The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 247 Dad, you don't have to fight so much, right?

Mo Yun drove away with the medicine box in hand, but Xi Jingxing seemed to have had a spoonful of cold water poured over his head, cooling his head to his feet.

What did I do wrong, but I wanted to get rid of the pain of losing my wife.

Chen Xiangxiang was so like the previous Yan Xi, looking at her Cheng Huan's knees, it was as if his wife was still there.

Does this count as heinous?

Xi Jingxing felt very painful, the pain was not only psychological, but also physical—Huo Mingyue was merciless for the few times he beat, and it still hurts now.

He took a few bottles of wine and locked himself in the room, trying to numb himself.

The servant knocked on the door to deliver the hangover soup, he drank it in one breath, and then realized that something was wrong.

Instead of leaving, the other party went back and forth, put his body close to him, and whispered softly, "Uncle Xi, are you hot? I'll help you cool down..."

Xi Jingxing's brain that was corroded by alcohol froze for a moment, and suddenly his eyes widened in horror.


Wang Zinan was a little excited, and her fingers were shaking.

She didn't want to sleep with the old man either, they forced her to do all this.

If she doesn't take action, she will be kicked out of the villa tomorrow, and there will be no chance.

Chen Xiangxiang wanted to fly on the branch and become a phoenix without paying anything. As a result, she was slapped in the face on the spot tonight, and Mrs. Xi announced that she would never have a second granddaughter in her life.

The fact that the other party entered the Xi family as an adopted daughter and inherited the property of the Xi family was completely out of the question, and the dream was completely shattered.

He was better than the other party, as long as he had slept with Xi Jingxing, according to this person's holy father character, he would definitely be responsible to the end and marry him as a continuation.

This is what I call my stepmother to my ex boyfriend.

In the future, whether it is Xi Yan or Yan Xi, they have to respectfully call her little mom.

And Huo Ziang, why do you want to drive her out, she will be the mistress of the Xi family in the future! She just wants to let the other party get out of the way!


Yan Xi and Xi Yan sent Huo Mingyue to the hotel,

Only then went to Yan's house.

When I walked into the Yan family villa, I found that Yang Mei was taking pictures of Yan Qinghe and Yan Feilu.

Seeing Yan Xi, Yang Mei smiled and waved, "Miss, you are back!"

Yan Qinghe got up from the big rattan chair and ordered dinner.

Yan Yunzhi didn't come back...I don't know if he knew that Yan Feilu was here, so he avoided it on purpose.

Yan Xi looked at Yang Mei with a peaceful smile, and felt that her position towards this soft-tempered young lady seemed a little low?

Being able to direct the always stubborn grandfather to take pictures with Yan Feilu, the other party really has something.

The Yan family was accustomed to eating without saying a word or sleeping, but after this meal, Yan Xi did not eat well, and Yan Xi received a call from Mo Yun.

"Miss Yan Xi, I'm sorry, there's something wrong with Mr. Xi, I'm afraid you have to come over to take a look."

After the other party finished speaking, Yan Xi still decided to put down her chopsticks and rush over to have a look. Anyway, she had almost eaten.

Yan Qinghe is not very happy, when is this going to go back and forth?

Yan Xi: "It's okay, I'll just go check the situation."

More than that, I can't help myself.


Yan Xi turned back to Xi Lurong's villa in Qiushuiwan again.

Xi Lurong had a high blood pressure attack and was still resting. It was Xi Jingren and Li Meiyun and his wife who came out to preside over the overall situation.

Mo Yun walked out and breathed a sigh of relief, "Miss Yanxi, you are here."

He was completely speechless, and he hinted to Xi Jingxing that he wanted to cut his seat with the Xi family, and the Xi family would not seek him at any time in the future.

As a result, as soon as the car arrived home, he received a call from Xi Jingren, asking him to quickly return to the Qiushuiwan villa to rescue Xi Jingxing.

After he came, he became even more speechless, Xi Jingxing was actually given a potent drug... But the other party failed, so he was in trouble.

"Mr. Xi insisted that he would not go to the hospital, so I could only help him detoxify him. Now he should be fine." Mo Yun introduced the situation to Yan Xi, paused, and added in a low voice, "...I'm afraid that There will be some damage.”

Yan Xi thanked him, opened the door and walked in. Xi Jingxing was lying on the bed, his face ashen.

As soon as he saw Yan Xi, he became excited, "Yan Yan, I almost had an accident today! If Du Xiaoman hadn't just arrived, I would..."

Thinking of that scene, he blushed with humiliation!

"Kick her out, I will never see her!" Xi Jingxing growled angrily, hurting himself, of course he couldn't be kind, "By the way, I have to sue her—"

Yan Xi: "Okay, then call the police."

Xi Jingxing was stunned for a moment, calling the police meant that the city was full of trouble and he couldn't afford to lose that person.

"You can't call the police!" Xi Jingxing paused and said in a vague tone, "Yan Yan, I don't want to see the Wang family again in Beiqiao City."

He believed that Yan Xi was completely capable of doing this.

Yan Xi raised her eyes and looked at him calmly: "Dad, it's not a big deal, you don't need to make such a big deal, right?"


"Just ask her to apologize to you. There's no need to make such a fuss. Besides, the reason why she has the opportunity to start is because you brought her here to borrow it and gave her the opportunity."

Xi Jingxing blushed suddenly, Yan Xi's two words seemed familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, wasn't it the same set of words he used to persuade Yan Xi when he went to the Wang family?

When things happen to you, you can't be so generous.

Xi Jingxing: "Forget it, drive her out."

The maid hurriedly complied.

Yan Xi: "Then Dad, you have a good rest. It's too late. I have to go back. I have to go to school tomorrow. My brother and I haven't finished our homework yet."

Xi Jingxing nodded, and suddenly spoke again, "Yan Yan... Du Xiaoman has already left with Xiang Xiang saying goodbye... Is your grandma okay? Has the place where her old man lives is packed?"

When such a thing happened tonight, Du Xiaoman and his mother and daughter naturally have no face to live here any longer.

Otherwise, it really becomes a vainglory, with bad intentions.

If it wasn't so coincidental that Du Xiaoman rushed over, Xi Jingxing might not be able to hold on under the action of the drug.

He couldn't help but glance at the woman Du Xiaoman in his heart.

At that time, he was delirious, and at one point he thought he saw his wife Yan Qingcheng and hugged her.

But Du Xiaoman didn't push him halfway, instead he broke free and ran to the bathroom with a basin of cold water to wake him up.

"Grandma is staying at the hotel." Yan Xi said with a smile, "She is not feeling well, and she has to suffer from jet lag. You can visit her old man again tomorrow."

The other party's tone was vague, did he regret and wanted to go back to her villa?

But how can there be such a good thing in the world, as long as he releases a signal, he has to set off firecrackers to welcome him?

In the end, Xi Jingxing still couldn't wipe his face, his face was embarrassed.

Xi Jingren stood at the door and listened, then quickly said, "Yan Xi, how could you let your grandma stay in a hotel? She's so old..."

Yan Xi: "Yes, grandma wants to go back to the old house, after all, that's where she has lived all her life. Uncle and auntie, you pack up the room tomorrow and go to the hotel to pick up grandma back to the old house in person, she will definitely be there. very happy."

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