The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 200 The unlucky Liang Ming arrived at the teaching building again

It is known that among the ten players in this copy, there are a total of three real red players.

Among the three players in red, two of them, Li Yinchuan and Zhou Qing, were beside them.

The last one is Liang Ming, who had some friction with Li Yinchuan and his group before.

But if they remember correctly.

In the student dormitory not long ago, Li Yinchuan had just driven Liang Ming away.

And now, not long after they left the student dormitory, they met Liang Ming again?

Look like this.

Currently, the bell of the first day has just ended, and the unidentified person being driven away by the Jiyue Cunning School is Liang Ming?

Is this guy so unlucky? He still hasn't obtained his identity yet?

Thinking of this, many viewers in the live broadcast room looked a little weird.

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin in the dungeon also have similar expressions.

However, no one sympathized with Liang Ming's current situation.

After all, if Liang Ming didn't choose to commit suicide, then Li Yinchuan might not really confront Liang Ming, let alone suppress Liang Ming a little in the student dormitory.

And in this moment.

It can be clearly felt that Liang Ming, who is exuding his own aura not far away, is getting closer and closer to Li Yinchuan and his party.

In the darkness, Liang Ming's figure fled quickly, avoiding the pursuit behind him.

Liang Ming's face looked extremely ugly at this moment.

At the same time, Liang Ming couldn't help but feel a little regret in his heart.

Although the status of dormitory administrator that Liang Ming obtained before was a bit lower than Liang Ming's expectations.

But before that, Liang Ming originally had his own identity, so he didn't need to worry about being expelled by Jiyue School because he didn't have an identity when the bell rang.

But as luck would have it, he chose to commit suicide and confront Li Yinchuan.

Not only did he not get any benefits, but his original status as dormitory administrator was also forcibly taken away by Li Yinchuan.

Without his identity, Liang Ming, who had escaped from the student dormitory before, was naturally thinking about how to obtain a new identity.

At the same time, Liang Ming suddenly realized a problem.

That is, on the first day, I have already obtained an identity.

Although that identity was forcibly taken away by Li Yinchuan.

But when I first entered the copy, the game introduction clearly stated it.

Each time the bell rings, the player can only gain status once.

Liang Ming didn't know if his situation counted as obtaining an identity for the second time in one day.

Even if Liang Ming did find another identity afterwards, would he be able to switch identities twice on the first day?

Fortunately, Liang Ming took this into consideration.

But the bell that rang shortly after made Liang Ming ignore this rule.

After all, when the bell just rang, Liang Ming had not yet obtained a suitable professional identity uniform, let alone whether he could switch between two different identities in one day.

So, the first time Liang Ming heard the bell ringing.

Liang Ming changed his decision and planned to hide in Jingyue School for a while, wait until the limelight passed, and then find a new identity.

Unexpectedly, the strange aura that completely shrouded Jiyue School had directly exposed Liang Ming, the "unidentified person".

After coming back to his senses, Liang Ming glanced behind him with some fear.

Behind him, there were many strange figures chasing him.

If Li Yinchuan and the others could see these figures at this moment, they would be able to recognize them. These figures were clearly the substitute patrolling security guards who were standing at the door of the security room.

Although these substitute patrol security guards only have half the strength of Red Clothes.

But there are so many of them that they can't stand it.

Moreover, Liang Ming also suffered a lot of injuries due to many previous incidents, and his condition was not as good as before.

If he really wanted to stop and confront these substitute patrol security guards, it would indeed be possible to eliminate them all with Liang Ming's strength.

But Liang Ming's injuries will only get worse, which is naturally not what Liang Ming wants to see.

And Liang Ming also knew that these substitute patrol security guards were just an appetizer.

Behind them, there are definitely real red-clothed ghosts, or it could be said that there are red-clothed ghosts everywhere in Jingyue School.

It's okay that Liang Ming ran away directly. Those red-clothed ghosts may not be willing to take action against Liang Ming.

If he had stayed where he was, Liang Ming would have learned from the past when he attacked Li Gui's security guard at the entrance of the cafeteria but attracted the ill will of Chef Li Gui.

And suddenly, Liang Ming, who was running away, seemed to find something.

He looked not far ahead of where he was preparing to escape.

They looked familiar, but the figure that Liang Ming least wanted to see happened to be not far ahead.

Seeing this scene, Liang Ming's face suddenly turned ugly.

There is a substitute patrolling security guard behind him, and there are several other players in front of him who have troubles.

In Liang Ming's current situation, let alone Li Yinchuan and Zhou Qing, they were not weaker than Liang Ming.

Even without the two of them, just based on the location of Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin, and with the current situation, Liang Ming's situation would probably become even worse if he tried to use some means.

"No, you can't go that way."

Thinking of this, Liang Ming suddenly became anxious.

His eyes moved around, and then his face suddenly became happy.

Although the two main roads in front and back are blocked, there are still some small roads in the gaps between the buildings next to them.

