The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 199 The detailed thoughts in the diary are terrifying, the first day bell rings, and the fir

A pair of pairs of eyes looked at Li Yinchuan with doubts.

Everyone was already a little dazed by Li Yinchuan's contradictory words.

Fortunately, Li Yinchuan is not someone who likes to hide things.

Li Yinchuan, who was standing in the hall, walked into the dormitory administrator's small room.

When Zhou Qing and the other two saw this, their expressions changed slightly and they followed.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Li Yinchuan walk into the small room and took out the diary of the old dormitory administrator again.

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin on the side looked curiously at the old dormitory administrator's diary.

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin, who had previously watched the diary with Li Yinchuan and Zhou Qing, were in strange disguises.

This is the first time the two of them have met.

Li Yinchuan quickly turned to the seventh page of the diary, which was the day when the information recorded by the dormitory administrator began to become strange.

Without saying anything, Li Yinchuan just motioned for the three of them to take a look at the contents of the diary again.

The viewers in the live broadcast room also stared wide-eyed, looking at the scant content on page seven again and again.

Many viewers still had blank looks in their eyes, unable to see why.

Some viewers even thought that Li Yinchuan asked Zhou Qing and the others to read the diary again because there were some strange changes in the diary.

But in fact, the content in the diary is exactly the same as before, without any change.

In the same way, some students reported that their beds were occupied, and students reported that their roommates' temperaments had changed drastically.

If anyone else had done this, I'm afraid many viewers would have thought that Li Yinchuan was just entertaining them.

However, out of trust in the senior people, even though the viewers in the live broadcast room could not see any problems in the diary, they did not say anything more.

I just want to wait and see if a big boss can come and clear up my confusion.

[: So...does anyone know what the problem is in the diary that the anchor asked us to read? 】

Finally, a somewhat unbearable barrage was finally sent out.

The audience, who racked their brains and couldn't figure out the reason, chose to ask others for help.

[: Yes, yes, I really don’t see anything strange about the contents of this diary, and I’ve read the contents before. 】

It's a pity that no one has answered this question yet.

The few viewers who had some ideas were not in the mood to reply at this moment.

Zhou Qing and the other three people in the copy were also in deep contemplation at this moment.

Their own strength is good, and they are also half-step red. Naturally, they think about things much more comprehensively than the audience who have different levels of strength.

And at a certain moment, Zhou Qing, who was deep in thought, seemed to understand something.

His eyes suddenly widened

"Damn it, that's what it is."

Zhou Qing's reaction was clearly seen by the audience in the live broadcast room.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room turned their attention to Zhou Qing.

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin on the side also subconsciously retracted their thoughts and looked at Zhou Qing.

"Boss Zhou Qing, what do you know?"

"Those students are the ghost students who were replaced earlier."

The moment Zhou Qing said these words, countless viewers seemed to have their brains opened and they suddenly understood.

Immediately afterwards, these viewers finally understood Li Yinchuan's previous extremely contradictory words.

[: I understand, I understand too. No wonder the host said such contradictory words. 】

[: Boss upstairs, what do you know? 】

Some new horror players couldn't help but ask questions.

Immediately afterwards, an audience member who was very capable and had been following Li Yinchuan's live broadcast sent the edited barrage.

[: Stupid, I still don’t understand this. It was clearly written in the diary, and Zhou Qing just mentioned the key points. Why haven’t you discovered the problem yet? The anchor was right when he said that he had just completely solved the source of the strangeness in the dormitory. But before the anchor came, the source of the strangeness in the dormitory had already used his own methods to replace many ghost students.

And those ghost students who were replaced, where are they now? If I'm not wrong. Those replaced ghost students may have already blended in with the normal students. They are exactly the same as normal ghost students. They attend classes, study and do all the things that normal ghost students need to do in the teaching building. 】

Seeing this clear explanation, the rest of the audience who were still confused finally understood.

[: Damn, that’s it. So, those ghost students who were mixed in with the normal students and replaced were the last resort for the strange shadows in the dormitory? This was actually noticed by the anchor! No wonder the anchor said that the source of the strangeness in the dormitory has not been completely eliminated. It turns out that is the case! 】

The next moment, the expressions of many viewers in the live broadcast room also changed.

They have seen the tricks of the strange shadows in the dormitory before.

Copy the original person and replace them without anyone noticing.

It was originally thought that Li Yinchuan had solved the source of the strange shadow in the dormitory, and the strange incident in this branch had been completely solved.

But now it seems.

Most of the weird events in this branch have indeed been resolved.

However, the various large-scale side missions in Jingyue School are all related to each other.

If you want to truly and completely solve a branch line to perfection, you must also complete the branch lines in other places that are covered.

And now, follow the clues.

From the mission of the strange source of the dormitory, the audience related some secrets in the teaching building.

Or perhaps, the original purpose of thriller games is to allow players to cooperate and explore each other's different identities.

And push them all forward, not like Li Yinchuan.

The branch tasks in other places have not been moved at all. I have just relied on my own strength to push a certain branch to the point where it is almost completed without any information.

