The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 274 Young people are too exaggerated

He swiped his Moments and saw Li Weiran's Versailles update.

Silently gave a like.

He also wants to go to Miss Eldest's competition!

As soon as he clicked the like, he felt a death gaze from the boss. He raised his head and looked at the other party, and with a shake of his hand, he canceled the like.

Yan Yunzhi: "It's good. You should have made a mistake. Actually, I don't like this flamboyant style. I don't like it either."

Kevin: "..."

Boss, you are envious and jealous! Really, unbelief look in the mirror, jealousy makes you unrecognizable.

Yan Yunzhi didn't look in the mirror, he thought for a while, then picked up the phone and operated it again, then raised his head and motioned to Kevin, "You can like it."

Kevin swiped his Moments and saw Yan Yunzhi's latest update.

[Today is the day of the finals of my baby's mathematics, physics and chemistry competition. I wish the baby to win and win the championship! Baby you are the best, uncle will always love you! 】

The accompanying picture was stolen from Li Weiran's post just now, and Li Weiran's whole body was carefully cut out.

Yan Yunzhi looked at this dynamic of his own, and the more he read, the more satisfied he became, "Li Weiran's exaggerated style is unacceptable, how good I am, pragmatic and sincere."

Kevin: "..."

Yes, you are really awesome, and you have specially emphasized your identity as an uncle, secretly implying that the other party is just an outsider.

The method of cutting pictures in the circle of friends is also very clever, so that uninformed people think that you have gone to the scene.

The boss is indeed the boss! Even if he goes to the palace to fight, he is definitely the strongest king who can have the last laugh!


Yan Qinghe also reached Li Weiran's circle of friends.

He sighed faintly, feeling a little subtle.

When I was young, I was very academic, which may sometimes make children feel that they are too rigid and face some pressure on themselves.

But I'm not the kind of old-fashioned,

A stubborn elder, he is very open-minded, and he is willing to mix with young people, so that he looks energetic.

Why don't you invite yourself, a lonely old man, to go to the game?

Although he has a bad heart and high blood pressure, he needs to control his mood swings, so he is not suitable for watching those intense and intense games.

But Yan Xi's game basically didn't have any suspense. It could be said to be a cardiotonic, and it wouldn't stimulate his nerves. He could also watch the scene.

It seems that he also needs to express his demands in a timely manner.

Yan Qinghe thought for a while, and then canceled the like he had just given to Li Weiran.

The young man's style is too grandiose, he doesn't like it.


In the imperial capital, the "Brain Fighting" program group recorded the on-site security checkpoint.

"Uncle Li, you're about to enter the arena soon." Seeing that Li Weiran was still using the phone, Yan Xi reluctantly urged.

Li Weiran snorted and moved forward with the team, his eyes still glued to the phone and refused to take it away.

Li Weiran first saw that Kevin liked and canceled it, and then swiped to Yan Yunzhi's latest circle of friends.

Li Weiran: "..."

Yan Yunzhi is a scheming man! It's okay to steal the picture, and I cut myself clean.

Li Weiran's head hurts with anger, he wants to publicly condemn this kind of behavior!

He quickly took screenshots of the two circles of friends and sent them to the "single nobles" group.

There were only three people in this group, himself, Yan Yunzhi, and Huo Xiao.

He wants Huo Xiao to judge, how can there be such a shameless dog man, whose mind is twisted because of jealousy.

After he @Huo Xiao 5 times and patted Huo Xiao 3 times, Huo Xiao finally responded.

[Just want to make money: Is this still possible? understood. 】

Got it, got it? Li Weiran was a little confused, and was about to ask, when Yan Yunzhi, the dog man, finally showed up and sent a screenshot.

[Just want to lie down and win: screenshot JPG. 】

[Just want to lie down and win: if the surname is Huo, delete the circle of friends. 】

[Just want to lie down and win: hurry up, or I will make you regret knowing me. 】

Li Weiran clicked on the screenshot and looked at it, he almost fainted!

Huo Xiao not only stole the picture, but also edited Yan Yunzhi's copy: [I wish Yan Xi a victory and a crown! You're the best! Celebrate in advance for you! 】

The other party also attached a screenshot of the bank transfer with an amount of [888,000], which looked particularly festive and symmetrical.

This person shamelessly replied in this circle of friends: Yes, she is very good. I wanted to recognize her as my goddaughter more than ten years ago.

The following replies: "Lao Huo, your goddaughter is awesome!", "I'm also chasing this show, it turns out that Yan Xi is your goddaughter", "It's too happy to have such a goddaughter"...

Li Weiran: "..."

Huo Xiao turned out to be even more shameless than Yan Yunzhi, shit, I misread you!

[Just want to get old: Hehe, you are just envious, jealous and hateful. 】

[I'm richer than you: the surname is Huo, make it clear, who is your goddaughter? That's my niece, dear! 】

Li Weiran glanced at it, and it turned out that [I just want to lie down and win] changed the group note name to [I'm richer than you guys].

This means of showing off his wealth can't hurt himself... Well, he admitted that he was slightly injured, after all, he just made up his mind to work hard to make money.

But the biggest blow should be Huo Xiao's bitch.

[Just want to retire: Screenshot JPG]

[I just want to get old: Mr. Yan has given me a thumbs up. 】

After Li Weiran posted this, he was ready to leave in a hurry, hiding his merit and fame.

He doesn't care about these two jealous and twisted dogs. Mr. Yan only praised himself, but not the other two.

"Uncle Li!" Yan Xi shouted again.

She had just received a bank text message reminder and found that Huo Xiao had transferred 888,000 to her... It's a pity that she handed over the phone before she could read the message.

Li Weiran: "Come on."

He quickly stepped forward and cooperated with the security check to hand over the mobile phone to the staff for safekeeping.

Li Weiran: "???"

Is it an illusion? How could he see that Mr. Yan canceled the like for him?


Yan Xi and Xie Changze went to Yuan Shu to meet up, and finally met Chen Xiangxiang.

The other party's smile was soft, harmless and generous. Rarely did not wear her semi-permanent white dress, but changed into a red one, which looked very eye-catching.

Yan Xi glanced at the other person's face, only to realize that it was a little tricky. Why is the color of this lipstick so similar to the one she used last time?

The makeup is also very similar... But because I was attending a party, my makeup was a little thicker, and the other party deliberately lightened the makeup, making her eyes charming but innocent.

Sure enough, even Yan Xi felt that doing it like this was more suitable for him than the previous white lotus look.

Yuan Shu was a little nervous and cheered everyone up, especially Yan Xi and Xie Changze: "...You two have to do your best, the teacher's suggestion is to sprint for the championship if you can!"

After a pause, he added, "Of course, if something unexpected happens, you have to hold your breath and treat it with a normal heart. This is a game, and it's no big deal."

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