The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 273 If possible, I want him to be the champion

Tan Qianhui: "That's different, he's not that kind of person..."

He Shi didn't care: "What's the difference?" As she said that, she turned her head and glanced at the video that Tan Qianhui had opened.

She glanced at it, then withdrew her gaze. After a while, her tea-drinking movement suddenly froze, and she took the phone from Tan Qianhui's hand.

"Who is he?" He Shi asked, his heart beating a little faster.

Tan Qianhui also froze there for a long time. In the past few days, because she was preparing to meet Zhao Qingxuan, she didn't have any material to chase after Huo Ziang.

I just saw this preview video, and I almost thought I had read it wrong, so I answered in a mixed manner: "A contestant named Xie Changze..."

She doesn't pay much attention to the show "Brain Fighting". After all, Huo Ziang is only a flying guest, while Dujia Yanfeilu is a resident guest. Why should she pay attention to the show to contribute heat and traffic to Dujia?

Not only did they not watch it, but all of their dream chasers also boycotted the show.

It was originally a science program, and the main force in the viewing contribution was the student party. After all, they were the only ones who could understand the topic with such a wealth of knowledge.

When the show is cool, Huo Ziang will collectively brush the data in that episode, so that capital can recognize who is the real traffic.

Tan Qianhui didn't expect that Yan Xi and Xie Changze were also contestants in this show. They seemed to be the top seeds?

That would be so irritating, she felt very uncomfortable when she saw Yan Xi's face!

"Sister Shi, this Yan Xi is the woman that Zhao Qingxuan maintains, and the two of them have a very ambiguous relationship! I suspect that Zhao Qingxuan said that to me because Yan Xi spoke ill of me in front of him! Besides, this Yan Xi said that to me. It must be very interesting, I have seen her name on the hot search several times!"

It's just that I was too lazy to click in and take a closer look, and I didn't match the name with the person.

He Shi took a deep breath, and she thought about it, "Tell me carefully, what happened yesterday?"


After Tan Qianhui left, He Shi was still sitting on the sofa thinking.

She is different from Tan Qianhui. The other family has many brothers and sisters of the same generation, and Tan Qianhui is not trained according to the standards of heirs.

So Tan Qianhui can chase stars,

You can fool around, you can be ignorant.

He Shi was different. She was the eldest miss of the He family, and the family raised her as a candidate for the heir.

She is also very strict with herself, she has to learn everything, and she has to learn the best in everything.

It was the first time that He Shi had an outrageous idea. She quickly picked up her mobile phone, downloaded Weibo, registered an account, and began to watch the gossip on the entertainment list.

This was despised by her in the past, after all, playing with things is frustrating.

After eating all the melons, based on the comments of all parties, she came to a conclusion: Xie Chang is indeed very strong, but this time he may be sacrificed by the show team.

The beauty is in distress, and she will definitely save her.

It just so happened that one of the investors this time had something to do with her uncle's house.

He Shi made a phone call and went out: "Uncle, I need your help with something... It's that player named Xie Changze. I want to protect him. If possible, I want him to be the champion."

The second call was: "How much does it cost to suppress these hot searches? Well, call the money immediately, and I want to clear the banned entries in the square within half an hour!"

After arranging this, He Shi glanced at the time, it was already twelve o'clock noon.

The program group will start recording the first half of the quarter-finals at 3:00 p.m. to advance to the semi-finals, and the finals will be recorded at 8:00 p.m. to determine the champion, runner-up, and third place.

The time is a little tight, He Shi has never been so decisive, just picked up the bag and walked out.

The servant was surprised when she saw her going downstairs with her bag, "Miss, are you not having lunch at home? Old man, he..."

He Shi didn't look back: "No, tell grandpa that I have something very important, and I won't come back for dinner at night."


Li Weiran is very excited today!

The suit he originally wore today, but thinking of watching a show with a group of young people, he couldn't be too serious, and when he landed, he just went to his own store to change his outfit.

A loose printed sweater, black casual pants, casual shoes, and a special necklace designed with metal materials look young and fashionable.

From the same series as Xi Yan, he put on a baseball cap and asked the children behind him with a smile, "Do I look like I'm in my twenties?"

He was well maintained, and there was no wrinkle at the corner of his eyes. As a trend leader in the fashion industry, I don't mind makeup, and it looks really small.

Lu Qingming was very happy: "Uncle Li, you are a cool guy! You are so cool, you can compete with me!"

Jin Zhao whispered quietly to Ying Shiyu, "Did you feel that he was overexcited today, he was obviously not like this before? What was it that stimulated him?"

Ying Shiyu sighed, who would have thought of it.

"I used to think that he was a stupid and lacking master. If he messed with Chen Xiangxiang and Mu Yuyang for a long time, his brain would be eaten by dogs. Now it seems that he is essentially a fool."

Li Weiran's disgusting expression could hardly be concealed.

Anyone who wants to compete with him is not too hot.

Ying Shiyu hurriedly said, "Uncle Li, you look like a brother to Xi Yan when you dress like this, and you look very young."



Wei Ran's lips curled up.

Qiao Qian whispered, "But, isn't that the same generation as Eldest Miss?"

He remembered that when he was chatting on the plane, Xi Yan revealed that Li Weiran once had the idea of ​​recognizing Yan Xi as his goddaughter.

Li Weiran: "..."

Yan Xi came over and gave them the tickets, "These are the seats near the front row, Uncle Li, what's wrong?"

Li Weiran looked at Xie Changze, "Do you think I look young in this way?"

Xie Changze: "Young, among Yan Yan's elders, you are the most handsome, cool, trendy, and most fashionable!"

Li Weiran couldn't help laughing, "Young man, you have a future, I like you!"

This sentence can be regarded as a compliment to his heart, he is the most handsome, cool, trendy, and the youngest and most fashionable among the elders of Yan Xi, and that old guy Xi Jingxing is a fart.

Ying Shiyu: "..."

She had always thought that the squad leader was cold-hearted and not good at communication, but now she understands that the squad leader is absolutely omnipotent!

The so-called not good at communication, the only difference is whether he treats them with heart.

The double standard is really serious enough, she can get candy at every corner!

Because there is a security check when entering the venue, you can't bring your mobile phone in, so Li Weiran took everyone to take a selfie under the TV station building.

After the shooting, he proudly sent the photo to the circle of friends, with the text: watching the Yanyan baby game, you can't bring your mobile phone into the arena, and you can call after ten o'clock at night.


Yan Yunzhi just finished having lunch.

Even on weekends, he was busy.

Recently, the focus of the business has to be shifted to the domestic market, many sections abroad have been split, and the domestic company has to be reorganized, all of which have to be controlled by him.

Kevin sat with him to eat a lunch box, which was specially sent by the butler of the Yan family. It was especially delicious and was considered a benefit of working overtime.

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