Fu Yuhuai: "Okay, I've been wearing the sachet you gave me, it's very useful."

Chen Xiangxiang just hung up the phone, stood there thinking for a moment, went to the music club, picked up her violin, and then hurried to the hospital.

Such a good opportunity, just to take advantage of it.


At the same time, Du Xiaoman also appeared at the hotel where Huo Mingyue stayed.

The woman is always gentle and gentle, and the tone of her speech is as soft as water and not aggressive.

"Lao madam, I took the liberty to come to see your old man privately today." Du Xiaoman paused and continued, "I used to be at the Xi's house for a period of time, and I was very grateful for your care, and I never had time to thank you in person. ."

Huo Mingyue also had a formulaic smile on her face, "You're welcome, I was looking at Qingcheng's face back then."

Du Xiaoman: "Yes, Miss Qingcheng is a very gentle and kind woman. She has been doing charity all the time, and is willing to help those in need."

Huo Mingyue took a sip of the tea, "Although she is kind, she is not without sharpness. If you know that someone wants to replace her daughter, I am afraid that the first one will not agree."

The smile on Du Xiaoman's face stagnated for a moment.

After a long time, he sighed lightly, "Old Madam, you really misunderstood me and Xiangxiang. Xiangxiang never wanted to replace anyone. She is also my cherished daughter. How could I be willing to give her to someone else's home?"

Huo Mingyue smiled inexplicably and didn't answer.

She is not interested in playing quizzes with this woman here. If it weren't for the trouble with the mother and daughter, she would not know how happy her life would be.

Bringing so much trouble to myself and wanting to gain my favor is a dream.

Du Xiaoman hesitated for a while, took out a document from his bag, and handed it to Huo Mingyue, "You can see why at a glance, that's why I came to you today."

"I left Beiqiao City as a last resort. It was also a coincidence that I returned to Beiqiao City. Mr. Xi always passed by our village, but Xiangxiang saved his life due to a landslide."

The words "Paternity Test" on the cover of the document are particularly shocking.

Huo Mingyue's eyelids jumped,

She picked up the document calmly, then tore it up in front of Du Xiaoman.

Du Xiaoman looked at her in shock, almost forgetting the disguise.

"Old lady, that is..."

"Shut up!" Huo Mingyue suddenly slapped the table hard and looked at each other sharply.

"What kind of thing are you, you actually danced in front of me?" Huo Mingyue's face sank as she looked at Du Xiaoman coldly.

"I agreed to do it for the sake of Qingcheng and your husband Chen Yuchen! At the same time, I also remind you, don't forget your own identity! With the lintel of your Du family, you are not worthy to associate with our Xi family. You dare to stand in front of me. Playing tricks?"

After all, the old lady has been in the top position for a long time. Under the wrath of Thunder, every word made Du Xiaoman tremble and feel ashamed.

"You were just a foot-washing maid in the foot bath city. You really thought you were a golden phoenix when Qingcheng saw that you were pitiful and kind-hearted to help you study?"

Du Xiaoman stabilized his mind and said softly: "Old Madam, times are different now... Please speak carefully."

This scene fell into the eyes of the rest of the cafe.

One side is aggressive and the other is gentle and rational, so the old lady is not so cute.

Huo Mingyue doesn't care what other people think, so what's the point of being indecent, when she was young, she was exquisite and everyone liked her, so what's the use?

I've lived a life of humiliation, and I'm old, can't I use my identity to smack it?

However, this woman Du Xiaoman is really a bit skilled, and she is thick-skinned. She is not polite at all, and she can maintain her temper and self-cultivation.

It can be seen that the other party not only has a conspiracy, but also a deep conspiracy.

She couldn't even help but wonder if her sloppy son was really worthy of the other party's efforts?

No need, really no need.

"The times are different." Huo Mingyue had a seizure, and her face became gentle and elegant again, "But no matter what era, people must know how to be polite and honest."

"The public has always found it hard to tolerate behaviors that challenge the bottom line of morality. If you expand it online, righteous netizens can call you to death in minutes."

She is old, but not the old-fashioned Xi Lurong.

She has learned to surf the Internet until she is old, and she has a good time on various social platforms. She has long been a 5G surfing expert.

Du Xiaoman's face changed slightly.

Huo Mingyue finished her words and made her own attitude clear.

"Don't come to me in the future. I'm very unhappy when I see your face. You used to look like this? With a face very similar to Qingcheng, it's really disgusting to make such a pitiful expression. I don't Like it, Jing Xing definitely doesn’t like it either – no one will like it, do you understand?”

"Don't show me strange things. I'm afraid that I will directly submit it to the big V when I get excited. Please help me analyze and analyze how to deal with it. I believe that enthusiastic netizens will help me, this poor and helpless old man."

Du Xiaoman looked at Huo Mingyue in disbelief, is the other party crazy, doesn't she know that family shame can't be exposed?

Are you planning to pull everyone to death together?

Huo Mingyue walked straight away without taking the initiative to check out - just kidding, as an old man, he doesn't need to be so considerate at all.

And today, the other party came to the door to make trouble. Don't you need to work hard to send the other party away? Why should you save money for the other party?

You should let the other party pay for it.

Not only that, the old lady also packed a lot of desserts, so that the waiter put them on Du Xiaoman's account.

Then unceremoniously took a few boxes of dessert to visit his troubled son.

Du Xiaoman sat on the spot and slowly finished a cup of coffee, and his irritable mood finally calmed down.

I have endured for more than ten years, and it is impossible to give up easily.

It's just that Huo Mingyue's move seems to be really wrong. The opponent is more difficult than he imagined, and he is even more shameless and willing.

Just to protect a granddaughter who is about to die of illness, why?

Du Xiaoman couldn't figure it out, and after thinking about it, the problem could only lie with the Yan family.

Xi Lurong said that in order to threaten and frighten them, Yan Yunzhi once said that Yan Xi would be trained as the heir of the Yan family.

Thinking of Yan Xi's casual donation of 300 million yuan with a wave of her hand, she couldn't keep her peace.

How old is Yan Xi, she is only eighteen years old, and she has never seen so much money in her life, yet the other party is able to squander it.

Even though they were both Xi Jingxing's daughters, their own children could not be seen, so they had to hide and tuck them, not even mentioning them.

She didn't even dare to tell Xi Jingxing the truth of the year...that person paranoid created a lover's character, whoever dared to break his character would die.

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