The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 205 Is the adopted daughter qualified to bring it to this kind of occasion?

Mrs. Mu was stunned for a long time without reacting. This incident happened too quickly, and she was furious, "You, how can you take my son away! It's her who is making trouble!"

"Ma'am, please come with us too." The head of security didn't have a good look at Mrs. Mu.

Mrs. Mu was deadlocked for a moment. Of course, she knew that she couldn't splash here. On the one hand, she was worried about her son, so she had to hold back her anger and said, "Very well, you wait!"

She turned around and hurriedly chased in the direction where Mu Yuyang was taken away, making a phone call while walking and planning to complain to her husband.

"This is too arrogant and unreasonable!" After witnessing everything in front of him, some people couldn't help but be stunned.

Chen Xiangxiang showed an embarrassed smile at the right time, "Sister Yanyan, she was not like this before, maybe she was stabbed in the sore spot... I'm sorry."

"This security supervisor is not doing things right, how can he be so messed up?" Some people quickly expressed their anger.

"Yeah, obviously that young man was miserable. He was splashed with red wine and beaten."

"Both sides of the quarrel must be at fault, and the fairest thing to do is to kick both of them out together."

"Get out?" Ji Qingsong suddenly laughed lightly, "Isn't it clear what is right and what is wrong? The security supervisor did the right thing, why should innocent people be kicked out?"

He had never made a statement before, and there was no expression on his face, so that those who guessed his thoughts would follow the attitudes of Chen Xiangxiang and Xi Jingxing.

What's more, the thoughts of many people present are that it is always inelegant and indecent when a girl fights, not to mention the whole process of suppressing the man to kneel on the ground.

This just hurts the sensitive nerves of many men, and they feel that they are too rude and uneducated!

It's better for girls to be gentle, obedient, sensible and obedient. Do you want to be a dominatrix?

Unexpectedly, Ji Qingsong's views were completely different, which made the faces of the few people who just spoke turned pale, and some were not very good-looking.

Chen Xiangxiang's heart thumped even more, and her heart was a little tight.

Ji Qingsong didn't need to give these people a face at all, he raised his feet and walked over there.

Xi Jingxing was still sulking, he didn't expect that Yan Xi not only did not listen to the persuasion, but also reversed black and white and directly asked the security guard to drive him away!

This behavior is exactly the same as the security guards driving Xi Lurong at the gate before.

She also seemed familiar with the act of rushing people the day she came home from the hospital.

"You called the security guard?" Xi Jingxing became more and more angry, "Yan Yan, how can you be so unreasonable, the Xi family's tutor is not like this!"

Yan Xi: "If the Xi family's tutor is to hold back, then I'm afraid I'm really unreasonable..."

"It's unreasonable? No, you are courageous and tenacious." The gentle and generous baritone sounded, and Yan Xi looked at the approaching person with some surprise.

Ji Qingsong is not too young, but he is well maintained and his temperament is more easy-going than Yan Yunzhi, but his aura of killing and decisiveness is exactly the same.

This is the temperament of people who have really experienced the bloody storm in the mall.

He killed Xi Jingxing standing next to him in minutes, even though Xi Jingxing was younger and more handsome than him.

Yan Xi smiled and said thank you, after all, the other party's tone and demeanor were clearly complimenting her.

Ji Qingsong: "I heard what this little girl said about flirting first, and I think it's right. There is no need to be polite to this kind of person. I'm not who I am today."

When Xi Jingxing saw him approaching, he felt ashamed at first, and for a moment he thought he couldn't stand it and wanted to teach Yan Xi a lesson in person.

But I never thought that the other party was not teaching Yan Xi a lesson. The meaning of these words seemed to be teaching himself a lesson...

Xi Jingxing was suddenly a little scared.

Others were also surprised. In Ji Qingsong's position, he rarely commented too much on interpersonal relationships or someone's character.

This time, he said so many words at once, and also pulled Mrs. Ji out... People who always liked to figure out his thoughts suddenly smelled an unusual breath.

Big Brother Ji admires Yan Xi very much!

Ji Qingsong just casually asked about Xi Jingxing's daughter, everyone can hold Chen Xiangxiang, and of course they must hold Yan Xi at this time!

"The little girl is quite neat, and her skills are also very good. Was that a catcher just now?"

"The demeanor is very much like Mrs. Ji when she was young."

"You are also Mr. Xi's daughter?" someone asked suddenly.

The person who asked this question was obviously not a native of Northbridge and did not know the situation of the Xi family.

Yan Xi smiled: "My name is Yan Xi." She didn't say much else.

Chen Xiangxiang breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She was afraid that Yan Xi would say something, so she quickly stepped forward and called out softly, "Sister Yanyan."

Ji Qingsong suddenly said: "Mr. Xi, if I remember correctly, you should only have one daughter, right? So you were joking with everyone just now, and introduced anyone to everyone."

Chen Xiangxiang's head was stunned, and she looked up at Ji Qingsong in disbelief!

It was obvious that everyone was talking together in a very relaxed atmosphere, but in a blink of an eye she became "anyone".

She obviously superimposed the props of [Queen C], and the men around her will be attracted by her beautiful appearance and elegant temperament...

Chen Xiangxiang was a little flustered, and quickly explained with red eyes, "Uncle Ji, I'm not just anyone, I..."

Xi Jingxing was also a little dumbfounded, Ji Qingsong said a little bit seriously: "Mr. Ji, Xiangxiang is my adopted daughter..."

Although Yan Xi didn't want to give Xi Jingxing no face at all on this occasion, he couldn't let the other side talk nonsense.

"Adopted daughter? Dad, she's not on our household registration book. There's no legal adoption relationship between you, right?"

Ji Qingsong: "So you think the adopted daughter is also qualified to bring it to this kind of occasion?"

The words of the two were spoken at the same time. After speaking, the two looked at each other, and Yan Xi smiled.

She didn't stop because Ji Qingsong opened her mouth, but insisted on finishing her words.

Chen Xiangxiang's face instantly turned pale as paper.

Others are also stunned, what the hell happened! Why did this big guy suddenly get angry?

Combined with Yan Xi's words, some people began to imagine that their biological daughter is so excellent that they are still rushing to get an adopted daughter, or the kind that does not have a legal adoption relationship. Wouldn't it be selling dog meat?

The eyes of everyone looking at Xi Jingxing and Chen Xiangxiang became a little subtle, especially Chen Xiangxiang, many people even took the initiative to stay away from her.

This is not because of how positive these people are, but because they are good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Ji Qingsong and his wife are deeply in love, and they are a good story in the industry. The lady is also very capable and courageous, and her personality charm is full score.

Many men with successful careers always have a few stories outside, but Ji Qingsong doesn't know that at all. He respects his wife very much, and has always hated this kind of thing.

So of course everyone hides as far as possible.

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