Now the audience is very skeptical.

If you follow the normal game process.

Could it be that some players should first discover that there are some students who behave strangely among the ghost students.

Then in the subsequent tasks, based on these students who behaved strangely, we explored the source of the strangeness in the dormitory and found a solution.

Instead of first solving the source of the weirdness in the dormitory building, then thinking about the fact that there are some students who are behaving strangely in the teaching building.

Li Yinchuan's current behavior is quite putting the cart before the horse by beating the boss first and then completing some basic tasks.

However, now that Li Yinchuan has discovered that some of the strange sources in the dormitory have not been solved, Li Yinchuan will naturally not let it go.

[: I don’t know how many students in the teaching building have been replaced by the strange source of the dormitory. 】

Some viewers couldn't help but guess.

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question due to insufficient information at the moment.

If we really want to figure this out, Li Yinchuan and his team's current status as security guards and dormitory managers obviously does not meet their authority to explore the teaching building.

Want to really explore the teaching building permissions.

Perhaps, it is necessary to change to another identity profession.

What other careers can be explored in the teaching building?

All of a sudden, the audience recalled the first time they saw Teacher Li Gui and Li Gui students.

At present, it seems that only these two status professions can obtain more information in the teaching building.

Of course, it is not ruled out that in addition to these two status professions, there are other status professions in the teaching building.

But this is what needs to be explored in detail next.

In the dungeon, the faces of Zhou Qing and the others changed many times, and they also thought about various problems.

"Don't think so much. Let's go to the security room with me to submit the task. As for changing other identities, we'll talk about it then."

Looking at the three people whose expressions changed, Li Yinchuan's voice sounded again.

Hearing Li Yinchuan speak, the three of them naturally couldn't continue to mess around.

Although I still feel a little wary about the strange students who were replaced in the teaching building, there is no point in thinking about it now.

So far.

The group of four people left the dormitory building and headed back in the direction they came from.

Not much time was wasted.

The security room is already located not far away.

At this moment, at the door of the security room, the substitute security guards we met earlier were still standing guard at the door.

But this time, they saw Li Yinchuan and the others approaching, especially the noble deputy security captain uniform on Li Yinchuan.

The faces of these ghost security guards wearing ordinary patrol security uniforms suddenly became respectful, and then they stood at attention and saluted.

"Hello, vice-captain!"

The treatment was completely different from the first time I came here.

Compared to the last three people who came together in the security room this time, the original three people had become four.

However, because Li Yinchuan was the deputy security captain and Zhou Qing had also obtained the identity of dormitory administrator, the patrolling security guards at the door of the security room did not show any sign and allowed the four of them to walk directly into it.

Inside the security room getting closer.

Zhou Qing is here for the first time.

Zhou Qing also felt that there seemed to be a very terrifying ghost inside the security room.

The aura of this fierce ghost is not even weaker than the strange dormitory encountered before.

Based on what I learned from Li Yinchuan and the other three people.

The terrifying ghost inside the security room is undoubtedly the security captain of Jiyue School.

The three of them followed Li Yinchuan and walked for a while.

Not long after, Zhou Qing saw a tall figure in security uniform not far away.

When Li Yinchuan and his party were able to see Captain Li Gui's security team.

Naturally, Captain Li Gui's security team could also see Li Yinchuan and the other four.

Seeing that Li Yinchuan and the others came back so quickly, they even came to the security room with a dormitory administrator.

There was a hint of surprise in Li Gui's security captain's eyes.

"Hey, you are back? How did the matter go? Did you encounter any trouble?"

The voice paused, and Li Gui's security captain looked at Zhou Qing.

"And you, you are the dormitory administrator, right? I have also heard about what happened to you there. Is it possible that they didn't solve it for you?"

Hearing this, Zhou Qing shook his head quickly and now assumed the identity of the dormitory administrator.

"No, no. The three of them have handled the matter in my dormitory very well. My dormitory should be clean for a long time."

"In that case, that's good."

Li Gui's security captain nodded and looked at Li Yinchuan again, waiting for the answer to the question he just asked.

"Captain, everything is as the dormitory administrator said. I have taken care of everything in the playground, library, and dormitory."

Hearing Li Yinchuan's personal admission, Captain Li Gui's cold face revealed a smile.

"Okay! As expected of the vice-captain who I personally accepted my fate, he has indeed lived up to my expectations! From now on, the safety of Jingyue School will be in your hands!"

Li Gui's security captain patted Li Yinchuan on the shoulder and smiled.

"Okay, you have just finished this task. You must be tired. Next, you can do some activities on your own and get to know our Jingyue School."

Captain Li Gui's security team said, immediately not arranging any more tasks for Li Yinchuan.

And illusory reminders also appeared in front of Li Yinchuan.

The general content is to report to the security captain, and the current task has been completely completed.

Seeing that there was no useful information or tasks coming from Captain Li Gui, Li Yinchuan did not intend to stay any longer.

They took Zhou Qing and the other three people out of the security room.

When leaving the door of the security room, the group of substitute Li Gui security guards at the door showed respect again, stood at attention and saluted.

