He was already eighteen years old, so Xi Jingxing never let him contact the company's business, and he never brought anyone to the company to show up.

The company's employees only know Xi Yaohua, the eldest young master, but they don't know who Xi Yan is.

Not to mention the cultivation of heirs by the wealthy and big family, which is cultivated from an early age.

Recently, Yan Yunzhi has often familiarized Yan Xi with some of the internal structure and business sections of the Yan Group. He said that Yan Xi is the heir, which is really not empty talk.

After the college entrance examination was over, the other party took the initiative to ask Yan Xi about summer vacation arrangements, and wanted to arrange for Yan Xi to study at Yan's Group in summer vacation.

It doesn't matter if you don't know anything for the time being. Anyway, if you participate in more high-level meetings of the group, you can understand how much it is.

Xi Jingxing understood that it was impossible for Yan Xi to agree to borrow money now that she had turned over the old accounts, probably because she was very dissatisfied with herself.

He had always wanted to repair his relationship with Yan Xi, but what was the use, even now he was banned from entering the Anzhi Tinglan villa area.

Xi Jingxing sighed lightly: "Yan Yan, Dad is wrong, Dad shouldn't ask you to borrow money, it makes you embarrassed, don't be angry."

"However, Dad still wants to invite you and Xi Yan to have a meal as a celebration of the end of the college entrance examination, okay? Dad won't mention anything about the company or borrowing money."

Probably afraid of Yan Xi's rejection, he hurriedly said, "Your grandma and your brother agreed."

Yan Xi thought for a while, and it happened that she had something to call on Xi Jingxing.

"it is good."


After Xi Jingxing hung up the phone, he lost his mind for a while.

There was a heavy rain today. He was sitting in a spacious and bright office, overlooking the rainstorm outside, and he was in a bad mood.

That man appeared in Northbridge City... The glimpse he saw on the street that day was definitely not an illusion.

The other party was deliberately letting him see, and he also showed a malicious smile, which made his heart come to his throat in an instant.

In any case, he couldn't have a conflict with Yan Xi at this time, making it a joke.

Xi Yaohua knocked on the door and came in: "Uncle,

Did Yan Xi agree to borrow money? "

Seeing that Xi Jingxing did not speak, he suddenly understood and slammed the table angrily.

"I knew it! She has no conscience at all and doesn't care about the lives of our Xi family!"

Originally, I thought that Xi Jingxing would definitely have a strong sense of recognition, after all, it has come to this point, her biological father took the initiative to lower his head and begged, but she refused to help, her heart was indeed as hard as iron.

I am afraid that even the blood flowing in the body is cold, it is too wolf-hearted!

Xi Jingxing raised his eyes and looked at his nephew who had always been optimistic about him, and frowned, "How can you sow discord between our father and daughter? If you speak ill of Yan Yan in front of me, you will pack up and leave!"

After Xi Yaohua was invited to attend Jing Xing's office, he did not respond for a long time.

He watched assistant Wu Liang being called in, and stood at the door and listened to the corner for a while. Only then did he realize that Xi Jingxing planned to invite Yan Xi and Xi Yan to dinner to celebrate.

This was too irritating, he kept trying to please Xi Jingxing, but the other party kicked him away, turned his head and went back to look for his own children.


Xi Jingxing arranged to have dinner in the evening. Huo Mingyue was already there when Yan Xi and Xi Yan arrived.

Xi Jingxing was especially attentive and thoughtful: "Yan Yan, Xi Yan, you both have worked hard, let's eat first."

Neither Yan Xi nor Xi Yan moved.

Xi Jingxing was a little embarrassed for a while.

Huo Mingyue: "It's okay, sit down and eat first."

This meal was eaten without incident. After Huo Mingyue finished eating, he put down his chopsticks and snorted coldly.

Xi Jingxing also heard that there was something wrong with the other party's cold snort, and couldn't help but hesitate, "Mom, are you unhappy?"

Huo Mingyue: "I'm really unhappy, do you know that your aunt plans to change Chen Xiangxiang's surname to Xi's genealogy?"

The expression on Xi Jingxing's face was a little stiff, obviously he knew it.

Yan Xi was a little surprised. It turned out that Huo Mingyue was not here for the past few days, so he was dealing with this matter?

Having said that, Xi Lurong is really fighting, does she like Chen Xiangxiang so much that she has to adopt her?

Xi Jingxing hesitated for a moment, "Mom, Xiangxiang is already engaged to Ziang, the Chen family's identity is not enough, and the Huo family's face is not good-looking, so aunt wants to help Xiangxiang change her surname. Auntie has worked hard in the Xi family, and she only has With such a little wish, I can't help but satisfy her..."

Huo Mingyue interrupted him: "I don't agree."

The attitude is firm and cold, unwilling to give in the slightest.

Xi Jingxing glanced at Yan Xi subconsciously.

Huo Mingyue: "Look at what Yan Yan does. I don't agree. I feel very uncomfortable. What is Chen Xiangxiang's pastry, why do you have to stay at the Xi's house and not leave?"

Yan Xi sighed slightly in her heart. Although she didn't understand why Huo Mingyue opposed her so firmly, she had to say that Chen Xiangxiang was really the heroine who was invincible.

Even if he cut off her connection with Xi Jingxing, he could continue in another way.

The other party can still continue to be the lady of the Xi family, and then marry the Huo family to harvest everyone's admiration and love.

Xi Jingxing was in a dilemma for a while.

"Grandma, this is wrong. It's fine if you don't let your uncle adopt Xiangxiang, but isn't it your suggestion that your aunt adopted Xiangxiang!" Xi Yaohua pushed open the door of the private room and broke in directly.

He secretly followed Xi Jingxing and wanted to eavesdrop on whether the other party was planning to kick him and support Xi Yan as the heir to the Xi clan.

Unexpectedly, I heard another thing, and I suddenly became angry.

His parents and Xi Jingxing were very filial, and even Huo Mingyue didn't dare to complain if he wanted to beat him or scold him.

But I'm not as stupid and filial as my parents' generation! Why would someone with a foreign surname point fingers here regarding the affairs of the Xi family?

"Auntie has been approved by the master for a long time, and Xiangxiang is the lucky star of our Xi family! You can see that this time she has invested in our Xi group!" Xi Yaohua glanced at Yan Xi triumphantly, "Some people don't The surname Xi is not of the same mind with us, and we can’t help you, and you still want to interfere with other people’s surname Xi and whether they can get on the genealogy?”

Xi Jingxing was stunned for a moment: "You said that Xiangxiang helped us get the capital injection?"

He didn't know the news.

Xi Yaohua: "Of course, Xiangxiang is very capable! She suddenly brought 50 million investment to our Xi family, and the other party is a high net worth customer!"

Yan Xi: "..."

Even if 50 million is a high net worth customer, Xi Yaohua has really little knowledge.

But she was also very surprised. Chen Xiangxiang actually has such great ability to get investment?

This is obviously not Huo Zi'ang's help. The Huo family is already devastated because of Huo Xiao's divestment and severing of relations. Huo Zi'ang can't give out so much money to help Chen Xiangxiang all at once.

Even if the boss wants to go the sweet pet route, he must have enough capital chain on hand.

Huo Zian obviously cares more about the Huo family.

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