"Other than that, do you have a better way?" Seeing Yan Changtuo's disgusted face, Sun Yu said just now that as long as he is allowed to go in and meet his daughter, he can do anything wrong by?

Yan Changtuo shook his head. If he had a way, he wouldn't have lingered at the door for so long.

Dressing up as a waiter is like a waiter, at least he can get in.

Yan Changtuo took it and was about to change it on the spot, but was stopped by Sun Yu. Yan Changtuo didn't know what he wanted, it was Sun Yu who asked him to change it, why did Sun Yu stop him instead?

Sun Yu shook his head helplessly. Yan Changtuo was not Yan Yaoshun's opponent. There was a reason for this. The IQs of the two were not on the same line.

Sun Yu pointed to the two security guards at the door and the camera on the side. Yan Changtuo suddenly realized that Sun Yu took Yan Changtuo to change clothes elsewhere, and then entered through the back door. Sun Yu didn't go in, he was waiting for Yan Changtuo outside. Changtuo, rather than saying that he is waiting for Yan Changtuo, it is better to say that he is looking forward to what will happen next.

He is not a kind person. If he is so enthusiastic about helping Yan Changtuo, without his purpose, would he be happy to help others?

"Are you tired?" Yan Yaoshun looked at Ni Lehui and asked with concern. She was just confinement, and he didn't expect to hold a full moon reception for his son so tiring. He originally thought that he only needed to be busy. Let your son rest.

"Not tired." Ni Lehui shook her head with a smile. Even if she was tired, she would not say that she was tired, so that Yan Yaoshun would not be too nervous.

"Aren't you tired?" Yan Yaoshun raised his eyebrows, doubting what Ni Lehui said.

"Do you want me to swear?" Ni Lehui asked back, Yan Yaoshun fell silent immediately.

"Young Master Yan." Lan Jin called out, but Yan Yaoshun ignored him, pretending not to hear.

"Yan Yaoshun, Lan Jin is calling you." Ni Lehui pushed Yan Yaoshun.

"He's going crazy, don't worry about him." Yan Yaoshun put his arms around Ni Lehui's waist, he has already greeted the people who should be greeted, and he has already arranged the things that should be arranged, and now he just waits for the dinner.

"Young Master Yan." Lan Jin called again.

"Yan Yaoshun, go quickly, Lan Jin won't call you if it's okay." Ni Lehui reminded, if it's Nie Jieyang, you can ignore it, Nie Jieyang loves to joke too much, but Lan Jin won't.

"Let's go there together." Yan Yaoshun said.

"He's looking for you, what should I do?" Ni Lehui affectionately rejected Yan Yaoshun, retreated from Yan Yaoshun's arms, and said, "I'll go tease my son."

Yan Yaoshun saw Ni Lehui walking towards his son, his eyes were full of jealousy, his son could not stay with Le Hui, Yan Yaoshun thought about it, waited for a while, gave his son formula milk, and then gave the son to his parents, he and Le Hui Hui only needs to bring a Han letter.

Lan Jin got up, came to Yan Yaoshun, and said with a serious face: "Young Master Yan, I have something to tell you."

"What?" Yan Yaoshun raised his eyebrows and looked at Lan Jin.

"Let's go to the bathroom." Lan Jin said.

Yan Yaoshun's eyes flickered when he heard the word bathroom, and a picture appeared in his mind. Yan Yaoshun couldn't help but look at Ji Weiyao. Lan Jin didn't give Yan Yaoshun a chance to refuse, so he walked towards the bathroom first. Yao and Shun stood where they were, considering whether to go with Lan Jin or not.

Han Han took Hall to the lounge to find Yan Xiaoxiao, seeing Hall, Yan Xiaoxiao was very unhappy, looked at Han Han, and asked, "Han Han, what did you bring him here for?"

"Uncle is looking for aunt." Hanhan said innocently.

"Hanhan, how many times have I told you that he is not your uncle." Yan Xiaoxiao had a bitter face, no one could reverse what Hanhan believed.

"He is uncle." Hanhan said firmly, raised her little face, looked at Hall and asked, "Isn't that right, uncle?"

"Yes, Hanhan is too right." Hall squatted down and looked at Hanhan. With Hanhan's help, it was even more powerful for him. Everyone supported him in chasing Xiaoxiao, and everyone favored him. Xiaoxiao, it's not difficult to break through Xiaoxiao's heart, it's just a matter of time.

"Boom one." Han Han said, pointing to her little cheek.

Hall was very generous, and kissed Hanhan's little cheek, Hanhan was satisfied.

"Is it inconvenient for me to be here?" Yan Dantong looked at the two with a smile. The lounge is a good place to talk about love. In her opinion, Hall and Xiaoxiao are in love and want to be alone. She is just a light bulb here, and with Xiaoxiao's personality, she would never take Hall away, so she had no choice but to leave voluntarily.

"Cousin, what nonsense are you talking about? You really misunderstood, Hall and I are just ordinary friends, not the kind of relationship you think at all." Yan Xiaoxiao eagerly explained, the more you explain this kind of thing, the more unclear it becomes.

"Hanhan, help me up." Yan Dantong said with a smile.

Han Han stood still, biting her finger, looking at Yan Dantong, she didn't dare to help her aunt.