"Well done, vice-captain!"

It wasn't until Li Yinchuan's figure walked far away that the group of ghost security guards finally relaxed and the respect in their eyes gradually dissipated.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan and his party were slowly walking towards the direction of the teaching building.

They had already discussed before that after going to the security room, they would go to the teaching building to check the situation.

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin are also security guards of Teaching Building No. 1. It is not a good thing to be away for too long.

"The teaching buildings are right ahead. I came to the playground before, but I haven't checked the situation up close in these teaching buildings."

Looking at the teaching building with a shadow appearing not far away, Zhou Qing, who was walking next to him, couldn't help but said complicatedly.

He didn't cause as big a movement as Liang Ming, because Zhou Qing had already gone to the right side of the map as soon as he arrived at the dungeon, and by chance, he entered the library and was attacked strangely.

It can be said that if there are points for exploring the buildings of Jingyue School.

The current Zhou Qing should be regarded as the person with the lowest exploration score, not even comparable to the group of half-step red players.

After all, who had him spend most of his time being mysteriously sealed in books?

"I don't know if there are Tsing Yi-level professions in the teaching building. I didn't take a good look inside the teaching building before. Now we are also the security guards patrolling the teaching building. Maybe we can find the Tsing Yi profession hidden in the teaching building."

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin said with relaxed expressions.

With Li Yinchuan's help, they were very satisfied to be able to get a half-step career in red.

With their strength, it would be satisfying if the next replacement could be Tsing Yi or a top Tsing Yi.

After all, the task of top Qingyi is just within the tolerance range that they can complete alone.

At this moment.

The three people who had just obtained their identities not long ago were already thinking about what they should choose for their next identity.

But at this moment, the thoughts of the three people who were thinking suddenly stopped.

At the same time, Li Yinchuan and the other four people suddenly stopped walking towards the teaching building.

One moment, in the dark.

In the ears of the four people, a clear bell suddenly rang.

"Dang! Dang! Dang"

This crisp bell rang three times in total, and the sound seemed to cover the entire Jingyue School.

As long as you are in Jingyue School, no matter where you are, you can clearly hear the sound of the bell.

The moment I heard the bell ring.

The expressions of Zhou Qing and the other three people couldn't help but change, showing their vigilance about the possible changes that might happen next.

They knew that this was what was mentioned in the introduction to the game copy, the bell that Jiyue School used to determine the end of the day.

The first day is finally over at this moment.

So when this ends and the clock strikes a new day, will anything go wrong?

Then, I didn’t know if it was an illusion.

However, Zhou Qing and the other three people suddenly felt that not long after the bell ended, it might be five seconds or ten seconds, but it would not exceed half a minute anyway.

There seemed to be a strange aura covering the entire Jingyue School on their bodies, and then disappeared quickly.

The three of them looked at each other.

"You all feel it? What is that!"

Li Yinchuan's eyes wrinkled slightly at this moment.

Compared to Zhou Qing and the other three, he felt the fleeting strange aura more clearly.

It seemed to be some kind of surveillance, or snooping.

But the next moment, the four people who stopped all understood the function of the strange aura that just passed away.

The four people's eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction.

In that direction, several people vaguely heard a cold voice.

"There, there's an unidentified person there! Quick, catch it."

Immediately afterwards, you can feel that many figures exuding strong ghost energy are heading in that direction.

Then, violent ghost energy fluctuations emerged.

Although the violent ghost energy fluctuations were already very thin when they spread to Li Yinchuan.

But they can also feel that there is a hint of a player in it.

Could it be that the unidentified people mentioned by those cold voices are players who have not obtained identities so far?

"It turns out that I didn't have time to obtain my identity on the first day, and I didn't even have time to escape!"

As if they understood something, Zhou Qing and the other three couldn't help but look pale.

If Li Yinchuan hadn't taken action, Zhou Qing would have been fine, but it would have been difficult for Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin to obtain their identities.

Maybe he was so exhausted that he could only fight the Tsing Yi level ghosts in Jiyue Gui School. If it was worse, he might have to attack the Tsing Yi level ghost students.

But there is another key problem, that is, no one knows when the bell will ring, just as suddenly as it did just now.

Therefore, the longer time passes, the more hasty players may be in obtaining identities, and they will no longer be as picky as they were at the beginning.

The player who still has no identity is probably because he is too picky and is not satisfied with the identity of a fierce ghost student.

As a result, I still haven't obtained my identity after ringing the bell, so when I arrived on the second day, I was chased away by Jiyue Gui School as an unidentified person.

"Fortunately... we obtained our identity relatively early."

The three of them couldn't help but be afraid.

But at this time, the ghost energy fluctuations in the distance seemed to become more and more intense.

Suddenly, as if they noticed something, the three people who were in a frightened situation focused their eyes.

They felt that the violent ghost energy fluctuations were getting closer and closer to their direction.

The hunted player was heading in their direction.

But at this moment, feeling it up close, they felt it.

The strength of the hunted player is... red!

Suddenly, the expressions of the three people became strange.

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