The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 294: Can you take pictures? If you can't take pictures, change people

Chen Xiangxiang has been listening to these compliments with a smile, feeling very happy.

Jin Zhao got out of nowhere, and suddenly inserted in: "Really, that's really congratulations, if you become popular, will you be able to pay off the 2.79 million you owe right away?"

The passing crew was stunned for a moment, then turned to ask, "You owe a lot of money?"

Didn't the other party say they were doing well? In Shengyang High School, students with good grades can basically get a lot of scholarships, and the burden will not be so heavy.

The staff were momentarily suspicious of the amount they had heard.

Just as Chen Xiangxiang was about to explain, Jin Zhao said, "That's right, I owe 2.79 million. As for why I owe money, because she stole the anticancer drugs bought by the F Institute."

Staff: "The anticancer drug of the F Institute? That drug is precious, my God!"

Apparently, the staff also knew that the anticancer drugs of the F Institute were not only expensive, but also a problem that ordinary people could not even find a way to do!

Those who can queue up to buy medicines have not invested a lot of human face, and these hidden costs are also valuable.

The staff used to have a good impression of Chen Xiangxiang, but when they heard it now, they suddenly looked a little weird.

Of course he couldn't ask Chen Xiangxiang for confirmation, he just shook his head and left.

Chen Xiangxiang: "..."

"It's not like this at all, Jin Zhao, don't talk nonsense!" Zhan Xinrong immediately retorted.

Jin Zhao: "What's that like? Is there something wrong with what I said? She can't do it, but I can't say it?"

He widened his eyes and looked startled, "No, no, are you so domineering?"

Zhan Xinrong: "..."

Chen Xiangxiang came back to her senses and pursed her lips, "I'm already working hard to prepare money. This is about me and Sister Yanyan. I hope you don't talk nonsense."

Jin Zhao rolled his eyes, "Work hard to raise money—that is, no money to pay back. This is Lao Lai's idiom, so I judge that your words are not credible. Of course, I can continue to oversee debt collection."

Not only did he supervise the work himself, but he also brought in several people to supervise the work.

Ying Shiyu, Qiao Qian, Xi Yan, and even Lu Qingming, as well as other classmates in the third grade of high school, whenever they see Chen Xiangxiang, they always ask about repayment.

These people will often ask about field affairs every day, whether Chen Xiangxiang has worked hard to film today, and his business ability is not enough. NG is holding him back.

Too many times, the crew members looked at Chen Xiangxiang's eyes a little bit wrong.

The original male protagonist Bai Yueguang had some filters, and Chen Xiangxiang spoke softly and softly, so the crew thought she had a good character.

Now that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

Chen Xiangxiang had not had a very good time these two days. She originally wanted to take this opportunity to hit Yan Xi hard... but it seemed that the effect had not been achieved.

Yan Xi himself didn't even appear at the filming site after that, neither curious nor onlookers.

And after the other students got excited at first... they didn't pay attention to the crew recently, and they did act like they had seen the world, but this was not what Chen Xiangxiang wanted.

I have worked so hard to plan for so long, not to let them ignore it.

Seeing that the reputation value on the system control panel had only increased a little, Chen Xiangxiang couldn't hide her anxiety.

She exchanged her points for the acting bonus today, barely completing the most important scene of Bai Yueguang's role, and then her points were completely cleared.

Sure enough, from the beginning of the afternoon, she frequently NG.

The director couldn't help but start to get angry: "Chen Xiangxiang, what's the matter with you! Why was your expression so numb just now, didn't you have enough to eat at noon?"

Huo Zian: "Director, take a break for half an hour, let's adjust the state."

He gestured, and Chen Xiangxiang followed him.

The two stood in the corner of the playground, Huo Zi'ang frowned and his voice was a little stern: "What's the matter with you this afternoon?"

Chen Xiangxiang knew that he took his work seriously, but even so, he was frightened by his stern tone, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

She has a lot of grievances in her heart.

Huo Ziang's tone became even more impatient, irritable to the naked eye, "Can you still take pictures? If you can't take pictures, replace them!"

He doesn't like people who have poor business ability and cry at every turn. This is not an attitude to solve problems seriously.

It is precisely because Chen Xiangxiang understands this that he has been creating a positive character.

Just now, she was out of control, so she quickly admitted her mistake and apologized, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'm just a little... I'm sorry, I will try my best."

Huo Ziang was so irritated that he subconsciously wanted to pull his tie, but suddenly remembered that he was wearing a high school uniform today.

"Forget it, it's my tone that's not good enough to scare you." Huo Zi'ang pursed his lips. He looked at the girl in front of him and wanted to reach out to touch her, but he took a few steps back abruptly.

Chen Xiangxiang: "..."

Feeling a little bit hurt.

Huo Zi'ang turned around and left, "I know you are influenced by your classmates, I will contact Yan Yan, please apologize to her."


After school in the afternoon, Xi Yan said to Lu Yang and Fu Mengjia, "Hurry up and pack up, we can have courtyard BBQ today."

This dinner event was planned by him all the way!

Yan Xi gave Xi Yan a bonus of 100,000 yuan, which was a huge sum of money, and Xi Yan couldn't be more excited!

Now that the funds are sufficient, he invited some more people.

Most of the Rockets were invited. Of course, they specially skipped Fu Yuhuai's group.

Although he was stupid in the past, cheated by others, and made friends carelessly, but in fact he has a clear mind.

Yan Xi would not welcome Fu Yuhuai to participate, so he was not afraid of offending him.

I have more worthy friends.

In addition to the Rockets, of course Jin Zhao's group also had to be called.

The people in the rocket class are very excited, this is a dream linkage!

They have been hostile to the first class for three years. It can be said that they were in a state of old age and death in the past, making people think that the two classes are in the same situation.

But in fact, the people of the rocket class are quite admiring the first class... After all, powerful people are worthy of respect, and the first class is not only powerful, but also very united.

They didn't communicate with each other before, but the Rockets' face was rubbed against the ground by the other party, and they couldn't take that face off.

Now that the Rockets' face was earned back by Yan Xi, the Rockets suddenly felt that their backs could be straightened.

The two groups of people met at the bottom of the teaching building.

"Yo, the first group of people, aren't you very united? Why haven't you gathered together yet? The courtyard barbecue starts at half past six, so don't be late."

This one was speechless as soon as he opened his mouth, and was slashed by other students in the Rocket class behind his back.

"Don't worry, even if you are late, we can't be late."

A group of people is enough to be proud, just kidding, have they been to Yan Xi's house a few times? Familiar with the road is not too easy.

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