The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty First Friends From Nothing?

Seeing that Yan Xi came out safe and sound, Fu Yuhuai finally retracted his gaze, and his heart that had been tense all night finally relaxed.

No matter how I think about it, I feel that my worries are a little unnecessary.

Lu Yiyao next to him said sneakily: "Master Fu, it seems that some media are taking pictures secretly."

Fu Yuhuai thought about it and walked in the direction he pointed.

The media didn't know him, thought it was just a passerby, and hid behind the car and pressed the shutter frantically.

Although the matter was different from the information obtained in advance, that Miss Yan Xi went out ahead of time, and she was still with another man.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the picture of her entering the restaurant and then leaving, they go back to cut it, and there is still something to write about.

At that time, it will be "the top-class Huo Ziang's mysterious fiancee shows up in the hotel, goes to the banquet to meet the parents and chats very happily, because the happy event is near, the face is full of spring breeze, shy and pleasant" and so on.

They received Huo Ziang's red envelope, and they will definitely stir up the news and popularity.

Fu Yuhuai suddenly stretched out his hand and held down the camera.

"Is it enough?"

The media froze for a moment, "Ah, not yet. Wait a minute, what are you doing!"

Fu Yuhuai grabbed the DSLR directly and slammed it on the ground: "Go away!"

When the fox eyes are not smiling, they are fierce and cold, like a ghost from hell, making people feel a chill from the soles of their feet reaching the sky.

Lu Yiyao was stunned, what happened to Fu Shao, suddenly so angry? !

It's about to take the college entrance examination, when the trouble is bad, and it's not good to fight at this time, he suddenly like Zhang Kai possessed, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Fu Yuhuai, "Fu Shao, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

As he turned his head and said to the two young people, "Why don't you get out of here, waiting to be beaten?"

Of course, what the two of them didn't want to be beaten was that they felt distressed that their DSLR was smashed, but when they saw Fu Yuhuai's body shape and fierce appearance, they were a little scared.

Seeing that Lu Yiyao threw a stack of money over, he hurriedly picked up the money and walked away in despair.


Yan Xi sat in the car,

He looked back calmly.

Gu Nianfeng: "Miss, are you going to warn the media?"

Yan Xi shook her head, "No need."

When she saw Fu Yuhuai, the other party had probably helped teach the secret filming media a lesson, and the two young men had already left in despair.

It's good if there is no fight, and I don't want to get out of the car to greet the other party, and I believe the other party doesn't want to either.

As for the media, she knew that it was Huo Ziang's arrangement. No matter whether she agreed or disagreed, as long as the resistance was not too fierce, she could rely on the media to make up random photos on the Internet with a few photos in the same frame, and let the public opinion force it. Agree.

The other party is betting that he will not tear his face, and that he will still miss the old relationship.

But what he didn't know, when he and Chen Xiangxiang secretly exchanged and secretly exchanged songs, there was no old love between them.

In the final analysis, Yan Xi also has her own selfishness.

Since she decided to live a good life, she must avoid being disfigured by throwing acid and finally jumping off the building.

At the beginning of the novel, Huo Zi'ang can still lie to himself that he loves Yan Xi, but in fact what he loves is an obsession, a self-pity and self-pity over the years.

While saying that he loves Yan Xi deeply and cherishes her, Chen Xiangxiang has completely aroused the deepest desires in his heart in private. He will always press people against the wall to kiss her, and he will always just "put your mouth in your mouth". Pro-swollen" and other tiger-wolf words.

There are many small details of his heart in this paragraph, and the image of an innocent but unaware tyrant is vividly portrayed on paper.

Yan Xi especially wanted to complain, this is something that Sanguan can only do if there are many problems.

Just like this, you can still be called sweet by someone knocking CP? Where is it sweet?

Isn't it scumbag, having a girlfriend and provoking other women, and finally framing the fault on the woman, blaming everything for the other party's seduction.

No matter how the two of them abused their bodies and minds, Yan Xi would never interfere with them anyway.

As long as they don't get involved in these emotional entanglements, they won't be united by men who have come to their senses to take revenge.


When Yan Yunzhi arrived with someone, Yan Xi and Huo Mingyue had already finished their examinations in the nearest hospital.

Thanks to the rug, the hit she was dropped wasn't heavy.

The group decided to go to dinner. After all, they were so hungry that their chest was on their back.

This time Yan Yunzhi invited Xie Changze anyway.

The young man responded very quickly this time. He got the hotel address information immediately, and then notified himself.

Yan Yunzhi thought for a while, if he used his connections to investigate, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so fast.

"How did you know they went to this restaurant?" Yan Yunzhi was somewhat puzzled.

This hotel is a membership system and never discloses the privacy of any customers. The confidentiality is quite good.

There are only three or four media guarding the door, which is not unusual. There are often paparazzi guarding the entrance of several membership-only restaurants in Beiqiao City.

Xie Changze: "I happen to have a friend who works here."

Yan Yunzhi: "Making friends out of nothing? Forget it, it's not important, the important thing is that I thank you today for helping a lot. Although those trash can't trap Yan Yan, that's all."

Those words were true. With Gu Nianfeng following along, if Yan Xi really wanted to resist, those people would definitely not be able to take them away.

Yan Xi smiled, "It's okay to make a fuss, so that some people will think that I'm easy to talk, and they have fantasies and want to make progress."

Huo Mingyue was very excited tonight, "That's right, if I dare to talk again, the old lady will smash his skull!"

She has followed the rules all her life, and it was only when she met her daughter-in-law Yan Qingcheng that she suddenly wanted to live a different life. Watching Yan Xi smashing a wine bottle tonight, she seemed to be motivated by the aggressive genes in her bones, and she wanted to go up and fight with those dead old men every minute. Fighting, it's better to open up those old men and let them put their mouths on themselves!

If Yan Xi hadn't stopped her, she would have done it.

Anyway, the granddaughter and the Yan family will definitely give her the bottom line.

When it comes to old age, the sudden rebelliousness can hardly be stopped.

Xie Changze: "...You two belong to the category of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. If you really want to make it clear, just make a statement, and don't put yourself at risk."

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed but smiled gracefully, she didn't expect this incident to disturb Xie Changze.

Just thinking about it, the phone suddenly rang, she glanced at it, and connected it.


Ying Shiyu looked at the public opinion on the Internet and the news in the group, and felt a little anxious. Although she told the squad leader, it was not known what happened to Yan Xi.

She simply took Jin Zhao to Yan Xi's house.

"Since the squad leader said it's fine, let's wait at ease, it's definitely fine." Ying Shiyu thought about it, took out a set of test papers from her schoolbag and started to do it.

Now it seems that this is the only way to divert attention.

Xi Yan also sat down sullenly and brushed the questions, turning grief, anger and worry into strength.

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