The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 12 Immortal Ancient

An ancient relic of the bull demon was dragged to the open space in the village and spread across it, like a hill. Compared with it, humans can only be regarded as ants.

"Oh my god! The ancient relic, am I dreaming?" A clan elder was so excited that he was trembling and his beard stood straight.

"There is an ancient relic in our village?" The other tribesmen have not yet recovered, as if they were in a dream.

"Child, are you... a blood-moving monk now?" Shi Yunfeng approached him and asked aloud.

Chi Cang responded with a smile.

"They are blood-moving monks, but not all of them."

Hearing this, the old patriarch was surprised for a moment and did not understand the deeper meaning. Could it be that monks in the blood-moving realm are still divided into immortals and mortals?

Chi Cang did not explain, because this was beyond the understanding of the old patriarch. He had been to the outside world and had seen the world only relative to the villagers of Shicun.

Even in Chi Cang's memory of Shicun, there is no shadow of the Tao Seed method, as if it is a system that has been forgotten by the world.

In fact, it is better to talk about the memory of Shi Cun than the little one, because the perspective in the memory is his. Now, Chi Cang has seen that the little one has become a wasteland in the ancient country.

He had a feeling that these memories were just the tip of the iceberg, and there were more behind them, waiting for him to explore.

Next, the people in the village got busy. Although it was midnight and it was already time to fall asleep, everyone was too excited to sleep. They picked up their broad swords and walked to the place where the beast tide fell to deal with the fresh ferocious beasts. body.

Chi Cang is also helping. There are many powerful ferocious beasts that Shi Cun cannot deal with alone. Moreover, the bloody smell from the tide of ferocious beasts will attract other ferocious beasts, which may cause casualties to Shi Cun people. He needs to scare those uninvited guests. .

After a sleepless night, when the sun was just rising from the horizon, they finally finished dealing with the bodies.

There are several tanks filled with ferocious beast blood essence alone, which is enough to provide children with baptism that is superior to those of large tribes. By then, Shicun will also be able to cultivate extraordinary young people.

The village chief Shi Yunfeng did not dare to delay, and immediately prepared the materials needed for baptism according to ancient recipes passed down from generation to generation, and would conduct a medicinal bath soon.

"Huh? You want medicinal bath again?"

The older children screamed miserably and felt a cold air rushing straight to the sky.

Seven months ago, they had just taken a medicinal bath, and the pain was still fresh in their memory and unforgettable. As a result, they had to do it again only seven months later, and they were naturally trembling with fear.

Only the little one didn't shout. His big eyes were bright and he asked curiously: "Is it the kind of medicinal paste that tasted so good last time?"

"Yes, does the little one like to drink?" Shi Yunfeng said with a smile, touching the little one's head and doting on him.

The little boy showed a look of recollection. Last time, he was taken care of alone and put into the black cauldron in the village. Due to his height, he started drinking as soon as he entered and kept drinking.

When he was fished out by everyone, his stomach was already bulging, and he was drunk and staggering, as if he was drunk.

However, the taste of that medicinal paste is really good, and my whole body feels warm after drinking it.

"Yeah, I like to drink it." The little one's face was flushed, and his eyes were shining, which made the older children feel numb.

The little one is really not an ordinary person, he has no talent, and his appetite is unique to Shicun.

"Haha, the medicine paste tastes better this time. I guarantee that the little one will drink enough." Shi Yunfeng laughed heartily and was very pleased. He felt that the future of the little one will be bright, and maybe he can be on par with those young people trained by the powerful ancient country. If If this were true, he would have no regrets even if he died.

Behind Shicun Village, among the mountains and fields, Chi Cang walked alone, with no one around him.

He moves like a dragon and moves like a tiger, opens and closes at great speed, and has the aura of dominating the world.

When he came to an old tree, Chi Cang stopped.

This is an old jujube tree with tangled roots and canes. It has lived for an unknown amount of time. It is full of vicissitudes. After experiencing the erosion of time, even a tree that should be ordinary will change. It's extraordinary.

However, this is not the point. The point is that on the branch of the old jujube tree, there is a beautiful bird with colorful feathers, which is very bright and strange.

Chi Cang knew about it because the little one often whispered about catching the five-colored sparrow. He had been teased by it ever since he was sensible.

Everyone in the village also knows this elusive bird, and the old jujube tree in front of Chi Cang is its nest.

"Did you send out a soul transmission to call me here?" Chi Cang asked calmly. His eyes were very sharp and penetrating. He could see that the five-colored sparrow was extraordinary. It was not a normal bird, but regardless of Whatever the purpose of the five-colored sparrow, he was not afraid at this moment.

"Chirp chirp..."

The five-colored sparrow chirped happily and combed its feathers slowly on the branches. It was not afraid of strangers at all. Its eyes were very human. Looking at it, it was like facing a person.

"it's me."

It really spoke, sending out strange soul fluctuations, which reached the ears of Blaze, and it was the voice of a person.

"What's the matter?"

The five-colored sparrow stopped its movement and flapped its wings. It looked like it was stretching.

Chi Cang's expression remained unchanged, and he quietly waited for the next step.

"After you recovered some of your cultivation, I felt a sense of familiarity with you. I must have met you before, and perhaps had a certain friendship with you, just like how I felt about the ancestor sacrifice spirit." The five-color bird said. It's amazing that he actually said such words.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid they would have scorned it a long time ago. For a bird to say that it once had a relationship with him, it would be suspicious from every angle.

However, Chi Cang believed it. He believed that his intuition would not be wrong.

So he humbly asked what the ancestor worship spirit was, as well as the origin and age of the colorful sparrow.

"The ancestral sacrificial spirit is the charred willow tree in Shicun. It passed through nirvana many times, and was later robbed, fell here, and was reborn from death again."

"It turns out that Liu Shen is also called the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit." Chi Cang murmured to himself and remembered the name.

Wu Se Que continued: "As for me, I don't know who I am. I am just a remnant soul from the distant ancient times. I don't know the rest."

"Xiangu? So, I am also a member of Xiangu? Can you tell me how many years ago Xiangu was?" Chi Cang searched for the memory of the word "Xiangu" in his mind, but in the end, he had no impression at all. The memory of Xiao Doian only stopped when he was named Huang Tianhou, and did not involve any ancient immortals.

"It should be more than a million years ago." Wu Seque seemed to be unsure and answered uncertainly.

"More than a million years?" Chi Cang was shocked. That was really too far away. So, he was an ancient who lived for more than a million years?

"How were the creatures in the world in ancient times? Are there any differences compared to today?" Chi Cang asked. At this moment, he was really curious about ancient times.

" was an extremely splendid era. I only remember so much. In short, it was very glorious."

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