The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 13 The Sad and Angry Bull Demon

Chi Cang asked some more questions about the Immortal Ancient, but did not get the answers he wanted. This five-colored bird really forgot a lot, and it was already rare to know that he came from the Immortal Ancient.

As for Wu Se Que's previous statement that he might have friendship with Chi Cang, it was just a feeling, just like Wu Se Que's feelings for Liu Shen.

"I wasn't here originally, but then the ancestral sacrificial spirits came, and I instinctively wanted to get closer, so I built this nest behind the stone village." The five-color bird explained that it had an inexplicable kindness and trust in Chi Cang, so it I told him this without reservation.

Chi Cang nodded. He could feel the goodwill of Wu Se Que and believed that in the distant Immortal Era, he and his predecessor must have been close acquaintances.

"Can I help you with anything?"

The Five-Colored Bird should have been a great creature before, but it suffered unimaginable damage, leaving only the remnant soul, which turned into the Five-Colored Bird that it is today.

It fluttered a few times and flapped its wings. Under the sunlight, it shone with colorful lights, extremely gorgeous.

"I want to take you to a place where there is something I have always wanted to pursue, but it is very dangerous. For now, I am the only one who can get close. Let's wait until you recover a little.

If you go then, you will have greater certainty. "


Chi Cang agreed, then said goodbye to Five Colored Birds and returned to Stone Village.

As soon as he returned to Stone Village, he heard the low cry of the Lihuo Bull Demon.


There is fear and grievance.

Once upon a time, how carefree and comfortable it was deep in the mountains? All the beasts surrendered and commanded the mountains. If they wanted to start a beast tide, they would launch it. If they wanted to eat some ferocious beasts, they would go outside. Those ferocious beasts would tremble and stay there for it to choose from, without daring to resist.

This kind of life is just like that of a king, with infinite scenery. How can it be as embarrassing as now?

At this time, the lightning chains used by Chi Cang were like hot irons. Not to mention hot, the main reason was that there was a terrifying thunder and lightning on them. The direct electric shock made its skin and flesh split open and blood splattered on it. Previously, it was directly electrocuted. Fainted.

Fortunately, the Bull Demon has rough skin and thick flesh, so he can endure it if he persists for a while.

But the scene he saw now made him unable to calm down at all. His four hooves were trembling, his legs were fighting, and his eyes were in a trance.

These humans were actually lighting fires and setting up cauldrons there, one mouthful after another, each one bigger than the other, and they were constantly adding water, herbs, etc. to the cauldron. It was obvious that they were going to cook several cauldrons of fragrant beef.

The most outrageous thing is that some people are still sharpening their knives, and the sound of friction is a kind of torture to the ears of the bull demon.

Thinking of this, Lihuo Niu Mo wanted to cry. Why did he hesitate just now? One misstep will lead to eternal hatred. Compared with being divided into several portions and boiled in several big cauldrons, being that person's mount is not much happier.

Suddenly, it saw Chi Cang walking in the distance, as if it had seen a life-saving straw.

"Moo, moo..."

The huge body struggled, and the bull's head kept nodding towards Chi Cang, lowering and lowering, expressing submission, and its eyes were docile like a little sheep. This was a sign of goodwill, hoping that Chi Cang would not chop it down and cook it. broth.

Chi Cang was a little strange. The ferocious beasts usually captured were very wild and had to be tamed for a long time before they could be convinced. This cow was an ancient relic, so it had to be "tortured" for several days, right?

As a result, this cow has become honest before it even starts.

"Master!" The bull demon sent out a wave of spiritual thoughts, calling Chi Cang his master, which meant complete surrender.

Chi Cang ignored it, and the lightning chain flickered, making the Bull Demon unable to even send out his spiritual thoughts.

It had been given a chance before, and it had chosen this path on its own, and it had to finish it even if it was crying.

With his spiritual thoughts sealed, the Bull Demon was completely panicked. He felt that his life as a mount had been missed. Now he was probably doomed and destined to be torn into pieces by these terrifying villagers.

There was a high shelf not far away from it, and it was covered with the meat of ferocious beasts, one after another. It made the cow's scalp numb when looking at it. Maybe it would join them soon.

"Is this really an ancient relic? Why does it look so timid?" Pihou was a little confused. This was different from what the adults in the village told them.

"Yeah, maybe it knew that it was going to be lowered into the cauldron, so it was afraid." Da Zhuang said "nonsense" seriously.

A group of children squatted not far from the Bull Demon, commenting there.

The Lihuo Bull Demon can understand human language, but the words of these children made his heart feel cold.

"Niuniu is so pitiful." The smallest one said, very cute, at least in the eyes of the Niu Demon, he is really a cute and good boy.

I saw the Lihuo Bull Demon nodding with tears in his eyes, and he didn't look evil at all.

After hearing what the little one said and the Bull Demon's best performance, the children really felt that the Bull Demon was a little bit pitiful.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the painting style changed suddenly, and the little boy's words were shocking, which made everyone, including the bull, Mo Lei, feel very worried.

"Can it produce animal milk?"

"Haha, the little one must want to drink animal milk."

"You're two years old and you're not breastfeeding, you're a little kid chasing sparrows."

The older children started laughing, but the younger ones were not annoyed and just shook their heads.

"No, I'm just curious."

At this moment, in the eyes of the Bull Demon, the little one has successfully transformed from a good person and a cute little girl into a smiling devil.

It thought the little one was speaking for it, but it turned out that it was just for its milk.

However, the fact is that it is a bull. Where does the animal milk come from? Will even the last bit of dignity be lost before being cooked? The poor Bull Demon only felt grief and anger in his heart, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

At this time, the water in the big cauldron had begun to boil. Shi Yunfeng and the old people in the village took out bottles and jars from time to time and poured them into the cauldron. After a while, a burst of aroma wafted out from the cauldron, refreshing the heart and mind.

Especially the black cauldron that is exclusively for the little one, the aroma inside is so rich that it cannot be dispersed.

"Haha, this baptism is definitely not inferior to those of the big tribes. Children of our tribe can enjoy such a level of resources, and their future achievements will be immeasurable." A tribe elder laughed heartily, very happily, and other tribesmen also smiled Full face.

"All of this was brought by Chi Cang to our village."

Chi Cang and the tribesmen laughed and talked, discussing the future of Shicun and the details of this medicinal bath.

"If you want to lay the strongest foundation, the blood essence and blood of these ferocious beasts may not be enough." Chi Cang said to the old patriarch.

Shi Yunfeng immediately understood what Chi Cang meant, and looked at the expressive Lihuo Bull Demon in the distance.

"Child, didn't you say you wanted to use it as a mount?"

Chi Cang nodded.

"It's okay. It's so big and has a lot of blood. You can just let it go, but it won't die."

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