The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 333 Statement of Yan's Group

The Yan Group's actions were quick, and the statement was delivered quickly.

The first apology shows that the whole group has been paying attention to the company's business, not rushing to the front line of eating melons. I don't know that my eldest lady has been hacked like this, the boss is already mad, and the group is shaking, so I solemnly declare that Yan Xi is Yan Xi. The eldest lady of the clan group, to face the truth.

Secondly, the online rumors that Yan Xi has a marriage contract are fictitious. The eldest miss is still young, neither the old Mr. Yan nor Mr. Yan have let the eldest miss marry, and the Yan family does not need to obtain development and benefits through marriage. The Yan family will always respect the eldest miss's autonomy.

Third, it is rumored on the Internet that the hostess who stayed overnight in the hotel and kissed in the dark alley are not the eldest lady. The marketing account for the rumors and defamation has already sent a lawyer's letter, please intervene;

Finally, the eldest said that she made a list of books, hoping that some people will take a good look at it and not be blind!

The statement was written succinctly and clearly, clarified everything, and sent more than a dozen lawyer's letters, which was a resolute act.

Netizens were stunned, but the Yan Group did not make a sound, but it was amazing as soon as it made a sound.

In particular, the list of books listed are actually the "Constitution", "Marriage Law", "Women's Rights Protection Law" and so on, which makes netizens laugh to death.

Combine a little bit of the news released by Huo Ziang, about the family marriage that has been set since childhood, about following ancient rituals and abiding by promises, and fans also advocating elegant gentlemen, this is all legal blindness!

What age is this, and they are still engaged in arranged marriages like the old feudal feudalism, and they are proud of it.

The netizens laughed and turned to the marketing accounts that scolded Yan Xi the most, implying that the woman was stubborn and forced the palace's superiors, and found that these accounts were all bombed.

Not only that, but the marketing accounts that had been angry with Yan Xi before also ended up apologizing.

No apology will do. The Yan Group directly found the company that the marketing account belongs to and put pressure on it directly.

After all, this is the eldest young lady of the Yan Group, the real daughter of a famous lady, the precious treasure that the old President and President Yan hold in their hands. How can you slander them?

The marketing accounts resolutely apologized, and only in this way can barely quell the anger of the Yan Group.

The netizens who eat melons have been busy this night, and the more melons they eat, the happier they are.

Many of these marketing accounts are not polite, and they like to speculate maliciously on girls.

I always like conspiracy theories, saying that girls post girls to force the palace, guide netizens and fans to tear apart, master the traffic password clearly, and arrange their own destiny clearly.

[So the eldest lady of the Hundred Billion Group needs to go to the palace to force your brother? 】

[Laughing to death, fans are afraid that Yan Xi’s design will touch your brother, Yan Xi: It’s okay, don’t touch the old lady. 】

[Yan Xi is so good, he has to show this kind of spirit, as expected of the big devil who is my fan, he will never let me down! 】

[Yan Xi is really low-key. Mo Fangfei had framed her before, and she didn't say anything out of the Yan's Group, but this time some people insisted on beating her as a demon. 】

[Renmei, a rich lady with a high IQ and super rich, why do you want to collect rubbish? Your brother is really dirty, you know what happened to the hotel overnight stay and the kiss in the dark alley. 】

[Don't get close to men, you will become unfortunate. 】

[Laughing to death, Huo Ziang was clearly hammered this time, so is he going to apologize? 】

[Apologizing is an apology, but it seems that there is no apology. 】


After Yan Yunzhi's group left, Huo Ziang knew that he had been cornered this time.

The other party wanted to clarify on the Internet that there was no marriage contract, and he had to do so.

If you continue to anger the other party, you will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

The agent came over, frowned and said, "Zi Ang, I'm afraid it won't work to deny the existence of the marriage contract. It's impossible to tell about the hotel overnight stay."

He did not expect to be beaten by the player's real name, and the player named Feng Xue was Yan Xi's roommate at the time.

Huo Ziang's heart sank a little, and sank suddenly, "So, she saw Chen Xiangxiang entering and leaving my room at that time?"

Although he felt that he had a clear conscience that night, when he thought of Yan Xi's eyes, he closed his eyes in pain in an instant.

No wonder Yan Xi was so determined not to look back.

Seeing that he was still paying attention to these useless details, the agent immediately became anxious, "This is not the point, the point is, we must find you a fiancée and deal with this matter!"

Huo Zi'ang opened his eyes, and his eyes were a little cruel at that moment, "What do you want to say?"

The agent knew that he understood, "If you are angry, I will also say that the best way now is to admit that you have a fiancée, and your fiancée is Chen Xiangxiang!"

As long as Chen Xiangxiang becomes Huo Ziang's fiancee, the kissing photos in the dark alley are nothing.

Aren't couples allowed to kiss?

The overnight stay at the hotel can be better explained, that is, the shower head was broken, so I asked my fiancé for help, and slept in the second bedroom. That night, a staff member had been sleeping in the living room, and I can testify that both of them obeyed the ceremony and did not go overboard.

It doesn't matter whether netizens believe it or not, it's mainly a fan letter.

In this way, Huo Ziang's character will not collapse, and he is still a gentleman in the eyes of fans.

Huo Ziang's eyes instantly turned scarlet, like a furious lion.

Chen Xiangxiang limped over, reached out and touched his hand lightly, "Brother Ziang, I'm sorry, but I'm willing to help you."

When things developed like this, she could no longer leave with an injury like the script the system had planned for her, avoiding Huo Ziang.

Besides, she no longer trusts the system, so she doesn't want to execute any ghost script.

Why do you want to run away from home and hide in silence by yourself? This kind of bitterness script is outdated. You have to wait for the other party to wake up, and you have already suffered a lot.

Only by staying by Huo Ziang's side and deeply bound to the other party can he be active in the public eye, quickly accumulate popularity, and achieve a comeback against the wind.

Moreover, Huo Ziang has used the sachet for so long, and the medicinal properties have already entered his bone marrow, and he is extremely eager to touch himself, and only himself is his antidote.

She expected it well, no matter how mean Huo Ziang was towards her, when she stood on tiptoe and kissed her, she still reacted quickly.

Holding the man in his arms, Huo Ziang kissed him hard.

The agent was stunned for a moment, this body is too honest.

He withdrew with his assistant, without any hesitation this time, Huo Zi'ang's reaction had already explained everything.

So, under the constant calls of netizens, Huo Zian's studio once again issued a statement.

In the statement, he sincerely apologized to the majority of netizens, saying that because of the negligence of the staff, he mistook his fiancée as Yan Xi, and Ms. Yan Xi had nothing to do with Huo Ziang.

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