The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 204 Yan Yan, it's okay, let go

"Young people today... are quite lively." The smile was unclear.

Xi Jingxing heard full of irony.

Huo Zi'ang's eyes tightened. He took the opportunity to come over to greet Chen Xiangxiang and Xi Jingxing, but he still couldn't get in front of him, he could only hang on the outermost edge of the crowd.

The group of them sat down here. He was young and infamous and could only stand. He saw Yan Xi make a move earlier than the others.

At that moment, he even wanted to walk directly over to teach Mu Yuyang a lesson—in his own capacity, he was not enough to see in front of Ji Qingsong, but he was completely qualified in front of Mu Yuyang.

However, he still didn't move in the end. After finding that the eyes of several people around him disagreed, he quickly calmed down, clenched his fists in pain, and advised himself not to worry.

Obviously Yan Xi has the upper hand, right? It was Mu Yuyang who suffered, not her.

It doesn't matter if you come out or not.

Chen Xiangxiang seemed to have finally reacted, and hurriedly changed the subject, "...It's actually okay, Uncle Ji actually likes your wife quite a bit..."

Ji Qingsong looked over there and stared for a moment: "...This girl's skills are quite good."

Xi Jingxing was too embarrassed to feel ashamed.

"Yan Yan, what are you doing, let go of people soon!" Xi Jingxing walked over quickly, with a serious expression, " should have a limit to your willfulness, how can you beat people! That's what I taught you ?"

Since this calamity is doomed, he might as well express his attitude, so as not to be misunderstood that there is a problem with Xi's family education.

... Mingming Xi's family is loyal and gentle, and most reasonable.

Yan Xi raised her eyes and glanced at Xi Jingxing, "No."

Mrs. Mu was reminded that her son had been beaten. When she came over, she almost fainted when she saw this scene. She shouted sternly, "What are you doing! Why are you bullying my son?"

While speaking, in anger, he raised his hand and wanted to slap Yan Xi.

Xie Chang stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, "Please respect yourself."

Madam Mu was so angry that her heart trembled, "What kind of thing are you, dare to stop me?"

Her family has something to do with the board of directors of Shengyang High School,

Therefore, I also know that Xie Changze, a student, has good grades, but his family background is not satisfactory.

The other party didn't know who he was relying on to sneak in, but he dared to do something to her?

When she turned her head and saw Xi Jingxing, she noticed a group of business bosses over there, and said coldly, "Mr. Xi, is this the upbringing of your Xi family?"

Yan Xi: "The upbringing of your Mu family is quite eye-opening. Your son instigated others to bully classmates and even called it hospice care. He is really talented. This talented classmate, do you think the Xi family provides resources? It’s a waste to give it to me, and my life is likely to be short-lived anyway-then I also think it’s a waste of the bank to lend to your company, and it will eventually go bankrupt anyway.”

Mrs. Mu was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Yan Xi: "Oh, just to remind you that if you don't educate your son well, then you will be educated by the society. What do you think I will take away from the Mu family's party A?"

Mrs. Mu couldn't help but want to laugh: "Are you too arrogant and think your Xi's company is great? You..."

She suddenly remembered something, and slowly she stopped laughing, her face became stiff and ugly.

The Xi family can't do it, but what if the Yan family makes a move?

She tried to calm herself down, "No, you don't have that ability. You're about to die. It's impossible for the Yan family to spend so much energy and money against the Mu family for you..."

That would be too much of a loss.

If this is to vent for the promising juniors in the family, it is worth spending a little money, anyway, the investment will always produce results.

But Yan Xi had cancer, so she might end up with her braids up one day, and she didn't even know if she was an adult.

If this child was born in their hometown and died of illness when they were young, and did not make any contribution to the family, it would be a debt collector and would be rejected by the family.

Who would be willing to spend that time and effort to vent her anger.

Yan Xi was not surprised, this Madam Mu and her precious son were in the same line.

"I'm relieved when you say that. Originally, I was wondering if I'm making a big deal out of it." Yan Xi smiled, she didn't have any psychological burden.

"I will accept the project of Mingde in the west of Mujiacheng, as well as parties like Ci'en, Kailu, Wanhe."

Her smile was obviously elegant and generous, but Mrs. Mu's heart skipped a beat.

How does the other party know who the party A of the Mu Mo Group is, and the Mingde project in the west of the city... This made her feel a little uneasy in her heart.

"Yan Yan, what nonsense are you talking about!" Xi Jingxing was so embarrassed that his toes were almost on the ground, God, why didn't he know that Yan Xi was still full of lies?

This made Ji Qingsong and the others laugh at it.

"Are you still listening to me? Just let them go and apologize to Mrs. Mu!"

Ying Shiyu was speechless, did Xi Jingxing have no eyes or ears, after listening for so long, did he not understand the point?

"Uncle Xi, there is a saying that the one who flirts first is cheap. Mu Yuyang has repeatedly found fault, and today he is also sarcastic, he deserves it."

Xi Jingxing hesitated for a while, he also felt that Mu Yuyang's words were too much, and he even felt a little sad when he heard the word hospice.

"Then you can't treat others so rudely, so you can't have a good theory?"

Xie Chang stepped forward and said warmly, "Yan Yan, let go of people."

Yan Xi didn't really want to let it go, Mu Yuyang was too dishonest, the appearance of Mrs. Mu and Xi Jingxing probably made him more courageous, and he actually started to fight back against him again, obviously he would not settle down in a negotiable manner.

And this matter can't let Xie Changze get involved too much, it's enough to hate himself alone.

"I'm very sorry, where is the troublemaker?" The security supervisor hurried over with four security guards.

Mu Yuyang realized that Yan Xi didn't intend to let go at all, and hurriedly shouted: "It's her! She's beating up people and making trouble, you guys hurry up and drive her away, she hurt me!"

The head of security looked at the situation in front of him and quickly made his own judgment, "This lady, please let go—"

Xie Changze: "Yan Yan, it's okay, let go."

Yan Xi understood the meaning in his eyes and let go.

Mu Yuyang was suppressed for a long time, and he was suddenly triumphant.

Yan Xi was so arrogant and rude, there must be no good fruit to eat, he moved his muscles and bones, and planned to teach Yan Xi a lesson—

The next second, he was thrown to the ground by the sudden force, and two big hands grabbed his hair and pressed him to the ground.

He was completely stunned, "What are you doing... woo!"

Two security guards skillfully covered their mouths and dragged the person out.

The security supervisor also smiled and apologized to everyone, "I'm shocked, it's our fault in our work, and the other party won't have the opportunity to come in again, please rest assured."

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