Chapter 362 Did You Do It?

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a dog that can only bite people. Usually, he called Brother Ziang so diligently. In the case of Huo Ziang's house collapse, the other party actually stepped in and supported the woman named Feng Xue.

It's just outrageous, so eager to beat the underdogs?

And his manager Ge Xiwen, who looked gentle and polite, turned out to be a villain who worshipped high and stepped low, and played tricks behind his back.

Even holding Yan Xi's thighs is such a feat.

Ge Xiwen glanced at Yan Feilu, but the other party had a cold face and didn't plan to say a word, knowing that he had a grudge in his heart.

Few people in the circle knew about what Huo Ziang did, because it was about Yan Xi, and Feilu seemed unwise to stand in line, and someone kindly told him the truth.

Therefore, his own artist refused to speak, because he was dissatisfied with the other party's move to force Yan Xi to marry him.

In front of everyone's eyes, as an agent, you can't make the scene so embarrassing, Ge Xiwen took the initiative to say hello and exchanged a few words.

"Brother Heng, I didn't expect to meet you so by chance."

Zhao Heng: "Your family's Xiaoyan is not what it used to be. It seems that she is very capable."

Ge Xiwen: "You're joking, we still have to record the show, so I won't tell you more."

Zhao Heng's face was a little livid, of course he couldn't let them go just like that, "Xiaoyan, don't you have anything to say to us Ziang?"

If they took the initiative to apologize, they could not pursue the matter of Yan Feilu standing with Feng Xue last time.

Yan Feilu raised his eyes, Ge Xiwen's heart jumped, and he hurriedly pulled him, "I think there should be nothing to say, then let's go first and see you again!"

It's okay to say hello. After all, the two have cooperating TV dramas that have not been launched, and the fallout will affect the ratings, but I'm sorry for the investors.

But the other party was actually putting on the air to teach people a lesson, which was a bit too much.

After Yan Feilu's pedestrian left, Huo Ziang, who kept his face tight and didn't speak, raised his eyes and glanced coldly at Yan Feilu's back.

Zhao Heng knew what he was thinking, "It's not just because of his face, he is very good at pleasing women. He sends flowers every time he takes the college entrance examination. It's not a show or something. Yan Xi must have been deceived by him."

Huo Zi'ang's face turned even darker. He gave several gifts, but every time Yan Xi refused to accept them.

It can be said that it was not a deer to send flowers, but Yan Xi accepted it calmly.

Zhao Heng quickly remedied: "The people who climbed up from the bottom look very aloof. In fact, being a little squat is licking a dog. In order to climb up, they do everything they can."

Huo Ziang felt a little better in his heart.

Recently, he has been reflecting on why he and Yan Xi have come this far. It was obvious that Yan Xi always treated him with care.

Now it seems that most of them are deliberately sowing discord.

It is absolutely impossible for him to completely accept the reality that Yan Xi doesn't love him at all. Huo Ziang thought about it, but Yan Xi was misled.

After all, she is the eldest Miss of the Yan family, the heir of the Yan family in Yan Yunzhi's mouth, and it is normal for her to be a little arrogant.

A little white face like Yan Feilu is very hateful. Using his relationship with Chen Xiangxiang to sow discord, in fact, he wants to climb the high branches and join the Xiayan family.

The other party has been crushed by himself since his debut. His family background is not as good as his own, his business ability is not as good as his own, and his popularity is also a lot worse than his own. He must not wait to step on himself.

Huo Zi'ang: "Since he doesn't apologize, he must be making bad friends with me. Let's spread the news."

Zhao Heng asked the marketing account to write a draft for a long time, and was waiting for everyone to see what kind of stuff Yan Feilu was.

Although the two fans often tear at each other in private, of course, most of the time it is Huo Zi'ang's fans tearing up, but on the surface at least the two have always been in harmony.

Yan Feilu Fang stretched his hand a little longer this time. Several brands that originally favored Huo Ziang turned to look for Yan Feilu. Currently, they are still discussing cooperation and have not officially decided, but Zhao Heng is well-informed and has already got the inside story. .

The release of these news will definitely make all dream chasers burst.

Huo Zi'ang originally planned to quit the circle to be behind the scenes, so he didn't care much about the endorsement being cut off before, but now he can't. Huo Xiao's ignorance has already caused the Huo family to suffer a lot of losses.

He has to stabilize his reputation and make movies while investing in order to make more money and make up for those losses.

Therefore, those endorsements must not be cut off, especially they must not be cheap.

Huo Zi'ang: "Let's put a message to the industry. I will not answer all the announcements that are nondescript in the future."

Zhao Heng was stunned for a while, then he was overjoyed!

It is necessary to be so rigid, anyway, Yan Feilu stepped on them first, and they are not allowed to fight back?


Yan Xi called Huo Mingyue, but the other party didn't answer. Instead, Xi Jingxing took the initiative to call.

"Yan Yan, have you finished the college entrance examination? I'm sorry that my father has been busy recently." After a pause, he said the purpose of his call, "Just as I'm done with my work, in order to compensate you, let's go on a trip together as a family. , is there any place you want to play?"

Yan Xi: "If you have something to say, just say it directly."

Xi Jingxing's breathing stagnated for a second, then he quickly said, "Yan Yan, what did you say, I'm your father, of course I care about you..."

Yan Xi: "I gave you a chance. If you don't want to say it, forget it. I won't travel with you."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

After a while, Xi Jingxing called again.

This time, he didn't talk too much, just straight to the point: "Yan Yan, Dad did encounter a little difficulty and needs your help."

Yan Xi did not speak, and waited for the other party to speak.

Xi Jingxing was a little embarrassed, if it was not a last resort, he did not want to make this call.

"Yan Yan, has your mother left a lot of property for you? If you can't use the money for the time being, can you lend it to your father, and I will pay it back to you according to the bank loan interest."

Yan Xi was not surprised at all, Xi Jingxing would take the initiative to call him to borrow money.

She didn't pay special attention to the operation of Xi's Group, but Xi Yaohua's recent series of salacious operations still offended her. Cindy has sorted out the information and reported it to herself.

It can only be said that Xi Jingxing will not die if he does not die.

In addition, in the last forced marriage incident, the uncles and elders of the Xi family were all involved, and the benefits they ate from the Huo family were all vomited back.

In the end, it was Xi's enterprise who paid for the actions of these uncles and elders.

Now the company is in debt, banks are reluctant to lend, and they are facing bankruptcy.

Yan Xi: "Dad, I want to ask you, does the Xi Group have anything to do with me?"

From the very beginning, she was kicked out of the heirs of the Xi Group. When her mother passed away, those people were afraid that Yan Qingcheng would leave behind, and strictly prohibited Yan Xi from entering or working in Xi's company.

Xi Jingxing said in a difficult voice, "However, I intend to leave the Xi Group to your brother."

Yan Xi: "Well, did you do it?"

As long as Xi Jingxing had intentions, when he was discharged from the hospital and returned home, Xi Yan was not in that state.

?? Happy New Year's Day everyone~~ The new year will be more firm and powerful, let's work hard to shine~~



(End of this chapter)

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