The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 261 The blood mold that has been poured for 8 lifetimes has a father like you

That little girl from the Wang family was too stupid to see clearly, she thought she would fly up the branches and become a phoenix when she fell asleep with Xi Jingxing.

In fact it could be hell.

Du Xiaoman beckoned to the waiter to check out. When paying the bill, he couldn't believe his ears, "Wait a minute, how much did you say?"

Her eyes were sharp and fierce, which startled the cashier.

He was so gentle and harmless just now... It's scary how to change his face.

Cashier: "The total is 3,880 yuan. The old lady who was with you just now packed 10 snacks and an 8-inch cake. She also left a message."

The cashier handed over a note.

Du Xiaoman frowned and opened it, with the words "Propriety, Righteousness, Honesty and Shame" written on it. Even if it was written with a ballpoint pen, these words were written in a majestic and powerful manner by the other party.

This is simply intentional, and these four words are deliberately used to humiliate her!

Du Xiaoman was about to tear off the note. After thinking about it, he folded it and put it in his bag. He said to the cashier with a cold face, "Let's check out."

She will definitely remember this shame today.


After a day of cultivation, Xi Jingxing found that there was no serious health problem.

Seeing Huo Mingyue coming to visit him, his mood recovered, especially Huo Mingyue brought cakes and so many desserts.

After all, she is her own mother, blood is thicker than water, how could she really be so heartless to herself.

"Mom, why did you bring so many things over here and cost you money?"

Huo Mingyue glanced at him and thought he was a mass of air. He turned his head and asked the housekeeper, "Where's Rongrong, is she okay? How did I hear that she seemed to have passed out? It's my fault that I was jetlagged all day yesterday and didn't come to see her in time."

Xi Lurong didn't want to see this eldest sister-in-law. This time, she had lost all face in front of her family and relatives.

However, Huo Mingyue insisted on seeing her, so she couldn't continue to hide, she could only come out to see the guests.

"Rongrong!" Huo Mingyue exclaimed, stepping forward and grabbing her hand, "Looking like you've lost weight,

Sister-in-law looks very distressed, but you must calm down and take good care of your body! "

After a pause, he continued, "You and I are both old, half of our bodies are buried in the ground, and our children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren. I understand how you want to adopt a daughter for Liao Cheng, but don't worry too much, you too Don't think about how many years you have to live? Relax your mind."

Xi Lurong's blood pressure showed signs of rising again, she withdrew her hand and said in an obscure voice, "Thank you sister-in-law for your concern."

Huo Mingyue blinked: "Yes, the elder sister-in-law is like a mother."

Xi Lurong: "Sister-in-law, actually..."

She is still not reconciled, why should her good birthday banquet be ruined, Huo Mingyue has always been so light and cloudy?

Regarding Chen Xiangxiang's incident, she still wanted to make it clear with the other party, so how could it be that she wanted to adopt a granddaughter?

I don't need a granddaughter in my life! She didn't do anything wrong back then, not to let her son give birth to the eldest grandson and gain a firm foothold in the Liao family!

Huo Mingyue: "By the way, I also bought some desserts and cakes for you today. We can have afternoon tea and chat. But after I came, I found out that you have high blood pressure, so you can't eat it. Ugh."

The sweet taste of the cake fills the nose, making the index finger move.

The desserts and cakes in this store are really delicious. They are high-end desserts in Beiqiao City, and everyone knows it.

Xi Jingxing: "It just so happens that you bought a little too much, why don't you do it like this, I'll call Yan Yan and ask her to come over to eat cake with Xi Yan, and our family will have a small gathering."

He was a little eager, and while talking, he took out his mobile phone and was ready to make a call.

Huo Mingyue was not polite to Xi Jingxing.

Her face sank suddenly: "Don't you know that Yan Yan was injured in order to save people? She is still in a wheelchair. You asked her to come over?"

Xi Jingxing was a little embarrassed, he really didn't know this, and Yan Xi would never know anything about it.

"Then I'll go see her." Xi Jingxing said quickly.

"No need, I'll just go." Huo Mingyue asked her to pick up the dessert and cake again, "Seeing you probably won't help her recover. Don't you know who she rescued? What is that Wang Zinan? You have to sue her. She, she went to look for Yan Yan to trouble her, and wanted her father's debt to be repaid by his son."

"Do you think Yan Yan will be happy when she sees you? It's not enough for other people's fathers to spoil their daughters.

"With a dad like you, she's really been the blood molder for eight lifetimes!"

Xi Jingxing watched Huo Mingyue leave in the car, standing there for a long time without regaining his senses.

After all, Yan Xi was his long-cherished daughter, and he felt very uncomfortable.

However, Huo Mingyue also reminded him that Wang Zinan not only stole jewelry and drugged him this time, but also wanted to hurt Yan Xi.

This time he is going to sue the other party severely, and he will definitely not be kind.

"If the Wang family wants to come to the door to plead for mercy, just call them out, don't be merciful, and if the trouble gets bigger, they will be called illegal invasion."

Xi Jingxing instructed the steward with a grim expression, which startled the steward.

Mr. Xi is the most kind person, how can he have such a fierce expression?

Probably because she really loves her daughter so much that she gave birth to a great atmosphere!


When Huo Mingyue came to the door, she was still in vain, and Yan Xi was away from home.

Seeing so many desserts and cakes, Xi Yan couldn't resist the temptation. He moved a small bench and sat with Huo Mingyue, "Grandma, let me have tea and snacks with you."

While Yan Feilu didn't go home last night, he was going to let go of his stomach and eat!

The cousin, that man is so perverted, he has to count calories for a meal, and then force him to pay for the crime committed by his mouth.

He is a senior in high school, and he has a lot of pressure to study and consumes a lot of money. Why can't he indulge himself and eat a lot!

"Grandma, you are so kind!" Xi Yan was so happy that she was about to cry as she ate the dessert.

Huo Mingyue: "..."

She glanced at Xi Yan calmly, and quietly moved her body back to avoid it.

The child seems to have a low IQ. Is there really something wrong with the genes of this Xi family? Fortunately, unlike the Xi family, Yan Xi mostly inherited the genes of herself and the Yan family.

But stupid is also stupid good, at least sincere, will not hold back bad.

Thinking about it this way, this grandson still has merit.

Huo Mingyue smiled slightly, with kindness in the wrinkles, "Eat more if you like."

Xi Yan: "Well, thank you grandma! I can eat all of it, and I will never waste it!"


Because she had already made an appointment with Jin Zhao and Ying Shiyu to meet on Saturday, Yan Xi insisted on going out even though her feet were inconvenient.

After arriving at the agreed place, as expected, Jin Zhao and Ying Shiyu were both waiting by the side of the road.

The two were taken aback when they saw Gu Nianfeng getting down with a wheelchair.

"Miss, are you so seriously injured?" Ying Shiyu stepped forward and looked at the person with a frown.

Yan Xi gestured, "No, just a little ankle injury, it's not that serious."

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