Li Yinchuan naturally saw the worry of the giant ghost and said in a calm tone.

"Say it, I made my own decision, and I will naturally bear the consequences."

Hearing Li Yinchuan's calm voice, the giant ghost looked deeply at Li Yinchuan again.

"Are you sure? The outside world is ten thousand times more dangerous than you think."


I heard Li Yinchuan's reaffirmation.

This time, the giant ghost also saw that Li Yinchuan's thoughts were difficult to change, and it was useless to stop him.

"Okay, I'll tell you how to get to the outer perimeter."

After finishing his words, the giant ghost's palm slightly raised.

In its hands, a strange scarlet aura rose like mist.

Immediately afterwards, these mist ghosts formed a huge map in front of Li Yinchuan.

If the top players of the Thriller Association were present at this moment, they would find that the information in this map is much more detailed and wider than everything they have explored so far combined.

Li Yinchuan's eyes flickered slightly and he wrote down the map in front of him.

On the foggy map composed of strange aura, the specific route to the novice area is clearly marked.

"I see."

Li Yinchuan nodded slightly, and the foggy map composed of strange aura slowly dissipated in front of his eyes.

After learning more detailed information about the outside world from the giant ghost, the purpose of Li Yinchuan's trip was basically completed.

Without staying any longer, Li Yinchuan was ready to leave.

Before leaving, the giant ghost warned Li Yinchuan again, then said nothing more and allowed Li Yinchuan to leave.

Leave the "Bloody Underworld" copy where the giant ghost is.

In Li Yinchuan's mind, the map previously shown to him by the giant ghost reappeared.

Although the novice area is said to be a novice area.

But in fact, it is said that the more peripheral dangerous areas surround the novice area, and it is more like the novice area itself is located in an extremely peripheral area of ​​the horror world.

In many areas of this novice area, if you go to the end, according to the giant ghost, the scene you will eventually see is nothingness.

The giant ghost once tried to go to the void at the end of the novice area.

But it is a pity that there seems to be an extremely hard barrier at the end of seemingly nothingness. No matter what means the giant ghost uses, it cannot break through the barrier and go beyond the end of nothingness.

Later, the giant ghost went in several different directions.

By chance, I discovered that a certain direction in this area was not an endless void that could not be broken through, but a more dangerous area.

That's right outside the novice area.

It has only been a few hours since Li Yinchuan entered the horror world for the second time, and the twelve hours limit of being able to escape from the horror world has not even ended yet.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Yinchuan to waste the remaining time.

Following the detailed map provided by the giant ghost in his mind, Li Yinchuan planned to take a look at the area outside the novice area while he still had time left before he could leave the horror world.

After determining the specific direction, the logging ax ghost in his hand was activated again, and Li Yinchuan's figure quickly disappeared under the logging ax ghost.

And on the other side.

When Li Yinchuan entered the "Blood Underworld" copy, one of the two boss copies in the novice area, he asked the giant ghost about the specific content of the area outside the novice area.

Chen Qing and others, who had parted ways with Li Yinchuan earlier, were not idle either.

After parting ways with Li Yinchuan, the information learned from Li Yinchuan was too shocking.

The group has tried to find other team members in the horror world to prevent them from continuing to explore outside.

But it's a pity.

Although this is just a newbie area.

But the scope of this area is still too large.

And in the horror world, there is no way to communicate remotely between players.

Fortunately, all teams will have their own corresponding scope of exploration when entering the horror world.

Although the time consumption is a little larger.

But under the unreserved search of Chen Qing's four-person team, the other two teams belonging to the Huaxia Kingdom had also reunited.

The remaining two teams have three and four members respectively.

Plus Chen Qing's four-person team.

The eleven top players in red are considered to be the peak level of Huaxia's current extraordinary combat power.

At this moment, the other two teams of seven also finished listening to Zhang Bin's story.

The group of people all had their brows furrowed deeply, with solemn expressions on their faces.

And there was already a storm in their hearts earlier.

With their top red level strength, placed in a more peripheral area, is it just the beginning?

There may be countless existences more powerful than the top red ones in the outer areas.

To know.

They can be regarded as the most powerful horror players in mankind, and they believe that even if they really encounter a terrifying existence that surpasses the top red ones, the gap will not be too far.

But now, after learning the truth, they feel that they have returned to the situation where they first entered the world of horror and explored the world in red.

They were just newbies in red clothes, and all the weirdness in the horror world was extremely dangerous to them.

In the early days of the advent of horror games, there were actually not many people who became red players in China alone.

But in the end, only eleven of them became top players, and most of the rest died in the early exploration of the horror world.

And now tell them.

So far, everything they have tried so hard to explore turns out to be only a small area of ​​the horror world, and it is still the weakest area.

"If what you say is true, our exploration should indeed end here."

In another team, a top player who was obviously the leader of the team said with a heavy tone.

When they first entered the horror world to explore, they were still junior red-shirted players and had to pay an unimaginable price to obtain the initial information about the horror world.

Although their strength is not what it used to be, the danger level in the outer areas is probably several times or even dozens of times more terrifying than this area.

If you rush to the outer areas, even top players may have to pay huge damage.

without any exaggeration.

If all the top players in the world gathered together, they could explore the outer areas without any precautions.

Then maybe it won't be long before the number of top players in the world will easily be reduced to only 23% of the original number. Even if they are unlucky, it is possible for them to be completely wiped out.

