Han Han listened to the wall for a while, but she was left alone.

I couldn't find my cousin and aunt, and I didn't want to disturb my uncle and aunt, so I pouted and went to find my mother.

Hanhan was bouncing and jumping in the corridor, suddenly, she bumped into someone, Hanhan didn't fall, but the person she hit.

"Ouch!" Yan Changtuo exaggeratedly yelled while sitting on the ground, looking at Hanhan with complicated eyes, she was his daughter, and he was very excited, Hanhan was his daughter with Lehui, it was like the sky Dropped a pie, what a windfall.

When he wanted to remarry Le Hui, he suddenly learned that he and Le Hui had a daughter, which was a blessing from God.

He and Yu Hailian also have a daughter, they also live together, seeing him and Yu Hailian's daughter, his mood is very normal, not excited at all.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Hanhan asked worriedly, and stepped forward to help Yan Changtuo, but she was too young, and Yan Changtuo was a big man, she couldn't afford to support him at all.

"Ouch! It hurts so much." Yan Changtuo cried out, looking at his daughter who was so close at hand, his mood at the moment was beyond words.

"Uncle, does it hurt? Do you have a mobile phone? I'll call 120 for you." Hanhan asked sensiblely. She was the one who caused the disaster, and she would not deny it.

Hearing this, Yan Changtuo stopped pretending, Hanhan was so small, how could he knock him down, he did it on purpose, Yan Changtuo stood up, squatted in front of Hanhan, held Hanhan's small shoulders, She smiled and said, "Hanhan, don't worry, dad...uncle is fine."

Yan Changtuo wanted to talk about his father, but he was worried that he would scare the child and make the child reject him. He was not in a hurry to meet Han Han. He had plenty of time, and he could wait until Han Han slowly accepted him as a father, so he couldn't do without him. This father wants to remarry Le Hui, Han Han is a shortcut, as long as he gets Han Han done, Le Hui can only surrender, unless she doesn't want this daughter anymore.

Han Han is his daughter, half of her blood is his, father and daughter are connected, no one can replace the father's position, even Yan Yaoshun, can't stop the fact that he and Han Han are father and daughter.

"Uncle, how do you know my name is Hanhan?" Hanhan asked seriously, looked at Yan Changtuo, suddenly pointed at Yan Changtuo, and said: "I remembered, I saw you in the hospital, are you That uncle."

"Hanhan is so smart, I'm that uncle." Yan Changtuo patted Hanhan's head admiringly, Hanhan didn't look like Le Hui, nor did he look like him, and he must be a big beauty when he grows up.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Hanhan asked, without giving Yan Changtuo a chance to answer, Hanhan asked again: "Uncle, do you work here?"

Yan Changtuo lowered his eyes, looked at his attire, and raised his eyebrows. He was wearing a waiter's uniform. Would Han Han look down on him because of this, and would not want to admit that he was her father?

Yan Changtuo was entangled and regretted a little. He shouldn't have accepted Sun Yu's help to sneak in in this way, and appeared in front of his daughter with this identity. The first impression is especially important, but he gave his daughter such an impression.

"Uncle, are you working as a waiter here?" Han Han asked again.

"I..." Yan Changtuo was stunned, not knowing whether to nod or shake his head.

"Uncle, this hotel belongs to my father. I can ask my father to promote you." Han Han said while patting her chest. As long as she said so, her father would definitely agree.

Hearing this, Yan Changtuo's face froze. Seeing Hanhan showing off in front of him, Yan Changtuo only felt it was ironic, especially when he heard Hanhan calling Yan Yaoshun's father, he slapped him hard. It's his daughter, but she calls another man's father. In front of his biological father, Yan Changtuo is so proud, can he tolerate it?

However, people had to bow their heads under the low eaves, and he dared not tell Hanhan loudly in front of Hanhan that he was her biological father, and Yan Yaoshun was not at all.

"Hanhan, you misunderstood. Uncle thank you for your kindness. Uncle does not work here." Yan Changtuo declined politely.

"Why are you wearing the waiter's uniform if you don't work here?" Han Han bit her finger, she was sure she was right, it was indeed the uniform worn by the waiter.

"I'll take over for a friend." Yan Changtuo found a reason. He didn't want to be looked down upon by Hanhan, and he didn't want to accept Hanhan's help. It wasn't worth it to beg Yan Yaoshun for him.

Hanhan looked at Yan Changtuo blankly, obviously she didn't understand very well.

Yan Changtuo also noticed it, thought for a while, and said, "I have a friend who works here, and he has something to do at home today, so he asked me to help him with work for a day."

He said that, Han Han should be able to understand, right?

Han Han suddenly realized, and said, "It turns out that uncle is helping others."

The corner of Yan Changtuo's mouth twitched, Hanhan put a high hat on him, and could only smile bitterly.

"Hanhan, what do you think of Uncle?" Yan Changtuo asked, changing the subject. This question is very important. What kind of person is he in Hanhan's heart.

"Uncle, we don't know each other well." Han Han replied.

Yan Changtuo was a little disappointed by Han Han's answer, and he blamed Ni Lehui in his heart. She gave birth to a daughter for him, but she didn't tell him that he was absent from her daughter for so long. The daughter didn't even know who he was, so she called him goodbye The man's father, if Zhang Aoran hadn't told him, how long would he have been kept in the dark by her?

For such a smart daughter, Ni Lehui actually hid it from him, it was simply too much.

"Hanhan, we are related by blood, and we have met twice. We are already familiar with each other." Yan Changtuo said.

Hanhan ignored Yan Changtuo's previous words and said, "I've only met twice, so it's not considered familiar."

