The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 248 What a wonderful thing, I've had enough

The house that the big family lives in now is the old house of the Xi family, and it should take Huo Mingyue back to live there.

When the family was separated, the big house inherited the old house and a large amount of cash. The second room just inherited a heavily indebted company.

Mr. Xi has a good abacus, the second daughter-in-law is the eldest young lady of the Yan family, and the Yan family is so rich, it is impossible to die.

In this way, his two sons can live a good life, and Xi's enterprise will last forever.

After Xi's enterprise was revitalized by Yan Qingcheng, Dafang began to feel at a loss again.

I feel that I have squandered all the cash for a few years. It is better for my second child to have a company, and the financial resources are rolling in.

The villas in the Anzhi Tinglan villa area are not cheap, even if it is Yan Qingcheng’s dowry, they take it for granted as the head residence of the Xi family, and think that the old lady should live in Anzhi Tinglan, and it is best to take that place. The villa lived in the old house of the Chengxi family.

Yan Xi would definitely not live long, and the old lady was getting older. When Xi Yaohua took charge of the Xi business and became the new head of the Xi family, it would be justifiable for them to compete for that villa.

Never thought that Huo Mingyue would actually go to a hotel! How could she go to a hotel? !

Xi Jingren \u0026 Li Meiyun: "..."

I'm so angry, I really shouldn't have used the old house and the money to honestly split up the family back then, it's a big loss!


What happened at Xi Lurong's birthday banquet was quickly spread.

In order to save face, the old lady invited many old families in addition to her own family this time.

As a result, everyone was given a free meal of melon, and they also saw Madam Xi's attitude.

Many people can't help but think too much.

The old man of the Xi family was such a shrewd person back then, and Huo Mingyue must have given up with the old man and wife for so many years.

Huo Mingyue blatantly supported Yan Xi, and she also released that kind of talk—doesn't it mean that Chen Xiangxiang came to fight the autumn wind and climbed the high branches?

The so-called Chen Xiangxiang's ability to develop anti-cancer drugs is definitely false, after all, rumors persist every year.

on the contrary,

Yan Xi waved his hand to donate 300 million yuan. This is real money, and it's not fake at all.

In this way, how to choose, could not be clearer.


Most of the circles Chen Xiangxiang made friends with were friends with the Xi family, and the people in her circle were the first to know.

After all, the elders in the family told him to keep a distance from Chen Xiangxiang in the future.

In addition, Mu Yuyang was chasing after him for money for the bracelet, which was very unpleasant.

Quite a few people really left the group again, and their group of "we will not part with time is not old" has almost dispersed.

In Mu Yuyang's eyes, this was no different from betrayal. He sought out those who had withdrawn from the group one by one and asked them to give an explanation.

In the end, he was so angry that he said harsh words.

"Don't be ignorant. When Xiangxiang's anti-cancer Chinese medicine is on the market, it's useless for you to cry and beg to come back."

"If you have the ability, delete each other, and everyone will be enemies in the future!"

When two other people got excited, they really deleted each other with him.

Since they have deleted each other's friends, Chen Xiangxiang can't let it go, and join the black-out luxury package together.

Those people didn't count after deleting them, and they went to complain to Luo Wanrong, "What a weird thing, I've had enough."

Luo Wanrong couldn't help laughing. After class, she deliberately went to the door of the Rocket Class and found that Chen Xiangxiang, an attendance expert, had rarely asked for leave and was absent from class.

She felt a little regretful, and she really wanted to see Chen Xiangxiang's splendid face, but it was a pity that she didn't see it.

After thinking about it, she picked up the book again and went to find Yan Xi in the third grade.

Don't look at the ruthless eldest lady's refusal to show her love, but as long as she asks questions, she will not refuse anyone who comes, and she is very serious and responsible.

It is said that because Mr. Yan was a professor when he was young, he firmly believed that there was no difference in teaching, and he always had more tolerance for those who were serious about studying and seeking knowledge.

This habit was also carried over to Yan Xi.

When Luo Wanrong arrived, she found that Jiang Chengyu's baby face was already there.

The other party glanced at her triumphantly, "Wait a minute, my master is busy."

Luo Wanrong rolled her eyes silently, Oh, it's just you!

Speaking of which, Jiang Chengyu made a mistake and was beaten up by Yan Xi to persuade him to study. This time, he really advanced to 88th place in the mid-term exam, overfulfilled the task, and got rid of the white list honorably.

The Jiang family was so happy that they felt that their stupid son had great potential. As long as he studied hard with Yan Xi, he would definitely have a bright future.

The couple were very devout in their work, and they came to visit with a large bag and a small bag that night, begging Yan Xi to help discipline this useless son.

Yan Xi felt that the couple was too exaggerated. After all, she didn't do anything, so she couldn't accept hundreds of thousands of gifts from others.

During the process of humility, Jiang Chengyu became anxious and knelt down to Yan Xi with a plop.

The Jiang family was dumbfounded, what are you doing, son?

Jiang Chengyu scratched his head, "Well, Sister Yanyan, I want to be a teacher, please be my teacher!"

As he spoke, he kowtowed three times, the real kind, and his forehead turned red after the kowtow.

Mrs. Jiang hesitated for a while, the children are like this, so let's go on with the words, "These are regarded as the ceremony of apprenticeship, please accept them."

Yan Xi then inexplicably added another student.

When the problem on Jiang Chengyu's side was resolved, Luo Wanrong shamelessly handed over the notebook even though she was too embarrassed to occupy too much of the other party's time.

"Sister Yan Yan, can you explain this to me?"

I am really a scheming bitch, and I specially found a difficult topic to show that I am dedicated to learning without appearing too mentally retarded.

Yan Xi asked Jiang Chengyu, "Do I understand what I mean?", and to her own words, "Can you understand it this way?"

Although it sounds like you are being rude to yourself, this is the recognition of your own IQ.

It took only a few minutes for Yan Xi to finish speaking, and Luo Wanrong hurriedly said, "Sister Yan Yan, take a rest, after all, your homework is very heavy after the third year of high school."

Li Wenxu, who rushed over with a notebook, stopped.

He sighed in his heart, thinking that he was a scheming guy, but he didn't expect some people to be more scheming than himself.

This instead stimulated his desire to win, and he would not easily admit defeat.

So he asked with a smile, "Goddess, can we have dinner together at noon? I happen to have a free coupon from Restaurant No. 5, which will expire tomorrow."

Everyone looked at him in shock. You actually invited the eldest lady to eat free food?

Li Wenxu's expression was a little hesitant, "Isn't it possible? Sure enough, everyone is very rich, and they don't like these coupons... It's just that I think it's a waste if you don't eat them."

He touched it casually, with a coupon in his hand.

Yan Xi has received many gifts, and she herself is not short of money, so she doesn't feel anything about the expensive gifts given by others.

Sometimes even if you receive a gift, you have to return it in double, so as to avoid the suspicion of taking advantage of others.

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