The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 332 Is this not enough to collapse the house?

It's just that today's test papers felt quite simple and not difficult. After he finished it, he couldn't help but read the news on the Internet.

The more he looked, the more angry he became, the more dizzy he was.

"What do you mean, why are these marketing accounts talking nonsense!"

Ying Shiyu took a look, and it turned out that a marketing account had already revealed that Huo Zian had a family banquet tonight, or an engagement banquet.

[All the melon eaters are gone, looking at this situation, most of the women will soon come out and admit that the person in the photo that broke the news is her. 】

[So what are you guys doing? They will become a family soon, and you will blame your netizens for meddling and framing her kissing husband. 】

[There are reasons for men and women in the world to be together, and now I just want to respect the blessings. 】

[I don't want it. I originally liked Yan Xi very much, but the character of the Great Demon King was very interesting, but she turned out to be a "little wife"? Sister, you are so good, you wake up and you can be beautiful! 】

[He is very down to Huo Zi'ang, and even more down to Yan Xi, as if he has never seen a man before. It's just being cheap, yue! 】

Huo Ziang's fans scolded even more harshly, anyway, they just didn't listen to the bastard's chanting.

[Enough of you boxers, Huo Ziang has declared it, that's the truth! 】

[Yes, as a six-year-old fan of Huo Ziang, I don't believe he is that kind of person! He has always kept himself clean, and the family also has clan rules that do not allow him to mess around! 】

[Sima Yan Xi, all of this was designed by you, a bitch, to force the palace to ascend to the top, right? 】

[I have always disliked this woman, her shrewd face is not worthy of our gentleman-like brother! 】

In a word, as soon as the news of the engagement banquet was revealed, the entire internet scolded Yan Xi, and even went to the "Brain Fighting" program team to boycott Yan Xi, demanding that Yan Xi get out of the show, and that all scenes of Yan Xi should be cut off, etc.

Ying Shiyu rolled her eyes: "Fortunately, Miss is not planning to compromise and accept the engagement as they guessed."

Otherwise, wouldn't it be hacked to death?

Huo Ziang must have guessed such a situation, and insisted on pushing Yan Xi out to hold an engagement banquet so that Yan Xi would be abused by millions of netizens.

The abacus was beating loudly,

He is not at a loss either.

Originally, Qiao Qian had told himself worriedly that Yan Xi and Huo Ziang had a marriage contract, and Huo Ziang had been reluctant to let go, for fear that the squad leader would be out of play.

Now it seems that Huo Ziang's character is also worthy of being compared with the squad leader?

The eldest lady has a very positive outlook, and it is impossible to like this kind of scumbag who is not responsible and has no backbone and thinks he is a father and greasy.

"Let me call Yan Yan..." Xi Yan was anxious and made a phone call, only to find that he got through.

I just cried with joy!

"Yan Yan! Are you okay? How is the situation now?"

Yan Xi: "I'm fine, Xie Changze, Uncle Li, Uncle Li and Uncle Huo are all here."

Yan Xi explained the general situation, and Xi Yan finally felt relieved. Although Uncle always scolds him, Reliability is the number one. If Uncle and Uncle Li are involved, nothing can be settled.

"By the way, Yan Yan, everyone on the Internet is scolding you!" Xi Yan was very angry when he thought about it. He had just met with several netizens, but he was so angry that he almost fainted after being ridiculed by the other party.

Yan Xi: "It's okay, I will make a statement through the Yan Group."

Xi Yan was stunned for a while, and then laughed out loud, "That's great, you have to make a statement and slap those netizens in the face!"

Why do you say that Yan Yan is designing Huo Ziang, and wants to use this to force the palace to ascend the throne, what kind of sweet is Huo Ziang, everyone wants to take a bite?

I'm sorry, my sister is not rare, not only is not rare, but also avoided.

Jin Zhao: "That's great, Huo Zi'ang is finished. He made such a big move, buying navy troops and marketing accounts online to build momentum. This time, the house collapsed completely."

He recently became a fan of Yan Feilu, and felt that Yan Feilu not only had a blast on the stage, his acting skills were remarkable, but he also had a very cool personality!

When I was depressed and depressed, I mostly didn't give face to interviews, and my tongue was sharp. Now I have changed the style of painting, and the image of actively beating workers is very arrogant.

Such a treasured idol is not as popular as Huo Ziang, and the resource business has been completely suppressed? Can't believe it!

He got into Yan Feilu's fan base, and only then did he know why this happened. In the final analysis, it was Huo Ziang who kept suppressing, but Feilu kept giving in.

Now that Huo Ziang's house has collapsed, can Yan Feilu finally get revenge?

Yan Xi thought about it and said, "That's not necessarily true."

On the other end of the phone, a few people were stunned, and Xi Yan asked, "Isn't this enough to collapse the house?!"

Yan Xi: "Of course, do you still expect him to stand up and apologize to the public? Impossible."

If Huo Zi'ang was so sincere and willing to stand up and accept the beating, he would never have caused so much trouble today.

Even if he loses all his face, the other party will still put on a fig leaf, pretending that nothing happened and barely making ends meet.

From the beginning to the present, this person has never shown even the slightest sense of responsibility.


Zhang Feng is an ordinary college student. He is graduating from his senior year, but his job has not yet been settled.

The classmates were busy looking for jobs and doing internships. He felt that those large groups who came to the school for recruiting were arrogant. After attending a recruiting meeting, he avoided going there.

My education is not low, and I am obviously a talent, why are those people still picky about themselves?

He didn't want to go to the interview, so he could only hide in the dormitory and surf the Internet to eat melons.

After eating the melon, he quickly grasped the point. This Yan Xi has been on the hot search several times. Last time, he questioned her identity as a wealthy daughter. It seems that the Yan Group has never responded, right?

He thought about the company that made him hit the wall, it seemed to be a subsidiary of the Yan Group, and he was immediately excited.

[What kind of a lady's daughter is Yan Xi, didn't you see that the Yan Group has not claimed her identity yet? 】

[Yan Xi, don’t buy hot searches to put gold on her face, if you are the eldest lady of the Yan Group, I will live stream upside down and diarrhea. 】

Not only that, he also had a good reason to take a look at the identity of Yan Yunzhi of the Yan Group, confirming that the other party has no legitimate children, and finally made a joke, or is it not necessarily an illegitimate daughter?

The few Weibo and comments he posted instantly received hundreds of likes!

Zhang Feng feels that he has mastered the traffic password, or can he be an Internet celebrity blogger? Anyway, I don’t want to go to work, I don’t want to work for the capitalists.

Just as he was happily typing on the keyboard, thinking about the future of the big red and purple, his Weibo was commented and replied by a big V.

@yanshigroup: Wait, claim it right away, and ask the blogger to fulfill his promise to live stream upside-down diarrhea.

Zhang Feng suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. As soon as he refreshed his private messages, all of them mocked him or asked him to fulfill his promise.

It is impossible to apologize, and promises cannot be fulfilled. Only by pretending to be dead and blocked can you pretend that nothing happened.

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