This is definitely not something that any country in the world can afford.

Without the presence of the top players, the remaining players in red would find it extremely difficult to deal with this novice area.

There are more peripheral areas to explore.

But it’s definitely not like going there without preparation.

As top players, they all understand the seriousness of this matter.

Maybe it’s because of today’s news.

Next, there will be a huge meeting of thriller associations from all over the world.

Countries are divided, and top players who are enemies or allies will temporarily put aside their past grudges and gather together.

After all, the existence of external pressure is always the best way to gather all inner strength.

"In that case, let's return to Blue Star."

Someone suggested.

There was no objection to this proposal.

It's not that no one has thought about asking the top players from outside China to come back together.

But the idea was soon abandoned.

After all, they, the top players who also belong to China, can believe in the information they know today out of trust.

But the top players outside China will not believe it so easily.

I really want to go out and let others leave the horror world together.

On the contrary, people will suspect that their motives are not pure and will cause some trouble out of thin air.

Some allies are okay, but if they encounter the hostile top players in the Lighthouse Country, it would be fine if they don't fight, let alone what happened this time.

After much thought, I decided to return to Blue Star first.

As for the return of top players from outside China, leave it to the people from the Thriller Association to contact and discuss.

The space channel back to Blue Star was reopened.

Three teams, a total of eleven top players, including Zhang Bin.

Although he entered the horror world temporarily.

But because the initial search for Chen Qing's own team, and the subsequent search for the other two teams, also took a lot of time, the twelve-hour limit had long since ended.

As a group of eleven people left, the dark space cracks also slowly disappeared.

And the other side.

Li Yinchuan didn't know that all the top players in China had left the horror world at this moment.

"Almost there, almost there."

According to the map given by the giant ghost, Li Yinchuan could know that he was getting closer to the edge of the novice area.

But at this moment, getting closer to the edge of the novice area, Li Yinchuan could find that the copies around him seemed to become more and more sparse.

And even if there are strange copies here, their strange strength is very weak. Basically, there is not a single high-level red-clothed strange copy.

There aren't many weird copies of even the junior red clothes.

What's more, there are some half-step red-coated level copies that you never see at ordinary times.

At the same time, the weird atmosphere in this area is much thinner than in other places.

Is it because you don't want powerful ghosts from the outside world to discover this novice area?

Or maybe they are deliberately weakening the strange aura strength and the level of the ghosts on the edge of the novice area.

Even though these half-stepping red-clothed and first-time red-clothed ghosts are close to the edge of this novice area, with their strength, they will probably not leave their dungeon territory too far, or even leave their own at all. Copy territory.

Those who are really willing to leave their own dungeon territory and wander around are probably those who think they are powerful, like the giant ghost.

That's why.

So far, in this entire novice area, there is only a small part of the information about the peripheral areas besides the two novice area bosses, Li Gui Dean and the giant ghost shadow.

And just when Li Yinchuan was thinking.

Suddenly, Li Yinchuan's ears twitched slightly.

"It's strange. Why are the dungeons here so weak? The most powerful ones are actually some junior red-clothed ones?"

"Yes, there are so many half-step red-clothed levels that are rarely seen on weekdays. If we had appeared here when we first explored the horror world, the number of casualties would probably have been reduced a lot. .”

The sound of conversation came from a distance, but the words spoken were not in the Chinese language.

Of course, Li Yinchuan could understand the meaning of the conversation between the two.

After all, when he was still a reincarnation, Li Yinchuan had entered many worlds similar to Blue Star, so it was natural that he could not understand different languages.

The language that just entered Li Yinchuan's ears, if Li Yinchuan remembered correctly, belonged to the language of Sakura Country.

His eyes turned slightly.

Not far away, two figures shrouded by top-notch red-clothed ghosts were heading in the direction of Li Yinchuan.

His eyes flickered slightly, showing a look of surprise.

Li Yinchuan naturally knew that these two top players from Sakura Country did not come here because they discovered him.

With Li Yinchuan's strength, if he wanted to hide it, no matter how powerful the top players were, they would not be able to detect his existence.

The reason why Li Yinchuan was surprised was simply because he discovered that the two top players from Sakura Country were going in the right direction to the outside of the novice area.

But soon, the surprise in Li Yinchuan's eyes subsided.

Top players from all over the world have spent a lot of time exploring the horror world.

After such a long time, it is not too much of a coincidence that someone finally arrived at the edge of the novice zone, and happened to be going in the right direction.

Thinking of this, Li Yinchuan's eyes flashed again.

Originally, Li Yinchuan's plan was to directly use his own hard power to spy on the strength of the ghosts in the areas outside the outer novice area, so as to find out how powerful the source behind the horror game was.

Although it is a bit risky, it is also a helpless move. If you don't go, it will be difficult to break the situation.

But now, I happened to meet the top player of Sakura Country.

"I can let them explore the way for me first."

Or, in other words.

Players can enter the horror world after becoming red. There is a high probability that it is arranged by the source behind the horror game.

But so far, no human player has left the confines of the novice zone.

Li Yinchuan also doesn’t know if he will receive extra attention from the thriller game if he is the first “human player” to leave the novice zone.

Now we have these two top players from Sakura Country as pathfinders.

It just helped Li Yinchuan avoid this possible problem. (End of chapter)

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