The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 295 Do you confirm that she is still your fiancee?

Now that you have been provoked, let's fight back a little: "It's you guys, if you don't leave now, it won't be deliberately delaying it. When we bake the food, we can pick it up and eat it."

Everyone in Rocket Class: "..."

"We're not that mean! Besides, barbecue is so simple, we can all do it, okay? Don't you yourself can't, but ask us to eat."

The rocket class will never admit defeat, whether it is in study or in other matters!

Originally, I wanted to show goodwill to the other party, but this damned desire to win! Suddenly hit the bar.

The two groups of people quickly gathered, and each got on the bus that was full of words.

As the host, Xi Yan was very busy. Ying Shiyu came early to help him handle various calls.

The Rockets watched for a while and felt something was wrong. "Wait a minute, Xi Yan, how do you get to the first train? You are from the Rockets!"

Xi Yan: "..."

Does this start to smell like gunpowder? I'm a little scared.

Lu Yang: "It's alright, you go to work first, he may have something to confirm with there, and he will be back later." He turned his head and said to his classmates.

Sure enough, Xi Yan came back shortly after and sat down beside Lu Yang.

Just after everyone felt relieved, they suddenly thought of a question: "Wait a minute, Yan Xi won't go to the first class, right? This is not good, she is from our rocket class!"

Yan Xi is not like Xi Yan... Xi Yan is familiar with the Rockets.

Yan Xi is often out of position when she gets off work, and she has a lot less time to contact everyone... And what's abominable is that people from the first class always come to her!

The Rockets didn't say anything, but they were still quite jealous.

I have to admit that the first class of people can eat, drink and play, which is more attractive than their group of people who can only read.

Miss will not be hooked by the other party's sweet words, right?

Moreover, there were rumors before that when Yan Xi first entered school, the head teacher of the first class, Wang Baoguo, was going to snatch someone, but fortunately, Ye Qing, the head teacher of the Rocket class, was one step ahead.

This shows that the first class is also eyeing Yan Xi.

If not, I want to dig a foot in the wall.

Everyone in the Rocket Class was a little worried. They really didn't have any sense of class unity and collective honor before... Wouldn't they leave a bad impression on Yan Xi?


Yan Xi didn't go to the first class, but she was stopped by Huo Zi'ang.

"Yan Yan, let's have dinner together tonight."

When school was over, there were still many students in the school, but the other party walked over directly, causing a small group of exclamations around.

Everyone knows that Yan Xi should know Huo Ziang, but this is the first time they have seen the two of them in the same frame. It seems that they have a good relationship?

Huo Zian's popularity is very high, and everyone is envious. Who doesn't want to be friends with big stars?

Chen Xiangxiang was already enviable enough, and Yan Xi's childhood sweetheart was even more enviable.

Yan Xi: "Sorry, I have a lot of guests tonight, it's inconvenient."

This is what Huo Ziang was waiting for. He had already found out that Yan Xi was going to hold a banquet tonight to celebrate her victory in the "Brain Fighting" show.

"Then let me go too, to celebrate your victory." Huo Ziang took out a velvet box, "The gift for you is just a gift from a friend - this time you won't refuse it."

The people next to him stopped and exclaimed.

It was a laurel-shaped brooch, very delicate and beautiful; it was also inlaid with a pink diamond, and the price must be very expensive.

Huo Ziang knew that Yan Xi had a lot of jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.

This gift took him a lot of thought, it is exquisite and small, and it is not cheap.

Girls of this age should love such small gifts.

Yan Xi felt very troublesome, is Huo Ziang crazy? There are still classmates around, and it is a big trouble when it is rumored.

But the other party also bet right, in front of outsiders, he really doesn't want to turn his face.

Yan Xi: "I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you to go, the classmates will be scared - after all, they are all fans of Yan Feilu, and you are from each other."

She smiled, a look of helplessness on her face.

Huo Zian's assistant: "..."

She's so angry that she's so angry, this woman is too ignorant, look at what she said!

Huo Zian: "You have to accept that gift. After all, we have been friends for more than ten years, and this is also my heart."

He shoved the box into Yan Xi's hand, turned around and left, showing great grace.

Yan Xi stood on the spot and sighed slightly.

Huo Zian seemed to think of something again, turned around and walked over quickly, "You are not allowed to transfer money to me! Do you hear me?"

Yan Xi smiled and said, "Well, don't turn."

Huo Zi'ang was relieved, turned around and strode away.

Out of the corner of Yan Xi's eyes, she saw Chen Xiangxiang standing aside, the resentment and resentment in her eyes could hardly be blocked, and her sight could literally burn people.

She thought for a while, did the other party think she was demonstrating on purpose? No, she just found it troublesome.


On the other side, Huo Ziang and Xie Chang met.

He glanced at the boy, and the sense of crisis was stronger than ever.

"Yan Xi is my fiancee." He spoke slowly, with a low voice and a hint of warning, "Our two families are family friends, and we grew up together. I am five years older than her, and I have been waiting for her to grow up and marry her. Please. You consciously stay away from her and don't do things that cross the line."

Xie Chang stared at the person in front of him.

Huo Ziang made his debut relatively early, and at Xie Changze's age, he had already established a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

He thinks that he is qualified to teach others. After all, there is no independent youth in the economy, so he is the best to bully.

What's more, Xie Changze's family background is not enough.

His attitude was high, with a bit of arrogance and power. After speaking, he didn't intend to pay attention to Xie Changze, turned around and prepared to leave directly.

"Wait a minute." Xie Chang suddenly said, "Are you sure she is still your fiancee? There is no option of love in her life plan for the time being, don't you not know?"

Huo Zi'ang was stunned for a moment, and soon judged that this was what Yan Xi would have thought.

She cut off all ties back then, seemingly ruthless, but in fact it was another kind of protection.

Huo Zi'ang took a deep breath, the more he saw it now, the more ashamed he felt for the humiliated himself back then.

"I respect her wishes. We can get married without falling in love." Huo Zi'ang said quickly, "I will make a lot of money to treat her, even if it costs hundreds of millions of billions... I have the ability to take care of her for the rest of my life."

He appeared mature and confident, as if a few words like this could easily break the will of a young man.

After all, even if it is 100 million, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people in a lifetime.

Xie Changze: "A lot of billions? Yan Xi doesn't need it. She should be richer than you."

Huo Zian: "..."

Thinking of the gift that Yan Xi handed over to him last time, he couldn't calm down.

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