For Yan Changtuo, Hanhan doesn't have any special emotions, any blood relationship, it's all fake, Yan Changtuo has been absent for so long, Hanhan is really normal to him, if she didn't knock him down, Hanhan would Will not chat with strangers.

"Hanhan, do you like uncle?" Yan Changtuo asked.

Han Han didn't answer Yan Changtuo, but shook his hand and said, "I'm going to find my father, goodbye uncle."

"Hanhan." Yan Changtuo reached out to catch Hanhan. His movements were fast, and Hanhan was not slow. Said: "Ouch!"

Hearing Yan Changtuo's cry, Hanhan stopped, turned around and looked at Yan Changtuo who was sitting on the ground, seeing this, Yan Changtuo was secretly happy, Hanhan didn't do what he wanted, but stood where he was , raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Uncle, are you touching porcelain?"

It was fine just now, but now it's ouch again, if he had been like this in the beginning, Han Han would not have doubted his intentions, after all, it was she who knocked him down.

When the word "Pengci" spit out from Hanhan's mouth, Yan Changtuo felt very awkward. Is he this kind of person? He would not touch Ci's own daughter when he touched anyone, Yan Changtuo was a little dumbfounded seeing Han Han looking at him vigilantly.

"Hanhan, you misunderstood, I'm not touching porcelain." Yan Changtuo explained.

"Uncle, I remind you that this hotel belongs to my father, you'd better leave quickly, otherwise, I will send my father to drive you out." Han Han threatened, not listening to Yan Changtuo's explanation at all.

"Hanhan, uncle is a good person, you really misunderstood uncle." Yan Changtuo explained unwillingly.

"Uncle, I can tell the difference between a good person and a bad person." Han Han hummed, turned around, and went to find Yan Yaoshun and Ni Lehui.

The plan failed and left a bad impression on Hanhan. Yan Changtuo wanted to slap himself, but at the same time he was helpless. I really don't know how Lehui taught Hanhan.

From Han Han's gaze, he is completely unfamiliar. Obviously Le Hui did not tell Han Han of his existence, which made Yan Changtuo feel helpless while being frustrated. It seems that Le Hui was really hurt at the beginning. Heart, otherwise, she would not fail to mention him in front of her daughter.

Yan Changtuo got up, pushed the cart and left, if Han Han called Yan Yaoshun, he would lose more than he gained.

At the corner, Yan Dantong tugged on Wen Zhifan's sleeve and said, "Han Han left, and Yan Changtuo also left, you don't have to be so tense."

Wen Zhifan collected his thoughts, patted his chest, and let out a heavy breath, he was really scared to death just now.

"How did Yan Changtuo come in?" Wen Zhifan raised his eyebrows and asked, Yan Yaoshun and Le Hui would not invite Yan Changtuo, and they would not invite Yan Changtuo. I just heard what Yan Changtuo said to Hanhan. Hanhan was too small to understand. Wen Zhifan understood Yan Changtuo's implication.

Obviously Yan Changtuo knew that Hanhan was his daughter, and Wen Zhifan was a little worried. Le Hui had kept it a secret for so many years, but Yan Changtuo still knew about Hanhan's existence.

Er Bao's hearing problem, Han Han's matter, why did he come across it all?

"He is wearing the uniform of a waiter, so he should have sneaked in." Yan Dantong said, although the uniforms are the same, she can still recognize that this uniform was worn by Sun Yu, first Sun Yu, then Yan Changtuo , have they reached any agreement?

This is not a good sign. If the two of them cooperate, it will be strange if they don't stir up trouble.

Wen Zhifan was silent, Yan Dantong asked, "Do you want to tell elder brother and sister-in-law?"

"How to say?" Wen Zhifan scratched his head, really feeling a headache.

"Tell the truth." Yan Dantong said, this matter can't be hidden, it can be seen that Yan Changtuo will never let go of Hanhan, otherwise, he would not choose to sneak into the hotel in this way today.

"Dantong, you don't have to worry about this matter, leave it to me, and I'll take care of it." Wen Zhifan held Yan Dantong's shoulders, she was pregnant with a child, and she only needed to wait for the delivery, and she didn't have to worry about other things.

"Zhifan, I don't need to worry about it, but you have to promise me, don't worry too much, and don't put too much pressure on yourself, you have to trust the elder brother, he has the ability to protect the elder sister-in-law and the children." Yan Dantong meant beyond words She said that Wen Zhifan was worried about her body and the children, and she didn't want Wen Zhifan to worry about her and the children.

"I know." Wen Zhifan nodded, he never doubted Yan Yaoshun's ability.

Listen to Xi's new article "Warm Marriage: The CEO's Shadow Wife", dear ones, please support me a lot, thank you...hehe

It was often said that Yu Ruxi's family had come down, she was alone, and even her childhood sweetheart fiancé had abandoned her to remarry, yet she was able to become a movie queen not because of her acting skills, but because of Shan Renshuo behind her.

Shan Renshuo, the mysterious helm of the Shan Group, is three-pointed alienated and seven-pointed indifferent to outsiders, maintains pampering and doting on insiders, and is unreasonable. If she wants to become famous, he will pave the way. ... All in all, what she wants, what he gives, what he has is given to her directly, and what he doesn't have is snatched and given to her.

When she first met, she just woke up from a coma, and saw him sitting by the bed, with indifferent brows and eyes, indifferent expression, and even his breath was indifferent, which was very in line with the breath of death. She closed her eyes with a smile.

He said: "Woman, from the moment I picked you up from the sea, I will take your life and revenge."

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