Without any hesitation, Liang Ming turned around and left along the path. In a moment, Liang Ming disappeared from the sight of Li Yinchuan and his party.

In addition to the copy, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but look weird when they saw Liang Ming avoiding Li Yinchuan and his group like snakes and scorpions.

[: This guy named Liang Ming runs really fast. I can only say that he is worthy of being a player in red. Although there is a big gap in strength compared to the anchor, his means of escaping and surviving are still top-notch. 】

[: I don’t know if this guy named Liang Ming can survive. I’m kind of looking forward to Liang Ming surviving for a few more days. But looking at the way he looked just now, he must be too afraid of the anchor. 】

There were some details that Liang Ming, who was running away in a panic, might not have noticed.

But the viewers in the live broadcast room can see it clearly through the live broadcast screen.

Liang Ming felt that Li Yinchuan and his party would take action against him, and preventing him from escaping was entirely Liang Ming's own wishful thinking.

In fact, the audience can see it clearly.

When Liang Ming just escaped, Li Yinchuan and his party made no move to stop Liang Ming.

He even walked towards the edge of the road inadvertently and got out of the way.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Yinchuan and others simply ignored Liang Ming.

But similarly, although Liang Ming did not bump into Li Yinchuan and the others as expected.

But some viewers in the live broadcast room also expressed some doubts.

[: Doesn’t that guy named Liang Ming have a grudge against the anchor and the others? If the anchors and others were willing to take action just now, the situation of this guy named Liang Ming would probably be worse. 】

But when this barrage appeared, not many people responded. Instead, question mark barrages appeared immediately.

【:? , The person upstairs is going crazy, right? Have you forgotten the essence of this game? You have extra energy to stop other players, so what should you do more than save your energy to deal with the weirdness in the dungeon? 】

[: Yes, usually if it is not a life-and-death feud. There is no need to push people to death in the dungeon. 】

It’s not because of good intentions.

It's all because you really want to drive other players to death.

The other players all knew that they were going to die. Originally, it would have been better if a player was forced to die simply by facing something strange.

But if another player caused it intentionally.

The ending, 100% of the time, is that the player who knows that he will die will try his best to die together with the player who harmed him.

Because that's human nature.

Even a little darker inside.

Even if no one drives a player to death.

Before some players die, they know that they will definitely die, and they might also die holding me in their arms. Other players should not think of a better life and drag other players into the water.

This kind of thing happens a lot in horror game copies.

So it’s not a real life-and-death feud. If players in the same dungeon have conflicts, they just treat each other as strangers and don’t bother each other.

After seeing some experienced viewers explain it, many viewers who felt that Li Yinchuan and the others were being merciful suddenly understood the reason.

But unfortunately, this group of viewers got it wrong.

If we leave Li Yinchuan aside, we will not open it.

Zhou Qing and other three players did have similar thoughts to the audience.

But Li Yinchuan was simply too lazy to look at Liang Ming.

If Liang Ming can continue to live, then there will be people who need him in the next dungeon, and Li Yinchuan would not mind bringing Liang Ming over to act as a free tool.

But if Liang Ming died early in the dungeon, Li Yinchuan wouldn't suffer much loss.

A lot of ghost energy fluctuations in the distance seemed to be getting farther and farther away from Li Yinchuan and his party. After about a few minutes, the ghost energy fluctuations not far away completely disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the viewers in the live broadcast room were paying attention to whether there were any prompts about the death of players in the live broadcast room.

However, the death prompt that players expected still did not appear.

This can only show that so far, Liang Ming has not been in real danger to his life.

This made the audience in the live broadcast room have a higher evaluation of the red player's ability to survive in the copy.

What happened to Liang Ming before, if it were a half-step red player, he would have died several times.

But Liang Ming was able to survive until now.

I have to say that Liang Ming still has a lot of skills.

[: It’s a pity that the guy named Liang Ming would have been perfect if he didn’t mess with the anchor. 】

Some viewers sighed.

At the same time, they looked at Zhou Qing, who was also in red next to Li Yinchuan.

The two before and after are both red clothes with similar strength.

But Liang Ming was in a life-and-death crisis from the moment he entered the dungeon, and he is still in a dire situation now.

As for Zhou Qing, although he was in danger at the beginning, he was now following Li Yinchuan, doing nothing and doing nothing.

A slight comparison of the treatment between the two immediately revealed a clear gap.

That is to say, Liang Ming didn't know about Zhou Qing's situation.

If Liang Ming really wanted to survive this dungeon and had time to watch other players' live broadcasts, he would probably spit out even more blood.

He no longer cared about Liang Ming's life and death.

Li Yinchuan and his group headed towards the teaching building according to their original goal.

Not long after, Teaching Building No. 1 appeared in front of the four people.

At this moment, the entrance to the teaching building is no longer as empty as it was at the beginning.

