The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 262 Liang Shanbo and Xie Changze violin battle

Her physique is indeed no better than that of ordinary people. After a night, her ankles did not swell at all.

In the morning, Mo Yun changed her medicine. Considering that she was going to go out, she was afraid of bumping, so she wrapped several layers of gauze, which looked really scary.

Yan Xi said to Gu Nianfeng, "Uncle Gu, I'm going with my classmates, it's alright, you can go back first."

Ying Shiyu watched the person walk away and sighed, "Is that one your bodyguard? His aura is different from that of ordinary people."

So the giants are still different from the giants, and only those top giants need to hire personal bodyguards.

Jin Zhao: "Did you learn your kung fu from him? Back then, it was really cool and fierce when you fought three times! Miss, you are awesome!"

It was at that time that he completely fell, even if Yan Xi was still wearing a mask at that time, it did not prevent her from becoming an idol in his heart!

The eldest lady who took off the mask was too beautiful and charming, which was in line with his perfect imagination.

Everything is perfect except for the wrong gender.

Yan Xi: "No... I had several masters when I was young. In fact, you can also learn a little bit of self-defense. My family has a private martial arts gym. You can go and play if you have time."

Jin Zhao naturally stepped forward to help Yan Xi push the wheelchair, and Yan Xi gestured with a smile, "It's smart, you don't need to push it."

"That won't work, I still have to take a good look at it." Jin Zhao cheekily still held onto his hand.

Ying Shiyu rolled her eyes and knew that this guy was not honest.

Yan Xi: "By the way, you invited me here... are you planning to listen to music?"

She looked up and saw that this was the central square of the City Concert Hall, surrounded by two buildings, the east and west of the concert hall.

The environment here is quiet and there are often musicians or bands performing.

Yan Xi hadn't been here for many years, so the appearance didn't change much.

Ying Shiyu: "No, we're waiting for someone. We specially made an appointment earlier, why don't we go to the coffee shop next to us and wait for coffee?"

There is also a book bar in the cafe here, and there are very few people in the morning on weekends. Yan Xi slipped into the wheelchair and went to the book bar to read.

Came back empty handed.

Ying Shiyu was a little surprised, "Don't you want to read books? Just pick two books and read them."

In fact, she was a little unsure in her heart, not knowing whether the people who waited could wait.

Yan Xi: "It's alright, I'll just find out what books are available recently. I won't be bored without reading books when I'm with you. I like listening to you chat."

Jin Zhao: "Then you should like me, I'm a socialist. Look, is there a handsome guy over there waving at me? My God, am I so attractive?"

He sat up straight, and then waved over there.

Yan Xi looked at the approaching person, their eyes met, the other quickened their pace, and soon heard the door open and the bell ding-dong.

Zhao Qingxuan walked over, looked at Yan Xi, his eyes brightened, "What a coincidence, did you also come to listen to the concert in the realm of dreams?"

His eyes fell on Yan Xi's wheelchair and thickly wrapped ankles, and Yan Xi quickly explained, "It's just a minor injury, but I'm not here for the concert."

Zhao Qingxuan is wearing a very formal white shirt today, with black suit pants underneath, which is high-end hand-made, and it is very valuable.

After all, Ying Shiyu had seen him at the Chunlei Charity Gala, but Jin Zhao had never seen him like this.

It took me a long time to regain my senses after looking at the person.

This one who usually doesn't look like a mountain and dew, turns out to be very handsome after a little tidy up?

And the aura looks different from the school, strong and confident, no longer a low-key invisible person.

He looked down at Yan Xi, "Can you do me a favor? I need your help."

Yan Xi thought about it for a while. I'm afraid he really has to help this guy. After all, he has helped him several times.

Last night, my grandfather also said later that it was Zhao Qingxuan who informed him.

"What do you need me to do?" Yan Xi looked up at him and asked with serious eyes.

Things that make Zhao Qingxuan want to ask for help... Maybe it's really tricky?

Zhao Qingxuan looked at her for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Forget it, no need, I can handle it myself, you have fun here, goodbye!"

He saw Yan Xi sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, the morning sunlight falling on her, as bright and holy as an angel descending into the world.

For a moment, my heart was a little violent, and I almost thought this was a fateful encounter.

But after thinking about it, let it go. After all, the one I have to deal with is really not easy to mess with, so there is no need to add unnecessary trouble to Yan Xi.


The doorbell rang, and Zhao Qingxuan had already left.

Jin Zhao looked at the person's back, "I really almost lost my sight, this one is also a fierce 1, just really good A!"

Ying Shiyu: "You are greedy people with long legs."

The well-cut suit trousers wrapped the juvenile's slender legs well, and the etiquette and upbringing were impeccable.

In all fairness, she is indeed better than most of the rich second-generation nobles she has ever met.

Jin Zhao: "I hate it, how can you say it so bluntly, I'll be embarrassed."

Yan Xi: "..."

I don't see where you are embarrassed.

Ying Shiyu wanted to slap him directly to make him sober. You are in the third and first class of high school, how can you climb the wall? This is wrong and immoral!

Before the slap was slapped, her eyes narrowed, and she smiled slowly after a while.

"It's not just Zhao Qingxuan that looks good in white shirts, suits and trousers."

Jin Zhao followed her line of sight and looked out, "Oh, are you talking about this one? Thank you, I really can't appreciate it, it's too strong."

Ying Shiyu finally slapped her with a slap, "See clearly who I am talking about."

In fact, Yan Xi had noticed the person appearing by the central square one step earlier.

The white shirt and black trousers of the same style as Zhao Qingxuan, the eyebrows are sparse and cool, and the dark hair is raised and fallen by the wind.

As if the sun was shining on him, it was a little colder and quieter.

The people around were standing and looking at him, and the passing girls even covered their mouths and screamed softly.

The other party held the piano case in his hand. After opening the case, he took out the violin, and put it on his shoulders. His posture was standard and elegant.

Realizing that the other party was planning to play in the central square, Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, "Xie Chang, what is he doing?"

Standing on the opposite side of Xie Chang, occupying another open space, is... Liang Shanbo.

He was also wearing a white shirt, suit and trousers, and when he was arranging the violin, he was still talking to the onlookers, which made a lot of people laugh, and his popularity was actually quite prosperous.

Xie Chang didn't communicate with anyone, and the people next to him didn't dare to step forward.

Jin Zhao: "Liang Shanbo told me that he and the monitor are going to fight here to see whose performance can attract more people to stay, so I invited the eldest lady to come and see the monitor."

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