The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 14 Bloodletting and Medicinal Baths

The Bull Demon wanted to roar, because it was dragged by Chi Cang to the big cauldrons, and it seemed that it was about to start cooking the cattle.

However, it couldn't scream because it was tightly locked by the thunder chain, not only sealing its spiritual consciousness, but also all over its body, and its brute force could not exert any effect at all.

Everyone in Shicun looked at this bull demon with an exaggerated expression and looked at each other. Wasn't it just to let out a little blood? Is it that scary?


One of the Bull Demon's legs was cut open with a knife formed by Chi Cang's thunder. Immediately, the cow's blood spurted out.

This blood is very extraordinary. It overflows with magnificent treasure energy in mid-air. It is as red as agate, forming the shape of the Bull Demon's body, roaring to the sky and the earth, and its fierce power is surging.

"Such a powerful medicinal property, worthy of being an ancient relic." Shi Yunfeng was excited, knowing how extraordinary this blood was.

Chi Cang led the blood into a large bucket, and when it was full, he changed another bucket.

The Bull Demon only felt that life was passing by quickly. When he saw the dozen empty barrels over there, he almost fainted.

Finally, this extremely torturous time passed little by little, and all the barrels were collected, and the Bull Demon breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

Unexpectedly, the women in the village moved a large vat again, and Chi Cang stretched out his hand to suck it in, and continued to bleed there.

The bloodletting finally stopped when the bull demon turned pale and felt that his body was being hollowed out.

At this time, the open space was already full. The large buckets and vats were all filled to the brim, steaming and glowing. A mysterious Lihuo Bull Demon could be vaguely seen roaring in the blood.

"Good stuff!"

The tribesmen gathered around and looked at the precious blood in the vessel, their eyes shining brightly. This much blood of ancient relics could not only build a strong foundation for the children, but also allow the adults in the village to rise to a higher level.

At this time, Chi Cang walked up to the Bull Demon's head again, turning a blind eye to the Bull Demon's tears. He "ruthlessly" opened a hole in its horn and drew out a special mass of blood.

This special blood is several times more powerful than the huge amount of blood breath released from the hind legs, and its effectiveness is of course needless to say.

"The psychic true blood of the Lihuo Bull Demon?" Shi Yunfeng had extraordinary experience and knew that the most precious blood of this ancient relic was in the pair of red horns that were several meters long.

"Well, the effect of this thing is very powerful. It can be used to build the foundation for the little one. He can bear it." Chi Cang explained.

According to the description in my memory, the little one was supposed to be born with the Supreme Bone. In the end, someone dug it out, and the essence and blood of the Supreme Bone were also taken away.

After Chi Cang recovered a little bit of his cultivation, he carefully observed the little boy's chest. The inside was indeed unusual. There was an area that was obviously missing something. It must have been the place where the previous Supreme Bone grew.

He was surprised to find that in that vacant space, he could still see several extremely profound and complex runes that looked like the heavens. They were looming and very tiny. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see them at all.

Chi Cang was able to see it because he was strong enough, but as a small child, he probably wouldn't be able to detect it even if he entered the path of spiritual cultivation.

With such a physique, the little one's endurance is definitely beyond everyone's imagination, so the medicinal bath Chi Cang prepared for him will be outrageously violent, and there may be a chance to bring the missing land back to life.

Next, Chi Cang began to refine the divine substances in the precious blood. Clusters of golden liquid were extracted, which made people unable to open their eyes. This divine substance was so extraordinary that it had not yet been put into the cauldron. It makes people feel that the activity of their physical body is increasing, and it is hard to imagine what an amazing effect it will have when it is actually put in.

"After bleeding so much, this cow won't bleed to death due to excessive blood loss, right?" Someone said worriedly after seeing the cow demon's weak appearance.

A living ancient relic is obviously more valuable than a dead one. If it is replenished with blood every once in a while, Shicun will be able to have a steady stream of precious blood from the ancient relic.

Even those large tribes with tens of millions of people do not have such conditions. If outsiders knew about it, they would definitely be jealous.

Hearing people talking about themselves, the Bull Demon became more energetic and pricked up his ears to listen to the conversations of these villagers.

"Probably not. The vitality of ancient relics is much stronger than we imagined."

"That's good."

"I don't know why, but the more I look at this cow, the more I like it."

"Yeah, it's almost mobile..."

The Bull Demon listened for a while and found that all the comments were positive and positive. He was immediately moved and felt that these villagers were not so annoying for the first time.


Several large cauldrons were boiling because Chi Cang dropped the refined divine power into them, completely forming a cauldron of precious medicine.

When he reached the black cauldron, the divine power he added was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it. It was the divine essence in the red horns of the Lihuo Bull Demon. It was extremely amazing. It was said to be the great medicine in the blood, which could stimulate the deepest emotions. level of potential.

Finally, Chi Cang threw seeds covered with thunder patterns into the black cauldron. Some were full of vitality, some were full of death, and there were various mysterious symbols.

When all this was done, the lines around the black cauldron were activated. The land, mountains, rivers, flowers, birds, insects, and fish all lit up, emitting a dazzling light. At the same time, the voices of the gods singing faintly emerged, which was breathtaking. Shocking.

The medicinal bath was ready, and the children were thrown into the cauldron one by one. Suddenly, bursts of miserable wolf howls resounded over Shicun.

The oldest child gritted his teeth and persisted, his face turned red, while the younger ones shouted that it hurt.

Only the little one was quiet there, and more of the noise was caused by the movement inside the cauldron.

Before putting the little one in, Chi Cang placed some symbols on his chest, which could direct most of the power to the missing place on his chest.

This big pot of medicine cannot be endured by the current little person alone. It needs to be borne by the place that has lost its supreme bone.

An hour passed, and the big black cauldron vibrated, emitting bursts of precious light. The lid of the cauldron was shaken open from time to time, and golden slurry splashed up. The rich aroma was intoxicating.

Vaguely, it seemed that a Lihuo Bull Demon was about to rush out, roaring continuously. The sound was very real and surprising. Moreover, there were bursts of thunder, and even the Lihuo Bull Demon condensed with divinity in the cauldron was affected. , and turned into a Thunder Bull Demon.

The lid of the cauldron shook violently, and people were worried that it would rush up and leak the essence of the medicine.

Chi Cang stepped forward, stroked his hand, and closed the gap in the cauldron cover. This time, no more strange phenomena were heard. However, the movement in the cauldron became more violent, making people worried about whether it would explode.

"This treasure tripod is very extraordinary." Chi Cang's eyes flashed with runes, and he looked at the black tripod up close and made a comment.

Shi Yunfeng explained: "This is a precious tripod passed down from our ancestors. I never paid attention to it before, thinking it was just an ordinary tripod. But today, when I look at it, it seems to be a tripod that was born to refine medicine."

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