"Cousin." Yan Xiaoxiao stomped her feet.

"Cousin, you don't have to leave, I'll take Xiaoxiao away." Hall said, Yan Dantong is pregnant and has triplets in her belly, so don't be careless.

"Hall, shut up." Yan Xiaoxiao dodged Hall's hand extended towards her, it was enough, couldn't she explain clearly without seeing her? Hall must have done it on purpose.

"Dantong, mom is looking for you." Wen Zhifan walked in, said calmly, glanced at the two of them, calmly helped Yan Dantong up, and walked outside.

Yan Xiaoxiao was so astonished, she was almost stunned, Han Han was also very sensible, she jumped out of the lounge cheering, and kindly helped them close the door. In an instant, only Yan Xiaoxiao and Hall were left in the lounge.

"Xiaoxiao." Hall wanted to hold Yan Xiaoxiao's hand.

"Hall, what exactly do you want?" Yan Xiaoxiao took a step back, stared at Hall and asked.

"Chasing you." Hall stated his purpose directly, and looked at Yan Xiaoxiao with affectionate eyes. It is true that he loves her, and it has not been a day or two since he fell in love with Xiaoxiao. He didn't know himself, he used to be very suppressed in love, but now he won't suppress his love for her anymore.

He is very clear about what he wants and what he doesn't want. He has had many women, but none of them can really walk into his heart, but Xiaoxiao walked into his heart easily. For Xiaoxiao, he can give up everything.

Yan Xiaoxiao was about to go crazy, she looked at Hall seriously, and said seriously: "Hall, haven't I told you clearly enough? It's impossible between us, I'm not good enough for you, don't be on me It's a waste of time, okay?"

"Not good." Hall raised his eyebrows and said again: "I love you, there is no such thing as whether we are worthy or not, only whether we are willing or not, and don't rush to say no, you don't need to love me, you can You can refuse my love, but please don't stop me from loving you."

Yan Xiaoxiao sighed, and said helplessly: "Hall, I really don't understand. There are so many good women in the world, why are you so obsessed with me? I really don't deserve your love."

"Xiaoxiao, it's not up to you whether it's worth my love or not. I just love you. In my heart, you will always be the most beautiful. In this life, I will never fall in love with any woman except you." Huo Er said that he didn't just talk casually to chase women, what he said to Xiaoxiao was all from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Xiaoxiao stroked her forehead and asked, "Hall, what do you want me to say so that you can understand?"

"Xiaoxiao, you don't need to say anything." Hall stepped forward and hugged Yan Xiaoxiao tightly into his arms. Yan Xiaoxiao struggled, the more she struggled, the tighter Hall hugged her, so tight that Xiaoxiao felt herself Nearly suffocating.

"Hall, let me go." Yan Xiaoxiao stopped struggling. At this moment, she doubted whether he really loved her? If he really loved her, why didn't he listen to her? Why do you hold her so tightly? Is he trying to strangle her rhythm?

"Don't let go, don't let go, I will never let you go." Hall said domineeringly.

"You're going to strangle me." Yan Xiaoxiao said in pain.

Hall was taken aback for a moment, then immediately let go of Yan Xiaoxiao, and asked worriedly: "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"

Yan Xiaoxiao gave Hall a blank look, and stopped talking. Hall suddenly held her shoulders. Yan Xiaoxiao was taken aback, looked at Hall alertly, and asked, "What do you want to do again?"

Hall didn't answer, and told her directly with actions what he wanted to do.

Hall directly kissed Yan Xiaoxiao's red lips, Yan Xiaoxiao was stunned, dumbfounded, never expecting that Hall actually kissed her, and what's worse, she didn't hate it at all.

Hall left Yan Xiaoxiao's red lips, kissed her on the forehead, held her in his arms, and pressed his forehead against hers. "Fool, breathe."

Yan Xiaoxiao regained consciousness in an instant, pushed Hall away, wiped the red and swollen lips from Hall's kiss just now, and glared at Hall angrily. "What's wrong with you?"

"We are a couple, and it's normal for couples to kiss." Hall looked at Yan Xiaoxiao with a smile.

"You're crazy! Who is your lover?" Yan Xiaoxiao turned around and stopped looking at Hall.

Hall hugged Yan Xiaoxiao from behind, breathed in her ear, and said in an extremely ambiguous way: "We are husband and wife. To be precise, we should be husband and wife, not lovers."

"Hall, shut up." Yan Xiaoxiao blushed. Thinking of what happened last time, Yan Xiaoxiao was also very helpless. She is a victim, she is a victim, and Hall is trying to save her, so it is understandable .

Hall smiled badly, not only did not shut up, but intensified. "Xiaoxiao, I know your body very well, I even..."

"Hall." Yan Xiaoxiao yelled sharply.

"Okay, I won't talk about it, I'll just do it and let you recollect it." Huoer suddenly picked up Yan Xiaoxiao. To her, he couldn't stay where he was, this was Yan Yaoshun's advice to him.

"Hall, are you sick? What are you doing? Let me down quickly, if you hear me, let me down." Yan Xiaoxiao will not be obedient, and will not let Hall get his wish easily. This is not playing hard to get, but... …

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