The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 293 Excited top players of Sakura Country

After all, although the possibility of Li Yinchuan's guess is unlikely, if possible problems can be avoided, Li Yinchuan will naturally not miss it.

Letting these two top players from Sakura Country be the first human beings to leave the scope of the novice zone, regardless of whether it will attract extra attention to the source behind the horror game.

This is a good thing for Li Yinchuan.

If there is extra attention, Li Yinchuan can naturally avoid it.

If there is no additional attention, it means that the source behind the horror game may not be that focused on players entering more dangerous areas outside of the novice zone.

Then Li Yinchuan can take more bold actions when heading to the outer areas.

Thinking of this, Li Yinchuan slowly restrained his logging axe, trying not to reveal any of his aura as much as possible.

At this moment, even the top red-shirted players passing by Li Yinchuan would not notice Li Yinchuan's existence.

Sure enough, when the two top red-shirted Sakura Country men who were communicating passed by Li Yinchuan.

The two simply ignored Li Yinchuan and continued to move forward as if they had not noticed him at all.

After the two top players from Sakura Country used their ghosts to move forward a certain distance, Li Yinchuan revealed his figure again.

Keeping a certain distance from the two top red-shirts of Sakura Country in front of him, Li Yinchuan just followed behind them.

At the same time, if the two top Sakura Country players ahead deviate in their subsequent paths, Li Yinchuan can also correct their trajectory.

But fortunately, the two top Sakura Country players in front did not make any sudden changes to explore in another direction.

Follow the map provided to Li Yinchuan by the giant ghost.

The two top players from Sakura Country in front are getting closer and closer to the edge of the novice zone.

Li Yinchuan continued to follow.

About half an hour or so passed.

Li Yinchuan's eyes flashed slightly. At the same time, the two top players in Sakura Kingdom, who were kept at a distance by Li Yinchuan, seemed to have noticed something. Their movement stopped suddenly.

At this moment, the two top Sakura Kingdom players who were some distance in front of Li Yinchuan looked at them with wide eyes.

In the sight of the two top Sakura Kingdom players, what they saw at this moment was a dark nothingness. Outside of the dark nothingness, nothing could be seen.

But on this point, the giant ghost had already warned Li Yinchuan in advance.

This pitch-black nothingness looks exactly like the nothingness at the other end of the novice area.

But in reality it's quite different.

The nothingness encountered at the end of other directions, no matter what means the giant ghost uses, it is impossible to break through it at all.

But this void of the correct path is more like a light barrier.

There is no obstacle, you just need to forcefully cross it.

The only thing that needs attention is that when crossing this barrier of nothingness, you need to use ghosts as much as possible to cover yourself.

Otherwise, during the journey, this void barrier will be very aggressive to the traversers.

The specific intensity of aggression described by the giant ghost is not much of a threat at all.

But according to Li Yinchuan's speculation.

This may be similar to the restriction that human players can only enter the horror world when they reach red.

Players in red who are not strong enough may simply not be able to withstand the aggression generated by the barrier itself when passing through this void barrier.

As for the player strength level restricted by this void barrier.

According to Li Yinchuan's guess, most top red-level players can withstand it.

And then, the performance of these two top Sakura Kingdom players when they crossed the barrier further confirmed Li Yinchuan's guess.

After the initial shock of discovering the void barrier in front of them, the two top players of Sakura Kingdom also came back to their senses.

"Are we at the edge of the horror world?"

One of the top players in Sakura Country couldn't help but said excitedly.

So far, all the top players in Blue Star have been exploring, but no one has been able to pinpoint the boundaries of the horror world.

But now, the two of them have finally found the boundary of the horror world.

Although their strength is not considered to be the most outstanding among the top players.

But as the two of them who were the first to find the boundary of the horror world, they only had to return to Blue Star to reveal the news.

They will definitely be recorded in the annals of the development history of horror players.

As for the benefits, there is no need to mention this, there will naturally be more.

And soon, these two top players in Sakura Kingdom recovered from the initial excitement.

The two of them were looking at the void barrier in front of them.

After the initial excitement, rationality returned, and the two of them couldn't help but become curious about the void barrier itself.

"Is this the boundary of the horror world? Is there anything else beyond this void?"

Just like humans in ancient times wanted to know what was beyond the sea.

Modern humans want to know what is beyond the Blue Star.

As top players with a certain level of strength, they subconsciously began to become curious about what was beyond the barrier of nothingness.

Although apart from curiosity, they also have a little unfamiliar fear about this void barrier.

But subconsciously, one of the top players in Sakura Country stretched out a hand towards the void barrier in front of him.

The moment his palm came into contact with this void barrier.

Suddenly, a strange aura suddenly emerged from the void barrier that had been motionless, and a sense of danger appeared in the hearts of the two of them.

The top player in Sakura Country who touched his hand on the void barrier was shocked, but it was too late to pull back his hand.

He could feel that a very terrifying and offensive strange force was coming toward his palm that touched the void barrier.

Subconsciously, his top-level red-clothed ghost expanded and enveloped his whole body.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

The moment when the offensive and strange power above the void barrier came into contact with the red-clothed ghost of the top player in Sakura Country.

The two forces quickly melted into each other.

Countless vague and strange mist rose from the place where the two came into contact.

"How are you."

Next to him, another top player from Sakura Country asked quickly.

The unexpected attack just now almost caused neither of them to react.

Logically speaking, this kind of low-level mistake should not have happened given the strength of the two top players.