Because it was already the end of school, and we had just arrived not far from the teaching building.

Li Yinchuan and his party could already see countless students leaving the No. 1 teaching building.

At the same time, these ghost students are more like real students, with surprise and relief on their faces because get out of class is over.

At this moment, many students who came out of the teaching building were whispering in groups.

"School is finally over, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, but I heard that the students who disappeared in the playground and library are back. The playground and library should be much safer during this period. We can go there to have a rest and preview the new knowledge content in advance."

"No, no, you idiot teacher. I don't understand anything you teach. I want to go to the playground to play basketball, so you should go to the library."

Immediately afterwards, the ghost students who left the teaching building headed towards different roads in twos and threes.

Some fierce students headed towards the playground.

Some also headed towards the library and dormitories.

Of course, not only that, there were also many ghost students walking towards other places in Jingyue School and spreading out.

Li Yinchuan and his party listened to the exchanges between these fierce students at the side of the teaching building.

Their eyes were constantly flowing among this group of ghost students.

The audience in the live broadcast room also stared closely at the ghost student who appeared in the live broadcast screen.

They all know that among these ghost students there are replicas of the strange source of the dormitory, and they are trying to find those replaced replicas.

It's a pity that the audience watched for a long time, until all the ghost students left the teaching building, but they still couldn't find out which ghost students were replicas of the strange source in the dormitory.

This group of ghost students are too normal to see any problems.

Because of the departure of the Li Gui students, the teaching building fell into silence again, even quieter than before.

The reason for the previous quietness was that it was necessary to keep quiet during class, and there was more or less the sound of the ghostly teacher lecturing in the teaching building.

But now, the inside of the teaching building is quiet and empty.

On the previous day, both Li Yinchuan and Qiao Luan Zuolin had entered the teaching building.

However, due to his unknown identity, he only had a rough observation of the specific conditions inside the teaching building, but not a complete observation.

But now, Li Yinchuan and his party have obtained corresponding identities.

Except that Zhou Qing's identity as dormitory administrator has no connection with the teaching building Baganzi.

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin's identities were patrolling security guards in the No. 1 teaching building.

Li Yinchuan's identity is the deputy security captain, and he also has the right to inspect the teaching building.

"If I remember correctly, the only ones who came out of the teaching building just now are those Li Gui students. Teacher Li Gui is still in the teaching building."

Li Yinchuan's voice rang out.

Hearing this, Zhou Qing and the three people beside him understood what Li Yinchuan planned to do.

Before having an identity, it might be a little troublesome to communicate with the ghosts in Jingyue School, and it was even more difficult to get useful information from these ghosts.

But now, the players have their own identities and have the confidence and qualifications to communicate with the ghosts in the Jingyue School.

At least there is no need to be chased away as an unidentified person because he does not have the corresponding uniform.

And because of the status of the security guards of Li Yinchuan and Qiao Luan Zuolin, the security guards are supposed to protect the safety of Jiyue School and are more qualified to intervene in many matters.

Previously, they couldn't tell which ghost students had problems, but if they asked those ghost teachers about their situation, it might be completely different.

Maybe we can get rid of all the ghost student replicas that remain from the strange source in the dormitory earlier.

Thinking of this, under the leadership of Li Yinchuan, a group of four people entered the teaching building again.

At this moment, the teaching building had a lot of ghostly students leaving, and the ghostly aura emanating from inside seemed to have become much lighter.

Li Yinchuan approached the classroom where he had entered the teaching building for the first time and peered through the glass door of the class, looking into the classroom.

The classroom was empty, all the students had left, and the teachers were not in the classroom either.

But at this moment, Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin pointed to the right corner of the teaching building and said.

"Go directly over there, that's the office."

Hearing this, Zhou Qing on the side looked at the two of them with some surprise as to why they knew.

Li Yinchuan also glanced at Qiao, Luan and Zuolin.

Zhou Qing had doubts about this, but Li Yinchuan knew it.

The last time I entered the teaching building.

In order to avoid direct contact with the evil spirits.

The place Li Yinchuan went to was the far left corner of the teaching building.

Over there is the restroom.

Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin went in the opposite direction to Li Yinchuan, to the right of the teaching building on the first floor.

Before this, Li Yinchuan had not asked what was on the far right side of the teaching building.

Now I learned from the two of them that the office is actually on the far right.

Knowing the location of the office, Li Yinchuan and his party went directly to the office.

The door of the office is exactly the same as the door of other classrooms. There is a small glass window above the door to peek into the situation inside.

From that glass window, you can clearly see the scene in the office.

Four desks.

The last time they entered the teaching building, the four ghost teachers on the first floor were doing their own things at their desks.

Seeing that the four ghost teachers were indeed in the office, Li Yinchuan raised his hand.

"Dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door.

Through the glass window, the four ghost teachers in the office stopped what they were doing.

Immediately afterwards, a ghost teacher stood up, came to the door, and opened the office door.

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