Yuan Shu was worried, and was always worried about shady things.

Chen Xiangxiang: "There won't be any emergencies. Sister Yan Yan and Senior Xie are so good, we will all do our best!"

Yuan Shu: "You... forget it."

This obviously has something to say, Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lips, and when she saw a contestant passing by, she suddenly smiled, showing a very inspirational expression, "I will also work hard to win glory for the school!"

Yuan Shu: "With your level, it's hard to get into the top three. You don't need to be under too much pressure, and you don't need to think about competing with Yan Xi and Xie Changze."

As the teacher leading the team, Yuan Shu is still very serious and responsible.

He went back to school and worked with various teaching and research groups to calculate the final ranking probability of the three based on their previous performance and data.

The final result is that the top four are barely enough, and the top three need to explode.

Although Chen Xiangxiang occasionally erupted, her outburst was much less reliable than Duan Yu's Six Vein Excalibur.

What is strong is strong, and the potential is infinite. No matter how you think about it, it is very metaphysical.

The teachers who teach mathematics, physics and chemistry are very rigorous and scientific. Everyone speculates that Chen Xiangxiang is unlikely to break out, except for Chen Xiangxiang's mathematics teacher who insists that Chen Xiangxiang is hiding her strength.

The expression on Chen Xiangxiang's face froze for a moment, and she quickly said with a smile, "Good teacher, I understand."

Hearing this kind of remarks against her too much, it can't hit her anymore.

No matter what, she will fight to win the championship.

At that time, slap the teacher in the face and let the other party know who he should really be holding.


The players who can reach this stage are very strong, and there is no element of luck.

When the duel list came out, Yan Xi frowned.

He and Xie Chang faced Yan Luofei and Xin Shaoqiang, who had strong comprehensive strength respectively.

The ranking of these two people has always been high, always hovering in the range of 3-7, and their strength is very strong.

Compared with Li Tao and Chen Xiangxiang, who had flipped over the car,

These two are the strong players who have been playing steadily and without any shortcomings.

Xie Changze: "This list can't explain anything. After all, we have both played against Li Tao and Chen Xiangxiang before. The audience wants freshness, and the program team also needs ratings."

Yan Xi: "I know, but we didn't meet Chen Xiangxiang or Li Tao. I don't think it's normal."

There is a bit of a problem with this duel list. Fortunately, the program team is not stupid, and they did not let Yan Xi and Xie Chang face each other.

If that is the case, they will definitely be out and one will stop in the quarter-finals.

But of course the show crew didn't dare, and the audience wasn't fools, so they couldn't see the tricks, and if they were attacked, they would be finished.

So the current arrangement seems to be really reasonable and reasonable, and no one thinks there is a problem.

The two players that Li Tao and Chen Xiangxiang faced off were very aggressive in the early stage, but obviously they were relatively weak in comprehensive computational logic thinking.

The questions in the finals tended to be calculation and logic, and the difficulty was very high. Those two were undoubtedly the weakest among the eight.

This time, there is basically no suspense in the semi-finals.

Yan Xi, Xie Changze, Li Tao, and Chen Xiangxiang advanced.

Yan Luofei and Xin Shaoqiang were convinced that they lost. After all, there is really no chance of winning against these two.

Fortunately, I was mentally prepared long ago, and I had to face these two sooner or later, but there was no psychological burden, I just enjoyed the game and had no regrets at all if I lost.


The first half ended with a two-hour break, followed by recording the second half of the finals.

Yan Feilu glanced at his sister from a distance and felt relieved.

I really enjoyed watching Yanyan's competition, there was no suspense at all, I just happily waited for her to win, it was a real win.

He took out his phone and glanced at the message, which was sent by Yan Qinghe, and asked him seriously how Yan Xi's injury was.

Yan Feilu: "It's okay, she has always been in a wheelchair."

The wheelchair is very smart and convenient, so you don't need to explain it yourself. Professor Xu Meikai saw Yan Xi's wheelchair and instructed the staff to install a ramp on the edge of the stage to make it easier for the wheelchair to go up and down.

Yan Qinghe: "Really? I don't believe it. Unless you take some pictures for me to see."

Yan Feilu: "???"

Are you still my grandfather who is as gentle as jade but unsmiling and serious like a dean?

Taking pictures is not allowed now. Some of the contestants went to be interviewed individually, and some went to the restaurant to eat.

But fortunately, Yan Feilu was prepared. He had already asked his assistant Xiaobai to help take pictures, and he had to find a good angle to take pictures of himself and his sister in the same frame.

The brother watched his sister win the championship on the stage of the star observation group. What a dazzling moment. He must take a few more pictures, and then wash them out and hang them on the wall of his bedroom.

The level of Xiaobai's photography was professionally recognized by Ge Xiwen. Yan Feilu was very satisfied with it, so he deliberately picked a few and sent them to his grandfather.

After posting, he was going to rest, and as soon as he walked to his exclusive lounge, he swiped the latest news from his grandfather.

[Have successfully advanced to the semi-finals, not bad, keep working hard! 】

The accompanying picture is a few photos that I just sent, and then I cut myself clean on each one.

Yan Feilu: "..."

If you do this, Grandpa, I will unilaterally announce that I will sever the relationship between grandpa and grandson!

Ge Xiwen walked in: "Feilu, the hot search has been removed." He paused, "But the company executives may not be willing to help."

Ge Xiwen judged based on experience and guessed that there was capital to support Chen Xiangxiang and Li Tao about the things on the hot search today.

Thinking of today's finals...

He was worried and discussed with Yan Feilu, wanting to make a serious statement to the program team about Yan Feilufang's position.

Everyone says that Huo Ziang cherishes feathers and thinks that the other party must have an honest personality and cannot rub sand in his eyes. This is just an illusion.

In fact, his own artist is really the fool with the blood, and he wants to take care of the injustice.

In the entertainment industry, it is a bit difficult to avoid some shows that like to be shady or have scripts or hype.

This is also one of the reasons why he promised Yan Feilu to lower his business offer to accept the show.

What he liked was that this program was a science program, relatively clean, without the messy things in the fan circle.

Unexpectedly, Yan Feilu and Yan Xi's cousins ​​took off with this show, and with the popularity of capital to enter the show... The original clean show seems to have changed.

Yan Feilu frowned: "I'll communicate with President Shen."

That Mr. Shen didn't refuse, he just laughed twice, "Feilu, you are really making a big fuss. Actually, I don't think it is necessary. After all, this is just your guess."

After a pause, he said again, "But since you attach so much importance to it, I will definitely sell your face and say hello to you. Your vacation is over, let's have a meal together tomorrow."

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