But after seeing the boundary of the so-called scary world in front of me, I was so excited that I subconsciously forgot part of my vigilance.

Fortunately, the sudden and strange attack did not cause any substantial harm to the two of them.

"I'm fine."

The top player from Sakura Kingdom who touched the void barrier shook his head slightly and said with a pale face.

In the previous contact, his ghost energy, which he used to resist the strange barrier attack, was rapidly depleting.

Although the offensive nature of this void barrier is not too strong, it is not so weak that it cannot pose any danger to top players.

At the same time, it was determined that this void barrier had no other means except this sudden and strange attack.

After the top player used his ghost to resist the first attack, he quickly pulled his hand back.

Fortunately, this barrier of nothingness doesn't have any clinging properties, the kind that cannot be pulled off if it sticks to it.

Apart from the momentary consumption of ghost energy, this top player did not suffer any serious injuries.

The barrier of nothingness was also because the top player of Sakura Country took his hand back. Without the target of attack, it returned to its original calm, without any other strange traces.

At this moment, both of them were looking at the strange barrier in front of them with some lingering fear.

On the other side, Li Yinchuan, who was hiding behind, also had a panoramic view of what happened to the two top players in Sakura Country.

Because of the reactions of the two top players in Sakura Country, Li Yinchuan's previous guess that only top players could cross this void barrier was confirmed.

Even players like this who are new to the top level red clothes have to consume a lot of ghost energy in an instant to resist the passive aggressiveness of the void barrier. If they change to a high level red clothes, they may be directly obliterated and they will not be able to react.

After all, the gap between high-end red-shirts and top-level red-shirts is still huge.

Li Yinchuan, who was hiding behind, still made no other moves, paying attention to the two top Sakura Kingdom players in front.

And when the two of them knew that this void barrier was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

The two also started their own tests on the void barrier in front of them.

The top player in Sakura Kingdom who had previously consumed part of his ghost energy used ghost coins to restore his ghost energy.

And another top player in Sakura Country is not just sitting idle.

Recall what just happened.

The top player in Sakura Country attached his ghost ghost to his arm in advance for protection when he was prepared.

Immediately afterwards, he also touched his hand on the void barrier in front of him.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as what happened just now.

The moment when the top player of Sakura Kingdom touched his hand to the void barrier.

On the originally peaceful barrier of nothingness, strange aggression once again appeared.

But this time, if you are well prepared.

The ghost energy consumed by this top player in Sakura Country was reduced by more than half.

Immediately afterwards, the two tried several more times and completely understood the mechanism of the void barrier in front of them.

"This barrier will only attack us if we touch it. As long as we don't touch it, it is safe."

one of them said.

Then, the two looked at each other.

The many previous attempts were only to verify the characteristics of this void barrier.

But this time, they wanted to try it themselves to see if there was anything else on the other side of the void barrier.

Li Yinchuan, who was hiding behind, couldn't help but move his eyes slightly when he saw the two people's actions.

The two top players in Sakura Kingdom wasted a lot of time in their boring attempts.

That is to say, if Li Yinchuan doesn't want to expose himself and wants to use these two people as pioneers, maybe Li Yinchuan will come out to guide them himself.

Now, these two top players in Sakura Country are ready to take action.

At this moment, the two top players of Sakura Kingdom grabbed a handful of ghost coins from their bodies and quickly absorbed them. The strange aura they had previously consumed quickly replenished them to their full strength.

The red-clothed ghosts themselves reappeared and surrounded their entire bodies.

Immediately afterwards, one of them, the top Sakura Kingdom player who first tried to touch the void barrier, touched his hand on the void barrier again.

The expected weird attacks on the void barrier suddenly appeared, and the constant consumption consumed the ghost energy in his body.

But this time, the top player in Sakura Country did not pull away.

Instead, he continued to stretch his hand towards the back of the void barrier.

As his hand completely sank into the void barrier, there was no accident at all.

The eyes of these two top players in Sakura Country suddenly showed even more excitement.

"There is still space outside this barrier! This barrier is not the edge of the horror world!"

"I'll go in and take a look."

Immediately afterwards, the top player in Sakura Kingdom, who had already inserted one hand into the void barrier, said.

After the words fell, his steps slowly lifted, and his figure slowly walked into it and disappeared completely.

The face of another top player from Sakura Country showed a hint of worry.

He wanted to say that although there is still space behind this barrier of nothingness.

But is there any danger in going in so casually?

But in the situation just now, there was no way to stop it.

We can only wait on this side of the void barrier for the return of another top player who has entered the other side of the void barrier.

But what he didn't know was.

In addition to him, not far behind the two of them, Li Yinchuan was also watching everything closely when the top player from Sakura Kingdom entered the void barrier.

But what Li Yinchuan was looking at was not the void barrier itself.

A trace of Li Yinchuan's own spiritual thoughts spread slowly under the ghostly aura transformed from a ghost coin.

This can be regarded as the first time that Li Yinchuan has used his true power in the horror world.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan was using his spiritual mind to pay close attention to all the changes around the location of the two top Sakura Kingdom players.

Li Yinchuan wants to find out whether the first human player to pass through the barrier of the novice area and reach a more peripheral area will attract the attention of the source behind the horror game.

Time passed by minute by minute, but Li Yinchuan remained motionless.

Until a certain moment, the barrier of nothingness that fell back into calm once again produced some strange fluctuations.

Amid strange fluctuations.

The top player from Sakura Country who crossed the barrier appeared again. (End of chapter)

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