can be clearly seen that the eyes of the strange patient seem a little confused at this moment, not as strange as they looked at night.

Seeing Li Yinchuan approaching, the strange patient couldn't help but want to struggle. Unfortunately, the straps on his body were too tight, and no matter how hard the strange patient struggled, it was of no avail.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Looking at Li Yinchuan beside him, the strange patient finally asked weakly.

Li Yinchuan did not answer this question.

He recalled what happened when he faced this strange patient at night.

The white coat on his body gradually transformed into a hospital gown, while the opposite was true for the strange patient.

This is something that has never happened to other patients.

And by now, Li Yinchuan also knows what the white coat represents in Nightmare Hospital.

This strange patient actually has special means to steal the doctor's white coat. It is definitely not as simple as an ordinary patient.

"What don't you want to do? I just want to know, who are you?"

"What am I?"

After hearing Li Yinchuan's question, the strange patient's eyes suddenly became confused.

It couldn't help but murmur to itself.

"Who am I?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room also pricked up their ears at this moment, wanting to listen carefully to the strange patient's answer.

Although there are some viewers in the live broadcast room who cannot think about as many issues as Li Yinchuan.

But there are so many people in the audience that we can discuss, so even if the audience is not thinking fast enough, they will learn a lot of information after seeing the guesses of some smart viewers.

But at this moment, the answer the audience wanted to hear did not appear.

However, the expression of the strange patient who was in confusion suddenly became crazy, and he began to struggle constantly. His confused eyes seemed to be extremely aggressive at this moment.

This look is the same as when the patients in ward 204 are sick.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel a little stupid when they saw this sudden change.

[: Damn, what’s going on? What’s wrong with this weird patient? Driven crazy by this question? 】

【:Isn’t that the case? Or is it because of the host's question that the strange patient thought of some special memories and became like this?】

Countless viewers couldn't help but speculate.

[: You said, this weird patient is not a "normal person" among the patients. Although he is not a patient in the ward. However, the prompt when entering the game does not say that "normal people" must be among the patients in the ward. Although this strange patient appeared suddenly at night, he could be considered a patient of the Nightmare Hospital. In addition, when meeting the anchor at night, its weird method of seizing the anchor's clothes makes it hard not to suspect that it is a "normal person\

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